Do we have an open border?

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  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago


    Biden's policies are likely sending signals that are encouraging the surge." Axios … gs-reasons … rders-myth


    "Witness testifies: President Biden is the first President to ever un-secure a border on purpose.”

    "The Biden Administration sparked the worst border crisis in American history and placed Americans’ lives at risk by abandoning deterrent-focused immigration policies and proven border enforcement tools. Committee on Oversight Press Release: … %EF%BF%BC/

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Your perspective highlights some of the complexities in U.S. immigration policy and enforcement. The U.S. does have established immigration laws and border control measures.  Asylum seekers are legally allowed to approach the border and request asylum, which is a right under U.S. law and international agreements. The "catch and release" system refers to a practice where individuals are temporarily released while awaiting their court hearings for asylum or other legal proceedings. It also acts to encourage people to make the trip to enter with fewer problems.

      The high number of individuals seeking asylum and the approach of allowing many to remain in the U.S. while their cases are processed can create perceptions of true leniency under this administration. Hearing about the many benefits that some states offer also works to entice migrants.   

      The ease of entry, and the enticements lead some to view the situation as an invitation, the perfect time to make their way to our nation's borders. For all purposes, our borders do appear to be open, without really being legally open.

    2. abwilliams profile image66
      abwilliamsposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Yes, our southern border is as open as space.

    3. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      The oversight document cited on your post claims the following...

      "The current administration’s failure to enforce and uphold the laws as written by Congress..."

      If the administration has broken immigration law as claimed, why has no one taken them  to court? The administration has been brought to court continuously by immigrant rights groups for every action Biden has taken.  Why haven't those on the right made good on their claims through legal.action?  Could it be that they understand these claims are all bluster rather than factual and that they are pandering to folks who don't understand immigration law?

      What is actually happening at the border currently?

      Statistics show the  lowest southwest border encounters in nearly four years.

      At this rate, I'm wondering if these numbers will, in the next few months, drop to numbers below Trump's time in office.  Have they already? Pre-pandemic of course.

      When Trump left office, we were seeing an average of 2,329 migrant crossings each day. 

      Border patrol July reporting points to a daily average of less than 1,900 Border Patrol apprehensions per day over the month.

      July was the month of fewest migrant apprehensions since September 2020. … vs-reality

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        I would be far more interested in an hones estimate of illegal border crossings that are not "encounters", and just what "encounter" means.  Is it anyone entering that does not already have the proper documentation or is it anyone entering outside the areas set aside for illegal aliens to enter and claim asylum?

        Apprehensions don't mean much when there is no real effort made to catch illegal entries.  For instance, I note you want to compare 2329 migrant [/i]crossings[/i] under Trump to 1900 apprehensions "over the month".  This is, of course, completely misleading (a lie in other words) for the two are comparable only if slipped through without anyone noticing it is apples and oranges.  Didn't work for me, but it was a good attempt and some will gloss over the fact that they are different - a good attempt.

        "July was the month of fewest migrant apprehensions since September 2020."

        Does "apprehension" include those quickly flow away from the border under cover of night?

        1. Willowarbor profile image60
          Willowarborposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          Encounters are when U.S. officials encounter non-citizens attempting to cross the southwest border of the country without authorization.

          "Does "apprehension" include those quickly flow away from the border under cover of night?"

          Not sure what this means.  Are you talking about this?

          "The DHS also announced Wednesday (published June 26th 2024) it has removed and returned more than 24,000 individuals to more than 20 countries, including by operating more than 100 international repatriation flights. The department has also doubled the percentage of noncitizens removed or returned directly from Border Patrol custody, and it has decreased the number of people released pending their removal proceedings by over 65 percent, per the release.'

 … rder-2024/

          Actually, the Biden administration is on track to carry out as many removals and returns as the Trump administration did.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

            ~ watch the documentary movie, Law and Border, by Ben Berquam.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

              Don't need to.  I have friends living within a stones throw of the border, on a small ranch.  They are still losing cattle, still having fencing destroyed, still losing any motor vehicle that can be started, still seeing the lights moving across their property in the dead of night.  Nothing has changed for them.

          2. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

            I'll try again.  Biden has made reference to ways to get into the states "legally", albeit in violation of the meaning and spirit of the laws.  #1 is probably to cross at a regular crossing chanting "asylum.  asylum.  asylum".

            Are those "encounters"?  They involve illegal aliens violating the spirit of our law, but according to Biden they are to be assisted, not returned.  Does it count hordes of unaccompanied children, children that are then brought into the country permanently, as if they are legal?  I'm sure you can think of other similar "encounters".

            "Not sure what this means.  Are you talking about this?"

            No, it meant those illegal aliens that Biden flew all over the country under cover of darkness (or daylight).  And those that states caught and shipped to another state.  Including the children.  Were those "apprehensions", and included in the statistics, or set aside as not counting at all even thought they were "apprehended" violating the law?

            The entire point is that the numbers you are quoting, while perhaps true (and perhaps not), are almost certainly twisted, misreported, and misstated in an effort to sway the upcoming election.  It is, after all, one of the major points being held against Harris - is it surprising that she would lie through her teeth to make it sound better than it is?

            (One more question - this was probably the hottest summer on record.  How many stayed in Mexico, waiting for cooler temperatures and a better chance of survival?  Time will tell.)

    4. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      The border is wide open.  There is a constant influx of illegals coming.  This results in overtaxing of our American resources which has a deleterious effect on American infrastructures.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        The liberals say the path to citizenship is too difficult. Is there a reason the path to citizenship is so difficult/takes so long?

        Kamala wants to make it easier for immigrants to enter the country and become citizens legally.

        What would be the benefit of such a policy in her eyes?
        Maybe she will answer this question in the debate.

        1. gmwilliams profile image82
          gmwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          The Democrats are using the influx of illegals to gain Democratic votes.  They are using illegals to displace Americans as voting bases.  They furthermore intend for illegals to be profitable for corporations.  The Democrats view illegals as A BUSINESS move, no more no less.  It isn't based upon humane principles at all.  The illegals are USEFUL for the Democratic Party.

        2. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          It's not easy but can be done.

          To come here legally you have to pay money and fill out many forms.  You also have to have a sponsor.  Then you have to stay out of trouble, get employed.  After a certain period of time of doing this then you can take the citizenship test and prove your proficiency with English.

          Why would you want to bypass any of these steps?  Just giving people citizenship would insult all those who play by the rules and follow the laws. 
          By following the immigration laws, these people have demonstrated their desire to assimilate into American culture and become good citizens. They truly value their American citizenship.

          This is one of the many reasons I get very upset when illegal aliens get free college tuition, home loans, etc.

          They haven't proven themselves to want to be part of the American society.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            Thank You!

          2. gmwilliams profile image82
            gmwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            Amen to that, +10000000000.  Most of all, these illegals aren't grateful at all, they are ungrateful, not to mention entitled.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
              Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

              ... well, they did walk all the way here after being invited.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    Latest Presidential (Proclamation) Action:
    Start Date: June 5, 2024   
    "Crossing the United States’ border between the ports of entry is dangerous and illegal. Migrants face many dangers along the journey. Smugglers, criminals, cartels, and bad actors prey on vulnerable migrants, who risk kidnapping, extortion, and other threats to their personal safety. The terrain is hazardous, risking medical issues like injuries, heat stroke and dehydration, or drowning. Migrants that are caught crossing the border unlawfully will face arrest, detainment, and removal from the United States by the Department of Homeland Security. Migrants can face significant consequences: removal from the United States, a five-year bar to return to the US, and potential additional criminal penalties that remain on their permanent record for years. Our message remains: migrants should not put themselves or their family at grave risk. Migrants should use lawful pathways to come to the United States.

