"It's why White House trade adviser Peter Navarro has compiled a comprehensive report to back the Trump campaign's claim of "theft by a thousand cuts."
Titled "The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities," it employs charts and other graphics to summarize the evidence from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada Pennsylvania and Wisconsin."
And the moon is made of cheese. And Sandy Hook was fake. And there's a child sex ring under a pizza restaurant in D.C.
Remember the March on Washington in support of Trump's fake voting fraud claims? Alex Jones was one of the speakers.
What happened to "law and order"? No respect for the law or order.
And now, the MAGA crowd wants Trump to invoke The Insurrection Act and use the military to keep him in office.
No comment on the report. Just diatribes and things taken out of context. Speaks volumes.
Okay, let me get this straight. Here's what you (Republicans) have been telling us for the last years:
Sandy Hook was a hoax.
Obama was a Muslim with no U.S. birth certificate.
Hillary was some criminal mastermind and would be in jail.
There was a child sex trafficking ring under a D.C. pizza restaurant.
COVID was a hoax.
Wearing masks to prevent COVID is stupid and wrong.
The COVID vaccine will be used to implant people with microchips.
There was massive fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.
At what point does anyone with a brain realize that Republicans have no grasp of truth or reality?
Still didn't look at the report and simply provide more diatribes. I don't know what to say.
Conservatives have no grasp of reality. Why should I listen to anything they have to say?
Mexico will pay for the wall.
China will pay for tariffs.
Climate change is a hoax.
The COVID vaccine is suspect and scary and nobody should take it.
Smoking doesn't cause cancer.
The KKK are good people.
Obama is a Muslim.
The Democrats are coming for your guns.
Have you ever heard of something called "The Strawman Argument?"
It's not a Strawman. These are conservative arguments. You have no standing when it comes to making rational arguments.
No respect for law and order? Did those particular protesters loot and burn businesses? Did they break windows? Set up so called autonomous zones?
I missed those news clips
The lack of cognitive reasoning is not shocking, I guess.
Groups of rioters, separate from the many more peaceful protestors, who perceive that police are murdering innocent folks without consequence, is vastly different from the President of the United States, who has been told by virtually everyone, including his own judicial appointees, that he has not presented any evidence of his fraud claims (or really, anything else he has ever said).
The President clearly only respects law and order when it suits him or when people he perceives as worthless are being shot.
You referenced the march on Washington. Don't pretend like my comment, or yours, had to do with something else.
Again, there was no looting, no property damage and no autonomous zones.
Or can you prove otherwise?
Of course not.
I made no reference to the March on Washington. Are you talking about the Proud Boys thing where they stabbed a few people?
Could you point me to the source that laid the blame for the stabbings on the Proud Boys? I've been curious if it was done by protesters from either side or if it was just random violence but have seen no answers.
I have looked for answers as recently as today but find nothing from recognized news sources.
A little effort to find the facts would reveal the groups of those who were stabbed were with...
"The four stabbing victims were stabbed near Harry's Bar at 11th and F Street Northwest, a gathering point for the Proud Boys, The Washington Post reported.
The authorities did not comment on which group the injured individuals belonged to, according to The New York Times."
https://www.businessinsider.com/proud-b … ot-2020-12
There is video of one of the stabbings...and it was a member of Antifa doing the stabbing.
"Tweeted videos show an Antifa protester allegedly stabbing Trump supporters in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night. Additional videos show the man being captured by police after the Trump supporters retaliated and took him to the ground. Reports indicate four stabbing victims were transported to local hospitals."
https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order … ngton-d-c/
I'm not saying breitbart doesn't report accurately but I will say I don't automatically assume they are telling the truth, or are not slanting it through a right wing lens. With them I would compare their report with others.
But, since it is a news source, of sorts, thanks for sharing that.
I actually shared two news sources that tell the same story. Read the Business Insider article. It actually quotes the New York Times.
You're like a dog chasing a squirrel. The first little off-topic thing you see and off you go.
Yes, it was not clear who stabbed who. So, there you go. Too quick on the keyboard on my part. Nevermind that Proud Boys roamed Washington listening to Michael Flynn and Alex Jones while not wearing masks, spreading COVID. Hey, if they didn't kill anyone with knives, they probably killed a few people by infecting them with the virus.
