FBI Director Wray Warns Of Dangerous Individuals Coming Across Border

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 5 months ago

    March 11, 2024
    Amid a bitter election-year debate over illegal immigration, FBI Director Chris Wray told a Senate panel on Monday that dangerous individuals have entered the United States illegally at the southern border.

    "We have had dangerous individuals entering the United States have a variety of sources," Wray said at the annual "Worldwide Threats" congressional hearings at which the heads of U.S. intelligence agencies testify.

    "We are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border, " he said, citing drug trafficking in particular. "The FBI alone seized enough fentanyl in the last two years to kill 270 million people," he said.

    Wray, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, CIA Director William Burns, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Jeffery Kruse, NSA Director Timothy Haugh, and State Department Assistant Secretary Brett Holmgren testify before the House and Senate every year and detail threats the U.S. faces.

    While Wray said there is "no doubt" criminals have entered the United States at the southern border, he said there is no specific plot.

    "There is a particular network that has -- some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have -- ISIS ties that we're very concerned about, and we've been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating," Wray said.

    Overall, he said, threats from various groups have reached a "whole other level."

    "Even before October 7, I would have told this committee that we were at a heightened threat level from a terrorism perspective -- in the sense that it's the first time I've seen in a long, long time," he said. "The threats from homegrown violent extremists that is jihadist-inspired, extremists, domestic violent extremists, foreign terrorist organizations, and state-sponsored terrorist organizations all being elevated at one time since October 7, though, that threat has gone to a whole other level. And so, this is a time I think for much greater vigilance, maybe been called upon us," he said.

    The intelligence chiefs were asked about the threat from China, the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as how artificial intelligence could influence the U.S 2024 election.

    CIA Director Burns said U.S. support for Ukraine against Russian President Vladimir Putin has the "very real possibility of cementing strategic success for Ukraine and a strategic loss of relative importance for Russia."

    Not providing that support, he said, would have widespread consequences.

    "Without supplemental assistance it seems to me lies a much grimmer future, Ukraine, is likely to lose ground and probably significant ground in 2024. A senior Ukrainian member of the government, Burns said, told him that their men "fought as long and as hard as they could" but they just ran out of ammunition.

    "I think the consequences of that are going to be felt not only by Ukrainians in European security, but across the Indo-Pacific," where he said the U.S. could be seen as walking away from support for Ukraine. "Not only is that going to feed doubts amongst our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific, it's going to stoke the ambition, so the Chinese leadership in contingencies ranging from Taiwan to the South China Sea," he said. Source
    https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-dir … 08024830ce   

    Congress has been clearly informed... Will they enact any actions to protect the Nation from potential terrorist dangers on our land, or will they opt to stay inactive, ignoring the concerning warnings? I am concerned that terrorists might strike while Biden holds office, given his perceived leadership weaknesses and, in my opinion, inadequate crisis management abilities. Thoughts

    Full hearing Cspan  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjxZ3hzwtjM

    1. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      Thanks for bringing this to light! It is important to me in particular living only 43 miles from the border. I would like to share I think for whatever reason many are misinformed on trafficking fentanyl. That is that 90% of seized fentanyl is at Port of Entries, not by migrants crossing the border. On that note, the largest portion of smugglers are by Americans.

      One of many article is;
      Who is sneaking fentanyl across the southern border? Hint: it's not the migrants by NPR (Aug 9, 2023)
      https://www.npr.org/2023/08/09/11916381 … rder-drugs

      "the vast majority of illicit fentanyl — close to 90% — is seized at official border crossings. Immigration authorities say nearly all of that is smuggled by people who are legally authorized to cross the border, and more than half by U.S. citizens like Haley. Virtually none is seized from migrants seeking asylum.

      Sometimes fentanyl and other drugs are concealed inside tractor-trailers carrying loads of legitimate cargo into the U.S. More often, authorities say, it's hidden in passenger cars or on the bodies of pedestrians.

      "There's a popular misconception that it is these giant seizures that are driving the numbers. And that's not it," says Adam Gordon, a federal prosecutor in San Diego, one of the busiest crossing points for fentanyl on the U.S.-Mexico border. "The cases that we see every day are individuals who have five kilos of fentanyl and 10 kilos of methamphetamine. And those cases are happening constantly."

      On our local TV news it is not uncommon for coverage to show seizure of fentanyl at the Port of Entry for San Diego by means of a truck. By uncommon I mean at least once a month or more. 

      As far as dangerous individuals common sense might say more than likely. Yet, I have not read the referenced articles by the OP, as yet, to form an opinion. Being data driven, I am curious of what percent border apprehensions are known criminals. How many are known terrorists or threats to national security? I don't mean that in the sense of discounting importance, I mean that in the sense of alarm for 'me' personally.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 5 months agoin reply to this

        I am so pleased to see some address this current news... So many slips through the cracks --- Then we are smacked with problems that occur down the road and never realize --- Hey we were warned but chose to ignore the warnings.   Wray has been before Congress several times in the past months doing all he can to warn of pending problems, that should be looked at seriously.

        So for me, if something occurs, I won't scream --- why did this happen, why didn't the FBI do their job? They did.

      2. tsmog profile image86
        tsmogposted 5 months agoin reply to this

        I just read the link you provided then realized pretty much that was already provided by you. Anyway, doing some poking about the following is what I came up with.