    Limited Exceptions: The suspension and limitation on entry will not apply to non-citizens who use an appropriate process for the safe and orderly entry of non-citizens into the United States—including the CBP One mobile app—to enter the United States at a port of entry. Noncitizens may continue to seek an appointment to present for inspection at a port of entry by using the CBP One mobile app.

    In addition, the Proclamation and rule will not apply to lawful permanent residents, unaccompanied children, victims of a severe form of trafficking, and other noncitizens with a valid visa or other lawful permission to enter the United States."

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    "In the many years since the September 11th attacks, the Department (of Homeland Security) has marshaled this collective vision to face new and emerging threats against the Homeland. To do so, we are instilling a “culture of relentless resilience” across the United States to harden security for the threats on the horizon, withstand attacks, and rapidly recover. We are raising security baselines across the world, addressing systemic risks, and building redundancies for critical lifelines that enable our prosperity and way of life. Perhaps most importantly, we are forging partnerships to strengthen public, private, and international cooperation and crowd-sourcing solutions that outpace the intentions of our adversaries.

    As the complex threat environment continues to evolve and loom, the Department will embody the relentless resilience of the American people to ensure a safe, secure, and prosperous Homeland." … he-border/


    "CBP OneTM includes different functionality for travelers, importers, brokers, carriers, International Organizations, and other entities under a single consolidated log-in and uses guided questions to help users determine the correct services, forms, or applications needed. CBP is conducting this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to address privacy risks in the deployment and use of the CBP OneTM mobile application. CBP has also issued an update to clarify that CBP OneTM stores information locally on a user's device. (July 2024)" … pplication

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    Still wondering.

    "This suspension of entry and associated measures will apply until 14 calendar days after there has been an average of less than 1,500 encounters over a 7-day period. The suspension of entry will continue to, or again, apply if there has been a 7-day average of 2,500 encounters or more."

    The suspension is temporary!

    How Come?

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    What was wrong with the building of a wall, again?

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      A wall does nothing in terms of asylum claims.  A wall does not change any of our existing immigration law.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this
      2. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        While a wall alone does not alter existing immigration laws, it can still play a significant role in the asylum process and border management. For instance, a physical barrier can act as a deterrent, reducing the number of unauthorized border crossings and helping to focus resources on processing legitimate asylum claims more effectively. By controlling entry points, a wall can assist border security in managing and processing individuals in an orderly manner, potentially preventing dangerous crossings and human trafficking.

        The presence of a wall can work to enhance the overall security of the border, allowing for better surveillance and quicker response to emergencies.  While a wall is not a total be-all solution, it can work with other measures aimed at improving the asylum system and maintaining border integrity.

        1. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          Kamala Harris is now for the construction of the border wall.  Obviously, she thinks it's a good idea.

          She said she would sign into law a bill...

          "Specifically, the bill states that none of the money set aside for border barriers during the Trump administration in appropriation bills in 2019 and 2020 “may be made available for any purpose other than the construction of steel bollard pedestrian barrier built at least 18 to 30 feet in effective height and augmented with anti-climb and anti-dig features.” The bill extended the deadline to spend that money to September 2028, but it does not include new funding."

          Another harris flip flop.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            I have no patience for flip-floppers. It's one thing to genuinely change your mind, but in Harris's case, she seems more focused on fitting the mold of a typical Democratic politician. In my view, she lacks what it takes to be a Dem, she is not smart enough to pull off slimy and corrupt. Airhead deluxe.  She simply tells people what they want to hear, depending on the audience she is reading a teleprompter in front of. As you can probably guess, I neither respect nor like her. (I love free speech don't you?)

            1. Willowarbor profile image60
              Willowarborposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

              "I have no patience for flip-floppers. It's one thing to genuinely change your mind,..

              How are we sure she hasn't genuinely changed her mind over the years? 

              Am I to believe that Trump genuinely changed his mind on abortion in the matter of a few days recently? He said Florida needs more than 6 weeks and then quickly flips to saying he will support the DeSantis ban after backlash from evangelicals.   

              "She simply tells people what they want to hear, depending on the audience"

              Like this?
              Trump speaking to moms of Liberty...

              “But uh, the transgender thing is an incredible thing… your kid goes to school & comes home a few days later with an operation the school decides what’s going to happen with your child & you many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say ‘what the hell happened, who did this to me?’”

              Is he out of his mind?

              See the video here:


              Does he  genuinely believe this?  Is he telling the group what they want to hear?I have so many questions.  Parents don't notice their kids are missing for a few days? No police reports? Who performs the surgery? The school nurse has  sure upped her game. Lol

              But back to abortion, my feeling is that he really doesn't give a sh*t about about the issue.  He would rather not talk about it.   But he needs the anti-abortion folks vote, so he says what he needs to say depending on the audience.  I don't think he has any deeply held conviction or value about it. 

              To one group he says women who receive an abortion should be punished and then goes on to say to another that he will be great for "Reproductive Rights".

              1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

                Yes, someone can change their mind and address issues on an individual basis, as I did with the Trump/GoldStar situation. While I rarely alter my views when it comes to values,  it does happen. Harris, however, has shown a pattern of changing her views in ways that reflect her ideologies and values. Such a dramatic shift is not common among most people. The internet has offered good proof of her frequent flip-flopping on what are issues that involve values and ideologies.

                Trump, has shown some evolution in his stance on abortion. In a recent town hall, he discussed his shift toward supporting abortion rights, explaining that as President, he must represent all Americans, regardless of his personal beliefs.  I found this a very sensible stance.

                1. Willowarbor profile image60
                  Willowarborposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

                  "I will be voting for more than 6 weeks"

                  Next day...

                  I'm voting for the ban

                  "Such a dramatic shift is not common among most people"


                  I'm not sure how Harris has flip-flopped on values? I mean Reproductive Rights certainly fall into the values category.

                  But why is no one addressing Trump's comment on schools performing sex change operations?  I found it to be quite outrageous that he believes this to the point that I'm questioning his mental stability.  His supporters seem to be ignoring it along with his statement that he has a right to interfere in elections.

  6. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    Oh, It was President Trump's idea.

  7. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    PS Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution says that the United States shall protect each state against invasion.

    Did the one who was in charge of the border PROTECT the border states these past long years?

    Did the one who YOU the PEOPLE  (about half the nation!) are about to elect for President of the United States care a fig about the people in those states, who have been suffering from the invasion? Do You the People care about the border states? or the Nation, itself?

    Ms. Harris should not even be ALLOWED to run for PRESIDENT.

    That's my opinion.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      We had much better immigration stardard before. Our population is in decline so corporations are making money from the coming and going.

      So between US bombing the middle east and a third of the world since war world 2. . Causing refugees to be spread worldwide. Then we got a bad  world economy and most homeless per capita are in Ukraine,  Syria and Gaza. Where can they go?

      Have you seen the immigration wars in UK?, it's worse. 

      Its actually ten time worst forcing their immigration American military bases and centro US banks everywhere in the world.  Today wars are being fought with a great push back.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        I have seen what is going on in Britain! The Catholics and protestants joining to fight this cause:

        Migrant overpopulation and non-cooperation!

        Republicans and Democrats need to take note!

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          Hadn't felt discrimination upon being white, until the last few years in Canada also.

          Don't  know where all this going, a clash of cultures and religions.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

            I know!

    2. Ken Burgess profile image71
      Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Oh you ain't seen nothing yet.

      Harris has proposed that it should no longer be illegal for migrants to cross the border.

      I can only imagine the amount of migrants that will come under her leadership... doubling what we saw the last four years... tripling the amount?

      Glad I don't live in one of those Sanctuary cities/states.  Its going to get even more unruly than it has been.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        It's unconstitutional.
        Why do We the People not hold Biden and Harris accountable?

  8. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 weeks ago

    Just vote for Trump. And if the election is stolen AGAIN, watch out!
    We will "peaceably" fix the problem.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      It's worse in Canada. Many new immigrants  get right away housing,  credit cards, money, cars and start businesses. Wail many long and hard working Canadain born here, still haven't achieved.  In 5 years probably Blackrock will own 66% of the housing market. Mostly we will be renters, not owner of our houses.  Trudeau is pushing afforable housing to be only lease from the Goverment.  Foreigner already own half the real estate in Canada.

