“Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where they may come within six feet of another individual who is not from the same household.
But people of color do not have to follow the new rule if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the masks, officials said.”
https://nypost.com/2020/06/23/oregon-co … te-people/
I, for one, am tired of the BS. We live in a lower income area, my kids go to the same schools as minorities, we operate under the same system as they do, I've seen racist behavior make white kids come home from school crying, but we are supposed to just keep our mouths shut as minorities cannot be racist. BLM is creating divisions and sewing discord that is entirely unnecessary to the cause. They are attempting to marginalize poor whites and bring them down instead of bringing all of us up. Then they scream racism when they are called on it. Meanwhile, we all suffer more due to their double standards. I can no longer justify voting Democrat at all because I know this all happening like this because the Dems needed a way to match the Trump fundraising machine. Sad.
Mike, anybody that is anybody will tell you that this is a dumb idea.
I hope you are correct that this idea will not take off Credence. It certainly doesn't seem safe for POC or anyone for that matter.
Yet, the article quotes ReNika Moore, director of the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, and an economics professor at Ohio State as being in favor of this. They would seem to qualify as "anybody who is anybody." Nothing surprises me anymore with what comes out of the far left and the far right, both of which seem to be taking over their respective parties.
Going too far is why I cannot support BLM. It's not as though I cannot support anti-racism. I cannot support whites being called racist because they have the nerve to bring up that we are victims of police brutality too, and many of the same issues that so many of the black communities are impacted by. In many ways, white communities are broken communities. We suffer from drug addiction, divorce, absentee fathers (many of them in prison) etc. Yet, we are told to acknowledge our privilege or we are racist. It feels like being kicked when you are down and had no hand in the plight of those doing the kicking. Just because the majority of the wealthy communities in America are white, does not mean I have anything in common with them. I mean, the Colts owner, Jim Irsay, was able to buy his way out of trouble with opioid addiction. These people are why so many of the numbers are skewed toward whites. Yet, that has NOTHING to do with the millions of whites out here struggling. A portion of the white population....the ones in the ivory towers, the corporate executives, cannot see this and they are the ones making the rules that call us racist for daring to bring up our struggles right now and not calling ourselves privileged. What's more, there are many factors involved in privileged. Is the black daughter of a local politician more privileged than my kids? I don't know, and really, I don't care! As a family, we strive to be the best we can be and overcome obstacles..this is all we can do from down here!
As someone who grew up poor and white, I concur with everything you've said.
I am listening to your perspective, HS
I see BLM as created to address police brutality which manifests itself in Black communities at a disproportionate level over that experience by others. Without that attention, the incidents that we have seen and that have been going on long before would have continued to receive the attention that it always has: none.
The organization is inclusive rather than exclusive, but the drive and thrust of the organization purpose cannot be coop-Ted. Through the impetus from BLM, whites can include their voices, their videos, examples to widen attention to the problem. And as seen in the protests, they have been welcomed.
As I have said in other threads, racism remains a substantive component in addition to general social/economic status in explaining a less than desirable outcome within this society.
The fact that the vast majority of wealthy communities are white is more than coincidence.
How many whites are really prepared to take the steps to call to account the system and structure that contributes to their troubles and to a greater extent, our own?
There will always be the Oprah example that whites can point to and say, see, we all have the same opportunity and status. But, when I look at statistics over the big picture the truth actually emerges.
But, HS, to,each his own, I have a dedicated purpose in reducing inequity, the exploitation of the many by the few, and controlling the powers that exists that are determined to maintain the status quo. It is primarily the struggle between have verses have not, of which racism is a component to further divide and conquer that has been effectively used in this country since its founding. It may well be a fool's errand, but so be it.
I never said that whites are not affected when they are poor by injustice in a society that skews the advantages to the wealthy. But, any statistic will show you that Blacks are singled out, set upon over whites, when all other variables are equal.
"The fact that the vast majority of wealthy communities are white is more than coincidence."
