Approximately 7 months ago I posted this forum " Impeachment of a President. Although I received a few followers that agreed w/ my chosen topic, many scoffed. Who is laughing now? Are you all seriously STILL pleased w/ this president? If so, you all must already have money and are not in need of work. This president is methodically ruining this country. It is People like you that perpetrate this fraud. The people getting hand outs from the government and people that are already wealthy are the percentage of people that are happy w/ the president and his administration. Those of us that are the working class folk are not. We really could care very little weather Obama is wrong or right we all just pray daily he would do something to help this country get back on its feet economically.
Hey, I was all FOR impeachment.
I was all for dismissing his Candidacy before he ever even got into Office.
But...not necessarily just for the reason of the economy. You said you didn't care whether Obama's right or wrong, you just pray for the economy. I find that just as bad as being FOR him.
The thing is, though, that money talks and walks.
We can follow the money trail all through this Presidency just like we can any other situation.
And the sad but ironic thing is that THAT will probably be the Administration's downfall. I say sad because it SHOULD be the other issues!
But hey I'll take what I can get.
IMPEACH! I said it then and I say it now.
Being "displeased" with a president obviously isn't grounds for impeachment. Despite almost universal GOP opposition Obama has done a lot to turn the economy around from the GOP recession. Job growth has been slow but steady.
Slow but steady job growth? Mainly goverment jobs, not private sector jobs.
July 2, 2010 | The economic recovery limped ahead last month as the nation's private-sector employers added an anemic 83,000 jobs - a pace far too slow to replace the 8.5 million jobs obliterated by the recession. I don't recall seeing a figure for new government jobs. Michigan where I lives is cutting state, county and city jobs.
Hey Ralph, I did not know you were a fellow Michigander..
You are right, that growth, while not as bad as
it could have been, is not enough with the total
of jobs lost. Regarding Michigan , we are basically bankrupt ,
and won't recover anytime soon, in
my opinion. We need jobs desperately.
Here is a link..that breaks it all down into the different demographics..
So you stand 4freedom? Freedom to be brainwashed....
So you are working class. Do you think or do you let others think for you. You are endorsing the same people who caused this mess. You admire and revere CEO's hold them up as pillars of the community while the steal you kids lunch.
Then the same people who passed the legislation that caused the money problems are the ones you, support. There are no jobs because corporate America keeps sending jobs over seas. There are no jobs because the banks won't lend money to the small business community.
They are doing all this so people who don't think for themselves will put their allies in congress, back in charge so they can finish enslaving all of us.
With all due respect. Its hard for me to believe that a group of people could be so blind or so stupid, its not the president, its the people who continue to vote against their own best interest.
So if you think its bad now just wait til you get the good old boys back; in charged of the economy and see what happens.
The 20% of this population who are rich, will get richer and I'm going to be interested in reading what you have to write then. Unless you are part of that 20%.
Your problem is not support for the poor, which is a Christian, responsibility, its being fooled into believing that giving to the poor is the problem that's hurting you.
They yank the chain and you bark.
"So you stand 4freedom? Freedom to be brainwashed....Do you think or do you let others think for you. people who don't think for themselves will put their allies in congress, back in charge so they can finish enslaving all of us. Its hard for me to believe that a group of people could be so blind or so stupid, its not the president, its the people who continue to vote against their own best interest.Your problem is not support for the poor, its being fooled. They yank the chain and you bark."
I notice that quite a few people of a certain political persuasion express this illogical and dismissive attitude rather often. It is possible for people to hold differing opinions (including about what is or is not in their own best interests) without being brainwashed, blind, stupid, fooled, tricked, or manipulated because they can't "think for themselves." To suggest otherwise strikes me as arrogant and insulting.
"There are no jobs because the banks won't lend money to the small business community."
Banks are still lending to small businesses.
See, arguments like this (neither side of which I am supporting), are why people need to cite sources. Currently there is absolutely no information supporting either one of you.
How about we impeach you as an American, stop your whinning
Lol!!! Perfect. Funny the amount of hate obama could get because of color. If bush could do 8 yrs, then obama can do 20.
My 2 cents. Lol
Much as you would like it Chigo, Obama can't do 20, the law limits him to two terms. But he'll only do one, not because he's black but because he's a failed president.
lmao. you want to impeach mr. obama but you kept bush around. that's the funniest thing i've ever heard.
Impeach Clinton.
Impeach Bush.
Impeach Obama.
Impeach the next one too. Start the process now and we can fill in the blanks on the forms when we get there, just have the appropriate party sign it as soon as the new President is sworn in. Save time.
I think, especially in trouble times, the best use of Congressional time is to make partisan attacks on the president and go for impeachment. Good call. Love the way you think.