        For 2023 at the southern border is the following:

        3,201,144 encounters
        35,433 criminals (1% of encounters)
        593 gang members (2% of criminals)
        178 MS-13 gang members (30% of gang members)
        169 on terrorist watch list apprehensions/arrests (0.5% of criminals. Of Encounters is minuscule)

        FACTSHEET: Final FY23 Numbers Show Worst Year at America’s Borders—Ever from Homeland Security (Oct 26, 2023)
        https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/f … ders-ever/

        From another source (Link following) the previous record for terrorist watch-list apprehensions at the southern border was 98 for 2022. That means from 2022 to 2023 there was growth of 172%. What is alarming is for 2021 terrorist watch-list apprehensions was only 15. Thus, between 2021 to 2023 there was a growth of 653%. Wow!

        Are terrorists trying to enter the U.S. through the southern border? Here are the facts. by CBS News (Oct 11, 2023)
        https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-mexico- … errorists/

        Before reading the article let me clarify there is a difference between terrorist watch-list hits and terrorist watch-list apprehensions/arrests.

        I recommend at least skimming the article to view the graphics. Why? The reason why I underlined at the southern border is because there are actually more terrorist watch-list hits at the northern border for 2022 & 2023 by a somewhat large margin.

        The article has revealing information that I found helpful while has given me more perspective. They share how the process is followed that brings clarity, at least for me.

        Edit: Oops! Yes, I am concerned about the increase of terrorist watch-list apprehensions as well as 'hits' at both borders. However, I have hope in that the CBP is doing there job to the best of their ability and capacity. By capacity I mean there existing funding and infrastructure, e.g. personnel, border wall, and technology.

  2. Ken Burgess profile image71
    Ken Burgessposted 5 months ago

    What the Biden Administration is allowing to happen is nothing short of federally funded child and adult trafficking, indentured servitude and sex slavery:

    Polk County human trafficking bust leads to 228 arrests, 13 victims rescued

    Just one example.

    1. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      Appreciate sharing the link. Sex trafficking is a national problem unfortunately and IMO is evil. The sexing impulse of individuals is a study in and  of itself, i.e. Human Sexuality. As with most everything there is money to made driving it.

      What caught my attention was that 50 'John's' were busted and that their wives were thankful to learn that reality/truth. I was held in my chair listening at the 28 min mark the testimony of a victim. I don't know if riveting is the correct word to use.

  3. Ken Burgess profile image71
    Ken Burgessposted 5 months ago

    BREAKING: Tyson Foods to hire illegals to cut costs and expand production.

    Tyson has recently announced the closure of its facility in Perry, Iowa, which will result in the termination of employment for around 1200 American workers.

    The company stated that while this plant closure was sad, they are looking to hire “asylum seekers" in other states like their New York location.

    "Tyson is joining the nonprofit Tent Partnership for Refugees, which was founded by Chobani yogurt magnate Hamdi Ulukaya, with a plan to hire some of the 181,400 migrants that have come through New York City..."

    The Biden Administration claims they are bringing manufacturing back to the US but companies are hiring illegals and firing citizens.

    And here is how our MSM spins it:
    Tyson Is Hiring New York Immigrants for Jobs No One Else Wants
    https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-lab … else-wants

    No one in decades has done more harm to American workers struggling to get by than the Biden Administration... allowing in 10 million migrants to take jobs that will pay under the table or replace hundreds of thousands of American citizen workers in these processing plants across the country.

    1. IslandBites profile image92
      IslandBitesposted 5 months agoin reply to this

      More misinformation.

      Asylum seekers are not illegals. They're part of Tent Partnership for Refugees since 2022. And Tyson said that it “does not operate in New York nor does it have any plans to do so. So "the company stated bla bla is a lie."

      "In recent days, there has been a lot of misinformation in the media about our company, and we feel compelled to set the record straight. Any insinuation that we would cut American jobs to hire immigrant workers is completely false," Tyson Foods said.

      "Tyson Foods is strongly opposed to illegal immigration, and we led the way in participating in the two major government programs to help employers combat unlawful employment, E-Verify and the Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers (IMAGE) program," the statement added.

      "Since being founded in 1935 in Arkansas, Tyson Foods has created jobs and employed millions of people in states all across America, the majority of whom are American citizens. Today, Tyson Foods employs 120,000 team members in the United States, all of whom are required to be legally authorized to work in this country," Tyson said. "We have a history of strong hiring practices, and anybody who is legally able is welcome to apply to open job listings."

      1. Ken Burgess profile image71
        Ken Burgessposted 5 months agoin reply to this

        This is true, Biden has signed America up for the Compact on Refugees, the Compact on Migration, and ensures that the UN & NGOs that are helping these people get to America are funded with over a billion dollars in total for their efforts in 2024 alone.

        Trump is the opposite, he refused to enter America into the Compacts, he worked with Mexico to stop migrants at the Mexican southern border and he refused NGOs federal funding to support migration costs.

        What most Americans don't know, is how many billions are being spent to get these refugees and migrants into America, and to pay for them once they are here... here is an example:


      2. Valeant profile image76
        Valeantposted 5 months agoin reply to this

        Notice there was no admission of the blatant misinformation that was posted.  But in other threads, the same person excoriates others for listening to those mainstream media sources that are so unreliable.  You can't make this stuff up.

  4. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 5 months ago


    Mexico’s president says he won’t fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a ‘Mexico First’ policy. 

    "We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government,” López Obrador said at his daily news briefing. “Mexico First. Our home comes first.”.

    Hmmm.. what works better isolationism or cooperation?  Should we all just retreat to our own little corners of the world?

    https://apnews.com/article/mexico-first … 463f24e9fb


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