Reporting Personal Attacks and Why You Feel it's Necessary (if you do)

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  1. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 13 years ago

    I'm asking this question because I am genuinely curious. I have never reported anyone on any forum for personally attacking me, even though it has happened.  I never will report a personal attack, unless it rises to the level of something scary, like a threat, as in "when I find out where you live, I'm going to pay you a visit with my 45" or something similar. I also would report if someone were stalking me online.  But I would never report your everyday, run-of-the-mill personal attack, because I believe people expressing their dislike of me is no big deal.  Nothing is going to happen because of it that would have any real consequence.  I might momentarily be hurt or ticked off, but that's about it.  Basically, I value people's freedom to speak their minds, even if it's personally insulting to me, over my ability (or anyone else's) to get them silenced.

    So, for those of you who feel otherwise, I'm curious about why you feel it important to report such things, especially when you know it will result in a banning? 

    I'd prefer this thread not turn into a he-said, she-said argument or a hashing over of past or present bannings.  I'm just curious about the differences among us when it comes to this sort of thing.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      As others have pointed out, sometimes it's not the object of the attack that reports it.  And sometimes it's not reported at all, it's a moderator who notices it.

      I think the reason the practice started is that (in my observation), once a thread deteriorates to the point of a  personal attack, it's an argument not a debate, and it's only going to get worse from there.  Forums should be about lively debate, not about slagging each other off!

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image72
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good points, Marisa. There's no point in calling names. Attacking someone's argument? Fair game. Saying "That was a stupid argument" is fine. Saying "That argument was stupid and so are you" is over the line, IMO, but I still wouldn't report it.

        I would only report a genuine threat.

        1. Pandoras Box profile image59
          Pandoras Boxposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You can say that was a stupid argument? Huh. You can say "that was stupid"?

          That's awesome. I'ma say that to someone real soon, I just know it.

          Yes, Jim, you're allowed to use more than one hubbing ID in the forums, as long as they aren't on the same thread.

    2. rafibarlev profile image57
      rafibarlevposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think it really depends. What it comes down to is that there are tons of forums on the internet where you can just watch people attack each other, but if you want to keep up a high level of discourse maybe it is important to report people. I don't know but an interesting question.

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think this is a good point.  Do you think this is most people's motivation for reporting?

  2. goldenpath profile image67
    goldenpathposted 13 years ago

    To protect the quality of HubPages.  This is a great platform to express individuality and creativity.  To allow people to rant on unchecked and undisciplined is to wholly degrade the integrity of HubPages.  If you raise the bar of expectation of members than the quality they produce will also likewise increase.

    I have no problem being attacked.  I been so many times here.  However, those that relish in it should expect to receive discipline for their unbridled malice. 

    Short answer - it's not right to attack.  Long answer - develop self discipline and self mastery.

  3. Jim Hunter profile image59
    Jim Hunterposted 13 years ago

    Randy Godwin and I were both banned for personal attacks on each other once.

    I didn't report him and he didn't report me.

    some third party was offended.

    Funny thing is we didn't think what we said was a personal attack, they were not meant to be.

    I was banned for 4 weeks beginning November 2 to December 2 for threadjacking. Someone asked a question and I answered it (tongue in cheek of course) I was told it wasn't what I said it was that I said it too much.

    Isn't using a sockpuppet account to post in the forums against the rules? I ask because a hubpages staff member does it and nothing seems to happen to him.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's only wrong when you and your sockpuppet post in the same forum trying to bolster your argument.

      1. Jim Hunter profile image59
        Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No, I don't think thats the case.

        You are supposed to use your hubpages ID and not create sockpuppets to post in the forums.

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed you were gone.  I haven't been on much lately, but it's kind of boring when you're not here, even though you frustrate the @#ss out of me sometimes.  lol  smile

      1. Jim Hunter profile image59
        Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks....I think.

        1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
          Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, you are kind of annoying but we miss you smile

          1. Jim Hunter profile image59
            Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Awwwwwww, thats sweet.

    3. Randy Godwin profile image60
      Randy Godwinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Jim is correct!  Neither of us took out discussion personally, nor did we report each other.  Some caring soul, or moderator, took it upon themselves to interpret our words as they wished, apparently. 

