ERIC CANTOR is a farce: ABC

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  1. fishskinfreak2008 profile image59
    fishskinfreak2008posted 14 years ago

    Web-site/URL: … d=10197766

    On this site, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor is suggesting that THE MEDIA is "fanning the flames". JOHN BOEHNER did that with his "Hell no you can't" rhetoric.

    1. politicsdaylee profile image60
      politicsdayleeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      1. make a lot of people mad
      2. people get upset and respond
      3. shoot the messenger.........

  2. mikelong profile image61
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    He is a farce..

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If it were a liberal whose office had been shot at he wouldn't be a "farce," would he?

      ...on and on it goes...  roll

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
        Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Apparently Cantor's office wasn't "shot at." Blame the gun lobby!

        "The bullet that hit U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor's campaign office in downtown Richmond early Tuesday was random, Richmond police spokesman Gene Lepley said this morning.

        "It is a stray bullet as part of random gunfire,'' Lepley said. Police said they have no suspects.

        Cantor's office declined comment.

        Cantor announced Thursday at a news conference in Washington that his office had been fired at. Police confirmed that, saying that a bullet struck a window, landing on the floor about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to break the window but did not penetrate the blinds. The bullet triggered an alarm and the police were notified immediatedly.

        Cantor's office is in a small building several blocks from Capitol Square. It has several small offices in it. There are no Cantor signs on the doors or windows. Various Republican candidates have occupied the offices in the historic Reagan Building through the years, including former governor Jim Gilmore. " … it_ca.html

        The campaign office didn't have any visible signs linking it to Cantor. Cantor's office wasn't even actually hit by the random bullet. It was a nearby office in the same building where he sometimes does fundraising work.

        @ picture "Is that the best you got guys?"

        Filed under: News & Issues

        Chasing down TK's misinformation and disinformation could be a full-time job.

      2. JOE BARNETT profile image60
        JOE BARNETTposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        if it was shot up it was staged by cantor. he is a joke and incredible. it was only done in hopes of diminishing the violence coming from the right.they are sore losers! the left has nothing to be mad about, they won!

  3. mikelong profile image61
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    How about we begin with an office actually being shot in targeted for an assault...

    1. politicsdaylee profile image60
      politicsdayleeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know that's what carl rove said he gets threats all the time. but he does not air them to fan the flame.
      the bottom line is The people do not approve of the laws congress keeps making.

      1. Doug Hughes profile image60
        Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Some people do not approve - some people do approve.

        Can we agree on that?

  4. Sab Oh profile image56
    Sab Ohposted 14 years ago

    Like Cantor's office was shot at?

  5. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 14 years ago

    Cantor's "bullet through the window" turned out to be a random gunshot that hit a window in the building where Cantor's office is located and dropped to the ground.  The police determined that Cantor's office was not the target of the random gunshot, and it definitely didn't go through the window as Cantor originally said.

    Cantor is a farce, no doubt about it.

    1. Doug Hughes profile image60
      Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I was releived to find out that it was a random shot into the air that bounced off the window. My cynical expectation at first was that the gunshot was shot by a GOP operative to allow Cantor to claim he was a victim. There's no way to trace the bullet. but a random shot in the air sounds like someone celebrating...

      Of course, clowns are still trying to say Cantor was the victim....

    2. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have absolutely no doubt that were it a democrat's office this would be written off in exactly the same way.

      ... roll

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        and you would be correct.

        1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
          Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I know, Right?

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  6. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Meanwhile, "At least four of the House members hit with death threats or vandalism are among the 20 political targets Palin marks with rifle crosshairs on a map on her Facebook page."

  7. Ralph Deeds profile image69
    Ralph Deedsposted 14 years ago

    "Showdown in Searchlight" doesn't pass the sniff test
    It felt more like a slick Republican campaign rally than a genuine grassroots celebration -- and for good reason
    By Amy Kingsley
    Joe Sanchez, of Las Vegas, holds a sign at the "Showdown in Searchlight" tea party rally in Searchlight, Nev., Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Searchlight, Nev. — Before the business of bashing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid could begin in a field outside his hometown, the leaders of the Tea Party Express just had to get something off their chests.