That Alex Jones, who said Sandy Hook was fake. Michael Flynn, who wants martial law. Strawman arguments? Funny how that so quickly became relevant.
Thought this forum was about your ridiculous, unfounded claims of election fraud.
To quick on the keyboard? Project much? You accused the proud boys of the stabbings.
If he's like a dog chasing a squirrel what are you like? The coyote trying to catch the road runner?
I think the bottom line in all of this is IF the Democrats actually believed they won without cheating...they'd welcome an investigation. They would see it as a way to further show their victory. That is not the case. I think the majority of Democrats know the fraud and cheating was quite extensive during this past presidential election and will fight any effort to look into it.
It does seem odd that we heard, over and over, during the Russian investigation that there had to be something to hide because Trump did not enthusiastically cooperate and support that witch hunt.
How things change!
And...it turned out to be just that...a witch hunt.
Let's investigate the allegations of voter fraud with as much energy and effort and see what is found.
Not going to happen, for we all know it is impossible to fix an election. As long as a Democrat wins, anyway - if it is a Republican then we absolutely need years and millions of dollars to "investigate".
"we all know it is impossible to fix an election"
Gee...except for the hoax of Russian interference when a Democrat loses...then we absolutely need years and millions of dollars to investigate.
LOL That was kind of the point. When a Democrat wins it is impossible to fix an election...but when a Republican wins it is obvious that it was fixed.
It seems slightly ironic that so many people are droning on about the pointlessness of the Russia investigation right after Russia just hacked the U.S again, in what almost every government official is calling the worst hack they've ever seen.
Except Trump, who blames China.
No study that's ever been done shows substantial voter fraud. Most voter fraud occurs at the local level, on a very small scale. The 1960 election was very close and many cite Mayor Daly in Chicago as being the difference between Kennedy winning and Nixon winning.
When you win an election by more the 7 million votes, the fraud would need to be massive to be believable. If there was proof, I would certainly want to know about it. However, when the proof is coming from conspiracy theorists and crazy people, it shouldn't be taken seriously.
Even OAN, Newsmax, and Fox have had to retract their voting machine stories. Look how fast they turned tail when the voting machine companies threatened to sue.
How can anyone take the Hugo Chavez connection seriously?
Then an investigation should be a quick and easy one. Probably won't cost much at all. That will put it to rest.
No big deal...right?
What would they investigate? Trumps a$$? Because that's where the election fraud story originated.
Could it possibly be worse than fake evidence, proven false early on, that produced the years of witch hunt to show Trump colluded with Putin to fix the last election?
Personally, I don't see how...
Only a cult member would truly believe they are the same. I'm sorry for your blindness. May it be temporary. My genuine affection for you, borne of our ten years of feisty disagreements, allows me to respect you despite your temporary (I hope) cult status.
Hope you had a lovely Winter Solstice and keep your consciousness open, because we are in for some positive changes this coming year. :-)
I DID have a good winter solstice, thank you. It is my son's birthday (born on the darkest day of the year, which I remind him of every year), and we had a good time.
But I can foresee only the end of the COVID crisis (through the use of the vaccine) as the only big positive for the coming years. I predict more socialism, more government control, less freedom and in general more of the nanny state. While some applaud that I'm not one of them. I truly hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
Oh, and I predict increasing cases of violence and rioting. We are (very effectively) teaching people that destruction is now acceptable. I will bite us, and with a large, gaping wound before we finally decide to take control of our streets and cities back.
"I would certainly want to know about it."
Then you must be agreeing with the idea that we need a large, multimillion dollar investigation, right? That's the only way we will ever know (simply declaring it is impossible because a Democrat won is hardly definitive), so we should DO that investigation given the evidence presented (dozens or hundreds of witnesses, known faulty software, statistically possible but highly unlikely occurrences, etc.).
But I haven't heard such a statement from you - is it possible that you don't want to know? That it's only beneficial when Republicans (specifically Trump) wins?
If somebody presents credible evidence that there was massive fraud then it should be investigated. Definitely. That would be a very serious problem.
