According to Gallup Poll: Biden Worst President Since Nixon

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  1. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 5 weeks ago
    AGallup poll suggests that President Joe Biden will be viewed as the worst commander in chief since Richard Nixon.

    Conducted in December, the survey highlights that a substantial number of Americans believe President Biden's tenure will be viewed unfavorably, compared to presidents of recent times.

    Newsweek has contacted the White House for comment via email.

    Why It Matters
    The survey is a possible insight into how history will view Biden, capturing public sentiment at the end of his presidency, and highlighting ongoing challenges faced during his term, such as economic difficulties, geopolitical conflicts, and intense political polarization.

    What To Know
    Respondents were asked how they thought presidents would go down in history—"as an outstanding president, above average, average, below average, or poor?"

    The poll found that among U.S. adults Biden received a net score of -35—the percentage Outstanding/Above Average minus the percentage Below Average/Poor.

    The only president to receive a lower score was Nixon, with -42.

    Six percent overall rated Biden as "outstanding," 13 percent rated him "above average," 26 percent "average," 17 percent "below average," and 37 percent rated him "poor."

    For Nixon, only four percent rated him as "outstanding," eight percent "above average," 28 percent "average," 24 percent "below average," and 30 percent "poor." … on-2011155

    1. Willowarbor profile image59
      Willowarborposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      Well lucky for you he only has a few more days in office, the intense spotlight will now be on your guy... Every move, every crazy utterance to be dissected.  Every broken promise to be illuminated.  Time to move forward, stop looking in the past.

      1. tsmog profile image86
        tsmogposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        "Time to move forward, stop looking in the past."


      2. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        I suggest it's time to learn from the past. 

        As George Santayana said in 1905, "Those Who Fail To Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It"

      3. Sharlee01 profile image87
        Sharlee01posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

        Do you even think about what you write? All you do is dwell on Trump, mostly focusing on his past. The poll is current, and he is still the president right now. I think the poll reflects that many people have learned from recent history, recognizing that Biden was one of the worst presidents in decades. It seems to me that you’re diverting from the topic of this thread because it makes you uncomfortable. It’s pretty obvious that you supported Biden and probably still do.

        1. Willowarbor profile image59
          Willowarborposted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

          I am absolutely looking forward to delivering to Trump the same level of scrutiny that Biden has been under.   He will be president in a few days... He will deservedly have the spotlight.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image87
      Sharlee01posted 5 weeks agoin reply to this

      No surprise. He was certainly the most inept president in my view. However, he was an inept senator. I did not expect more. Thanks for sharing the poll. It truly shows the sentiment of the majority.

  2. Ken Burgess profile image69
    Ken Burgessposted 5 weeks ago

    Biden will go down as perhaps as the worst President in US History... it will be tough to beat out James Buchanan and Woodrow Wilson... so he might end up only the 3rd worst President... it depends on how these wars he has us immersed in and how the economy pans out in the near future... we still haven't paid the piper for the many trillions he added to a national debt that was already too high when he got in.


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