    They had to call out Jon Scott Ashjian, the upstart U.S. Senate candidate who’s running as the representative of the brand new Tea Party of Nevada -- and whose presence in the race threatens to drain votes from the Republican column and potentially save the embattled Reid.

    “We are united in opposing the Tea Party of Nevada, which never has been and never will be affiliated with grassroots effort in Nevada,” said Debbie Landis of Anger is Brewing.

    Republicans, Libertarians, independents, Democrats and even members of the ultra-right Independent American Party all got a chance to speak at Saturday’s much-hyped anti-Reid rally. But not the Tea Party candidate himself. Maybe going rogue only works for Alaskans. The irony spoke volumes: helping the Republican Party, it seems, is the top priority of the Tea Party Express.

    This should be no surprise. The organization was launched by two California Republicans (one a consultant, the other a politician), and is already running an internet ad campaign distancing itself from Ashjian. (Word apparently hadn’t reached some of the tea partiers in Searchlight. One attendee from Las Vegas said he was leaning toward Republican Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian, but hadn’t ruled out Ashjian.)

    According to polls conducted by Mason-Dixon, a third-party spoiler is just about the only thing standing between the GOP and Harry Reid’s Senate seat. The Senate majority leader’s approval rating is at an all-time low in his home state, and the top three Republican candidates -- Tarkanian, Sue Lowden and Sharron Angle -- all win in head-to-head match-ups. But if you throw a Tea Party candidate into the mix, then Reid snags a slim lead.
    More-- … index.html

  8. Arthur Fontes profile image67
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    Omg A republican targeted. It must be a set up.  OMFG   

    get over yourselves.......

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
      Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Arthur, read up thread. The local police chief said Cantor's office, let alone Cantor, wasn't targeted.

      1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
        Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It was random right.  Like someone in a vehicle drove past the building not sure who's office was who's but was going to make their point anyway.

        1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
          Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Arthur, here's a quote from an article from my morning paper today, the Detroit Free Press. Random gun shots are quite common in many cities thanks to 2nd amendment fanatics. The shot that hit the building could easily have come from a mile away.

          David Adams' story is not unique in Detroit, though police say it's impossible to quantify how many of the city's 350-plus homicides each year are victims caught in cross fire.

          What they do know is this: Only 82, or 23%, of the 364 homicides reported last year were committed by people who knew the victim, based on cases where the shooter has been identified.

      2. Padrino profile image61
        Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        And you know the Police are never wrong!

        1. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Of course they're wrong sometimes, but that is all we have to go on, and their conclusion does seem reasonable given the known facts.

          But, by continuing to dispute the rational conclusion of those who investigated the actual incident, you are showing that your ideology trumps reason.

          1. Padrino profile image61
            Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Is this what passes for reason? I simply said the police were never wrong, I'm afraid your ideology trumps reason.

            1. profile image0
              PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              You're just playing games now.

              Carry on.

              1. Padrino profile image61
                Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                No I am expressing an opinion that obviously differs from yours, and I don't think you like that much, do you?

                1. profile image0
                  PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Doesn't bother me in the least.

                  1. Padrino profile image61
                    Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Really, then why post something in response?

              2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
                Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                TK is not worth the effort of an actual exchange.  It is however very entertaining to get him riled up.

                1. profile image0
                  PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Briefly entertaining, then boring.

                  This "TK" that you and others refer to must've been before my time.

                  1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
                    Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    TK Sensei=Sab Oh. TK was banished a couple or three months ago. As Sab Oh, he's not nearly as provocative as he was as TK. Sometimes I wonder if Creepy is Sab Oh's brother or alter ego.

                  2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
                    Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    No, he was booted out for boorish behavior and stalking people.  He has been kicked out of forums across the web, and has reappeared here under at least two new names.