The fact that these wealthy communities generally keep the money within themselves is also not a coincidence! As I stated, just because I'm white, it doesn't mean I have anything in common with them so I take no blame or no discredit for my accomplishments I have worked for. I don't have a card that allows me to walk into a dinner with a bunch of wealthy whites and have them accept me into some club. In fact, they take one look at my chipped front tooth, and I'm out of the club before I had a chance! It's just a shame that BLM turned this ENTIRELY into a race issue and the Democrats are exploiting that narrative to divide us and keep the power in the hands that is has always been in, for the most part. This "movement" is just not going to help any of those who need help the most IMO. We need to be pulling each other up as opposed to pushing each other down. These are bully tactics to the umpteenth degree!
I've never stated race plays no role. it's just sad that the current environment is that it is the only role being acknowledged by the MSM, corporations, and our government. It's counter-productive to the universal cause IMO.
"I see BLM as created to address police brutality which manifests itself in Black communities at a disproportionate level over that experience by others. Without that attention, the incidents that we have seen and that have been going on long before would have continued to receive the attention that it always has: none."
There are those in the black community that disagree with you.
This is from Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell. I think he makes some strong points.
"This is why Black Lives Matter is basically, in my opinion, the Al Sharpton of the 21st century. They're profiteers. They are profiting on trying to give a narrative, a false narrative that is white racist cops, deaths destroying the black community,"
"You point out Chicago. No [BLM] presence walking through the neighborhood protesting to stop black-on-black crime. Al Sharpton goes to the George Floyd funeral. You use a funeral to launch a campaign speech attacking Donald Trump. I don't see Al Sharpton in Chicago. That 3-year-old kid who was killed. You know why? Because it's not profitable. There's no money to be made."
"Black Lives Matter have [sic] dominated social media... and the perception is that they control the Democratic Party," Terrell said. "I'm hoping, I'm begging I'm praying that they don't control the Democratic Party. But the current status right now, it is, it has controlled the Democratic Party. It has muted Democratic leadership. The Democratic leadership is afraid of Black Lives Matter for a variety of reasons."
https://www.foxnews.com/media/leo-terre … mark-levin
"There are those in the black community that disagree with you."
There are a few, but not many.
the point I make to conservatives is that there is a difference between the homicides from thugs and criminals as opposed to those representing the city, county or state law enforcement. I pay taxes to support law enforcement and I expect their behavior to be exemplary. I have a right to expect that where I have no such expectations from common criminals.
I am not concerned about Marxist-Leninist, as American capitalism and its global model can be just as problematic, if you look at the history. I will stand by BLM and their right to bring this issue of police brutality before the world as long as they do it peacefully.
And, no BLM does not control the Democratic Party but you can bet that its concerns will be part of parcel of ideology of the party. We expect that the Right will continue to attempt to denigrate the movement and ignore the egregious violations that made such a movement necessary.
Everybody will support traditional law enforcement in Chicago and elsewhere to address crime, but when the very law enforcement is criminal in nature in of itself, that is where the BLM begins.
Isn't it interesting that in 2020 more whites have been killed by police officers than blacks?
https://www.statista.com/statistics/585 … e-by-race/
I also have to wonder why the death of Tony Timpa by the Dallas police was not shown in the national news.
"You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life
Timpa wailed and pleaded for help more than 30 times as officers pinned his shoulders, knees and neck to the ground."
https://www.dallasnews.com/news/investi … pa-s-life/
"Isn't it interesting that in 2020 more whites have been killed by police officers than blacks?"
I hear you Mike, but let me add a couple of points.
First, the quantity of blacks shot by police verses whites really doesn't tell the story unless you take into account that blacks are not even15% of the population. So, under that ratio blacks are being killed by police more frequently.
