"(AP) - A bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to people sickened by World Trade Center dust fell short in the House on Thursday, raising the possibility that the bulk of compensation for the ill will come from a legal settlement hammered out in the federal courts.
The bill would have provided free health care and compensation payments to 9/11 rescue and recovery workers who fell ill after working in the trade center ruins.
It failed to win the needed two-thirds majority, 255-159. The vote was largely along party lines, with 12 Republicans joining Democrats supporting the measure."
Last night, the GOP turned their backs on victims of the cleanup who were poisined by fumes at the site of the WTC. These people were not provided sarety equipment and were nott old the risk. In some cases, people have died. In many cases, they can't work. Now they can't get medical help and the GOP gave them the middle finger.
However all the members who voted AGAINST aid were wearing GOP flag pins, so they are patriots, right?
They didn't ignore them, they shit all over them. If Glenn Beck hates the 9-11 victims, the GOP must fall in line.
I understand they were going to pay for it by closing tax loopholes for offshore companies who do business in the US. So the choice for the GOP was - Save 9/11 responers from dying OR save tax havens for fat cats. Despite the claims about the 'liberal' media, this won't make 3rd page news.
There are times when I think all politicians are completely daft. How in the world can they justify denying medical care to the first responders of the WTC catastrophe.
I wish there was a way we could force everyone that voted against this to pay out of their own personal accounts to care for these people.
Greed and politics always go hand in hand but shafting these true American Heroes is sheer lunacy.
You must be very proud that a Democrat majority in the House,Senate and the democrat President can't pass legislation.
Those guys are real go-getters.
Jimmy - read the article. We are trying to be patient as you develop reading skills but, it required a 2/3 majority and the GOP (except for 12 republicans) voted against.
You know Doug, you just don't seem to understand that your democrat congress and President are hamstrung by their own incompetence.
No, we are hamstrung by conservatives (12 GOP congressmen excepted) who will oppose ANY progress that would make democrats effective. The GOP is kicking holes in the hull of the ship of state.
Let's not disrespect the 9/11 first responders with any more general comments lumping all politicians together. Some are very very good. And, some are very, very....very bad!
"All but 12 Republicans voted against the bill. Rep. Lamar Smith's (R-Texas) typical comments derided it as a "$8.4 billion slush fund paid by taxpayers that is open to abuse, fraud and waste."
Interestingly, the vast majority of those same Republicans expressed no such reservations about approving the $59 billion in war spending just a couple days earlier. The wounds of 9/11 apparently, are worth healing through interminable Middle Eastern military occupations, but not through aid to the victims or first responders. As far as being an unaffordable luxury, it's worth noting that Congressional Republicans are currently advocating extending the Bush tax cuts for individuals making more than $200,000 per year, which would cost an estimated $676 billion. Republicans, who obsesses over the legal system's crowding, inefficiency and inequality when arguing for tort reform, also seem unconcerned that, as the Huffington Post's Sam Stein notes, the bill's defeat "likely means that the court system will have to settle compensation issues," an odd choice for the Republican Party,
All this was too much for Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) who has recently emerged as a pugnacious liberal standard-bearer. He threw an angry fit on the floor of Congress, shouting down Republican colleagues who sought to interrupt him. "The gentleman will sit!" Weiner bellowed. Although verbose on the floor of the House today, his office ignored repeated requests for comment from NEWSWEEK as to why the bill was brought up under special rules, whether the bill will be resurrected in the future, and how Weiner might respond to Greg Sargents’ argument that Democrats look ineffective, rather than inspiring, when they have hysterics over Republican obstructionism."
Greg Sargent is completely wrong, or intentionally misleading. It doesn't matter how much Mr. Sargent tries with his desperate attempts to discredit a great and effective Congressman; Thank God, we have a real Lion speaking for the people of New York City, compared to the Useless bought and paid for opportunists that don't give a damn about any of the regular hard working people of this country! I don't care if Mr Sargent's goal is to be even handed; this is a not a subject to discuss in some abstract FAIR AND BALANCE analysis. This is the subject All Americans have to take a stand on! The republican congressmen voted against funding the 9/11 First Responders' health care bill! THAT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG! There is no objective argument anyone can give that will excuse this Final Obvious Assault on the sick and dying Heroes of 9/11 by the republican party
http://www.newsweek.com/blogs/the-gaggl … -cool.html
I am completely ignorant of this, so I ask; don't the workers (fire, EMT, etc.) have medical health coverage through their employers?
