CRT? Or is it Pippi Longstocking discomfort over history lesson?

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  1. Credence2 profile image78
    Credence2posted 9 months ago

    Background: … 30834.html

    So, Lord DeSantis is rewriting history books that indicated that slavery was positive because of "skills" attained by the enslaved. Well, what do you know? That is a pretty dumb conclusion. He is both a lack luster candidate and a lack luster man for a reason.

    You conservatives have spent a lot of time and effort using CRT to shroud your real agenda, the discrediting of black people by ameliorating the truth about the uglier side of American history so that those little Caucasian children do not have feel uncomfortable by the revelation of that truth. Truthfully, this is what I suspected from the very beginning. History, by its nature, is not always pleasant, better to learn that earlier rather than later.

    This attempt to lie to children both black and white, quite frankly pi$$es me off. Add to that, my extreme discomfort with the state of Ohio and the tyrannical Republican legislature there in regards to its upcoming Amendment 1.

    I am beginning to wonder if Republicans have so much of an ounce of integrity that can be found anywhere between them?

    1. profile image56
      Annegrayposted 9 months agoin reply to this


      1. Credence2 profile image78
        Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Anne

        “Job Opportunities”, now that is a laugh…..

        I simply can’t understand why conservatives take this attitude and approach all of the time?

    2. Sharlee01 profile image84
      Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

      After some research, I learned that statewide teachers' union, several organizations, and individuals spoke in opposition to the proposed standards in a public hearing, and made the request to the board to table the standards until they could be revised. But, when public comment came to an end, the board voted to adopt them. With no further discussion.

      My view -- This is unacceptable on so many levels.  Our history is our history, it should be taught as factual as possible. Nothing should be hidden, excused, or painted a pretty color. 

      I can only hope teachers parents and the general public will stand and be heard. This is the form f issue that needs large protests. 

      Where the hell are we going, it's like common sense has been lost.

      1. Credence2 profile image78
        Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks, it is just another one of those things that continue to remind us as a community Why we can't support Republicans to any significant degree.

        The conservatives say "what have the democrats done for you? But, they don't go out of their way to do grevious harm. This is the kind of attitude and position by a Governor and school Board that supports that view.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image84
          Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

          You are grouping...  Is that fair? I am a conservative, and well, you read my comment. Yet you group an internet party into having one mindset.   Your side, my side... You might want to look around my side has all but left this small forum. I would surmise it was due to feeling the other side is somewhat unreasonable about even listening to what they have to say.  So, do you think it is good that many have given up communicating with your side?  Become very satisfied with just ignoring, and not willing to even take the time to communicate.

          I can't speak for conservatives that post or at one time enjoyed posting here. I won't share my thoughts on why even I have become disillusioned about communicating here --

          1. Credence2 profile image78
            Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

            Don't be alarmed, Sharlee.

            Republicans speak to me often about their individually being the exception to what is obviously an attitude taken in by the rank and file. Otherwise how could such a grevious assualt on accurate American history stand?

            And, to be honest, that is where we are today, "your side, vs my side". That theme is playing out at the state and national levels as well.

            I am the one that stands on one leg here, except of Anne, Lauren and ESO, when rightwing posters don't constantly run him off. You still have all of the rest.

            I have to keep communicating and getting across my message, but I can understand how fatigue comes from each side trying to penetrate the brick wall presented by the other.

            Rest assured that the fatigue factor is not limited to just one side. I am more than content to attack the conservative position, force them to defend and gradually expose what wrong as one would peel the skin from an orange. I gleefully go into battle, giving as good as I get and out of the melee, someone, myself included, just might learn something that they did not know before.

            I will listen, but expect to be challenged and as AB said, "it had better be good"

            1. Sharlee01 profile image84
              Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

              Note as read

              1. Credence2 profile image78
                Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                You read it, but would you consider it to be an reasonable assessment on my part?

                1. Sharlee01 profile image84
                  Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                  I would say better than a reasonable assessment.  Spot on

            2. Credence2 profile image78
              Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

              Correction as to the posters that have shown resistance to the Right

              I  am the one that stands on one leg here, except of IB, Anne, Lauren and ESO, when rightwing posters don't constantly run him off. You still have all of the rest.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image84
                Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                Has ECO been banned again?  We as you know ECO and I go at it. But I have not reported him in a very long time, since the "liar" incident. I have pretty much just gotten accustomed to his way of sharing, one could say.

                It's pretty quiet here lately.

                1. Credence2 profile image78
                  Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                  Yeah, sort of looks like it. It has been too quiet. He keeps things moving along and is always missed...

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image84
                    Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                    LOL --- He certainly keeps my blood circulation at an accelerated speed.

                2. tsmog profile image85
                  tsmogposted 9 months agoin reply to this

                  Not long ago he was talking with Nathanville about going on vacation to England. Maybe he is on that now. I don't know.

                  1. Credence2 profile image78
                    Credence2posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                    It has been only over the last day or two.

                  2. Sharlee01 profile image84
                    Sharlee01posted 9 months agoin reply to this

                    YES! I remember that I think he is off enjoying a wonderful vacation... Lucky stiff.   I was following his post, I did not see anything that would get him banned.


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