Banning people you don't like

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  1. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 2 weeks ago

    This business of getting people banned for no better reason than you don't like them, or more likely, they have embarrassed/frustrated you. You can't come up with a wittier reply so you zap them.

    It's childish.

    And it's happening way too often.

    Unless you are under personal attack, which some of us have been, act like a grown-up and play fair.


    1. Springboard profile image83
      Springboardposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      Whether it is banning or blocking someone, I think both are childish acts. Besides, I think having open debates, especially when they are uncomfortable, are more productive even if the other side doesn't think so.

      It's like not tuning into the Democrat presidential debates. So what if I will still likely vote Republican anyway, how can I know I disagree with the other side if I am unwilling to hear what they have to say?

      Perhaps I see it differently as well since I happen to make part of my living listening to others and sharing my thoughts and opinions about it.

      Unless someone gets way out of line or downright rude, I think everyone deserves to be heard, like it or not.

    2. GA Anderson profile image89
      GA Andersonposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this


      Also, it seems like the moderators have changed their standards. A Report shouldn't be an automatic ban. That appears to be the case in several posters that have commented on their bans.


      1. Ken Burgess profile image76
        Ken Burgessposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

        I wonder if the people who are often banned are the ones who spend so much of their time reporting others?

        Just a thought.

        Worth watching its less than 4 minutes... think you'll appreciate this GA:

        1. GA Anderson profile image89
          GA Andersonposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

          Yep, I can appreciate the message. I first saw that "1984 KGB" message years ago, and it still prompts me to sit back and think about it every time I see it. And every time I end up at the same place — arguing with myself.

          It goes like this . . .

          Conservative me: Yep, the Russian guy is right. My conservative perspective sees the societal changes in my lifetime as proof of the message. ('Conservative me' also sees the truth in a non-religious moral tale of Soddam and Gamorah)

          Then the "Wait-a-minute' me says the message fits the boilerplate of a conspiracy theory, right up there with 'The Deep State' and Illuminati warnings. Plus, I'm a generational 'old guy' who remembers the comments, relative to the younger generation, of my father and his father. In short, the adage that every older generation complains about the younger generation following it.

          'Conservative me' can deal with the conspiracy theory criticism—the KGB guy is probably telling the truth. I bet a lot more folks would believe him if he were a "China" guy. (re. their reputation for long-term planning)

          But "Wait-a-minute' me has a problem with the every-older-generation-does-it thing because I also believe that is true. We, (and every older generation) are really complaining about change itself, not simply the specifics. And it's only change we disagree with (even if we're right) that we complain about.

          As you can see, I'm still arguing with myself. ;-)

          *As a note, the media's recent coverage of the professional 'activists' organizations' involvement and their long-term structure and funding sources supports the KGB guy's point: it may, or may not be a Russian plot, but it is somebody's plot.


        2. MizBejabbers profile image87
          MizBejabbersposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

          "I wonder if the people who are often banned are the ones who spend so much of their time reporting others?"

          Not in my case. I merely expressed an opinion, which is not technically illegal, and I'd never reported anyone. The person reporting me managed to libel me very badly in three posts on that forum but she wasn't suspended. I threatened to file suit against both her and HP if her three libelous posts weren't removed. They then deleted the whole forum. I don't know if they took any other action against her, but I didn't see her around for a month. She may have just been laying low though.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image76
            Ken Burgessposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

            Let me take my thought a step further.

            Let us say someone on here likes to goad others, in some fashion that is not fully an obvious insult/attack.  But is also NOT in a way that is intended to create discourse and debate.

            That person is not reported because the one being harassed is not agitated by it or just doesn't care about that person's posts.

            But then someone responds to this person in a way this person considers insulting, so he reports it.

            Then the moderators look at that post, as well as the posts leading up to it, and realize that the person reporting that post has himself been making posts instigating and agitating others.

            This person is constantly doing so, being reported and reporting others.

            After a while the moderators probably have enough of it and realize that person cannot play well with others, so they ban this person considerably more often than anyone else gets banned.

            On a personal note, I think I reported only one person in the last 5 years, it was not a regular poster but a new account that was attacking one of our regulars.

