Piers Robinson, co-director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies, is an internationally recognized expert on propaganda, but not just any propaganda
His focus is on conflict and war and the role of propaganda within that framework. He is also an associate researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 "War on Terror" and has served as an advisor to NATO leaders.
From 2016 to 2019, Professor Robinson chaired the department of politics, society and political journalism at the University of Sheffield.
“COVID-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” Robinson said. “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”
In the U.S., one of the main spigots of propaganda has been Dr. Anthony Fauci and the media’s elevation of him to god-like status, hanging on his every word and never pressing him to provide data to back up his constantly swerving pronouncements. Every Western government has its version of Fauci, spouting ever-changing, confusing information meant to keep the population off balance, afraid and confused.
A fearful, dazed and weary public is less able to resist the dizzying array of draconian policies coming from governments, from facemask rules and incessant testing to quarantines of the healthy and mandatory mass vaccinations.
In his latest effort to prepare Americans for even greater medical tyranny, Fauci went on national TV Aug. 8 and said “a flood” of new COVID vaccine mandates are coming down the pike as soon as the shots get FDA approval, which he expects to happen as soon as next month.
https://www.wnd.com/2021/08/propaganda- … vid-psyop/
Put Covid fourth worst. propreganda, based on complete history. Yet the fastest growing ever due to phony vaccinated and rapid death secrets. Plus discrimination against human rights and against contitusional laws not ever seen in our lifetimes. Can be related to the top 3.
1st. Centralized bankster
2nd State unjustice system
3rd Marijuana prisoners
4th Covid, masks and vaccination.
You always have an interesting take on things.
"COVID-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” Robinson said. “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”
Coronavirus Cases:
It would be hard to deny that COVID is a virus that kills
It would be hard to truthfully say we know much about the virus
It would be hard to say it was not a man-made virus that was engineered to kill, and kill...
It would not be hard to say it was not made political at all of our expense.
It would be easy for me to say the media made tons of cash pushing propaganda Right and left media.
It would be easy for me to agree Dr. Fauci was not the Dr. that has the experience to be the person that headed up Trump's COVID team. I always call him Trump's very biggest mistake.
We had Dr. Redfield a very well know virologist, I noted from day one he gave it straight in regards to not knowing the virus and the mitigations that we were asked to take up. He relied on the science in regard to the masks and all along said he felt we needed to know more about the virus. He had an opposing theory that was opposite Fauci. Today more and more scientists are claiming the virus has man-made components.
So, were we heavily exposed to propaganda --- yes
Are we still being exposed to it -- yes
Is this all very dangerous, and could have lives been saved it was not made political --- Hell yes
Should have we been exposed to the truth about the fact that science just does not know what this virus could (and could is the operative word) turn into? ---
This virus can mutate down to the flu or turn into a more potent killer.
That's science...
perhaps it's time to realize this propaganda is a three-headed snake... One telling you there is little to worry about. The other using the virus as a political tool while they have the chance to use it. But the virus that is really just being pretty much ignored is the one we need to keep watch on. Because his plans just are not known.
So is Covid one of the largest propaganda operations in history?
It would appear it could be, let me count the ways...In my view, propaganda is winning. It has caused a huge split, has us running around taking sides, and doing so with little evidence on either side to prove our hypothesis.
Let's face it we don't know if the vaccines will produce side effects in the months to come, we don't know what the virus will do in the months to come.
We do know the vaccines do work to help one not become as ill if one gets the virus.
I'd rank it pretty far down from the stuff emitting from your profile. Pretty happy you've moved on from the election fraud fantasies though to covid fantasies now.
There is a fine line between history and fantasy because it's written from the assume winners.
You prefer to feed your owners the most toys in the end. I prefer the pleasure business to have the most joys in the end with integrity.
Pretty sad you've continue to live in a state of denial about election fraud and now remain in denial about Covid.
The quest for election recount results in now in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania as well as Georgia and Michigan. There is even movement for it in California. Just because the main stream media doesn't cover it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Enough voter fraud has been detected in Arizona and Georgia to change the election results in those states.
Keep denying it...I bet it's safer for you that way.
While it's easy to forget or misunderstand this, during the 1932 federal elections in Germany, the Germans voted for Hitler, the Nazis, and fascism.
The rise of German fascism began with a democratic election. People came out in droves and cast their votes to give the Reichstag to the Nazis and they really believed that they were making the right choice.
The Nazi Party succeeded by playing into the country's worries. At the end of World War I, the country was crippled. They'd been forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, including its War Guilt Clause, which put the full blame for the war squarely on Germany's shoulders along with its expenses.
With so much debt to pay off, German money became practically worthless. Five years after the war ended, it took 4.2 trillion German marks to equal the value of one American dollar. People's life savings were so worthless that they burned them as kindling.
We artificially created such duress and concern in our society prior to the 2020 election.
The MSM 24/7 News pushed narratives ranging from Riots to overblown Covid death percentages. Many states (all Democrat controlled) went on extreme Lock-Downs and allowed anarchy to reign in cities like Seattle and Portland where rioters (Protestors & extremists) were allowed free reign.
The Democrats within the House of Representatives made every effort to inflame the situation, from Maxine Waters ratcheting up riots and mob violence with her rally cries to confront Trump supporters “in restaurants, in department stores, and in gas stations." to their efforts to Impeach, repeatedly.
The American populace... just like the German populace that elected Hitler, had been worn down, beat down, and had over four years of negative propaganda and lies perpetuated against Trump and any who would dare to still support him.
