China Sending troops to Russia For Military Exercises

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image87
    Sharlee01posted 2 years ago

    Chinese troops will travel to Russia to take part in joint military exercises that will start at the end of the month, Beijing’s defence ministry has said.

    Last month, Moscow announced plans to hold “Vostok” (East) military drills from August 30 to September 5, saying some foreign forces would also take part without naming them.

    Beijing and Moscow have close defence links and China has said it wants to push bilateral relations “to a higher level,” even as Moscow faces international sanctions and widespread condemnation over its February 24 invasion of Ukraine.

    “The aim is to deepen practical and friendly cooperation with the armies of participating countries, enhance the level of strategic collaboration among the participating parties, and strengthen the ability to respond to various security threats,” the Chinese defence ministry said in a statement.

    India, Belarus, Mongolia, Tajikistan and other countries will also participate, it said.

    Relations between Russia and China have grown increasingly close under Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, and Beijing has been under pressure for its opposition to sanctions imposed by many Western countries over the war. Shortly before the invasion, Moscow and Beijing agreed on a “no limits” partnership.

    Beijing said its decision to participate in the joint exercises was “unrelated to the current international and regional situation”.

    A year ago this month, Russia and China held joint military exercises in north-central China involving more than 10,000 troops. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu praised the drills in China’s Ningxia and suggested they could be developed further.

    In October, Russia and China held joint naval drills in the Sea of Japan. Days later, Russian and Chinese warships held their first joint patrols in the western Pacific.

    The following month, South Korea’s military said it had scrambled fighter jets after two Chinese and seven Russian warplanes intruded into its air defence identification zone during what Beijing called regular training.

    The Vostok drills are the second joint military exercise conducted by Chinese and Russian troops this year.

    Bombers from the two countries conducted a 13-hour drill close to Japan and South Korea in May, forcing those countries to scramble jet fighters, as United States President Joe Biden was visiting Tokyo.

    State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said that while warming ties between China and Russia undermined global security, Washington did not “read anything” into the drills.

    “Most of the participating countries also routinely participate in a wide array of military exercises and exchanges with the United States as well,” he told a press conference.

    Russia’s eastern military district includes part of Siberia and has its headquarters in Khabarovsk, near the Chinese border." … -exercises

    Thoughts, should America be concerned?

    Will such a close alliance between Russia and China lead to a huge combined military?

    Is this the army Putin will need for what he calls his "New World"?

  2. Ken Burgess profile image69
    Ken Burgessposted 2 years ago

    China is smart, allowing Russia to fall to the machinations of the US means they would have one less ally on the world stage, and potentially one new threat on their border.

    It is in China's best interests to ensure Russia is victorious in Ukraine, or more importantly, that America's designs for Ukraine and Russia fail miserably.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Russia and China against America. G R E A T! yikes !

      August/21: Russia and China held joint military exercises in north-central China involving more than 10,000 troops.

      Russia's Defense Minister praised drills that were held in Ningxia, China, and advised that they continue.

      October/21: 'Russia and China held joint naval drills and patrols in the Sea of Japan and in the western Pacific Ocean.

      November/21: Two Chinese and seven Russian warplanes trespassed into South Korea’s air defense identification zone during regular training.

      July/22: 'Moscow announced plans to hold “Vostok” (East) military drills from August 30 to September 5, saying some foreign forces would also take part without naming them ..." The Vostok drills are the second joint military exercise conducted by Chinese and Russian troops this year." … -exercises

      This news has not been reported.

      Do we not care about our old allies? Such as South Korea and Israel?
      Trump was a great terms with India's leader! Now India sides with Russia????

      Meanwhile, there are ostriches in our government:
      "State Department Spokesperson, Ned Price, said that while warming ties between China and Russia undermined global security, Washington did not 'read anything' into the drills ... "Most of the participating countries also routinely participate in a wide array of military exercises and exchanges with the United States as well,' he told a press conference."

      Oh, Brother! roll

      1. Ken Burgess profile image69
        Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I believe China is coming to the realization, if it hadn't understood it prior to now, that if Russia fails in its Ukraine efforts now... Russia will fail itself as a sovereign nation, and then the primary focus of America will turn to China.