And are you saying that Trump campaign officials meeting with Russian Intelligence officials was fake news? That Trump campaign officials working with Russians to hack into the DNC was fake news? You keep repeating the same lies, but your lies are countered by the bi-partisan intelligence report, which I've linked to numerous times.
If U.S. intelligence says that the Russians interfered with the U.S. election in an effort to swing it to Trump and Trump campaign officials met with Russian intelligence, how does that NOT warrant an investigation?
"That Trump campaign officials working with Russians to hack into the DNC was fake news?"
I missed this one. How did Trump campaign officials work with the Russians to hack The DNC?
I think somebody didn't read the Mueller Report.
Again, your definition of "credible evidence" will never indicate the need for an investigation for the court will already have made a guilty verdict.
Evidence is just that; a reason to investigate, not a black and white, open and shut case.
Does it matter? The democratic controlled media will not investigate or report. Social media actively suppresses any attempt at open discussion. The rank and file of the left either vehemently support the fraud, could care less or don't care enough to look at the evidence.
I've lost all faith that this type of fraud will be rooted out, called out for what it is and not allowed to happen again. We are officially a banana republic.
You may be right but as Shakespeare wrote,' it's much ado about nothing'. The result is out and now nothing can be done as even the supreme court is not playing be ball. What can poor Donald do now there is nothing left for him.
There are procedure rules that can take place on January 6th when Congress has to accept the ballots from the Electoral College. They tried these when President Donald Trump was elected, and I believe it will be done even more with biden.
From the police report on the DC stabbings:
The MPD report states Corey Nielsen, a 39-year-old from Robbinsdale, Minnesota, was arrested at the hospital for his role in a knife fight that injured five people near Penn Quarter Saturday night. The report states Nielsen assaulted 29-year-old Phillip Johnson, a resident of Northeast D.C. who stabbed Nielsen and three other demonstrators, during the fight that was recorded in a New York Post video.
An MPD release states the suspects and victims engaged in an argument at the corner of 11th and F streets NW at around 9:00 p.m. Saturday, and tensions escalated into “a physical altercation.” The New York Post video shows a man push Johnson in the back, prompting Johnson to brandish his knife among a crowd of Proud Boys demonstrators.
So, according to the report, Nielsen, of the Proud Boys started the physical altercation and Johnson wielded his knife in defense. Both men were charged for their roles in the fight.
And here is an example that many of the claims in Navarro's report are conspiracies or fabricated allegations:
Navarro alleges that bribery occurred in Arizona and Nevada. His evidence? Well, a report that, in Nevada, a group held a raffle that anyone who had voted could enter. This, he says, was an attempt to buy votes from Native American voters.
The organization holding the raffle responded by pointing out that such raffles are legal. The Trump campaign included this allegation in a lawsuit in Nevada — one of the campaign’s numerous legal losses since the election. The judge in the case ruled that the campaign didn’t prove the allegation.
So, Navarro claims it was bribery, even though it was a raffle held after people voted, a legal raffle backed by the ruling of a member of the judiciary.
Let's next look at the opening three paragraphs to Navarro's claim that there were fake ballots: Navarro uses words in each paragraph like possible, suggests, and possible. That's not a declaration of fact.
In his first claim, Navarro states that over 100,000 ballots might be involved, when the driver who delivered large crates from NY to Pennsylvania claimed the total was likely between 250 and 7,500. The easy explanation is that it is common for absentee ballots to be mailed from other states, as the ballots are meant to be used by college students, members of the military, people who travel for work and others who may be outside their home municipality on Election Day. Again, first the totals were misrepresented, and then there was an easy explanation for the claim.
And in the last paragraph of possibilities, the Georgia video, that was debunked two weeks before Navarro chose to include it in this 'report': https://www.factcheck.org/2020/12/video … n-georgia/
Why bother, V?
The fraud claims are factless, acquired from news organizations that don't do any fact checking.
Okay, then doing a full-scale federal investigation to protect voting integrity should be conducted just like the Russian hoax. No expense should be sparred, people should be required to publicly testify before congress and a full report should be issued to the pubic on the subject.