Second, the issue is not so much about police shootings which we all know are often times necessary. The issue is the unjustified use of force, shooting 13 year old kids, administering death choke holds to men that are already more than adequately subdued, or shooting men in the back over an issue no more substantive than routine traffic stop. Mr. Timpa was also a victim of this brutality. But, as shown in the statistics, how many blacks are killed in this manner that have never been reported and only in recent times have been brought to light? There are proportionately more police related black shootings, can we not reasonable assume that the proportion of unjustified shootings are higher as well? If these kinds of abuses occur among whites in the relation with the police, I would like to see more video evidence so that we can all make our case together about toning down the police and its tactics.
As for why the Timpa incident did not get the same press, I do not know. It should have to support an overwhelming theme and associated problems that may well go beyond a Black concern.
"As for why the Timpa incident did not get the same press, I do not know."
A white kid was shot in the back by police in a small town near me.They held a protest. One guy screamed that they could not get the news channels to come because he was not black...IDK. Also, whites tend to blame the perp and blacks the police in these situations. Ultimately, it just depends on the situation, not the color. I think this is one reason why we don't see the outrage when a white is unjustly killed. That's going to change though.
I can show you a video of a white guy being choked to death by a cop the Tempa case. An unarmed white college kid was shot by the police in our city a couple years back. The cop is now a cop in the next step over...no charges for the cop. The kid was drunk and knocking on the wrong door in the college neighborhood. He "lunged" at the officer. This did not have to be about ONLY minorities, but that's what some people and the media insist it be. The proportions are different as we have white counties in the US that are FULL of wealthy individuals that have NOTHING to do with the vast majority of whites. So why exclude whites from this movement? I can never get a real answer to that! My logic is sound and my conscience is clear on this matter. BLM hijacked the police brutality movement.
Now, think about who will suffer the most from this whole scenario. Prosecutors across the states are going to want to even out the numbers on things like racial sentencing disparities. I was already sentenced the max penalty on a one first time felony some 15 years ago now. I was told i had "advantages" lol. IF they only knew me!!! All the judge knew was my skin color!
Do you think the wealthy and well connected will be the ones who get heftier sentences. Hell no! It will be the lower income white men who get the longer sentences to show better numbers. It did not have to be this way and I think Dems will see a backlash at the polls. This is personal for my family as it is for so many white families out here.
HS...you provide some excellent insight.
I don't think BLM helps black people. I think they use black people. I have to ask if they believe black lives matter...as was stated in the article I linked to...why aren't they outraged at the black on black crime in Chicago and other cities? If black lives matter...why aren't they outraged at the treatment of black police officers?
Using people's emotions to achieve a goal is the cornerstone of communism. They will lie, use people and exploit any situation to achieve their goals. I should tell you stories about going to the Ukraine when I was 16 and it was controlled by communist Russia. It was a world you wouldn't believe.
I could go on...but it is naive to believe that BLM is about saving black lives from police brutality. They only want to use black lives to achieve their stated goal: overthrowing the United States government.
"I don't think BLM helps black people."
Bingo...I could not agree more.
You are also correct I have no clue what the Ukraine was like when you were 16, and certainly don't want to learn about such happenings through experience-- so many of the BLM supporters have no clue what life is like for those they say they want to help the most. We have to slow down. I mean, you know I considered myself mostly Democrat, but I can see through this sham.
As a Black man, I say that am not hurt and relative to the rest of you I am uniquely qualified to make that statement. Elated by having a vile practice that was kept under wraps opened wide for all to see and to no longer ignore.
All of this idea about overthrowing the US government is more akin to the White Supremacist groups. I don't buy this idea of US government overthrow, and while I support the impetus of the movement I would not support any such extreme remedy.
The police is an organization, an entity. There is more to that then just the idea of black and white police officers.
"That's going to change though"
Good, I look forward to seeing more evidence of this sort of abuse being taken against whites. There is no reason that I nor BLM would have to not expand the issue to involve police brutality, generally. But, we have to be the ones to stir up the pot as it appears we receive the brunt of the problem. Whites tend to remain silent, but we won't. So, get on board while the train is in the station.