      We will own nothing and be happy policy,  that's not for me.

  9. Ken Burgess profile image71
    Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks ago

    You gotta love this stuff...

    California To GIVE $150,000 To Illegal Immigrants To Buy Homes, Democrats GIVING AWAY USA

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Well let's look at the bill a little more closely. 

      If Assembly Bill 1840 becomes law, migrants could participate in a lottery system that would provide them up to 20% in down payment assistance or closing costs up to $150,000.

      If AB 1840 becomes law, it would expand the eligibility requirement for the state’s first-time homebuyer loan program, to allow migrants who live in the state to use it. The program doesn’t currently  consider immigration status as a factor for eligibility. So let's be clear, this is an expansion of an existing program.

      The program, which was launched in 2023, provides up to 20% for down payment or closing costs, not to exceed $150,000. The homebuyer would have to repay the original down payment loan, plus a share of the home's increase value upon selling the property.

      So far this year, 18,000 people have applied for the program and only 1,700 were chosen.

      Not all migrants would qualify for the program; the bill specifies applicants must meet requirements set by the Federal National Mortgage Association, or Fannie Mae. They must be able to show that they pay taxes and provide a taxpayer ID or a Social Security number.

      Governor Newsom can choose to sign or veto this bill.  If the majority in his state are unhappy with his decision, they can choose to vote him out when he is up for reelection. That's California's  business. … /15235539/

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Why does the left struggle to say "Illegal Aliens."  Not undocumented workers, not illegal migrants and not migrants, they are Illegal Aliens.

        This is another slap in the face of the American citizen.  Where is the benefit to being a citizen?

        My family jumped through all the hoops to get to the United States legally and eventually become citizens.  When you see Ukrainians where you live  escaping a war-torn nation, they are there legally.  I have spoken to many of them and helped them.  Most of them will ask what they need to do to comply with the law.  THAT is what concerns them.  They didn't come into the United States with their hands out expecting to be taken care of my others.

        What does the left have against people obeying the laws when they come into the United States?  They are the ones who should receive the benefits.

        People do come into the United States legally every day.  When you ignore illegal aliens and give them benefits you slap the face of those who obey the laws.

        The left's two favorite types of people are illegal aliens and criminals.  Why?  I don't know.

  10. abwilliams profile image66
    abwilliamsposted 5 weeks ago

    Nah! There's enough Lefties here to "love this stuff", not I!!

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      From not being political sided. So, labels dont stick on me. Yet once considered myself a classic liberal hippy, nothing like a KKK or religious. Spiritual sided, yes.

      These new liberals want to ban abortion and bring us closer to a third world war than ever.  There is 55 major wars going on ,more than ever before.  They want more born in order to kill them off in world wars. A reverse of what republican, more or less once represented.

      My investments is healthy farming and tiny affordable housing. In 1950s housing was 1/3 the space and 3 times larger members of the family. The white race lacks repopulation of all worldly races. Wail foreigner population of colour will mostly replace US whites by 2050.  By marriage,  already most of my family  tree is colour mix.

      What's not mention are our poison foods and synthetic medicines are killing us faster than anything.

      In the back of my mind, white Imperialist  empire domination was evil for 300 years. But this is too rapid turn around to be healthy.

  11. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks ago
    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      This administration holds responsibility for the numerous issues arising from the millions who have been allowed into the country. Homelessness is just one of the many challenges we now face. Never in our history have we seen this kind of influx. Yet, many refuse to acknowledge this simple fact, let alone consider the future problems it will create. Many chose to share that Biden's hands were tied. Yet a few months ago he initiated an EO, that did cut numbers at the border. Why not 3.5 years ago, before this huge problem was created?  Maybe the election? LOL

      The recent decrease in migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border is largely due to a combination of policy changes and enforcement measures implemented by the Biden administration the introduction of stricter asylum rules, as well as increased consequences for unauthorized entry.

      One of the most significant actions was a Presidential Proclamation issued in June 2024, which suspended entry for many noncitizens at the southern border and restricted asylum eligibility for those crossing irregularly. The administration also enacted a joint rule by the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Justice (DOJ) that imposes tougher standards for asylum claims during periods of high encounters. This new rule raises the standard for initial asylum screenings, making it harder for migrants to qualify​.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Yet, still they enter.
        Through the end of June 2024, about 494,799 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived lawfully on commercial flights and were granted parole under these processes. Specifically, 106,757 Cubans, 205,026 Haitians, 93,325 Nicaraguans, and 118,706 Venezuelans were vetted and authorized for travel; and 104,130 Cubans, 194,027 Haitians, 86,101 Nicaraguans, and 110,541 Venezuelans arrived lawfully and were granted parole. … hly-update

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          But one positive Congress held firm and did not pass the Biden immigration bill that set a more or less lotto that a daily is capped based on migrant encounters at the southern border. The daily limit can fluctuate based on border conditions. For instance, restrictions kick in when the daily average of migrant encounters exceeds 2,500 for seven consecutive days he had the option to momentarily close the border. Like I said a lotto... One only needs to do the math of the fact that millions could enter yearly.  We need new immigration laws. Hopefully, we see some common sense laws that Congress can support.  I was so pleased to see Congress hold the line. This bill was really full of, only one word will do, full of crazy.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            For instance, Crazy:

            "Facing intense political pressure to slow the surge in migration this election year, President Biden issued an executive order on Tuesday that allows federal officials

            to block migrants and reject asylum protections once the seven-day national average for illegal crossings reaches

                                     2,500 PER DAY.

            The order is expected to face legal challenges, but it has the potential to STEM the tide in San Diego and elsewhere

                                  IF it is carried out as envisioned.

            Several factors have led to the growth in immigrant traffic in San Diego, immigration experts said. Among them: Smuggling networks have moved west as the areas in Mexico south of Arizona and Texas have become increasingly dangerous because of organized crime.

            At the same time, Tijuana — the largest city on the northern Mexican border, just across from San Diego — has drawn an increasing number of migrants from around the world by bus or commercial air travel. In Mexico, a crackdown on immigrants from Central America has slowed migration into Texas, but it has had less of an effect on people reaching Tijuana, especially those arriving from overseas."

   … ornia.html
   … to-ecuador

  12. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks ago

    Ms. Harris will say, (is told to say,) anything to get elected.

                                 A N Y T H I N G!

    If Ms. Harris gets into the position of POTUS, we will slide right into socialism. They will, of course, flip flop (once again) on any issue they actually disagree with to suit their socialist agenda!

    My, my ... How surprising! Not.

    Step away from the Blue Blob!
    Vote for Trump, warts, orange hair, crimes, immorality and all!
    I believe he is the only way we can escape from what the Blue Blob has in store for us.

    Its a matter of four more years of Peace and Prosperity and the American Way


    High taxes, Surveillance and Lessening control over our Lives and Freedom.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      actually, the Blob might be purple.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Politiscan won't be delivering that.

        Between the two, Harris is more Nuts, useless and ignorant 

        Generallly I would perfer women leaders, they would make a kinder world.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
          Kathryn L Hillposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          Someone beautiful too ... like Tulsi?

 … gr%5Etweet

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            Too bad I don't vote, ,I might for her or someone I know is honest.

            1. gmwilliams profile image82
              gmwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

              Yes, this is reminiscent of the waning days of the Roman Empire.  All sorts of people are invading America, causing the crime wave to escalate.  Immigration should be restricted to a miniscule who would add to American society.  These illegals only subtract from American society.  We should DEPORT all illegals.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 weeks agoin reply to this

                At least deport most of them after checking their standard.

  13. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 2 weeks ago
    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      I have a feeling nobody on the left will watch this hearing.

