The American Democratic Party

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 11 months ago
    Why are you a Democrat?  Was it your family environment which influenced you to be a Democrat?  Do you agree with the policies which the Democratic Party represent?  Are you please with how the Democratic Party is going?  What do you want from the Democratic Party?  In your view, where is the Democratic Party going?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Would call myself a classic Liberal just not in the political sense. Being a strong environmentalist living on off grid systems like a hippy. Not into war and guns, yet not against them or not against anything else. Not religious, yet respect them.  Have worked in cities. For women liberation. Strongly for Freedom of speech and for the constitutional rights and freedoms. Free love, drugs and rock and roll. Everyone is entitled to a place to live. Not deep into centroism or the establishment. More into bio organism first and nature is my religion. Strong Independent and individual.Just Live and let live. RuleĀ¹1, no harm.

      Not like these new liberals
      2. Deep into the establishment over Obey narratives and turn into AI kid robots and zombies.
      2. They banned,  block or jail many things they don't agree with.
      3. Banned abortion, destroyed free speech
      4. Creating a new world order.
      5. Creating a new world war..
      6 Interrupt women and children spaces in sports, locker rooms and washroom..
      7 Castration of children, lifelong membership with Big pharma like vaccines.
      8. Love Pharma and medical error, being the leading cause of death in the world
      9. Celebration autism, genderism taking the LGB pride out of their parades and adding a whole season plus workism, and racism.
      10.Skyrocketing crime and homelessness.

      Can go on but don't want to sound like a complainer or have a victim mentality.

    2. Credence2 profile image81
      Credence2posted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Being a Democrat is consistent with my values, national and world view.

      I did my own thinking as an adult, but even as a kid, I knew that Goldwater was a "bad dude".

      I agree with 90 percent of what the Democrats represent, that is far better than single digits support for the policies of the other side.

      The party could do better by being more assertive in regard to the threat posed by the alternative and extolling policies of Joe Biden more demonstrably.

      Continue toward multiethnic democracy, equal opportunity and staunch the trend toward authoritarianism and subsequent tyranny threatened by their adversaries. They are going in that direction, just not fervently enough.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        I'm going to make out like a magic dragon and wait. Then after they are done killing each other. My solutions for food, peace and housing will feel phenomenally extraordinary.


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