That seems reasonable to me. I've watched the proceedings in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. There are hundreds of witnesses, video, verified allegations of data manipulation, etc. Lets look at all of it and then let the public see what has been found.
Shouldn't be a problem...right?
I'm confused, are you trying to make the case that Russia did not interfere in our elections in 2016 by calling it a hoax? If so, you're living in a very alternate reality.
Or as a military man, are you trying to say that we should not have looked at, and tried to shore up security, when a hostile foreign nation attacks our election integrity and works to elect a candidate friendly to their interests?
Conflating a foreign attack with a media campaign to undermine our elections - because if there was actual proof that fraud occurred, the Trump lawyers would have argued that in the courts - which they didn't - or they would have presented evidence that was credible to the courts - which, again, they didn't - leaves us with the conclusion that this was another example of Trump creating a false reality and his followers lacking the ability to understand speculation versus actual evidence.
''Trump creating a false reality and his followers lacking the ability to understand speculation versus actual evidence."
Then a full-scale federal investigation will clear up everything. Again, evidence collected, public testimonies given to Congress, a full report made public. Present the information and let the public decide.
Because the public is too lazy to go look at the court decisions, so we have to waste more money that the country doesn't have to humor the distortions being presented by Trump and his allies, just to appease a group of people that will never believe anything but what Trump tells them to. Yeah, good luck with that.
You know? If it weren't for the waste of time and money, I would welcome the clown show. The hilarious and horrifying spectacle of people like Sidney Powell and th e belligerent, drunken witness would almost be worth it. Maybe we could get Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman to play Powell and the drunk on Saturday Night Live. Perfect!
ehhh . . Not one of their best, but it did lead me to a funny Jimmy Fallon segment. (I hadn't seen Rudy's 'drunk witness' that folks were talking about until this clip. Geesh. I am glad I am not her)
And, as an added bonus, check out Gabrial Engelsias' bit about his 'Murica' bus driver.
Yes, it was not their best. But Kate and Cecily are awesome. LOL
I usually dont like Jimmy, but to be honest, any segment about that woman oughta be funny.
I liked the last line of Gabriel Iglesias segment.
In 2020, Vote Fraud Claims Were Not 'Baseless'
''Each time a member of the big media reports on someone referring to acts of fraud or even irregularities in the Nov. 3 presidential election, they describe them as "baseless claims" or "unproven."
Such words are included in almost every wire story since election day published by the Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others.
Actually, there are many examples of vote fraud that took place during the 2020 election, and serious evidence of voting irregularities relating to the main-in ballots.
Here is what we do know:
Nevada: The Silver State rushed a universal vote-by-mail measure through the legislature in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, known as AB 4, lacked safeguards to assure voter identity and was implemented without cleaning voter rolls of deceased voters, those who had moved, or who had become ineligible to vote.
Attorney Jesse Binnall testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Dec. 16 as to what resulted.
He had proof of nearly 90,000 fraudulent or improper votes that were cast, including instances where:
More than 42,000 people voted multiple times.
At least 1,500 people listed as "dead" voted.
More than 19,000 non-residents voted.
In excess of 8,000 people cast mail-in votes from non-existent addresses.
Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.
Nearly 4,000 non-citizens voted.
Considering Biden took Nevada by 33,596 votes, these allegations are serious.
Arizona: The Arizona Republican Party alleges more than 100,000 ballots might have been improperly cast in the Grand Canyon State, including some 28,000 duplicated ballots in Maricopa County alone.
Arizona GOP party chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward also addressed in one of her video reports the subject of "fake news" outlets, that tend to mischaracterize allegations of voter fraud.
"We are trying to have integrity in our electoral process," she said, adding: "We have every right to make legal challenges."
Again, only 10,457 votes separate Biden and President Donald Trump on Arizona, a 0.3% difference.
Wisconsin: President Trump's legal team sought to have some 221,000 ballots disqualified that were cast in the state's two most heavily Democratic counties — Dane and Milwaukee.
At issue were incomplete absentee ballot envelopes where clerks filled in missing information, as well as those that were issued without a proper request, and still others that were the subject of ballot harvesting.