      Very insightful and provides a lot of good information.

  14. Ken Burgess profile image71
    Ken Burgessposted 2 weeks ago

    Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) … ation-gcm/

    The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to safe, orderly, and humane migration around the world, including to the United States. We commit to working with other countries to enhance cooperation to manage migration in ways that are grounded in human rights, transparency, nondiscrimination, responsibility-sharing, etc. etc.

    Biden is sending an immigration bill to Congress on his first day in office. Here’s what’s in it. … itizenship

    UN welcomes Biden administration commitment to refugee protection

    While the Trump administration had severely reduced the number of refugees admitted through the resettlement programme, as part of an anti-immigration stance that included a travel ban on citizens travelling from a group of mainly Muslim-majority countries, President Biden has signalled that he will restore it.

    The International Organization for Migration (IOM) applauds President Joe Biden’s plans to address the drivers of migration and advance safe, orderly and regular migration … -migration

    If you watch CNN, MSNBC, and the like, all you will get is the lies and deception the media and our government wants the low information American voters to get.

    If you go to the sources... the UN, the White House, the IOM, the IMF, etc. etc. you will get the real story (or much more of it) because they do not hide what they are doing in their official reports and releases.

    If you have never read the UN's Global Compact on Migration or Agenda 2030 reports then you are choosing to try and understand what is going on in the world, in America, based off incomplete or misinformation... its not something CNN is ever going to go in depth about, if mentioned at all.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

      This is some big wool they are trying to pull over our nation's eyes. And at this point, I could see some left nuts buy into this ...

      While the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) and similar UN-led initiatives could fool some with what sounds like well-intentioned.  I have serious reservations about them. Although these agreements are non-binding, they can still pressure sovereign nations to conform to global migration policies that may not align with our national interests. This could undermine our ability to control our own borders and immigration policies.

      There’s a real concern that such frameworks could blur the lines between legal and illegal migration. By promoting responsibility-sharing, they will encourage more migration and shift the burden disproportionately onto wealthier nations.   This would lead to even more economic strain, cultural friction, and even security risks, especially if we’re pressured to accept more migrants than we can realistically support.

      Moreover, committing to these agreements might result in a loss of national sovereignty. We could end up following global standards that don’t reflect the will or priorities of our own American people. It’s troubling to think that unelected international bodies might have influence over our domestic policy-making. 

      Note how the GCM doesn’t address the negative impacts of mass migration on local labor markets, social services, and infrastructure. Prioritizing migration policies in this way could overwhelm public services, lower wages for low-skilled workers, and increase our already social tensions.

      That’s why some countries, including the U.S. under the Trump administration pulled out of the GCM,  as well as Hungary, and Poland, initially rejected or withdrew from the GCM. We need to ensure that national governments, not international organizations, have the final say on how we manage our borders and immigration policies.

      Man, this is a crock... As I said in another post, we will be looking at a civil war due to these socialist types of power plays.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image71
        Ken Burgessposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this


        But it is far more of a threat than you note here.

        Consider what the WEF (World Economic Forum) is/represents.

        In short the WEF is a representative entity for the wants and agendas of the world's most powerful/wealthy Corporations and Individuals.

        The WEF united with the UN in 2019.

        The Biden Administration adheres to, supports, and advances the interests and agendas of the UN, which is driven by the WEF.

        If there is no place in their future for Nation states, there is no place in the future for a document like the Constitution which is what guarantees your right to Free Speech, Property, Liberty (Privacy).

        The problem however, which makes this all seem so suicidal and civilization-ending, is that if you have none of those rights, and if it is actually a burden to be a citizen (citizens pay taxes) without any benefit (social or economic) why would you care about being a citizen, or paying taxes, or obeying the law?

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 2 weeks agoin reply to this


          I completely agree that the concerns about the WEF and its influence on global governance are extremely significant and troubling. The consolidation of power among wealthy corporations and individuals absolutely feels like a real threat to national sovereignty and fundamental rights, including those protected by the Constitution.

          But it brings up the critical question, Ken—what can realistically be done about these issues right now? I understand your concerns, but is what we truly need even obtainable at this point? Awareness and discussion are crucial starting points, but meaningful political engagement and accountability are necessary too. Yet, I don’t see this happening—plain and simple.

          Strengthening democratic processes and ensuring that citizens have a voice in shaping policy is vital. But the reality is that many people today feel so disconnected from democracy and burdened by citizenship that they’ve lost any sense of responsibility toward it.

          Reconnecting people with the benefits and responsibilities of democracy is essential, but frankly, we may be witnessing its decline. I see little that can be done at this point. We can hope Trump wins; otherwise, I fear we’re in for four more rocky years. And perhaps then, when things get worse, more people will wake up to what the Democrats are truly trying to accomplish. I believe Americans will eventually notice freedoms disappearing, less cash, and the increased weaponization of federal agencies.

          What we can do right now is keep the conversation going, raise awareness of the facts, and push for transparency at every level. I’m focused and will continue to fight, confident that the truth is on my side. The more we disengage, the easier it becomes for those in power to erode our democracy, right before our eyes.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image71
            Ken Burgessposted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

            That is what Trump is and always has been.

            He is the F U to the establishment, the elites destroying our country and the politicians that work with them.

            He is the Monkey Wrench in their Machine, their efforts to enact all those UN Agenda 2030 goals and the erasure of the Nation state and the American Constitution as the absolute authority of the land.

            And really, and doubts I had that he wasn't at least legitimately that... went out the window when a bullet grazed his ear.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 2 weeks agoin reply to this

              I fully agree with everything you shared. Trump has always been a disruptor to the establishment, taking on the elites who are undermining our country and the politicians who enable them. He truly is a monkey wrench in their plans, pushing back against the UN Agenda 2030 goals and defending the American Constitution as the supreme authority.

              When I saw him shot live on the tube, raise his fist in the air, and yell fight --- It was clear he’s fighting hard for what he believes in, and I stand firmly behind him as a warrior for Trump.  I was on a family vacation when he was shot, and as I looked around the room filled with family, that included my 10-year-old grand son --- all had tears in their eyes, even my very liberal daughter...  It was hard to even comprehend what we had just seen. My son said  "Welcome to America" as he left the room to escape what he had just witnessed. 

              Ken, we have a fighter, there has never been a doubt. As I have said, I have never witnessed a man with such patriotism. He may be ruff around the edges, but oh my, his spirit is what I hear, and see.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                Kathryn L Hillposted 10 days agoin reply to this


  15. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 2 weeks ago

    Another recent press briefing:


    "Towards a Pact for the Future

    The Summit of the Future (22-23 Sep.) will produce an inter-governmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future with chapters on Sustainable development and financing for development; International peace and security; Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation; Youth and future generations; and Transforming global governance."

  16. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 8 days ago

    Just breaking --- Wow and on the day Harris visits the border--- wonder if she will answer questions, and will someone ask her about this ICE report? Trump has been warning Americans about some Nations sending us their very worst, emptying their prisons... It is unbelievable,  the danger this administration has put us all in. I WANT  ANSWERS!

    Illegal Immigrants
    Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with sexual assault, homicide convictions roaming US streets: ICE data
    ICE provided the new data to lawmakers this week

    Tom Homan recently expressed grave concerns about the lack of a vetting process for illegal immigrants charged with serious crimes. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data shared with Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, there are tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records currently living in our communities. As of July 2024, more than 7 million individuals are on the non-detained docket, which includes 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending charges. Among these, there are 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 for burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions, and a shocking 13,099 convicted of  MURDER. Additionally, 15,811 have SEXUAl assault convictions, with more than 1,800 facing pending HOMICIDE charges.