        2. Ralph Deeds profile image69
          Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          No, I wouldn't say the police are never wrong. Actually, I think they are often wrong. But in this case I'm inclined to think they are correct.

          1. Padrino profile image61
            Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I am sure you do, but if a stray bullet had hit any house/business/hotel/office that Barack Obama had EVER stayed/been/considered entering, it would have been an assassination attempt. That's what is known as a double standard, and of course you will deny ever using double standards.

            1. Sab Oh profile image56
              Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Oh, more than that. It would have been a 'race war.' CNN has the graphics and theme music all ready to go.

              1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
                Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                In case you hadn't noticed, since Obama was elected, and even before, the racists have been coming out like roaches in a dark kitchen. But they run for cover when the lights come on.

                1. Padrino profile image61
                  Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  I haven't noticed an over abundance of racists, I have noticed the liberals/Democrats calling more people racist, but I don't think that's the same thing. You probably disagree.

                  1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
                    Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    I sure do. I don't recall anyone spitting on black Congressmen and calling them Niggers since the 1960s as Frank Rich pointed out in his op-ed today. And "fag" was becoming pretty non-pc until recently.

  9. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Yeah, but he sure took the opportunity to exploit it for all it's worth didn't he? Then he turned it around on the real targets of threats...democratic politicians who voted for the healthcare bill.
    He blames THEM for an imaginary shot at him, while not accepting ANY responsability for real the threats on others. Even though it's his party's rhetoric that is the cause of it.

    What is the word I am loking for?
    It's like this kid at school who punched my grandson in the stomache, then when the teacher came over to see what was going on, the kid throws himself on the ground and says my grandson hit him!
    Then, I'm sure he gave my grandson one of those smirky know the one I mean?
    Like haha I got you....

    Well anyway, pretty sleazy, these Bagger-types. Even thought they're not real Baggers according to real Baggers. 

    Michelle Bachmann took $250,000 from the federal gvt. for her family farm.
    Many of these tea-baggers are on unemployment or SSI...that's why they have so much time to organize.
    Give me a break. Get real and get over your loss. The county is MOVING ON to the FUTURE.
    We're not going back to the's ovah.

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "Yeah, but he sure took the opportunity to exploit it for all it's worth didn't he? "

      NO, he didn't. He specifically spoke against such actions.

    2. Arthur Fontes profile image67
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah and of course it would be impossible for your grandson to have been the one lying?   I am sure you are always the victim in an uncomfortable situation.  How Quaint.

  10. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Really? I heard it happened four days before it got out to the public...and that he didn't call the police or make a report.
    Then, once the threats and violence started happening to the dems, that's when he went public. Once again, to deflect attention from the real problem. imo.

    Of course, all of this could be deflecting attention from other things that are going on....
    Who the hell knows, it's such a mine-field of bs.

    And yes Fontes--I know my grandson. He is not one to start a fight.
    This other kid has trouble with everybody.
    YOU on the other hand , know nothing about it at all.

    1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No I do not .  Unlike you, you seem to know everything.  Of course anyone you support is always right.  Of course.  You are the epitome of perfection.  It is everyone else who is wrong and has problems.  It must be tuff to live in a chaotic world where everthing is not known.

  11. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    That I agree with you on. It's tough to live in a chaotic world where the truth is a commodity to be bought and sold to make a political point.

    The problem with violence this time around is with the Republican party. Deal with it!

    1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In these forums I have seen the word Hate being hurled the most by one person.


      1. Doug Hughes profile image60
        Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Chris - I am going to come down with Arthur on this.  I  agree with you about 80% of the time - and I like your give-em-hell attitude. But you can go over the line - and you have.

        Think about it. Someday you will find it appropriate to give me the same warning, cause I'm emotional, too. So are our friends onthe right - emotional, I  mean.  If we show restraint - which is not a lack of passion, then we can ask for that.

  12. Sab Oh profile image56
    Sab Ohposted 14 years ago


  13. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Yes Arthur, because I'm honest. I hate these Republicans. But how do you and sab oh and brenda feel about Dems?
    Seems pretty hateful to me, but you don't admit it.
    If you don't hate them, then what do you call it??