In a narrow 4-3 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected the challenge, claiming the campaign was "not entitled to the relief it seeks."
The campaign filed its petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.
Only 20,682 votes separate Trump and Biden in the Badger State, 0.61%.
One can hardly say this is a "baseless" claim, and pure reason has many people suspicious.
Biden underperformed Obama in 80% of Wisconsin counties but hugely outperformed in just five counties to win the state.
Michigan: While the Trump campaign has made an issue of the voting systems and software used throughout the state, allegations of widespread fraud remain unproven.
The Trump legal team has presented additional evidence of voter fraud and irregularities before the Michigan state Senate Oversight Committee on Dec. 1.
In one instance, a "Guard the Vote" volunteer testified he went through 30,000 of the 172,000 Detroit absentee ballots — about 17%. Some 229 were dead voters and 2,660 listed invalid addresses.
Finally, Republican poll watchers were denied access for proper ballot monitoring due to alleged COVID-19 concerns.
Pennsylvania: Nothing about the Keystone State made sense.
Like Detroit, Philadelphia election officials denied Republican poll watchers adequate access into counting rooms, requiring them to seek a court order.
"Trump campaign staffers marched into the PA Convention Center with a court order giving them the right to stand 6 feet away from sorters, instead of the previously allotted 20 feet," reported CBS3 Philly reporter Alecia Reid.
Most recently, a group of 17 Republican state lawmakers released a blockbuster statement Monday, alleging 202,377 more votes were cast than there were voters who voted. State Rep. Frank Ryan, who has a background as a certified public accountant, led the investigation and released a statement.
"These numbers just don't add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania's presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error," the statement said.
Georgia: The biggest bombshell was a video that appears to depict news media and poll watchers being ushered out of the counting room in an Atlanta tabulation center.
After all but a few workers left, suitcases of what appear to be ballots are removed from underneath a table and are run through machines.
Georgia failed to use signature verification and other measures to certify mail-in ballots. Rejection rates — not allowing non-eligible mail-in ballots — plummeted in 2020 from the 2018 election.
Other irregularities:
In addition to outright claims of fraud, state and local officials in at least four states — Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia — used the pandemic to make last-minute changes to their state voting laws.
The U.S. Constitution provides only each state legislature may set the time, place, and manner of elections.
This prompted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to file a lawsuit against the four states with the United States Supreme Court for allegedly exploiting "the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election."
In a statement he said, "Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this union together. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election."
Despite the fact 18 more states signed on to Texas' petition, the Supreme Court dismissed the case, citing lack of standing. Only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a student of history, compared the long list of anomalies to another election nearly 200 years in the past.
"The more data comes out on vote anomalies that clearly are not legitimate the more it looks like 2020 may be the biggest presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in 1824," Gingrich tweeted. "State legislatures should demand recounts."
https://www.newsmax.com/michaeldorstewi … d/1003982/
Here is the rebuttal two days after Binnall, a Trump Campaign lawyer, testified: https://thenevadaindependent.com/articl … 0-election
Dr. Kelli Ward says 28,000 - the courts say the figure was more like up to 153 among those 28,000. Another great example of distortions of reality.
https://www.azfamily.com/news/politics/ … 0a88a.html
17 State Pennsylvania legislators cannot count apparently, and you post their claim without fact checking it. 9 million voters registered, 6.9 million voted. Since when is 9 million minus 6.9 million equal to minus 202,377?
Georgia video: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/fac … 892640001/
The Texas lawsuit was doomed from the start. Texas thinking they could determine how other states run their own elections was a huge violation of Constitutional law. And Alito and Thomas dissented on the decision not to hear the case, saying they doubted they would have granted the relief that steaming pile of manure asked for.
I could do this all day...
Let's just take one. The Texas lawsuit. On this you are wrong. It is based on states not following the US Constitution. State election laws must be passed by a state's legislature. It can't be passed by an individual, the governor, etc. They broke the law. That is what it is about. Why should all states, other than the swing states, have to obey the Constitution? The SCOTUS felt Texas and the other states had no standing. Again, one more time where the merits of a case have not been heard.
