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  1. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 3 years ago
    The 21st century was supposed to be broadening.  However, there was the 9/11 incident which started more security controls in society.  It also caused people to become more fearful of their security.  Then it was the pandemic which caused unemployment (unless one was lucky enough to work from home), not to mention massive lockdowns which impaired the economy.  Covid then morphed into the Delta & now the Lambda variants which are causing more fear among the populace.

    The Covid pandemic has caused even more restrictions on personal freedoms.  Now, there are mandates issued regarding vaccination IDs in some states.  One isn't allowed to participate in indoor events unless one is vaccinated.  Personal freedoms are being ebbed away, replaced by draconian rules.   Will there be an end regarding this?  Will the 21st century embody pure enlightenment, freedom, & progress or will it become the NEW DARK  AGES?

    1. Ken Burgess profile image71
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think anyone knows...

      We are in an interesting place, we have just begun to achieve the technological advances necessary to preserve our species....

      While at the same time, so many issues abound that seem on the verge of sending us into "new Dark Ages" or worse.

      Humans have never had the ability to preserve their existence as they are on the verge of being able to do today.  We have Space X and other private companies working hard to find ways of reaching, colonizing, and returning from Mars... if this becomes reality humans will have achieved the ability to save themselves from anything short of a disaster that destroys the Earth's ability to sustain life.

      This means if a solar flare scorches the earth or a meteor crashes down or there is a polar shift, humans would have the ability to survive and recolonize the earth.

      AI, computer, robotic advances may propel humanity into a new kind of existence only hinted at in sci-fi series and books. 

      Genetics and microtechnology are advancing at such a pace that it is possible now, or in the very near future, to create Super Humans and marry them to Cybernetics that link them directly to super computers that can out think the human mind by thousands fold.

      Humanity could be evolved over night, making current humans akin to what chimpanzees are in comparison to us today.  And I suspect that if that happens, the population of humanity would be curtailed drastically as they would have no purpose or usefulness, in fact they would be a threat to the Environment and wellbeing of the planet.

      So essentially... a lot can happen, a lot likely will happen, within a rather short period of time... decades or less.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Hamilton said: "The true test of a good government is its aptitude and tendency to produce a good administration."

    This is where we went wrong.

    We don't have good leaders. We no longer have good government. And we haven't for a long time, (except when Trump stepped in briefly.) What qualities would a good President require in guiding America into the future? In general, it seems that something has happened to the people. What?
    What is missing in the population: our understanding, our intelligence, our common sense / logical thinking?

    Maybe Spock could save us.

    "Spock (full name S'chn T'gai Spock) was a famed half-Vulcan/half-Human Starfleet officer who served the Federation in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Spock said that his full name was unpronounceable to Humans."

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    What would Spock say?

    about pulling out the troops from the air base near Kabul (BAGRAM AIR BASE) in July?
    about defunding police?
    about allowing ANTIFA to destroy and occupy cities?
    about promoting cancel culture everywhere you look.
    about Government mandates concerning personal health choices in a free country?
    about our show of weakness to the Taliban?
    about allowing Afghans to come in with out knowing who they are
    about our porous southern borders?
    about our lack of free and fair elections?
    about not supporting Afghanistan over the Taliban

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Spock would say, "Have a redo of the presidential election which was not free and fair."
    and make sure all elections going forth are free and fair:
    No mail-in ballots unless one is requested for a legitimate reason.
    (Fear of Covid 19 will not be one of them.)

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Some outside force is behind them ... and its not their own from within.
    There is political will with Afghanistan, not the Taliban, from what I perceive.

  6. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    I agree with the Vice President of Afghanistan, Amrullal Saleh, who is now (should be) in charge: The US, needs to project confidence, power and hope and join with other countries for an alliance of peace. We need to stand with Afghanistan against the Taliban. We must not abandon Afghanistan. We made a mistake. … /100405820

  7. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years ago

    Is it SANITY that weapons and gear were left behind in Afghanistan for the Taliban to help themselves to?

    Is it SANITY to empty the coffers by passing exorbitant stimulus bills?

    Is it SANITY to support a president and vote for a president who is old and declining in cognitive abilities? who could can barely read the cues cards he is handed ... I wonder who writes them?

    Is it SANITY to not come together as a Nation to fight the forces which are cancelling it on every level?

    Maybe its too late for SANITY.

    More MADNESS, it is.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
      Kathryn L Hillposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      We will not go into the dark ages.
      The future holds the opposite. No force will hold us down or make us go backward. There is destiny to fulfill ... we are going toward enlightenment. These bad times will only make us Smarter and More Determined. We will ultimately rediscover common sense and become more logical in our thought processes.

      I feel a great powerful day/ time will eventually arrive for us all.


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