        China's every effort for the last 50 years has been guided by the goal of supplanting America as Global leader and supreme power.  Allowing Russia to fail now would put any chance of that occurring at serious risk.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image87
          Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Ken, would it not be the perfect time for China to strike Taiwan when they can clearly see we have a president that is a weak man with globalist ideas? A president that is hoping to blend in, and become just another country with European-type values? 

          I would think it's their opportune time.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image69
            Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Instigating a war where they have to go toe to toe with America today is not part of their strategy and not what they want.

            America has not declined enough nor has China's military become strong enough to ensure they could win such a war.

            In 20 years America will be incapable of revving up the war machine and nationalizing the effort... the people will be far too soft and self-indulgent and the country by that time will be too weak economically and industrially.  The American people will have no stomach for war and there will be no sense of nationality in the populace.

            In short, the Chinese expect America and the Western world at large to roll over to its demands by 2049 and I completely agree with their assessment, I think America and the West will be ready to do so a decade sooner.

            By that time China's technological advantages and its industrial might will be so superior to our own, even if we wanted to fight them, it would result in a quick defeat.

            This is the problem with having all your computers, cars, missile components, tank components, etc. Made In China.  It means they have all you have, and they know how to stop it.

            Taiwan makes 70% of the semi-conductors used in American technologies today, if they take Taiwan, they have essentially cut off America's ability to make or repair every technological device we use today.

            When China is ready to topple America, it will take Taiwan over, one way or the other.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image87
              Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              You have laid out a plan that makes perfect sense. I mean we are actually speeding down that road in record time with this administration. It looks almost inevitable. 

              I hold out hope that in 2024 we bring in a Republican that will start to right the ship. However, I can see the very deep state is pulling out all the big guns.

              I have faith that many Americans will see the destruction that is and has occurred under Biden, and wake up.  I have witnessed some very faithful Democrats admit they put the wrong guy in the office, and see that the country is faltering.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                There is no such person that will be supported by the American MSM.

                Any such political candidate will be labeled, will face the same non-stop smear campaign that Trump faced... in the MSM... from the opposition.

                As far as they went to neuter and then oust Trump they will be willing to go even further with the next candidate that tries to put "America first".

                Trump was uncouth, vain, arrogant, just plain horrible to listen to unless he was reading a prepared speech as he did at the State of the Union and in front of the UN. 

                I think because of how dislikable Trump was for so many people, they were willing to overlook all the underhanded and or illegal actions taken against Trump and those in his Administration.

                Problem is, once those tactics are acceptable to be used on one opponent, once it is seen that Americans are willing to turn a blind eye and accept such overreach, it becomes usable against any and all who rise in opposition.

          2. Ken Burgess profile image69
            Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            I have considered this some more, I think China has seen America's plans more clearly and are far more concerned than they ever have been.

            While we may see Biden as a bumbling incompetent President, truth be, he is but a figurehead for the same powers within DC that brought us Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. the focus now has moved to Ukraine and Russia directly.

            Little known by most of America, this war actually started (was initiated) by Ukraine (America), the US backed Zelensky, whose efforts to take Crimea back began soon after the Biden Administration was in place:

   … opolitics/

            On March 11, [2021] Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter that his government has “approved the Strategy for Deoccupation & Reintegration of Crimea.” What he referred to is a new strategy driven by Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to retake Crimea—including the Black Sea port of Sevastopol. Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council passed Decree no. 117/2021 on March 24 that laid out the government’s decision to contest Russia’s control over Crimea.

            This was never going to be allowed by Russia/Putin, this was a declaration of war, which forces within DC have pushed for and wanted all along.  Biden's election was essential for this to occur as Trump wanted nothing to do with it... Trump had more common sense than to tempt Nuclear War with the country with the largest nuclear stockpile.

            You have to put Russia's build up in perspective.  Until Zelensky started building up Ukraine's military forces along the Donbas and Crimea borders, openly discussing at NATO and UN meetings taking Crimea back by force, Russia had done nothing to build up its forces or escalate the situation.

   … escalation

            Europe’s “forgotten war” between the Western-backed Ukraine and the Russian-sponsored, self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic over the energy-rich Donbass region of eastern Ukraine has been “on hold” for six years. Despite the formal truce declared in 2015, shelling and sporadic firing have been an everyday reality for the local population, and there are indications that both Kiev and Moscow are preparing for a potential escalation of the conflict that erupted in 2013.