If so, the bill would do far more to eliminate payments by those insurance companies than anything else.
Just wondering...
Good question. I'm sure every case is different but if the fumes tore up your lungs to the point you couldn't work, you get laid off. You can continue insurance coverage for so long under COBRA, but not forever.
So you did your job as a responder, As a result you are unable to work. You lose insurance soon after that. Screwed.
If you are injured on the job you have a workmens comp claim.
I know a few lawyers who would love to sue the city or some other government agency who Laid off an employee for an on the job injury.
Got anything better?
True - al these victims have legal recouse.
If they can find a lawyer.
If they can afford a lawyer.
If they can wait for the delays of litigation.
They don't want to suffer while the lawyers play games. They want medical help, and some financial relief with the bills if they can't work. Now would be a good time.
I try to get people to see what you pointed out directly.
"It is not the republicans job to make sure the democrats agenda is achieved.
It is the responsibility of the opponents to oppose."
Many (not all) in the GOP think their obligation to the GOP and conservatism is greater than any obligation to the PEOPLE of this country.
So you defend on the same basis of partisan politics - sticking it to the first responders of Sept 11. You said it. That's how the GOP voted. I want people to think about it.
Whether conservative or liberal, we send people to DC to be FOR something - not against everything from the opposition. I expect conservatives to vote for Republicans - but I would be delighted if the Republicans they elect will represent the constituants - not the party elders of the GOP. Amazingly, Scott Brown, the teabagger, stands out as the Republican who will break ranks when the merits of a bill justify voting WITH Democrats. He's not alone, but we need more thinking conservatives whose loyalty is the the PEOPLE - not the party.
Doug, From what I've read and heard they are to busy with the idea of building a Mosque on Ground Zero, then thinking about the people that were there to help when the Towers were brought down and fear struck every person living in the USA. It seems to me that alot of people have forgot the true Heroes that worked endless hours trying to help and find the people that was in the Towers that day. I know they were doing their job, but they went beyond the call of duty. I feel that the GOP should now step up and do the right thing, take care of the responders from 9/11.
The nerve of some public servants! I mean really, why should first responders at the site of 9/11 get any better treatment from the US government than veterans returning from Vietnam, Gulf Wars, Iraq or Afghanistan?
They should be grateful they were only sickened or maimed. They could be dead!
Seriously, I suggest they put Rudy "I AM 9/11" Guliani on the case.
No Way Mommy
Rudy Guiliani is a Republican, and the rebublican party is now the self proclaimed party of no. Any republican would be useless to anyone other than a CEO of some large company.
But...did you see My Congressman, from My City(NEW YORK)lite up the republican congressman that voted down the 9/11 Health Care Bill? Someone said he went all Brooklyn on the useless republican congressman. You, gotta see this!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4mh4sWF … re=related
Come on! The guy was right. A little loud, but right on every point.
Now THAT'S what I'm tawkin' about!
So Weiner represents Kew Gardens, Rockaway and Brooklyn.
Is that where you are from, or were you just generalizing -- like "I'm from New York" really covers all the boroughs,the 'gsland, and Westchester?
Are you just playing devil's advocate here? Because I'm having a tough time believing you really believe the US government should pass the buck to FDNY or NYPD.
I bet if George Bush were here he'd be singing a different tune!
It's Anthony WEINER, spelled like WEINER (as in Oscar Meyer).
"WEINER WHINER Whackjob, who cares?"
How does the word Whackjob describe this Congressman in any way? What is the crazy action he performed to deserve you calling him that? This is an honest inquiry into what you think of this man. I see a man fighting really hard for the people he represents. He wants to keep 9/11 heroes alive. Maybe I missed something?
His little meltdown earned him the whackjob name.
I have to say this again.
It is not the republicans job to make sure the democrats agenda is achieved.
It is the responsibility of the opponents to oppose.
Just like democrats do.
Sure, that makes sense. Just pout cause you lost another election, and ignore the needs of your constituents.
I'm not sure who is pouting, other than Doug.