    The ICE data has drawn attention to the role of “sanctuary” cities, which refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement to deport illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds. ICE stated that such policies can inadvertently shield dangerous criminals, potentially putting local communities at greater risk. From mid-May 2023 to the end of July 2024, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported the removal or return of over 893,600 individuals, including more than 138,300 in family units. However, the Biden administration has faced criticism for releasing many migrants into the interior, resulting in a sharp decline in deportations. In FY 2023, there were 142,580 removals, a rise from previous years, but still below the peak of 267,258 removals during the Trump administration in FY 2019.

    The number of illegal immigrants on the non-detained docket has skyrocketed, jumping from 3.7 million in FY 2021 to nearly 4.8 million in FY 2022 and exceeding 7 million in FY 2023. Republicans attribute the current border crisis to the administration’s policies, claiming that it has rolled back Trump-era measures that limited "catch and release." House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green criticized the Biden administration, stating that it is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into communities, raising concerns about public safety. He questioned how many more Americans need to be victimized before the administration enforces the laws they swore to uphold. This alarming situation, compounded by the rising numbers of non-detained illegal immigrants, underscores the urgent need for reform in our immigration system to ensure the safety of American citizens.

    Source of my comment and ICE's letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, … us-streets


    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 8 days agoin reply to this

      "Republicans attribute the current border crisis to the administration’s policies, claiming that it has rolled back Trump-era measures that limited "catch and release."

      Without any significant immigration reform during his term and having to operate within our actual laws and policies,  why has Biden had to rely on "catch and release"  to some degree? 

      Overwhelmed processing systems?
      The immigration system has certainly been burdened for years by a huge backlog of cases, making it difficult to process all individuals detained at the border quickly.

      Legal Obligations?  Court rulings and existing laws require that asylum seekers be processed promptly, unfortunately leading to the need for alternatives like catch and release.

      Limited resources at detention facilities? This obviously makes it challenging to detain all individuals while waiting for their immigration hearings. 

      When there are surges at the border, catch and release seems to be one of the only options to manage that surge. 

      Trump in 2019...

      "The surge of migrant families arriving at the southern border has led the Trump administration to dramatically expand a practice President Donald Trump has long mocked as “catch and release.”

      With immigrant processing and holding centers overwhelmed, the administration is busing people hundreds of miles inland and releasing them at Greyhound stations and churches in cities like Albuquerque, San Antonio and Phoenix because towns close to the border already have more than they can handle."

      What's interesting is that Tillis (R) of North Carolina introduced a bill.."Ending Catch and Release Act of 2023". 

      It was named "Keep Our Communities Safe Act," It proposed  legislation to end the catch-and-release policy that requires the federal government to release illegal immigrants into the United States’ interior after detaining them for six months, if no other country accepts them for deportation . Looks like it  went nowhere.... Shocker.

      What's interesting is that the bipartisan immigration bill that Trump rejected  would have  ended the practice of “catch and release.” 

      And the vetting process for those who are entering?

      "When somebody is arrested for crossing illegally, there are limited checks on their background,” said Chris Cabrera, a vice president of the National Border Patrol Council. “Their fingerprints are run against our records here in the United States, and not all countries share their records with us. So if we don’t have access to their records, if they haven’t committed any crimes here in the United States, then all we have to go by is what they say.”

      Cabrera highlighted the shortcomings in the vetting process, emphasizing that many individuals exploit loopholes to gain entry into the country without proper scrutiny.

      Cabrera said that some exploit the concept of “credible fear” claims, which individuals often cite as grounds for seeking asylum.

      You know what else the bipartisan border bill  did? Raised the bar for "credible fear"   

      I think the bipartisan border bill was actually a great start to addressing these very specific issues. … 02bc43e1d6

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 8 days agoin reply to this

        I find it hard to respond to your comment. I can’t understand how anyone could defend Biden's open borders, especially given what we’ve learned today. My gosh, it’s time to acknowledge that this man has created serious problems and then chosen to ignore them. I found it incredibly odd that Harris would dare visit the border today, given the horrific report we just witnessed. To me, she looked like a complete fool—a cheap politician who shows up a month before the vote...   She lacks even the most basic common sense. X is exploding with every aspect of this mess.

        I see several glaring issues with the bipartisan border bill that, instead of providing real solutions, will likely invite more people to come. One of the biggest problems is the lack of any meaningful reform to the asylum process, which leaves loopholes open and creates a system that can't effectively deter new arrivals. The vague language surrounding enforcement measures is also problematic, as it fails to establish a strong deterrent, which can encourage more people to cross the border with hopes of staying. Additionally, the bill's inconsistent approach to family detention sends a message that families crossing illegally may not face serious consequences, making it more appealing for them to take the risk.

        The absence of a clear plan for deportations of those without legitimate asylum claims is another weak point, as it may lead migrants to believe they can enter and remain without much risk of removal. Simply throwing more money at border enforcement without measures for accountability does little to fix the inefficiencies within those agencies and doesn’t address the real issues. Without expanding legal pathways for entry, people will continue to resort to illegal crossings as there still aren't enough viable alternatives. The bill’s emphasis on temporary fixes like increased security and physical barriers rather than long-term solutions means that many will likely see this as an opportunity to wait it out and eventually try to enter.

        Lastly, the lack of clearly defined consequences for illegal entry undermines any deterrence effect that might have existed. It sends a signal that, despite restrictions, there's still a chance to stay in the U.S. without facing repercussions. Overall, the bill appears to be full of short-term measures that fail to address the underlying issues, and by doing so, it may encourage more people to come rather than secure the border effectively.

        1. Willowarbor profile image60
          Willowarborposted 8 days agoin reply to this

          Very simply, Biden is working within the constraints of our immigration law.   If folks want to have a genuine and productive conversation about immigration, it must include the law, the policies that stem from those laws and the ultimate consequences of them.   

          The bipartisan border bill offered some crucial fixes in terms of how we deal with asylum, "catch and release" an authorization for temporary closing of the border.  Biden's executive orders closely mirror the bills language on asylum and border closure.  These orders have shown great success.  The bill would have made them law, now their fate is unknown as they are headed through the court system.   

          No long-term solutions in the border bill?   It would have raised the standard to get asylum, send away those who don't qualify and expedite cases for those who do.  That's consequential.  That's long term.  The bill ended the practice of catch and release. That is substantial. The bill also raised the “credible fear” standard during interviews for asylum.  We haven't seen an immigration bill that aggressive in decades and likely won't again.

          If folks are really concerned about the border, we need to move away from the empty rhetoric of "open borders" and start discussing actual law.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 7 days agoin reply to this

            I am hopeful that if Trump wins, we will see swift solutions to the current immigration problem. In my view, Biden's weak, ineffective, do-nothing approach has effectively invited migrants to our borders. I respect that we may have different perspectives on this issue, but I find it difficult to entertain the opposing view in this case. It seems quite clear to me, especially given yesterday's news about the administration allowing in some of the worst criminals, that Biden's priority is simply to bring in as many migrants as possible. His actions have made that apparent.

            I have offered my view on the bill, and Bidens lack of problem-solving. Hopefully many American's will wake up to the fact our Nation is in trouble, and will vote the Democrats out in Nov.  Their left ideologies are harmful to our country.  I like democracy, but I am not looking to be part of One World... I do support reaching out to a neighbor in need---- But I prefer helping the many American's in need at this point in our nation's growth.

  17. Ken Burgess profile image71
    Ken Burgessposted 8 days ago

    "abandoning deterrent-focused immigration policies and proven border enforcement tools."

    You can't have a secure border and limit migration AND be part of the UN Global Compact on Migration.
    US Compliance with the Global Compact on Migration: A Mixed Record … ed-record/

    You cannot serve the best interests of your country's citizens AND serve the interests of the UN and the needs of foreign migrants.

    Spending hundreds of billions of dollars every year on non-citizens is not in the best interests of the Citizens of the country.