      Personally, I wish sockpuppets could only post in forums related to their hubs.  They have no place in any controversial thread using an alias to hide behind.  Just my opinion of course!

    4. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's not against the rules to use a sockpuppet account to post on the forums - the rule is that if you have more than one account, you can use only one of them on the forums.

      1. Jim Hunter profile image59
        Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ok, the person I am talking about uses both accounts.

        Equals violation of forum rules.

        What seems to be the problem understanding this?

        1. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          First off Jim, I know who you're talking about and his activity as a moderator or staff member is not taken into consideration with what Marisa said.

          Jason has his HubPages Staff account and he does not post with regards to anything other than HubPages business.

          He uses his personal account- to debate issues. His personal account is Livelonger.

          There is a difference.

          1. Jim Hunter profile image59
            Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Then its ok if I use two accounts.

            I post on certain subjects using one and another on other subjects.

            Yep, no difference at all.

            1. Cagsil profile image70
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              You love to twist things or leave things out, so as to distort things your way. It's rude and appalling. However, it shows more about you than you could ever imagine.

              One is a HubPages Staff account. This account is HubPages Staff work. What part did you not understand?

              Second is a Personal Account. The personal account is used on issues, outside of HubPages.

              So, in essence Jason has ONE account on the forums. Nice try at twisting. But that's the facts.

              1. Jim Hunter profile image59
                Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Gee, I'm sorry your opinion means so much to me too.

                I hang my head in shame at your disapproval.

                "It's rude and appalling."

                1. Cagsil profile image70
                  Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Now you reduce yourself to mocking. Talented. You must be proud of yourself. WOW!

                  1. Jim Hunter profile image59
                    Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Why do you waste your time responding?

          2. Jim Hunter profile image59
            Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            "Jason has his HubPages Staff account and he does not post with regards to anything other than HubPages business."

            By the way thats not true at all.

        2. Uninvited Writer profile image77
          Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          From the FAQ:

          Please stick to a persona in the forums; using more the one account to post in the same forum thread is not allowed.

  4. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 13 years ago

    so where is the fairness there, i ask you??????

    1. skyfire profile image74
      skyfireposted 13 years agoin reply to this

  5. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 13 years ago

    The only comment I ever reported was from a non-hubber who threatened to rape my young granddaughter. The sicko was very graphic, too.

    1. Jeff Berndt profile image72
      Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ew. Definitely report-worthy, and worthy of referral to law enforcement, to boot.

  6. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 13 years ago

    THAT is definitely the type of thing I would report without hesitation!  Yuck.  I hope that took care of the problem.

  7. profile image0
    SirDentposted 13 years ago

    I have reported threads and personal attacks but never any attack on me.  I have reported atacks against chirstians and atheists also.  An attack is an attack no matter who it is directed or or who attacks. It is in the best interest of the whole site to keep them down to a minimum.

    Some threads are started as self promotion or spam of some other type.

  8. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    If I think something is against the ToS I will report it.  HP doesn't have enough staff to be keeping track of everythng but it is their place and they get to decide what the rules are.  If someone steps over the line I figure that is their problem.

  9. princess g profile image59
    princess gposted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't report a personal attack on myself because it wouldn't bother me, and might even be a fun argument for me(I sometimes like the drama:)

    But I would for someone else who didn't desreve it, or if someone was just being truely nasty and abusive to anyone. That's just uncalledfor

  10. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    If you are not using your real name on Hub Pages are you by definition a "sock puppet"???

    As to reporting personal attacks, I have never reported anyone. No one has reported me. If I find someone pressing my buttons too hard I take it as a signal to go do something else for awhile and calm down rather than throw more sand!

    1. habee profile image92
      habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      MM, I think a sock puppet is when you have more than one HP account and you use both (or all) to bolster your arguments on the forums.