"will be the lower income white men who get the longer sentences to show better numbers. It did not have to be this way and I think Dems will see a backlash at the polls. This is personal for my family as it is for so many white families out here."
While what you say about the wealthy and well connected is true, statistics reveal that low income blacks fare less well in the criminal justice system than whites, regardless of economic status.
I am not satisfied until BOTH disparities of race and class are corrected and will support only progressive candidates that can see this as I do.
"I am not satisfied until BOTH disparities of race and class are corrected and will support only progressive candidates that can see this as I do."
Me too...Then the movement should be about ALL of us and not shoving this white privilege down the gullets of all whites all the time...not downplaying the experiences of whites and dehumanizing us! As I stated, I see this movement doing nothing but making things worse for whites of lower economic status and doing nothing much for blacks. If "progressives" truly cared about ANY of us, this movement would not have played out how it has. We deserve Trump if this is how we are going to "progress."
If some blacks are getting longer sentences than whites of equal economic status that . That's just not my personal experience. Is it necessary to not speak of these experiences in order for minorities to gain ground. I don't think so, not at all. In fact, I see this as damaging to the rights of poor whites, as I've already argued.
On the contrary, HS, it is necessary. For the same reason you rail against the different justice standards between wealthy and less wealthy whites, my experience about disparities regarding race should also not be ignored just because it is not part of your personal experience, as it may well be a part of mine.
So you are saying whites who are abused or killed by the police should just shut up? Maybe I'm not understanding your argument. That's a real question, not trying to be smart. We are being told to shut up by many people...I don't do what I'm told very often. I won't ignore your concerns if you don't mine...how is that not fair especially when, ultimately, those concerns parallel in so many ways. You tell me to get on board but don't speak of the issues that impact my family!?!?
No, I don't want you to shut up, but add your voice and your evidence to the cause.
What I am saying is that Blacks are treated less fairly in the criminal justice system than whites regardless of the economic status of whites. While there will always be the Oprah type exception, I speak of statistical evidence over the big picture within this society.
I am just saying that both elements that contribute to the outcome; social/economic and racism be figured in toward a fairer system for all. Let fix it ALL and not leave out or ignore any major component.
"...I speak of statistical evidence over the big picture within this society."
Problem is that you ignore the statistical evidence that doesn't fit within "blacks are getting the short end of the stick, at the hands of whitey". Statistics like the breakup of family, statistics like poverty, statistics like gang participation, etc. There are excellent reasons why blacks, as a statistical group, have more interactions with police than whites, as a statistical group, do, but those reasons are simply set aside as if they don't exist.
These are examples of why I state that BLM is not going to help blacks. And, some communities of whites are struggling with the SAME problems. We all need to take personal responsibility and fix the real problems here...not tear each other, and the police, down.
I don't see the BLM as in business to "help blacks" at all; rather they are operating with the goal of tearing down whites in order to increase their own power. THEY want control, but are not willing to take the road of improvement; the path of destruction is so much easier and hate is far easier to generate than hard work.
I hate to use the "Hitler" analogy as it has been beat to death, but Hitler gather approval and power partly by demonizing Jews, Jews completely innocent of doing anything wrong at all. He needed a scapegoat, and built one. BLM is doing the same thing with Whites as their object of hatred, all while decrying the racism they claim is rampant in America.
"I don't see the BLM as in business to "help blacks" at all; rather they are operating with the goal of tearing down whites in order to increase their own power."
Standard refrain, Wilderness but the show will continue, regardless of what a handful of "righties" may believe.
What power? You don't like their influence, that got to be it?
I think there might be more than "a handful of righties" that see BLM aS Wilderness does. I know that I do.
Do you think it could become "a standard refrain" if there wasn't some substance to it?
"Do you think it could become "a standard refrain" if there wasn't some substance to it?"
Well, GA, there isn't.