We didn't impeach one could be worse than him.
All future presidents get a pass after that.
The best thing would be to VET the Candidates better.
Not everyone is fit to be the leader of the free world.
A socialist should've never gotten nominated.
Brenda, did you know that not only is Obama not born in America and a socialist, but that I read Michelle is what they call "a beard" and that Obama is actually gay too. He only married her and had kids to throw people off the trail. He secretly has plans to change the name of the U.S.A to F.A.G.S.S., or the Foreigners and Gays Socialist States. The plan is insidious. We need to impeach fast or he is going to throw my wife in prison and make me marry a man.
Gee, you'd probably have to ask Larry Sinclair about the gay thing. Or the gay guy at Obama's former church. Oh wait, that guy's dead, killed by unknown assailants(s), execution style I believe the News said.....
You may mock it all you want, but where there's THAT MUCH smoke about the leanings of a Presidential Candidate, there's a fire somewhere, whether it's just Obama's desire to get all the Leftist votes he can, or whether he actually is hiding his homosexual or bisexual desires.
Who knows and who cares? I just want him to go find a job he actually IS suited for and leave my Country alone. I'm sure he could soon rise to the top of the line at some gay nightclub, or wait tables there and even make lotsa tips!
wow, your not part of the tea party are you. the way you talk makes me think that perhaps you don't like having a black president. he's a lot better then bush could ever be. at least he isn't causing the whole world to hate you. he's actually helping bring back some of the respect you folks lost under bush's regime. but i doubt anything he does would change your feelings for him. shame.
Take your racist insinuations and shove 'em toward someone who really IS racist. Like your man Obama.
I don't give a whit what color his skin is, or yours, or anyone else's, 'cause that's not a matter of choice.
What a person's morals are and how they behave IS their choice.
Wow, you are quite the astute political commentator.
Nah, I'm just kidding.
That's terrible news Shades! We now have a woman for prime minister in Australia. I hope she doesn't force me to get pregnant.
That homosexual non-genuine American muslim socialist do-gooder should go back to his cave!
Not likely. But I heard she's proposing that men be required to pee sitting down.
Well, if she lets you try to get pregnant via a woman, it's all good. Otherwise, yeah, sucks to be you.
I forgot the Muslim part in my Obama bash too, dang it. I could have made a different acronym.
Yes, because there should be an ideological purity test for those that wish to hold office. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to live in the good old USSR, or the People's Republic of Chin. Or perhaps the Islamic Republic of Iran?
What's really funny about this is that you don't even realize how simultaneously truly American and unAmerican it is.
First, you are being a true American in that you are following the footsteps of that great bastard Alexander Hamilton (among others), who disliked democracy and wanted to protect the government from the will of the people. (Hamilton even, in his draft of the constitution, suggested the nomination of a king)
Second, you are being so hideously unamerican it makes me sick in that you are running counter to every righteous, true, and just impulse to democracy and equality which has animated American politics since the founding. These include, but are not limited to: granting to people the vote for senators, women's suffrage, the great populist party of the late 1800s and its fight for the common man and against the beginnings of the U.S. as an imperialist power, civil rights, and even emancipation itself.
So, yeah. Excuse me whilst I go and vomit.
I'm all for communists, socialists, any person who has a different political view to run for POTUS, I just wish they would say they they are communists, socialists, or someone with a different political view.
Yes, if we knew dual-citizens were running OUR gvt, would we allow it?
We did. Still do now. Insidious, yes. Against our better interest, yes.
With full support of most of Congress and most of you? YES.
That's how pathetic we have become.
Sinclair/Shminclair.....let's talk about PNAC.
Who wants their kid to die in Iran? Anyone?
1,1000 dead so far in Afghanistan, not counting Afghani civilians and Iraq casualties.
NEXT! bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.
Golly Gee...we better get those Tea-Baggers in quick so they can stop it!
Oh wait....isn't Palin connected with William Krystal? Scrath that idea.
Only hope is Ron Paul. But wait a minute.....he wants to cut military. Will America let him win?
"quick...ratchet up terror false flags....."
reality check and wake up call to all!!! 200 years from now everyone thats alive now will be dead and long gone so why fight, argue and hate one another, your day is coming just relax.
Time for a drink
I wanted Dumbya to be impeached. Obama has a long way to go before he even approaches the criminal acts commited by Bush. But we don't always get what we want, do we?
President Bush did not commit any criminal acts and therefore was, unlike his predecessor, not impeached.
"We do not torture!" "The oil will Pay for the war!" "We are not heading into a recession!" "The economy is sound"!