            I have not reported any posts directed at me, even when they are insulting, and against the rules.... to the best of my memory anyways, which means, if I did so, it was many years ago.

            Let me add, I would NEVER report someone I respect, no matter how heated the debate got... Mike and Credence are two examples of those I have had very opposed and heated debates on matters with... never crossed my mind to report anything, despite the occasional insult.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image87
              Sharlee01posted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

              When faced with true trolling and repeated personal insults, I choose to take the higher road and report such behavior. I believe it's important to maintain respectful discourse and not condone trolling in any form. Allowing such behavior only perpetuates a culture where people feel emboldened to say and do as they please without consequence. I'll be honest, being trolled can be unsettling for me, but I refuse to let fear dictate my actions. As you shared, I would never report anyone I respect, even if I felt the conversation may have gone too far.

              I welcome constructive debate from users who hold opposing views; it's an essential part of healthy discourse. However, when it comes to hurling disrespectful insults at my integrity or character, I firmly draw the line. While I understand my stance might not align with the majority, I stand by it confidently.

              I make it a point to be transparent when I report someone; hiding behind anonymity isn't my style. I've faced bans in the past, mainly due to violating platform rules out of frustration. However, I'm actively working on being more compliant with the guidelines and strive to engage constructively.

            2. Credence2 profile image77
              Credence2posted 13 days agoin reply to this

              Well, Ken, any debate, particularly one where we are starkly different on our views on virtually everything is bound to have some collateral damage at times. It is nothing personal......

      2. MizBejabbers profile image87
        MizBejabbersposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

        You are right, GA. I am not a lawyer, but as a journalist I am trained in libel law to know the difference between expressing an opinion, which is not illegal, and someone spreading a libelous statement which is illegal. I've seen people suspended from the forums for publishing an opinion while a person kept getting away with making libelous statements about other people with whom they disagreed. I remember one in particular who got away with slanderous remarks and calling people bad names. Finally enough people complained about attacks from this person until HP finally silenced him. Meanwhile people were being suspended from just getting into mildly heated arguments. It seems that HP has been known to take sides in political discussions.

  2. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 2 weeks ago

    What do you do?

    1. Springboard profile image83
      Springboardposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      You keep telling your story. You keep debating to whoever will listen and engage with you. You keep trying. It's all you CAN do.

      1. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
        Kathleen Cochranposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

        Springboard: Good advice. But I was wondering what your profession was - if you don't mind saying?

        1. Springboard profile image83
          Springboardposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

          I am not sure if I have ever really ever had a 'profession,' per se. lol. I mean, I spent some time in the U.S. Navy, was in manufacturing for a little over a decade, did about four years doing pest control, and spent the last 10 in B2B sales—all the while writing as a side gig for various publications and in various venues.

          I have also been in the stock market for 30+ years.

          At the present time I am either on a hiatus or retired. I haven't quite decided yet.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image87
            Sharlee01posted 13 days agoin reply to this


            Wherever your path takes you,  you are a welcome and insightful addition to this forum. Your common sense shines through in your writing, as evidenced by the thoughtful articles I've read. You certainly stay busy writing. I enjoyed reading a few of your articles.   It's evident you've been an integral part of this community for some time, and I hope you continue to engage with us, especially here in the political discussions.

            1. Springboard profile image83
              Springboardposted 10 days agoin reply to this

              Thank you. I really do appreciate your comment.

  3. Readmikenow profile image94
    Readmikenowposted 2 weeks ago

    I don't believe in banning people.

    I understand protecting a forum from people who seek to show the world how crude, ignorant and vindictive they can be. 

    I realize the desire to have a forum where people openly and respectfully share their views.

    I've been suspended from Hubpages more than once. (I believe some people may not be shocked by this bit of news.)

    It didn't bother me.

    I've had people say some rather unflattering things about me in crude ways concerning my views on topics.

    It didn't bother me.

    As far as I'm concerned these are just words on a computer screen.  People can say whatever they want about me because I can take it.

    I don't believe in banning people.  I also understand the desire to exert a certain amount of control so things don't get too personal and bad things happen as a result.