    You cannot maintain law and order when you deter your law enforcement agencies from enforcing the law on migrants.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 8 days agoin reply to this

      All you shared makes great sense --- My concern today, I want those who came in with horrendous criminal records sent back to the prisons that they came from, and now!  This report makes me furious, and in my view, we have Biden and his administration to blame. Are they in with some New World BS, most likely?  I don't think, I have ever been so disgusted.  If this does not open all eyes, I don't know what would. Unbelievable

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 8 days agoin reply to this

        Eyes wide shut:
        The U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 establishes a new system to responsibly manage and secure our border, keep our families and communities safe, and better manage migration across the Hemisphere. … on-system/

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 8 days agoin reply to this

          Yes- I hope all will read your link. I think it should have been written in gold. Such an invitation does require gold calligraphy. I would have thought this would have been taken down in light of todays breaking news.


          Keeping Families Together---


          Easing the Visa Process for U.S. College Graduates, Including Dreamers

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 8 days agoin reply to this

            All should know what Kamala approves of.
   … on-system/

  18. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 days ago

    "The Day One immigration reform plan that the President sent to Congress reflects both the need for a secure border and protections for the long-term undocumented. While Congress has failed to act on these reforms, the Biden-Harris Administration has worked to strengthen our lawful immigration system. In addition to vigorously defending the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals) policy, the Administration has extended Affordable Care Act coverage to DACA recipients and streamlined, expanded, and instituted new reunification programs so that families can stay together while they complete the immigration process." … -together/

  19. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 days ago

    ~ meanwhile there are stupid shenanigans going on all around us:

    Porous border.
    Drug cartels doing business everywhere inside the border of America.
    Drug sales leading to deaths of American citizens/youth.
    Migrants suffering, lost and displaced wanting to go home.
    Civil unrest in cities where migrants have arrived.
    Citizens disgruntled by their illegal presence.
    Schools overcrowded with non-English speaking children.
    Businesses closing due to thefts by desperate migrants.
    Hotels encouraged (forced?) to kick out paying customers/citizens for the sake of illegal aliens.

    How do they not see?

  20. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 days ago

    "... successive U.S. administrations have mostly looked at Haiti through a national security prism that focuses on immigration – in terms of how many Haitians are trying to get to U.S. soil, the so-called boat people. "What they don't realize is that with the gangs in control – without a credible counterforce – a trafficking hub has been created right in the Caribbean. Drugs, arms, people – these are going through Haiti to the U.S. whether it's via Haitian gangs or Mexican and Venezuelan ones." … 110664002/

  21. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 days ago

    Long-term solutions in the proposed bipartisan border bill according to willowarbor:

    1. "Give asylum to people from war torn countries.
    2. Send away those who don't qualify to get it.
    3. Expedite cases for those who do qualify to get it. 
    4. End the practice of catch 'em here in US and release 'em here. 
    5. Raise the “credible fear” standard during interviews for asylum." 
    (Threats of deportation.) 

    But what ELSE is in the BILL?????
    And what in the world is wrong with the current immigration laws?

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 7 days agoin reply to this

      The entire bill...

      Creates a New Removal Authority & Moves the Asylum Process Out of the
      Today, there are over three million cases pending adjudication in the immigration
      courts. As a result, the process can take more than 10 years. Under the new authority,
      migrants’ protection claims and appeals are adjudicated in six months or less by
      USCIS asylum officers rather than the immigration court system, reducing the
      immigration court case backlog while still ensuring robust due process protections.

      Ends Catch and Release & Closes Loopholes in Parole:
      By requiring detention or mandatory supervision of all migrants processed at the
      border, we ensure migrants follow through with the asylum process and do not
      disappear into the interior of the country. Additionally, we stop the use of parole to
      enter the country at our Ports of Entry (212 Parole) or between our Ports of Entry (236
      Parole), while ensuring that those needing urgent humanitarian assistance can still
      temporarily travel to the U.S.

      Provides DHS Increased Hiring Flexibility:
      DHS will more efficiently hire personnel to ensure rapid protection determinations
      occur within 90 days or less, enhance border enforcement, expedite asylum
      processing, and reduce the immigration court backlog, while treating migrants
      safely and humanely.

      Raises Asylum Screening Standard & Streamlines Initial Asylum Interview:
      By raising the asylum screening standard, we will ensure that only migrants with
      legitimate asylum claims will be allowed to remain in the country, while
      expeditiously removing economic migrants and those wishing to do Americans
      harm. By consolidating the multiple initial asylum screenings in a new, single
      Protection Determination Interview, we can effectively and efficiently screen for fear
      of persecution or torture in 90 days or less.

      Border Emergency Authority (BEA):
      By providing a new temporary expulsion authority to be used when encounters
      exceed DHS capacity, the United States can quickly reassert control of our border
      when migrant numbers overwhelm the system. For context, in December 2023,
      there were over 300,000 migrant encounters. Under the BEA, the border would
      close and would remain closed until DHS has processing capacity and operational
      control of the border for a sustained period. When the border reopens, all migrants
      would be processed using the new enhanced asylum standard and removal
      ● If the daily average of migrant encounters reaches 4,000 over a week, DHS
      may close the border to all non-appointment migrants; border remains closed
      until DHS has processing capacity and operational control of the border.
      ● If the daily average of migrant encounters reaches 5,000 over a week, DHS
      must close the border to all non-appointment migrants; border remains
      closed until DHS has processing capacity and operational control of the
      ● If encounters exceed 8,500 in a single day, DHS must close the border to all
      non-appointment migrants; border remains closed until DHS has processing
      capacity and operational control of the border.
      ● Imposes a 1 year bar on entry to any migrant who has attempted to cross at
      least twice while the border is closed.
      ● Requires that Ports of Entry process at least 1,400 migrants daily during
      periods when the Border Emergency Authority is in use, ensuring that access
      to the asylum system is available. Those migrants are processed using the
      new enhanced asylum standard and removal authority.
      ● The Border Emergency Authority does not apply to unaccompanied children;
      those facing medical emergencies or an extreme and imminent threat to
      their life or safety; those who are the victims of a severe form of trafficking;
      and those with a valid permission to enter the U.S.

      Combats the Opioid Crisis:
      Includes the bipartisan FEND Off Fentanyl Act to fight the fentanyl crisis by
      targeting the illicit fentanyl supply chain.

      Afghan Adjustment Act:
      Provides a path to permanent legal status to tens of thousands of Afghan nationals
      who served our country and were evacuated to the U.S. following the fall of Kabul in
      August 2021, ensuring they receive the safety and security they were promised, while
      maintaining rigorous vetting standards.

      Provides Work Authorization for Certain Individuals:
      Provides work authorization for family members of certain visa holders, ensuring
      only those here legally can help support their families and be productive members
      of their communities.
      Improves Legal Immigration:
      Improves and modernizes the legal immigration system by issuing 50,000 new
      employment and family-based visas per year for five years.

      Protects Children of Legal Foreign Workers:
      Prevents kids of legal high-skilled foreign workers from “aging out” of their legal
      status at 21 under their parent’s employment visa due to the green card backlog.

      Work Authorization Only for Legitimate Claims:
      Provides work authorization only to individuals who receive a positive protection
      determination at the new enhanced standard.

      Protects Unaccompanied Children and Incompetent Individuals.
      Guarantees access to counsel for certain incompetent individuals and
      unaccompanied children 13 and under.

      Clarifies Right to Counsel:
      Migrants have the ability to access legal consultation, but cannot be used to delay
      the process and does not come at taxpayer expense.

      Boosts Funding for Border Communities:
      Increases Shelter and Services Program grant funding for border communities to
      help them manage migrants and avoid overwhelming emergency services, healthcare centers and shelters.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 days agoin reply to this

        It would be very expensive to maintain and operate according to this New Bill:

        For instance, these three are good examples:

        1. Afghan Adjustment Act:
        Provides a path to permanent legal status to tens of thousands of Afghan nationals
        who served our country and were evacuated to the U.S. following the fall of Kabul in
        August 2021, ensuring they receive the safety and security they were promised, while
        maintaining rigorous vetting standards.