Well, I am sorry of many of you folks did not get the memo, but I don't see the "big deal". When municipalities start asking the right questions about police and excessive behavior, it will fade away with time.
Since when has Wilderness ever gave any credibility to matters and concerns of minority groups that just by the fact they are mentioned at all are considered always to be a threat to the majority? If people like this are uncomfortable, get ready, because there is more coming......
" If people like this are uncomfortable, get ready, because there is more coming"
I fear you are right. As BLM, and others using their "venue", continue we are going to see blood spilled. Tonight on the news was a couple that stood in front of their home as BLM "protested"...with a pistol and semi-automatic rifle. We've seen whole towns arming themselves against the "protesters". Sooner or later shots are going to be fired, and it can be put at the feet of the BLM that is using rioting and violence as the vehicle for their gripes. People iwill protect themselves and their property as we continually cripple police and refuse to allow them to enforce the law.
I saw that story, the protesters were still unarmed and not doing any damage. I think conservatives are intimidated by any kind of protest against the status quo, peaceful or not. Much like Trumps abysmal behavior for the stupid photo opportunity at the church, attacking non-violent protesters. And if I know my "tidy righties" they will be the first to resort to violence when they run out of ideas, that is the very definition of being a righty. I am waiting for this dastardly deed that will most assuredly come from the Right in frustration over all of the protests.
But, the violence will be initiated by the Right and the resulting adverse public opinion will stick to them like glue, just pouring more gasoline on the fire as they say.
"I saw that story, the protesters were still unarmed and not doing any damage."
And yet those homeowners got their weapons because they saw protesters with guns. The "protesters" did no damage...just broke down the iron gate into the community in order to get in. They were trespassing on private land, without regard to the law. Peaceful? Not hardly.
Sorry, but the violence has already been initiated by the Left...unless you wish to designate BLM, and their followers including the anarchists in CHAZ as well as ANTIFA, as "right wingers".
Two teenagers shot in Seattle's Chop autonomous zone
The rumor on Twitter is they are black teenagers, IDK for sure. Either way, I could find no reference to this on CNN or MSNBC? Whose lives really matter? It seems none of ours do.
I truly wish I had more positive things to say about BLM. But, their violence, their hijacking of the police brutality/criminal justice reform movement, etc. is all too much. I just don't see the end game doing anything to advance America or the position of minorities. We need to pull each other up not push people down.
Wilderness, you are right, I missed the whole story. I cannot support such tactics that involve weapons and trespassing on private property.
While the overriding theme of BLM is ok by me, I can't support unruly mobs in pursuit of it.
Sure, the overriding theme - police brutality by a tiny portion of police - is fine, neither the tactics nor the proposed "solution" is. Which, IMO means the whole BLM movement has crossed over any reasonable line and their "cause" is lost because they are worse than what they're complaining about.
Damn. I guess I am going to have to read through a thread before responding. I just offered a response to Cred . . . only to scroll and see you had already made the same points. *sigh*
I would like to add the couple called the police and then waited before heading outside when they saw protesters making their way up the drive screaming threatening them and their dog.
One thing I found interesting, the police took their time getting there. Can we all expect this due at this point? I don't think I ever thought I would need to use my right to use my gun. New norms just not acceptable.
"I saw that story, the protesters were still unarmed and not doing any damage."
I think the folks of that community might disagree with you about the protesters not doing any damage.
"Police said the couple had heard a loud commotion in the street and saw a large group of people break an iron gate marked with “No Trespassing” and “Private Street” signs. The video showed the protesters walking through the gate, and it was unclear when it was damaged." Source: LATIMES.com
"A couple pointed guns at protesters who were on private property outside their home Sunday night . . ."
"Mark and Patricia McCloskey stood outside their home on Portland Place, a private street . . ."
“The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims,” the police said. “When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police.”
"In an interview with KSDK, the local NBC affiliate, Mark McCloskey said that he called to the protesters that they were on private property and told them to leave when they first broke through the gate. When they did not, he got his rifle and stood outside, continuing to tell the crowd that they were on private property.