Which of these statements were true? Did they cause as much trouble or needless death and economic woes to our country as "I did not have sex with that woman!"
I wanted to reply to your post on the other thread but it was closed to reply, what was the problem do you know?
Anyway, I am much less concerned about Palin than I am about Joe Biden.
I am too. I am really concerned for America.
We are not Independent. We don't do things for us. We are letting our sons and daughters die for interestst other than our own.
STOP enlisting in the military!!! Please.
They can hire mercenaries from Xi...we pay them anyway!!
I don't know what happened to the other thread! Moderators, what the heck happened?
If you had more faith in Palin than Biden then you have not heard her speak-or attempting to speak-enough! I cannot see how anyone thinks she could ever be placed into high office as ignorant of the office as she is.
And getting hotter!
Soon you'll be saying, "Isn't that Palin?" Or, "is THAT Palin?"
They always do that with the GOP women.
Remember the one who accused Clinton? Make-Over. She had posed in a nudie magazine too, I remember that.
The Florida AG who let them steal the election? Make-Over
Even has a building named after her!
Ahhh, the lovely world of political opportunism!
Hey, there are people who have lost all their income!! They need the unemployment to survive!!
Doesn't matter. Political Opportunism is here.
Let them suffder so they will blame it on the Dems.
Then we will kill them in November.
This what you want for your country?
Shame on you!
They have 0 income!!!
5% have kazillions!
What happened to your souls?????
If brains was gas, Palin wouldn't have enough to crank a piss ants motorcyle!
I have always found that people who learn on the job do much better than those who have theoretical knowledge, and with Obama/Biden that is all you get, theory!
If what she exhibits is any indication of "on the job experience" it sort of proves my point. She was asked what the duties of the VP were four times. If she was a quick learner she wouldn't have answered the same question wrong 3 more times.
An intelligent person would have been prepared for the answer before ever seeking the office, not to mention learning the correct answer after being asked the first time. Or the second, or the third. Yep, she is is perfect for the right wing! LOL!
We could go at this from now until the cows come home and still disagree about which is smarter Palin or Biden. I have a lot more faith in someone who has actually made executive decisions as opposed to a total novice both of which Obama and Biden were. Serving as Senator is a lot different than being Governor of a state.
I suspect the tactic of degradation of Palin is the M O most often used in these forums, I have always had a hard time understanding why this is. She is articulate and seems to be a capable person. Quitting her position as Governor was a bad idea and one I bet she wishes she could get a mulligan on, but the damage is done and I doubt she will ever again be a viable candidate for office.
I think based on the press and left wing pundits constant berating of her that they are quite relieved of that fact.
Just my opinion.
Maybe Steele will resign and let Sarah take his place as GOP chairman.
I could think of worse people to have in that position.
"She is articulate and seems to be a capable person."
Sorry, I don't go to youtube. I had a nasty virus from there once. But I'm sure she is stumbling in a speech or interview, that happens to everybody you know.
Interesting reading here and I am amused. Sounds like the halls of congress in session.
Impeachment is nothing more than ink on paper. A black eye at the most, and then a good reason must be brought to light. Clinton lied, big deal. They all do, it goes with the territory. I don't see anyone else that is any better than our current President anyway, yet. God forbid Biden would get in there though.
yes, very true a worse alternative than Obama would be Biden. And Biden continues to put his foot in his mouth. His most recent one is that Afghanistan would be a success for Obama! But Afghanistan is in trouble and this was supposed to be the war that Obama thought was legitimate.
It does make one wonder if presidents choose their running mates to deter assassination, Charlie. Being replaced with their choices for VP might prevent an attempt to get rid of them! LOL!
"Clinton lied, big deal."
Perjury is a big - as Biden would say "f-ing" - deal.
Or Cheney..."Go F yourself."
And you don't think perjury matters, or you would apply it to ALL, and you don't.
"We do not torture".....that was a lie when he said it ok to lie to the American public, but not the Grand Jury?
Why did Bush and Cheney agree to testify but NOT under oath? Did they have something to LIE about? Oh yes they did indeedeedoo.
But you go on thinking you are morally all did before too, while our guys were cattle-prodding anuses of teenage boys. Hooking people up to electrodes. Stripping them naked and throwing used tampons at them.
This is the legacy you want us to admire. While bashing Obama to no end.
Paron me while I puke.
Hmmm, I never thought about that much Randy, but I do get a kick out of Biden and then there is that head of the Republican party; sheesh! I wish Billy Carter would have run. LOL
Truth continues to be stranger than fiction, eh Charlie?