                         Tax money required!

        2. Protects Unaccompanied Children and Incompetent Individuals.
        Guarantees access to counsel for certain incompetent individuals and
        unaccompanied children 13 and under.

                         Tax money required!

        3. Boosts Funding for Border Communities:
        Increases Shelter and Services Program grant funding for border communities to
        help them manage migrants.

                          Tax money required!


        Tax money never gets to where it is intended to go. This New Bill is just another way for the federal government to collect money from the Money Tree of We the People.

        Welcome people to "come on in!" to the point of requiring a New Bill to FIX the chaos your Open Border creates.

        Good trick.

        1. Willowarbor profile image60
          Willowarborposted 7 days agoin reply to this

          Which provision is welcoming?

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 7 days agoin reply to this

            I'm talking about the current border situation where the law is being completely disregarded.

                                Its "Welcome in!" to the point of requiring
                                                 a (that) New Bill
                                                    to FIX
                               the chaos the porous border creates."

            Good trick.

            1. Willowarbor profile image60
              Willowarborposted 7 days agoin reply to this

              If the immigration law was being disregarded then wouldn't we see lawsuits being brought?  Currently there are multiple lawsuits being brought against the executive orders that Biden has taken at the border but there are zero lawsuits claiming he isn't enforcing the actual law. 

              If he were disregarding any of our immigration law, wouldn't Republicans file lawsuits? I think yes.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                Kathryn L Hillposted 7 days agoin reply to this

       … Report.pdf

                1. Willowarbor profile image60
                  Willowarborposted 6 days agoin reply to this

                  What laws are being broken?

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                    Sharlee01posted 6 days agoin reply to this

                    The Biden administration has faced criticism for its approach to immigration, with some arguing that it has overlooked or relaxed enforcement of existing laws, potentially allowing criminals to enter the U.S. One point of contention is the administration's relaxed enforcement policies, which prioritize certain types of cases for deportation rather than aggressively pursuing all individuals who crossed the border illegally.

                    Critics assert that this could lead to insufficient vetting of individuals, including those with criminal backgrounds. Additionally, the administration has utilized its parole authority to allow migrants into the country on humanitarian grounds, often without the normal level of scrutiny, raising concerns about admitting individuals with criminal intent. The ending of Title 42, a pandemic-era policy that allowed for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the border, is also cited as a factor that may have increased the number of people crossing the border, potentially including individuals with criminal records.

                    Under Biden, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been directed to focus its resources on apprehending and deporting individuals deemed threats to national security, public safety, and border security, which some argue has resulted in less attention to less serious offenders who might still pose a danger. Furthermore, changes to the asylum process, reversing many of the Trump-era policies, have allowed more people to apply for asylum. Critics claim that some applicants could exploit these changes to enter the U.S. under false pretenses, though this process still involves various vetting steps.

                    Supporters of the Biden administration contend that these measures aim to create a more humane and fair immigration system, addressing the needs of asylum seekers and avoiding practices they view as overly harsh or discriminatory.

                    What about keeping Americans safe, if a crisis is evident and ongoing?

                    This week we saw newly released data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has revealed that over 13,000 non-detained illegal immigrants with homicide convictions are currently in the United States. This alarming figure comes from a letter sent by ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner to Rep. Tony Gonzales, which indicated that there are also nearly 16,000 individuals convicted of sexual offenses and a total of 425,431 convicted criminals who are non-citizens on ICE's national docket

                    These individuals are categorized as "non-detained," meaning they have been apprehended but are not currently in detention, often living within communities while awaiting immigration court hearings. The data has sparked significant criticism, with lawmakers like Gonzales and House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green expressing concern about the Biden administration's approach to immigration enforcement, suggesting that it jeopardizes public safety by allowing dangerous individuals to remain in the country​.

                    A recent report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed serious concerns regarding unaccompanied migrant children in the U.S. As of May 2024, it is estimated that around 323,000 unaccompanied children (UCs) have been either lost track of or did not attend their scheduled immigration court hearings. Specifically, over 32,000 children are confirmed to have failed to appear for their court dates, while 291,000 others have not even been issued court dates.

                    The audit highlights that between fiscal years 2019 and 2023, 448,000 children were transferred from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The report raised alarm about the lack of assurance regarding the safety of these children, with concerns about their vulnerability to trafficking and exploitation​.

                    Where are they?  Don't bother pointing out the bill that would not pass... The bill was bad, nothing but incentive for more to make the trip.

              2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                Kathryn L Hillposted 6 days agoin reply to this

                This does not prove no laws are being broken. It proves there is something wrong with the system.
                Are republicans disincentivized, knowing corrupt judges will not be on their sides?

                1. Willowarbor profile image60
                  Willowarborposted 6 days agoin reply to this

                  Which immigration laws are being broken? And the judges regularly uphold our immigration laws when our presidents attempt to subvert them through executive order.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 days agoin reply to this

                    Article 4 section 4 of the Constitution of the United States:
                    "The United States shall guarantee to EVERY STATE in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall PROTECT each of them against INVASION; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against DOMESTIC VIOLENCE."
                    "An immigrant visa is issued to a foreign national who intends to live and work permanently in the United States. In most cases, a relative or employer sponsors the individual by filing an application with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
                    An intending immigrant must present the immigrant visa at  a U.S. port-of-entry
                    prior to the expiration of the immigrant visa. An intending immigrant becomes a lawful permanent resident once the immigrant visa and accompanying paperwork is reviewed and endorsed by a CBP Officer."

           … rant-visas
                    If a person from another country enters the country without a visa, he or she is an illegal alien. Allowing massive numbers of illegal aliens to slip across the border, by passing ports of entry, is an invasion.

                    Allowing illegal aliens to commit their crimes by not preventing their entry is not protecting us from domestic violence: Another law broken.

                    "Crossing the border illegally is not only a felony, but it is a federal crime."

  22. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 days ago

    So lets discuss:
    1. The current laws.
    2. The policies that stem from the laws.
    3. The ultimate consequences of the laws.
    4. The proposed laws/new bill which Kamala wants to implement.
    5. The policies that stem from the new laws.
    6. The ultimate consequences of the new laws.

    ( Thank you, willowarbor, for isolating the difficulty.)

  23. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 days ago

    Just Put up a Wall !!!!!

    Much easier and probably cheaper in the long run ... especially if Mexico helps pay for it.

  24. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 7 days ago

    Curious poking about on immigration I discovered a somewhat recent Gallup published survey on immigration. Consider the article doesn't delineate between legal and illegal specifically, though in its text it does discuss illegal immigration. Anyway, what do American's say about immigration?

    Sharply More Americans Want to Curb Immigration to U.S. by the Gallup organization (July 12, 2024)
    55% want immigration levels reduced, highest since 2001 … ation.aspx

    See 8 graphics while there are historical trends shown too on a couple. One, Overall Assessments of Immigration for the U.S., by Political Party was interesting as it shows at 2001 there was only a 5% difference between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents growing to a 47 point difference in 2024.

    If curious take a peek . . .

  25. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 days ago

    March 2, 2022
    "In a tense meeting agents had with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in January, the secretary acknowledged that apprehending and processing migrants is not what agents signed up to do." … rol-broken



  26. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 days ago

    January 20, 2021:
    "U.S. President Joe Biden signed half a dozen executive orders on Wednesday to reverse several hardline immigration policies put in place by former President Donald Trump, although migration experts warn that it will take months or longer to unravel many of the restrictions imposed in the past four years. ... Biden ... also sent an immigration bill to Congress that proposes opening a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants living in the United States unlawfully."

  27. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 5 days ago

    Trump is distorting immigration data.

    As of July 21, ICE said 662,556 people under its supervision were either convicted of crimes or face criminal charges. Nearly 15,000 were in its custody, but the vast majority — 647,572 — were not.