And I expect that, given time, a similar disastrous decline will befall America as it befell Germany once the Republic was lost and Propaganda and Totalitarianism took control.
information, especially of
a biased
or misleading nature,
used to promote
or publicize a
particular political cause
or point of view.
What is the political point of view/cause being promoted, do you suppose?
"Every Western government has its version of Fauci,
spouting ever-changing, confusing information
meant to keep the population off balance, afraid and confused.
A fearful, dazed and weary public
is less able to resist the
dizzying array of draconian policies
coming from governments,
from facemask rules and
incessant testing to
quarantines of the healthy and
mandatory mass vaccinations."
What he is suggesting is rather immense but I don't agree with the word propaganda.
Observe! The special effects are awesome and the Faucis of the world are glowing, glittering and shimmering. Their backs are against the wall, no enemies behind them, they are sitting on chairs so high they seem like gods.
Its not so much propaganda as it is
Lol, too much miss- action and breaking own laws in real life. Sometimes I have watch a good movie to excape.
Good lyrics!
Every Western government
Has a version of Fauci,
Spouting the ever-changing,
And Confusing information.
Meant to keep the population
Off balance, afraid and confused.
A fearful, dazed and weary public
Unable resist a dizzying array of draconian policies.
Coming from governments,
From face-mask rules and incessant testing
To quarantining the healthy
And mandating mass vaccinations."
Good, but Very Alarming lyrics.
Covid-19 is only as lethal as we let our immune system go weak -- with bad lifestyles, bad stress management, lack of sleep, and wrong foods.
And Fauci is only as "impressive" as we let ourselves be impressionable, sheepish, and unable to use our own heads.
As for propaganda -- give yearly flu as much propaganda as covid-19 has had, and as many people will be dying of it. Stress kills, stress makes mentally sick, stress kills the spirit. And when that is done, even the biggest lie from someone of authority becomes true. Who was it who said: "Repeat a lie long enough and it becomes true".
Has year and a half been "long enough" to scare shitless those who can't tell when someone is messing with their head?
Faucism stricks again, fear mongering over truth.
It goes much beyond the lethal consequences with this virus. There are plenty of long term health issues that accompany this virus. It's one of the reasons so many people who get it regret not being vaccinated.
Here is some proof of the propaganda
Texas Tribune erroneously reports 5,800 children were hospitalized due COVID in first week of August
The false claim was promoted by Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin
https://www.foxnews.com/media/texas-tri … ized-covid
In a move that reignited calls for Florida to resume daily COVID-19 reports, state health officials on Tuesday accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of inflating the number of new coronavirus infections Florida tallied over the weekend.
The apparent mistake did nothing to change the Sunshine State’s status as the coronavirus hotspot of the nation, but the Florida Department of Health jumped on it.
“The daily case counts for Florida currently posted on the CDC COVID Tracker are incorrect,” it wrote in a tweet shortly after midnight.
https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/new … 558411001/
So...what's real in the news?
I think we live in a free market (call it capitalism) in an anarchist world. Anything called a system is by in large criminal organization and there is a ton of them.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth:
https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021 … -cant-pro/
Mike Lindell's Source for his fraud claims - a known con man
https://leadstories.com/analysis/2021/0 … ndell.html
So you are on planet earth and we are not?
thank you for this enlightenment.
About 95% of crime is occupational crime. Yet Street crime and middle Eastern terrorism get blamed for most of it.
" ... occupational crime be defined as illegal and unethical activities committed for individual financial gain, or to avoid financial loss, in the context of a legitimate occupation; that occupational deviance be reserved for deviation from occupational norms, such as drinking on the job and sexual harassment; and workplace crime be identified as conventional forms of crime committed in the workplace, such as rape and/or assault. A table is included comparing forms of white collar and conventional crime."
https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-libra … lace-crime
Yet Street crime and middle Eastern terrorism get blamed for most of it.
What are you talking about?
Remember headlines of Muslims terrorism are attacking our freedom and well being. Today it's the attack of Covids in most of our everyday headlines. We got 40 times greater chance of being killed by a cop than a terrorist. Same with covid fear mongering compare to many other causes of death.
The country is being run by bad people and more so the good people are locked up. Like marijuana users (a plant) being locked up greater than all violent criminal rapest, murderers, robberies and petaphllia and so on. Governments income tax is theift. Much of the lies from the leaders is opposite from the truth. It's why I don't own a TV it's continuely brain washing by lies. It's much better to brain wash yourself.
Here is something you won't see in the mainstream media. It doesn't play into their desire to cause fear.
"Bombshell: COVID Fatality Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record Despite Media Hysteria Over Delta
"Yes, we have a significant number of people who possess antibodies through vaccination or through their own previous COVID infections, but as the delta variant replaces the alpha variant as the primary strain we’re seeing, why isn’t it claiming more people who have had no exposure to the virus from the start?
"Our World in Data is a good source for many of your COVID-related statistical needs.
From its graphs, adjustable variables, easy-to-interpret illustrations, etc., you can learn more about many things — ranging from the fatality rate in the U.S, to the number of fully vaccinated persons and the number of confirmed cases or variants in the country (just to name a few).
he source also invites you to compare numbers between nations — or look at how another individual country is faring in terms of its COVID-19 data.
In any case, as we adjust the COVID-19 Data Explorer to display the fatality rate in the United States, we see a sharp decline beginning around July 15 — a decline taking us from 2.29 percent to around 0.70 percent as of Tuesday."
https://www.westernjournal.com/bombshel … ria-delta/
Much they way the Flu declined in its fatality as time went by.
All things considered the Flu hit humanity much harder in its first couple of years, so hopefully Covid will become even less dangerous than the Flu.
I think that is as likely a probability as any.
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