    I've never complained

  4. Sharlee01 profile image87
    Sharlee01posted 2 weeks ago

    I am all by my lonesome on this one ---  I support banning individuals who resort to personal insults during chats. Such behavior disrupts the conversation and creates a hostile environment that discourages constructive dialogue. Implementing a ban on those trolling with personal insults, sends a clear message that such behavior is not tolerated. It upholds the principles of respect and civility within online communities.    Additionally, it provides a safer space where participants feel more comfortable expressing themselves without fear of harassment or intimidation.   Plus, perhaps to ignore this kind of behavior imboldens one to continue with it.  I support banning in some situations, the bullying, belittling is something I have no problem reporting, and always tell the user up front.  I mean why in the world would anyone want to in a way encourage bullying?

    In my view, a personal insult a personal insult is a remark or comment directed at an individual with the intention of belittling, offending, or humiliating them. It often attacks the person's character, abilities, appearance, or other personal attributes in a derogatory or hurtful manner.

    In my opinion, turning a blind eye to such behavior may embolden individuals to persist in it. I advocate for banning in certain instances; bullying and belittling are behaviors I have no hesitation in reporting, and I always make this clear to the user from the outset. After all, why would anyone want to inadvertently endorse bullying?  I can see why the world is so upside down.

  5. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 2 weeks ago

    As part of this discussion, please let me suggest to the group that one person's "personal insult" is sometimes simply another person's differing opinion.

    1. MizBejabbers profile image87
      MizBejabbersposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      Thank you. And as I stated in a previous post, under the law, it is not illegal to express an opinion. But we must be careful because sometimes opinions ride a fine line between a mere opinion and an obvious personal insult, which may violate the website's standards.

    2. Springboard profile image83
      Springboardposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      I will second that, and this is something I have mentioned countless times over the years. It's the same as when someone says a comment is rude. Is it rude because it was actually rude, or that the person simply disagrees with what was said.

  6. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 2 weeks ago

    As a group, perhaps if we didn't set ourselves up as self-appointed judge and jury of others we wouldn't be met with personal insults so often.

    I, myself, was the victim of two hubbers who were denigrating me in their public conversations to the point of impacting my professional reputation on this site. I can take a hit as well as the next guy. But when my livelihood was at stake I felt I had to protect myself - not my feelings but my reputation.

    Only time I've ever filed a complaint. Hope I never file another one. I know you folks. Sometimes it's like putting up with that uncle who only shows up on holidays for the food and drink, but family is family.

    1. GA Anderson profile image89
      GA Andersonposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      "I, myself, . . ."

      Tsk. Tsk. You know better. ;-)


  7. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 2 weeks ago

    Thanks GA. Everybody needs an editor.

    Or should I say, "Thanks, Uncle" ?????

    1. GA Anderson profile image89
      GA Andersonposted 13 days agoin reply to this

      You're welcome. Just returning the favor. I remember your editing help for me.

      *plus, "I, myself," is one of my pet 'grimaces,' right along with "Actually!"   ;-)


  8. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 13 days ago

    Hiatus or Retired? I know the feeling, as do many on this site. Since "retiring" I've written nine books of various kinds. Is that retiring?

    It is more fun than fighting Atlanta traffic five days a week!

  9. Credence2 profile image77
    Credence2posted 13 days ago

    I have brought this "banning" issue up before, with no answer from the powers that be.

    I have discovered who consistently stirs up the cauldron, insisting on decorum based on their standards while challenging us all with the most patently partisan biased positions ever posted on a public forum. But is it not like the conservative mindset that insists that we all must comply with their standards of what is reality and what is not? While they bait others with their comments, they shroud themselves with "Emily Post" as an excuse to silence contrary voices.

    All the regulars here pretty much know where I stand and I see no need to elaborate on it further.

    At this point I say to those that insist on the unreasonable interpretations of offense, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I am not going to be "nice" to Trump or MAGA as a movement, as I see it as the biggest threat to our form of government in my lifetime. I am obliged to warn anyone who would listen of such.  So, if we are that touchy, I would tell the rightwinger, "ask me no questions, and I will tell you no lies."

    So, can we change the subject now?

  10. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 13 days ago

    GA: My list of pet peeves is too long to list here. What sets me off most are paid news people who don't know when to use who instead of that or number instead of amount!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I haven't caught you doing either.


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