And those cases were already heard at the state level and denied before Texas filed their suit. So, Texas decided they would ignore those rulings and try and go directly to the Supreme Court, where they did not have standing to hear the merits that had already been ruled on at the state level.
These were not cases that were heard at the state level. Texas and the other states went directly to the SCOTUS. That is the only court that can hear cases involving one state suing another state. An FYI, ignoring the ruling of state courts and filing with the SCOTUS is how that court usually gets its cases.
No standing. No fraud. No evidence.
Just how many Republican judges have to shoot down these attempts to destroy our Democracy? I assume between those judges appointed by Democrats and those appointed by Republicans, the latter would be happy to hear these cases, if there was any actual standing or fraud or evidence.
What did Texas claim in that suit to SCOTUS - that states were not following their own laws. Claims that had already been litigated, and dismissed at the state level. Hence, they did not rise to a level to be considered by the Supreme Court. And when Pennsylvania tried to appeal to them, they denied to hear the case.
Frustrated that the three Trump appointees were being sidelined in the fight, Texas tried to go directly to them, which then also got slapped down for lack of standing.
"What did Texas claim in that suit to SCOTUS - that states were not following their own laws."
That is just not true.
"THE LAWSUIT CLAIMS: Texas has a right “to demand that all other States abide by the constitutionally set rules in appointing presidential electors to the electoral college.” It says other states are harmed when one state “violates federal law to affect the outcome of a presidential election.”
'Texas sued this week to challenge the election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin on the basis that those states implemented pandemic-related changes to election procedures that, Texas claimed, were illegal and cast into question the election results.'
They tried to claim that state-level changes to election laws during a pandemic violated certain clauses of the Constitution.
"They tried to claim that state-level changes to election laws during a pandemic violated certain clauses of the Constitution."
In that...we agree.
Finally found some actual cases of election fraud...
https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-lesst … 55096.html
https://www.businessinsider.com/voter-e … mp-2020-12
Fraud in the election is becoming like a dead horse because it is leading nowhere. I am convinced some fraud did take place but what is the solution?
There will always be fraud, and honest errors, in our elections. We have neither perfect people nor a perfect system anywhere.
So we keep it to a minimum as best we can...until the winners of an election declare they never cheat so no investigation is necessary or will be tolerated. At that point we have a very real, very pressing problem.
There have been many investigations into election fraud. Trump himself put together an election fraud commission, which disbanded because it didn't find anything. What more do you want?
Trump said there was massive fraud in the last "rigged" election. He put together a commission to expose that fraud. And he failed. Who exactly should be on the next commission? Maybe just Alex Jones and Ted Cruz. I'm sure they can find something.
Here's a Democrat saying investigate to your heart's content. Here in Georgia we've counted the votes three times now. Did you see our elections chair on TV today taking the air out of each of Trump's claims? And that man is a Republican! Were you people at all concerned in 2016 when there was definitive evidence that a foreign power influenced putting Trump in office?
It appears the recounts in Georgia were as fraudulent as the vote count itself. Many, many people have sworn affidavits about the recount abnormalities in Georgia.
''In the most critical recount taking place – and not just for the presidential election, officials and observers in recount centers across Georgia are swearing out affidavits about the abnormalities and instances of improper procedures in the recount of the 2020 General Election ballots.
One Fulton County poll manager, with 20-years of experience in that role, said she saw ballot boxes sealed with packing tape and adorned with unsigned Secretary of State seals. She stated there was no way to discern from where the ballots originated.
The poll manager also pointed out that many of the ballots appeared to be “pristine” or unhandled and that several batches had markings for the candidates that were “unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot-marking device.” She noted that 98 percent of those ballots were for Biden.
At the end of her affidavit she stated that she was convinced beyond all doubt that, “additional absentee ballots had been added in a fraudulent manner.”
Want to post the link to that claim. I'd enjoy reading it since it's not available via a google search.
Yes, please post a link to that. Where's that from Parler? The Daily Stormer? Straight from one of Trump's "lawyers"?
All of this stuff is done with bipartisan observation. The inclination to believe random people who say stuff like the world is flat, vaccines are dangerous, Sandy Hook was a hoax, is just sad.
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