    1. Padrino profile image61
      Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I personally feel sorry for anyone who thinks they can legislate people into good health.

      I personally feel sorry for anyone who think that people should shutup because they don't agree with what is being said.

      I personally feel sorry for anyone who thinks this Country should fundamentally change.

      Who am I kidding...I hate people like that!

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Lovemychris, while I sympathize with your antagonism over the policies of the recent crop of Republicans, I feel sorry that you actually hate the people who perpetrate them.  Even though it seems to us that their motivations are cynical and their policies are damaging to the country, most of them believe that they are doing and promoting the right thing, just like we believe we are doing and promoting the right thing.

      I urge you to re-examine those feelings of hate, as hate hurts the hater just as much as it hurts the hated.

    3. Arthur Fontes profile image67
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    4. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I just have to say I've never felt "hatred" from Arthur.

    5. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "I hate these Republicans. But how do you and sab oh and brenda feel about Dems?"

      I certainly don't hate my fellow Americans who happen to be democrats.


      If ANYONE does something I think is wrong or does something in an obviously inappropriate manner I'll say so, but to "hate" millions of your countrymen because they are members of a political party you disagree with is STUPID. To do so and claim to be a follower of Christ is BLANTANTLY HYPORITICAL.


    6. profile image0
      LegendaryHeroposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't hate democrats, I just think that they are illogically misguided.

  14. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Thank you!!!!

  15. Arthur Fontes profile image67
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    The media is feeding the emotions of both sides as if they want to incite a big story.

    Any lone wolf would suffice for them.

    I hope I am wrong but I will not allow my emotions to be dictated by either propoganda machine.

  16. Arthur Fontes profile image67
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    If there is so much violence then make the arrests.   If someone is threatening a Congressmen of either side I say prosecute them.

    Do not claim that with today's technology that would be impossible.

    Do not report boogeymen under the bed with no proof.  That is illogical and ridiculous.

    Do not give foreign born terrorists more justice then you would any American citizen.

    1. Doug Hughes profile image60
      Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "Do not give foreign born terrorists more justice then you would any American citizen."

      Or any less.

      1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
        Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Only problem with that:

        Do they have forensic teams on the battlefield?  Are they able to tape off a crime area?

        Did Wilson,FDR or LBJ bring war prisoners to trial in the US?

  17. arthriticknee profile image65
    arthritickneeposted 14 years ago

    America sounds amazing.

    I wish we had random gunfire that is seen as a completely normal explanation for a bullet through the window.

    I must go back.

  18. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Right Ralph!
    Nobody ever hated Bush for being white.

    And sab oh--I never claimed to follow Jesus, I claimed to love him. In fact, I made a point of saying we all fall short...because I can't love my enemies. How about you? You just called me stupid and once said I knew nothing...does that make you a nice person?  Are you someone who agrees-to-disagree?
    No! You are a hater...whether you admit it or not.
    It's what comes out of the mouth that condemns you...remember that.

    And Panther...My hatred comes from the treatment I got from them back when I was upset about Bush.
    Now that the shoe is on the other foot...they act like Angels who never did anything wrong.
    It's bunk and I'm calling them on it!
    I felt nothing but hatred from them when I spoke out on Bush/Cheney.
    And I mean hate.
    So, sorry if I can't reciprocate in a nice way. To my mind, they are evil. Not all of them, but certain ones...yes. Evil.

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "Nobody ever hated Bush for being white."

      Oh really? Check again.

      "--I never claimed to follow Jesus, I claimed to love him."

      Not enough to follow his teachings I guess.

      "You just called me stupid "

      No I didn't.

      "You are a hater..."

      No. Don't try to pass off your faults on others.

      "It's what comes out of the mouth that condemns you...remember that"

      *hilarious joke deleted*

      "I felt nothing but hatred from them when I spoke out on Bush/Cheney.
      And I mean hate. "

      Your problems come from within, not without.