I don't have constituents.
C'mon now. Do we really have to waste time with spelling corrections?
Yessiree, Weiner's one to watch.
I like that he gets out there with the people.
That's pretty neat.
I wonder if HE is invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding!
As for you, Mr. Jim.
Who cares about what? Accuracy in reporting?
Who cares how her name is spelled?
I thought that would have been obvious.
I mean that lady was just a bit hysterical.
Maybe early manapause.
Yes I am aware I spelled manapause.
Do any of you good democrats remember when your political heroes voted nay on funding the troops?
Do any of you good democrats remember your political hack acting as President said the surge would fail?
Maybe you should put away your false outrage and take a stroll down memory lane.
http://www.nationalreview.com/media-blo … guy-benson
As for Anthony Weiner this is all you need to know about him.
Voted YES on Congressional pay raise. (Jun 2009)
Voted NO on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)Wouldn't wanta ID a voter too hard to vote twice that way.
Voted NO on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
Voted NO on end offshore tax havens and promote small business. (Oct 2004)
Voted NO on $46 billion in tax cuts for small business. (Mar 2000)
Voted NO on promoting work and marriage among TANF recipients. (Feb 2003)
Nothing but a political whore like the rest of them.
In YOUR little rant, you didn't once mention the 9/11 first responders. Let them hire a lawyer!(and die in the meantime)Let them try to get workers compensation(even for the people that drove hundreds of miles from their home and jobs and children?) Or, the best republican type remedy, let them eat cake.
I can't believeJimmy was honest enought to proclaim -
"It is not the republicans job to make sure the democrats agenda is achieved
It is the responsibility of the opponents to oppose.."
A lot of us have observed thet it seems like the GOP will block obviously GOOD legislation - just to produce failure for democrats - EVEN IF THIS MEANS HURTING AMERICANS. That's a philosophy I hold in contempt.
"I can't believeJimmy was honest enought to proclaim -"
Really, you can't believe I'm honest enough to point out the obvious?
I'm curious just how you know it was good legislation?
You sure it wasn't full of language allowing the democrats to abscond with money to fill their war-chests?
Dougie, how do you know what was in it?
GOP Ignores Heroes of 9/11
SHAME ON YOU! You dont even care to know why 9/11 heroes were denied help by the republicans in the congress? This bill has been in Congress for years. Why didn't the republicans pass it along with their GD tax cuts. The story now, is the same as the story then. Republicans don't care about anything regarding 9/11 that does not involve them profiting in some way. I can't believe you came up in here without even knowing who or what you were talking about.
"All but 12 Republicans voted against the bill. Rep. Lamar Smith's (R-Texas) typical comments derided it as a "$8.4 billion slush fund paid by taxpayers that is open to abuse, fraud and waste."
Interestingly, the vast majority of those same Republicans expressed no such reservations about approving the $59 billion in war spending just a couple days earlier. The wounds of 9/11 apparently, are worth healing through interminable Middle Eastern military occupations, but not through aid to the victims or first responders. As far as being an unaffordable luxury, it's worth noting that Congressional Republicans are currently advocating extending the Bush tax cuts for individuals making more than $200,000 per year, which would cost an estimated $676 billion. Republicans, who obsesses over the legal system's crowding, inefficiency and inequality when arguing for tort reform, also seem unconcerned that, as the Huffington Post's Sam Stein notes, the bill's defeat "likely means that the court system will have to settle compensation issues, an odd choice for the Republican Party"
This is a serious issue Jim, Good people that did the right thing are sick and dying and need help now.
Like I said, they made themselves USELESS public servants. They are working against the people that sent them to washington to represent the We The People. The rebublican party now represents the deeapest pocket they can dive into.
I didn't mention them because I wasn't talking about them.
Hmmm, that's relatively small amount of money comparing even to the budget on war.
The first responders to 9/11 deserve the same treatment as our injured veterans. No more/ no less.
I don't want to offend any of the conservatives who hate my guts by saying his but I will. Thank You. Almost all of you who disagree with me on a regular basis on a host of topics expect Republicans to look out for those injured in the line of domestic duty at the site of the World Trade Towers.
You clearly said - do the right thing - not the political thing. I find that very encouraging. I hope your words get to some of our elected officials.
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