            It had been "on pause" because Trump didn't support or want anything to do with continuing the foreign policy efforts that had been followed throughout the Bush and Obama Administrations.

            The build up for conflict with Russia in Ukraine had commenced during the latter part of Obama's Administration a war that was intended to be carried out by the Clinton Administration once she took office.

   … -of-war/3/

            The House of Representatives on March 23 overwhelmingly passed House Resolution 162 “calling on the president to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The vote was 348 for and 48 against. The measure resolved that “the House of Representatives strongly urges the president to fully and immediately exercise the authorities provided by Congress to provide Ukraine with lethal defensive weapon systems to enhance the ability of the people of Ukraine to defend their sovereign territory

            Of course one has to wonder, if this was all Russia's aggression and Russia's fault... why was there a 6 year stall in military efforts?

            Why was it, that from the time Clinton was defeated in the election, until Biden had gotten his Administration settled in, no escalation in Ukraine occurred?

            Understand, this started long ago, decades ago, as this article from 2004 shows:

   … -pub-16292

            Did Americans meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine? Yes. The American agents of influence would prefer different language to describe their activities -- democratic assistance, democracy promotion, civil society support, etc. -- but their work, however labeled, seeks to influence political change in Ukraine. The U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy and a few other foundations sponsored certain U.S. organizations, including Freedom House, the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, the Solidarity Center, the Eurasia Foundation, Internews and several others to provide small grants and technical assistance to Ukrainian civil society. The European Union, individual European countries and the Soros-funded International Renaissance Foundation did the same.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image87
              Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              "While we may see Biden as a bumbling incompetent President, truth be, he is but a figurehead for the same powers within DC that brought us Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. the focus now has moved to Ukraine and Russia directly."

              It is obvious that we are in a proxy war, I never put two and two together, as to why, as you have done. It does paint a sensible picture.

              However, it seems the proxy war is not being won as quickly as the US may have thought. And now we have China, figuring out they need to move, just witnessing the mess the Poxy war has presented the US. Not only politically but financially. I think they will strike, and move in on Taiwan. They must feel Republicans will move into the White House,
              and their task would become more difficult.

              Trump was never a day late kind of guy. They could fear a true war if he was up against a Republican administration. I a very ugly all-out war.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                I don't think so.

                Look at what they have achieved with this war dragged out.  Billions in weapons sales.  EU more dependent on the US than ever.  Sweden and Finland have joined NATO.

                Of course, they also want to capture and control the Donbas region, Crimea, and topple Putin to set up a more "friendly" regime toward American interests, preferably one that will be hostile to China.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image87
                  Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Not sure, but are not all the weapons, and aid we are pouring in in the way of free aid?  Am I wrong?  Yes, Nato has grown, which I guess is a plus. But the longer this war goes on, it looks to me, like with all we are providing, we are or maybe losing the proxy war. As we did in Vietnam. We spent tons, and walked out in the end, we did not win. Will this be another Vietnam on a smaller scale?

                  Biden has gotten us into a mess, A mess that the next administration may quickly pull out of if Republicans win the White House. Fighting proxy wars ar, not on the MAGA agenda.  I mean Trump was satisfied with keeping the peace, letting other Nations alone, and promoting the concept of respect and keeping out of other nations' business.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    -well, Trump would quickly pull us out of the mess ...

                  2. Ken Burgess profile image69
                    Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Someone paid for them, do those companies care whether it was American taxpayers or some other foreign nation?

                    I doubt it.

                    Someone will have to pay for their replacements in inventory, also Sweden, Finland and other nations will likely be spending billions of dollars on American made missiles, artillery, jets, helicopters, etc.

  3. IslandBites profile image93
    IslandBitesposted 2 years ago

    So, now you know why the timing of Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image87
      Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I have been around for Nancy's entire career. She is one of the most intelligent hard-working representatives in Washington. She has calmed turbulent water many times. In regard to her trip, I give her much credit for stepping up and doing what she could to tell the world ' America is strong and will support our allies.  She is brave and has served this country well. It will be very hard to replace her when she steps away... She has my highest respect.

      Not much of that going on nowadays.


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