    Included in the figures of people not detained by ICE were people found guilty of very serious crimes: 13,099 for homicide, 15,811 for sexual assault, 13,423 for weapons offenses and 2,663 for stolen vehicles. The single biggest category was for traffic-related offenses at 77,074, followed by assault at 62,231 and dangerous drugs at 56,533.

    "The Department of Homeland Security, which oversees ICE, later clarified that the numbers span decades and those not in its custody may be held by a state or local agency. For example, someone serving time in a state prison for murder could be counted as a criminal not in ICE’s custody. They are not being held by federal immigration authorities but they are detained — a distinction ICE didn’t make in its report to Gonzales."

    "The figures are about offenders who entered the US over multiple decades, including during the Trump administration. And Trump falsely claimed that the statistics are specifically about people who are now living freely in the US; the figures actually include people who are currently in jails and prisons serving criminal sentences.

    Trump has lied yet again. … 00647.html

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 5 days agoin reply to this

      I've seen the borders and the border crossing immigrants on You Tube. I've seen the Ben Berquam documentaries called Law and Border.
      He reveals the miles and miles of migrant trails with terrible overwhelming debris. Men, woman and children are shown, like ants going for a trash can, traveling by foot to the USA. I've seen the interviews he has with people from all over the world at the border.
      A picture is worth a thousand words.

  28. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 5 days ago

    There Are Not 13,099 Illegal Immigrant Murderers Roaming Free on American Streets..

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently responded to Rep. Tony Gonzalez’s (R‑TX) question on the number of noncitizen criminals on ICE’s docket for removal (deportation) from the United States. The data in the letter have blown up in a big way during the presidential election cycle, with former President Trump highlighting the letter’s contents at recent rallies.

    The first untrue claim about the data is that the 13,099 non-detained migrants convicted of homicide are free to roam the United States. That is not true. Migrants incarcerated for homicide are considered “non-detained” by ICE when they are in state or federal prisons. When ICE uses the term “non-detained,” they mean not currently detained by ICE. In other words, the migrant murderers included in the letter are overwhelmingly in prison serving their sentences. After they serve their sentences, the government transfers them onto ICE’s docket for removal from the United States.

    The second untrue claim is that the small number of migrant murderers who are not in prison were released willy-nilly. This claim has been commonly leveled against President Biden and DHS Secretary Mayorkas. However, releases of criminal migrants fell after Biden took office compared to the Trump administration. U.S. law requires migrants who are convicted of homicide to be detained pending their deportation, but there are exceptions. The major one is for migrants who were convicted, served their time in prison, and are unable to be deported because there is no repatriation agreement with their countries of origin or they routinely violate those agreements. The U.S. does not have agreements or has limited agreements with Iran, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, and more.

    The third untrue claim is that these 13,099 migrants convicted of homicide committed their crimes recently. Those migrant criminal convictions go back over 40 years or more. Confusion over the period covered by a dataset afflicts the interpretation of other criminal datasets too. … an-streets

  29. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 days ago

    Why are you disputing the fact that we have a very porous border and illegal immigrants have done and are doing terrible things to our citizens?
    Why do you stop us from examining the consequences of a terrible border crisis?
    Do you want US to suffer from illegal entry of gangs, sex traffickers and drug dealers obviously coming across a border which does not prevent the invasion of foreigners from all over the world? You want US to look away and just ignore the reality with all YOUR facts and figures?

    A country without a border is not a country.
    Without a border, we cannot defend ourselves or own what is our's. We cannot be a free people in a free nation. Maybe you do not care about US and want US to become nothing.

    Want US to fade away.
    The fact is, just like Israel, we are not destined to fade away. I wish someone would get up and speak like Netanyahu spoke at the UN. Oh yeah, Trump does!

    Thank you for DJ Trump in our lives and those four years before the election was stolen when he was prevented from doing his job for US.
    Now look at US.

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 4 days agoin reply to this

      Which laws make the border porous?

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 days agoin reply to this

        The porous nature of the U.S. border is influenced by a combination of factors, including certain laws, policies, and administrative practices that regulate immigration and border security. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which is the main body of law governing U.S. immigration policy, establishes rules for both legal immigration and removal procedures. However, it also has provisions that create loopholes or difficulties in enforcement, such as the asylum process.

        The Flores Settlement Agreement mandates that children detained at the border cannot be held for more than 20 days, leading to the practice of releasing families or unaccompanied minors into the U.S. while they await hearings, which can contribute to the perception of a porous border.

        Additionally, "catch and release" policies allow migrants who are apprehended at the border to be released into the U.S. with a notice to appear in immigration court at a later date. Due to the backlog in the immigration court system, these hearings can be delayed for years, allowing migrants to remain in the U.S. in the meantime.

        The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy provides protection from deportation for certain individuals who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. While not directly related to border security, this policy, along with other protections, is sometimes seen as incentivizing illegal entry. U.S. asylum laws also contribute to the situation, as they allow individuals to seek asylum once they are on U.S. soil or at a port of entry, encouraging many migrants to travel to the border and resulting in large numbers of asylum applications that strain resources and enforcement capabilities.

        Sanctuary policies in cities or states further complicate enforcement, as they limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities, making it more difficult for the government to remove individuals who are in the country illegally. Additionally, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) provides special protections for unaccompanied minors from non-contiguous countries, requiring that these minors be placed with sponsors in the U.S. while their immigration cases proceed, which has contributed to an influx of unaccompanied children at the border. Beyond these laws and policies, limited funding, staffing shortages, and the sheer volume of migration also play a significant role in making the border difficult to secure effectively.

      2. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 2 days agoin reply to this

        What laws make it closed?  The one that says "If you scream ASYLUM you can come in and we'll take care of you"?  The one that says any unaccompanied child is welcome to enter?  The one that says if a child is here, the parents will most likely be able to stay?  Not a law, per se, but that Biden will fly them all over the country, put them in a motel and feed them for years - does that make the border porous or close it?  Do Bidens  orders not to deport from the interior encourage illegal border crossings or discourage the practice?  The laws prohibiting the construction of the wall (by refusing funding) are another example.

        There are dozens, likely hundreds of "laws" that make that border porous.  There are also a few, like those controlling the Border Patrol, that close it.  Unfortunately those few are generally underfunded and are not sufficient even if fully funded.  Every state on the Southern border is begging for more help to close it...while Washington fights about how to get more "immigrants" into the country.

  30. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 2 days ago

    Republicans and the Trump campaign made false assertions about Homeland Security statistics on undocumented immigrants with criminal records by using data spanning 40 years to pin on the Biden administrtion.

    The vast majority of the homicide convictions are not individuals who came into the country during the Biden administration: They are immigrants who have been added to ICE’s records over the past 40 years. Many of those on the list were added during the Trump administration. … es-harris/

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 2 days agoin reply to this

      What matters is that people are coming here without proper documentation. Tulsi Gabbord went to the San Diego border and saw the corruption going on there with her own eyes.

      I feel so silly responding to this stuff, all of the sudden.

      1. Willowarbor profile image60
        Willowarborposted 44 hours agoin reply to this

        Which current law does Tulsi believe contributes most to the border issues?

        1. abwilliams profile image66
          abwilliamsposted 43 hours agoin reply to this

          You must mean "lawlessness" because that's exactly what we have with Biden-Harris(Walz)

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
            Kathryn L Hillposted 36 hours agoin reply to this

            The border agents have been prevented from doing their jobs.

            1. Willowarbor profile image60
              Willowarborposted 28 hours agoin reply to this

              How so?

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                Kathryn L Hillposted 17 hours agoin reply to this

                good grief. It really quite obvious. I have posted Tulsi Gabbord's recent speech. She explains first hand what she saw.
                The border agents have become very corrupt because no one is holding them accountable for what they were hired to do. They end up taking advantage of the situation because once chaos takes hold, it snowballs.



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