      1. politicsdaylee profile image60
        politicsdayleeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        sab is right they was all over bush.

  19. Padrino profile image61
    Padrinoposted 14 years ago

    "Nobody ever hated Bush for being white."

    Lots of people hated Bush for being white, just like people hate you for being whatever color you are, it's just the way it is sometimes.

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  20. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Funny--I don't remember any "cracker" e-mails circulating among members of the gvt when Bush was pres.
    Worst was equating him with the "What me worry?" guy.
    And he was called Chimpy, but it was for his ears, not like when they said Michelle Obama's relative was loose when the gorilla escaped from the zoo.
    And Obama has gotten more death threats than Bush ever did...even with all the dislike for Bush.
    It may seem "normal" to you...all the tea-bagging and protests and "take back our country", but not to me.
    This is different, and I think Rich is right.
    And there was no increase in militias under Bush. And he curtailed freedom like no other.

    Yeah--I know sab oh from another site...unfortunately.
    I'll try to ignore him so as not to bore anybody with the infighting.
    Can't BELIEVE he's here...sad

  21. Ralph Deeds profile image69
    Ralph Deedsposted 14 years ago

  22. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on." --- George W. Bush

    Chimpy McFlightsuit and Darth Vader....great characterizations imo.

    Mission Accomplished. music and celebration everywhere....Go out and Shop!

  23. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    YOU people do not approve. You do not speak for all people!
    Just as WE people did not approve of Bush where you may have.

    When were people all over Bush? Before or after he made all those mistakes?
    They've been after Obama since before the election, that much I know.

    And wasn't it the people who elected Obama? Don't you care about all of them? Aren't they "The People" too?

    And I thank you for trying to help Doug, but maybe you haven't been through what I have with them. They went way beyond emotional, and they don't get a pass for it...not from me.
    When I see a semblance of fairness and decency, I'll give it back. So far, I haven't!
    I mean...what happened to "not disagreeing with your president in a time of war"?
    What happened to "protesters are America-hating traitors"?
    You may think this treatment is deserving of forgiveness and understanding...I don't.
    They knew exactly what they doing when those words came out of their mouths. And  they know exactly what they are doing now.
    You can give them the benefit of the experience tells me better...they will crush you like a bug the minute you sway a little. And they have no intention of ever allowing you any leeway...they want power back, and they want it all their way.
    Fool me once, shame on know the rest.

    None of you have to agree with me...that's just how I feel about it!

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "When were people all over Bush?"

      For the 8 years he was in office.

      "...what happened to "not disagreeing with your president in a time of war"?"

      It seems most people have supported his efforts in Afghanistan (once he finally got around to making decisions).

      "What happened to "protesters are America-hating traitors"?"

      That never existed outside your fevered imagination.

      " Obama has gotten more death threats than Bush ever did..."

      You obviously don't know that. Don't try to pass off misinformation.

      "--I know sab oh from another site...unfortunately. "

      You do? Which one? I don't remember you at all.

      1. lovemychris profile image81
        lovemychrisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Before or after he made all those mistakes?

        1. Sab Oh profile image56
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Ever since he was elected.

        2. Sab Oh profile image56
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          How you doin'? Calmed down a little?

      2. William R. Wilson profile image59
        William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        LOL.  You must have never turned on talk radio during 2003, cause that sort of thing was all over.

        More public death threats, I'd say, especially in the first year.  Just take a look at the teabaggers' signs.

      3. William R. Wilson profile image59
        William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Ted Nugent holds up a machine gun and says "Obama suck on this"

        Secret service investigated 500 death threats against Obama before he was even inaugurated: … urity.html

        New York times reports : … wanted=all

        Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate joked about  buying an Obama hunting license: … ags28.html

        Secret service required more money than ever before to guard Obama and McCain - while they were still on the campaign trail: … rvice.html

        Unnamed source reports that death threats are 4 times as many against Obama as against Bush.  The guy who carried an AR-15 to a protest outside of a presidential speech in August 2009 had attended a sermon in which the pastor prayed for Obama to die: … tor-tells/
 … ts/?page=1

        1. Padrino profile image61
          Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "The guy who carried an AR-15 to a protest outside of a presidential speech in August 2009 had attended a sermon in which the pastor prayed for Obama to die:"

          Do you think that was racially motivated?