“At that point, everybody got enraged,” McCloskey said. “There were people wearing body armor. One person pulled out some loaded pistol magazines and clicked them together and said that you were next. We were threatened with our lives, threatened with the house being burned down, my office building being burned down, even our dog’s life being threatened. It was about as bad as it can get.”
“I really thought it was storming the Bastille, that we would be dead and the house would be burned and there was nothing we could do about it. It was a huge and frightening crowd,” he added.
Albert Watkins, an attorney for the McCloskeys, said that the couple felt threatened after “two individuals exhibited such force and violence destroying a century-plus-old wrought iron gate, ripping and twisting the wrought iron that was connected to a rock foundation, and then proceeded to charge at and toward and speak threateningly to Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey.”
Source: Nationalreview.com
No one has a Right to protest on private property Cred. And I think you would be hard pressed to call this a 'peaceful' protest.
On this issue, I think you have tunnel vision bud. Your comments concerning BLM give the impression that the facts and circumstances of a group aren't important if the group is supporting or promoting a cause you believe in.
I would include myself in those "people like this" that have a problem with BLM's words and actions. Simply looking at BLM's listed desiresd/demands and listening to their leader's/spokesfolks' 'Burn it down' statements does make me "uncomfortable" with the group.
Combine that with the realistic image of the group presented by the looting and rioting that accompanied their 'peaceful' protests and it should be easy for you to see why tthe are more and more "people like this" now.
Most recently I confessed to Wilderness that this latest fiasco in St. Louis under the guise of a BLM protest is most unsatisfactory. I don't support unruly mobs. So, I will reconsider your points of view.
Yep, I saw your response to Wilderness. Just as I saw that my response just duplicated his—after I had already addressed your comment.
Indeed, Boston Tea Party. It helps when the President Tweets: "White Power" over the weekend. Discourage those mobs.
If it wasn't for BLM, the lynchings would just continue In private, and I say that it helps me, just disturbing the powers that be and getting this message out.
Yes, wilderness we are all keen on the reality that blacks commit more crime and thus are going to have more interaction with law enforcement and the police. There is just another question.
My question is is justice equally applied?
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/201 … lacks.html
Oh..we have come full circle then.
What you are saying now, is not what BLM is saying. BLM is not about fixing anything for whites and it's tactics won't fix things for blacks either IMO. They made that very clear about whites. It is about disparaging us.
Some of us have been part of the anti-police brutality movement for years in at least some way. A FB group I'm a part of tried to make this about ALL Americans right after the Floyd video as the admins were white who have had struggles with police brutality and our injustice system. The result was that most of the BLM supporters left the group because they did not allow BLM to hijack the movement. You see? This is not about helping anyone but poking whitey even if whitey lives in a trailer park and went out of his way to treat others how he wants to be treated.
Thanks for the conversation and the affirmation.
I can't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Where BLM is excluding non blacks in its crusade against police brutality, I disagree. I believe that the more allies, the more that those who need to listen will.
All this talk of overthrow of the Government is nonsense and does not have my support.
But I DO support the organization and its intent of bringing out police brutality and making it loud and clear. Thus, putting the pressure on municipal governments to call off or better leash the dogs of enforcement.
I support their peaceful protests indefinitely until the appropriate policy changes have been made.
Good points that are relevant to why I no longer support Democrats. I also think this poll, from June 17, 2020, is telling. It tells me that saying "All lives Matter" is not perceived as racist as the media is telling us that it is. ----"Sixty percent (60%) of whites and 61% of other minority voters put all lives first. Among blacks, 44% say black lives matter; 47% all lives matter." https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public … 9IYO065LBw
Truthfully, I am less concerned about BLM being a part of the Dem. party. The Dems. will remove them if they wind up being bad actors. If they push reforms which benefits all Americans of every color, then good for them.