Welcome to the United States of America Incorporated! Where corporations NOT politicians make all the decisions. Recently corporations were given the same rights as citizens in the political arena. They can now OFFICIALLY buy their candidate. You are worried about Obama? REALLY? What you better be worried about is your lack of knowledge in the way politics work, the House and Senate are the ones that actually make the laws, in case you haven't been watching, or listening or learning at anytime in your life. IMPEACHMENT is not something you can insist on just because you do not like a President or politician, it involves a compromise of duty or oath, and usually requires a major ethical or criminal act even to get the process started, and then your chances of unseating a President are slim to none. SO keep spewing the brainwashed rhetoric, and keep hating Obama, he is POTUS and you can do nothing about it till 2012, and even then unless the GOP gets their act together, he will get a 2nd term.
Obama is only crown of congress progressives.
Buying politician by companies is because they allow monopolies.
Yes, it is big in court, or in front of an FBI agent. But what came of the action? Nixon resigned before he was taken to accounts. His was worse and he did not do time in jail. Sitting Presidents can do a lot of things like that and get away with it. I was no supporter of Clinton, but I was ashamed of how he was treated over that silly crap, by the party I had supported.
I wouldn't give up on the impeachment idea just yet, the decisions that he's putting in place today and the rest of the months will make sure the Republican party will make a comeback in November. He's got two branches against him, the Congress and the Supremes. He will make some calculated decision to do something that will be questionable under the law in order to get to his aims and we will see the first black president to be impeached.
All are nuts who support spending without money and go to extreme debt.
Those who are pro are getting rich and rest poor. This is exactly pattern of communists.
Do you check every night to make sure there isn't a "Red" under your bed?
Well, if Vladimir is russian as his avatar states, he'd recognize a commie a mile off. I believe him.
That may be the pattern of communists... but not communism..
Communism is a high ideology, which, if implemented worldwide, will solve all the illness of humanity like religious fanaticism, regionalism, over accumulation of wealth at a place, poverty and hunger in many places, etc. But people who took over communism, saw the benefits of getting power and never want to get down. To ensure their places, they have to get rich, leaving the poor on the sideways.
Communism is a ridiculous Utopian dream that completely ignores almost every reality of human nature. It assumes (and/or requires) universal egalitarian morality, which is in conflict with every piece of evidence of human history (as documented by all the religions as they approach concepts like "original sin" or "are we naturally good or evil" etc.) and works against many innate evolutionary social impulses. It ignores the realities of individual motivation and aptitude versus the masses with a lack thereof. It ignores ego and the effect of power and proximity to it. It ignores resources: resource location and allocation (and all the exigency therein... logistics, redistribution, transportation,etc.).
It's a nice fairytale, but, it's completely and totally unrealistic.
If a word like "impeachment" is heard in India or in any Asian country, no one can escape the wrath of the powers that be.
When Mrs.Indira Gandhi was impeached in 1969 (by the ruling Congress party), she broke the party into two and headed one group. With power, she mustered majority behind her and won the game.
Again in 1975, the Supreme Court impeached her of malpractices in elections. She declared emergency, jailed all senior leaders in the ruling and opposition parties and it looked like a "cultural revolution" in India for two years. For all these, she lost the elections in 1977.
Americans, please don't think that all these will not come to your country... Your next President will be a woman !
by WeStand4Freedom 15 years ago
Impeachment of a President One would think that the impeachment of a president is not conducive in showing him support.”Give him a chance,” people say. President Obama, to be exact, has been in office for a year now. He has done a lot of damage in that year. I have seen not one promise...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
From the time of President Obama's inception in the White House, it was his intention to change America into a "newer" version of America. He felt that that America as it was not in incongruence with what America should be. He believed that the Constitution was out of...
by lady_love158 13 years ago! I hate liberalism, but I respect Kucinich! At least he's consistent and not afraid to admit what he believes in. The rest of the dems will no doubt ignore him and point to Bush claiming he should be impeacged first... Hypocrites! !!
by AnnCee 14 years ago
Obama misread his mandate.]/b] Obama's 2008 victory was a personal one, says Bill Galston, an adviser to President Clinton. It wasn't a vote for a more expansive view of the role and reach of government. The stimulus, on it's own, wasn't the problem. It was the thousands of easy-to-caricature pages...
by Ralph Schwartz 5 years ago
The Democrats held a glad-handing press conference today and presented Articles of Impeachment to the American public....the American public responded with a resounding and hearty laugh. Where is the so called quid-pro-quo charge, or bribery, or extortion, or pay for play, or any of the other...
by Cassie Smith 11 years ago
Should a president be impeached for lying?Barack Obama lied to get his (un)Affordable Health Care Act passed. Why is no one in uproar over this? If this was Bush the dummycrats and (un)liberals would be asking for his head.
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