          1. William R. Wilson profile image59
            William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Did I say I did?

            1. Padrino profile image61
              Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Why so snotty, I just asked a question.

        2. Sab Oh profile image56
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "Unnamed source"


          1. Padrino profile image61
            Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            They do come up with some good sources don't they?

            And you know he thought it was some whiteboy with the AR-15 until he did a little research!

            1. William R. Wilson profile image59
              William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              That is relevant how?

              1. Padrino profile image61
                Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                It goes to prejudices, of which I am sure you have many.

                1. William R. Wilson profile image59
                  William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  LOL nice try at evading my question bud.

                  1. Padrino profile image61
                    Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    I answered why it was relevant, it also goes to creditability which you lost when you used an "unnamed source" would you like to continue with this ridiculous questioning?

                2. Ralph Deeds profile image69
                  Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  And, of course, you have none.

          2. William R. Wilson profile image59
            William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Nice - pick one thing and dismiss the rest. 

            Keep going.

            1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
              Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              That's what I call a less than honest and straightforward response typical of our little friend (i.e.,TK).

  24. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Good point Joe..what would be the point of targeting Cantor, when the bill already passed?

    And Hero--Do you think you think dems have the right to run things now then? Or since they are misguided, does that give repubs the right to stonewall the gvt?

    1. profile image0
      LegendaryHeroposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The politicians were voted into office by the people and they have the "right" to pass bills and to block them.

    2. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You've got to get past the enemy bunker mentality. It's eating you up.

      1. lovemychris profile image81
        lovemychrisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It's just the truth. I see you as the enemy...don't you see me that way?
        If not, then why  the personal attacks? What have I ever done to you personally?

        me: "I'm a conspiracy kook. What do I know? Nothing."
        you: "Finally something we can agree on."

        What's the point of that?
        You treat a friend that way?
        Or an enemy?

        1. Sab Oh profile image56
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "It's just the truth. I see you as the enemy...don't you see me that way?"

          No I do not.

        2. Sab Oh profile image56
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "You treat a friend that way?
          Or an enemy?"

          Are those the only two choices in your head?

        3. Sab Oh profile image56
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "me: "I'm a conspiracy kook. What do I know? Nothing."
          you: "Finally something we can agree on."

          What's the point of that?"

          The point is that it was funny. If you're gonna loft up softballs...

          But you weren't kidding when you said I wasn't human, were you?

          You're overwrought.

          Anyway, what other site? I'm curious.

  25. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Was Bush a communist America-hater?

    1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No he was a global elitist run stooge.  Just like Obama.  The agenda has not changed.

      Google Bilderberg, Maybe check out some of the research by Alex Jones

      Your close but you are only seeing one side of the problem.

      1. William R. Wilson profile image59
        William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Man.  You are too intelligent to be taking Alex Jones seriously Arthur.

        1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
          Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I find news on Alex Jones Infowars site that I do not see any where else in American Media.  Stories from media worldwide.

          Alex Jones is very relevant if you take the time to hear his message.

          Judge for yourself but you would have to watch some of his documetaries.

          1. William R. Wilson profile image59
            William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I have, and they are pretty ridiculous, and filled with lies.  Investigate some of the claims.

            1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
              Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              William I question everything lol you know that.

              1. William R. Wilson profile image59
                William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Never stop questioning then. 

      2. Ralph Deeds profile image69
        Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You may as well cite Lyndon LaRoach.

        1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
          Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I looked him up quickly heard some racist remarks and closed the page.

          Not my cup of tea.  Tis a pun. I am a coffee drinker.