However, the Republican Party still allows Richard Spencer and David Duke to hang their hat there. Not to mention people like Roy Moore. I think Nazism and Klanism is what tears the country apart, just as much as any other force. Extremism on any level is dangerous to our republic.
It's backwards to tell people to not wear masks when the evidence says it saves lives.
What you say is true. Class matters, and those with power will gladly throw the poor Blacks against the poor Whites and laugh all the way to the banks while we who don't have keys to the Ivy Towers eat in the (metaphor) Iron Dungeons.
Indeed...and you provided a very apt metaphor. I just wish those who want to fight for the rights of those less advantaged would understand this. Once again, I've never stated race plays no role. it's just sad that the current environment is that it is the only role being acknowledged by the MSM, corporations, and our government. It's counter-productive to the universal cause IMO.
I agree with you.
What would you do if you were a white person living in this county?
This does reveal those who have no core values and will do things simply that gain admiration from others. Having core beliefs means people will disagree with you and be angry with you.
I can support disagreeing with someone who has core values. I can't stand people who do things just to be in with whatever is current.
White or Black, making an exception to standards set by health official for so superficial a reason is ridiculous from any angle.
I have a reputation for not taking kindly to pandering, in an attempt to deceive both me and others as to what lies behind it.
"White or Black, making an exception to standards set by health official for so superficial a reason is ridiculous from any angle."
All I can say to that is "AMEN!"
At the risk of being cynical, how else to balance the ones lost on one particular side who chose not to wear the masks as directed by unsaid leader? However, it is dumb to ignore health officials advice.
I would be more ap to call it discrimination. One race, in this case, is being made to wear a mask over another.
Interesting. Health care issues doesn't matter about race especially a pandemic
When people actively search for reasons to be offended, the chip on their shoulder ensures they will find them.
And yes, it is racist. No one could honestly argue otherwise.
Oh...going back to not being about shootings but police tactics. I was attacked by a police dog while I was sleeping. They charged me with assault on the dog as my reaction was to push the dog off of me when I awoke. Three cops had guns drawn also. They lied and said I had a knife in my hand...the nearest knife was in a box on top of the closet. They found that and submitted it into evidence! I still have the scars. I generally don't speak of these things because, I know I'm relatively lucky, and I just want to move on...this was some years ago. Also, I understand there a decent police officers out here and we need them!
However, when you are being told over and over that this type of thing just doesn't happen to whites, it's difficult to stay quiet.
In a statement to KMOV, an attorney representing the McCloskeys, Albert Watkins, defended the their actions and said they were not “race related,” adding, “In fact, the agitators responsible for the trepidation were white.”
"The Black Lives Matters movement is here to stay, it is the right message, and it is about time," Watkins continued in the statement. "The McCloskeys want to make sure no one thinks less of BLM, its message and the means it is employing to get its message out because of the actions of a few white individuals who tarnished a peaceful protest."
by Kathryn L Hill 4 weeks ago
There is proof everywhere you look… For instance... uh… uh….
by VC L Veasey 8 years ago
Why Do So Many Black People Say Whites are racist Without Questioning If They Really Are Racist?
by mrpopo 8 years ago
Privilege is defined as “a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most.” White privilege means that there are rights, immunities or benefits enjoyed only by whites because society places whites in a higher position than minorities. Some examples of this...
by Kathryn L Hill 4 years ago
"adjective: privilegedhaving special rights, advantages or immunities." Blacks have the same rights, advantages and immunities under the law as Whites.So what is the real problem behind the complaints of blacks who claim racism and systemic racism? They claim white cops are out to get...
by Anish Patel 11 years ago
Is Miss. America pageant only for white Americans?When an Indian American wins the spelling bee, nobody minds but when an Indian American wins Miss. America, people make racist comments! Why?
by SOBF 15 years ago
Why White Americans who claim to be color blind like to write about African Americans?This is something I've never really understood. They will always start their blog with some example of black people they know and then go on a rant about how black people do this or African Americans do that....
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