      I've never gotten angry about any forum posts. I just don't let them "get to" me. (Knock on wood!) I did get very upset over the comment left on a hub about my grandchild.

  11. profile image0
    Toby Hansenposted 13 years ago

    I will (and do) report spam posts and Hubs. Last night one person had over a dozen spam posts in the sports forums. I also go HubHopping and will report things that are not in the right category, spam...

    I have never had to report a personal attack against myself. If any were made, they would have to be something along the lines of the ones mentioned earlier... when I find your address, threats against my family, etcetera.

    Anybody who makes those kind of serious threats should not only be banned, but reported to the authorities.

    IF it is just goofing around like Randy and Jim, maybe HP could ask those involved what happened instead of banning them.

    Mighty Mom I do not believe so. I write HP under my pen name, the same as I do elsewhere both on and off line. This is the only account that I have here, and when I closed my original account to open this one, I posted on my profile for the first week that I had previously written here under a different name.

  12. Jeff Berndt profile image72
    Jeff Berndtposted 13 years ago

    Oh, spam gets reported as spam, no question. But spam is neither personal (that's why it's called spam) nor an attack. Also, MM, a pseudonym is not the same as a sock puppet. Even a second or third account oughtn't be called a sock puppet, imo, if it's a case of one account being used to post one kind of hub, say, poetry, and the others used to post prose fiction and nonfiction, respectively. I can understand a writer wanting to keep his poetry separate from his nonfiction prose, and don't see a moral or ethical problem.

    When a second account is used to defraud, though, as when one posts to a forum with one account, and then posts to the same forum under another one to agree with the first post, then that's not kosher, and that's when I'd call sock puppet.

  13. Len Cannon profile image86
    Len Cannonposted 13 years ago

    If you consider HubPages a hobby, I can see why, perhaps, you would have less interest in reporting objectionable posts.  I know I have some crap posts in my history, but the more I Think about it, the less I want awful, ridiculous things going on in the forums.  I don't look at HubPages as a fun community, it is a part of my monthly paycheck.  I'd much rather it not be a laughing stock of hateful posts and poorly worded internet attacks.

  14. libby101a profile image61
    libby101aposted 13 years ago

    I've never reported anyone...even when I first started I was actively in the religious forums being attacked--or so I thought! I got banned for three days! I'm not sure why, but I'm sure it was because I went a little on the deep end! I've calmed down quite a bit since those days and learned to be nice! I've also decided that writing was my main goal--not forums! Although, I still post from time to time. I just am careful not to cross that line! However, I've never reported the first person, and never will! I think if someone is prone to attacking others, they will eventually get whats coming to them!!!

    I'd rather write than argue!

  15. Pandoras Box profile image59
    Pandoras Boxposted 13 years ago

    By the way, is it okay to say "that was pompous?" Or "that was a pompous post?" I've wanted to say that, many many times.

  16. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

    I will not report anybody because it is their problem if they are mean and impolite. There is what we call kharma.

    1. Pandoras Box profile image59
      Pandoras Boxposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  17. Rastamermaid profile image67
    Rastamermaidposted 13 years ago

    I've never been a victim on hubpages nor have I seen any of the conduct described.

    Had ex-friend writing blogs about me,some friends located,replied and told me.

    Ex-friend continued/continues to write blogs pertaining to me,and even has attempted to follow my business by starting one similar to mine.

    I take this all as a compliment and in stride,most people that run across it point it out to me.

    She's trying to do what you do.

    Yes,I started my business years ago 2006 to be exact and in 2009/2010 she attempts to do the same as I.

    That's the biggest compliment and tells the story right there.

    She thinks she can do me better than me.

    First there is enough business out here for everyone.

    Find your niche and go for it.

    No I would not report her, and yes she's located me on here also.

    Whenever I comment or receive a comment she starts following that hubber.

    Too funny not to share.

    She'll probably come and post something shortly.

    Some people live for drama.


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