  26. Arthur Fontes profile image67
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    This is how it is done:

    Man arrested for threatening to kill Eric Cantor

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This cannot be! Those evil Republicans must have created Leboon in their laboratory and then activated the sleeper programing of the police and judge in order to set this diabolical ruse in motion. Because after all, threats and violence and insults only ever happen to the pure-of-heart democrats.

      1. Paradise7 profile image68
        Paradise7posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I like the subtlety....Sab Oh, you should do some OpEd pieces in this vein.

    2. Padrino profile image61
      Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just goes to prove the police are never wrong.

      1. Paradise7 profile image68
        Paradise7posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Lovely sarcasm.

    3. Ralph Deeds profile image69
      Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I hope they send him to prison for a long time.

  27. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    A you-tube video threatening to kill Cantor, and charges filed?
    Shouldn't that also apply to phone calls, signs and t-shirts?
    After all, a threat is a threat.
    In fact, Sheehan got arrested for a t-shirt at Bush's speech!And it wasn't threatening in the least!
    I've seen worse on right-wing web-sites....what is the deal?

    Remember when that web-site was asking if should they kill Obama?
    No charges files, just took the site down.

    And I would bet no one ever showd up at a Bush rally with a gun strapped to their leg.
    So, why are threats against repubs taken more seriously?

    1. William R. Wilson profile image59
      William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I highly doubt I would have been allowed to stand around at an anti-war protest back in 2003 wearing a handgun or a rifle.   

      Maybe I should try it though?  It's legal after all.

  28. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Republicans are a protected class.
    They can do ANYTHING and get away with it.
    But let a Democrat sneeze, and it's katy bar the door.

    Sick of it.
    Sick of them.

    Glad they are going away for a couple weeks. All off on their luxury vacatious this:

    "Steele travels in style. A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex."

    Oh yeah...the party of no gay rights like it kinky!!!

    Good thing it wasn't a Democrat...he'd be forced to step down...but hey, maybe Steele can say he was "hiking".

    1. Padrino profile image61
      Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Forced to step down? Like Charles Rangel?

      Or Bill Clinton
      Edward Kennedy
      Barney Frank

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
        Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Forced to step down? Like Charles Rangel? Or Tom DeLay?  I don't recall that Clinton, Kennedy or Frank were forced to step down.

        1. Padrino profile image61
          Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes Ralph, that was the point!Rangel wasn't forced to step down, beginning to see a pattern?

          I'm not a Republican so Delay means zilch to me, I am glad he is gone, too bad Democrats don't get rid of their criminals!

  29. lovemychris profile image81
    lovemychrisposted 14 years ago

    Ted Nugent also has a radio show. Funny how many right-wingers get the message out that way.
    Mike Pence was a talk-radio host was  J.D.'s weird. ?? If I lived in California I could hear a different point of view, right?. But here in "Liberal" Massachussetts, it's rabid right  talk 20 hrs a day. Could just be that it's the Cape, and the reception is lousy, but there is real loss of differing opinions. It's Lock-Step mentality around here.(on the radio)
    Sad--they ruined a great medium, imo.
    And I want the Fairness Doctrine back!
    They should have to be responsible for the things they say!
    They say anything they want, with no re-buttal.
    That is not the American's more like some oppressive state.
    And it's privitization that's doing it! These companies buy it all up, but it's PUBLIC airwaves!
    Socialism for business! Public property--Private gain.

    1. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You sound like a Chavez fan. You should get together with sean penn. Actually, you do seem to have the same attitude as him, you might make a nice couple.

    2. Sab Oh profile image56
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Of course liberals are as free as anyone else to put their own programs on the radio. The problem is that no one wants to listen (Air America worked out real well - LOL). I guess the poor, isolated liberals will have to settle for 99% of print, television, and hollywood to somehow manage to get their message out.  roll

  30. Paradise7 profile image68
    Paradise7posted 14 years ago

    This is gonna sound so CALLOUS to anyone not from Texas...All this fuss about one teeny weeny bullet?????


    1. profile image54
      Sign Proposted 14 years agoin reply to this

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