I believe he should resign. I didn't like the actions that brought him into the public eye but realize this proves he is human. His willingness to lie to the very people who elected him to office proves he is nothing more than a politician.
I understand he is seeking help and I feel this has more to do with saving his $4,000 a week salary than anything else.
I believe that once a person accepts a position in public service and/or politics they should be held to a higher standard of conduct. I know that most in DC feel they are above the very laws they pass. While his actions did not break any laws that I know of (pornography is a possiblity), his determination to lie to the American people broke the trust that we as citizens deserve to have in our elected official. Put him on a stick and roast him over a camp fire, that meat stick doesn't have the right to send pics of his around the net.
"I believe that once a person accepts a position in public service and/or politics they should be held to a higher standard of conduct."
Believe that all you want, it's not going to happen. We are a government of the people by the people. Our elected representation is a direct reflection of our society. We would be hypocrtites to expect better than ourselves. We normally only put people on pedestals because we get a kick out of knocking them down. Don't believe my synopsis? I would bet you anything that someone in your family or circle of friends is doing or has done the exact same thing this guy has.
"I would bet you anything that someone in your family or circle of friends is doing or has done the exact same thing this guy has." So? They aren't public figures, which I agree should be held to a higher standard of decency because 1) they represent our culture to the world and 2) their every action is highly publicized and 3) they get a lot of money, perks to their job, and power so they should have to do something to earn it.
I believe he should resign because our elected officials are also the representatives of our culture and what is considered acceptable behavior and what is not to the rest of the world. I think manners are decidedly lacking and under-appreciated in America today but we need to show the rest of the world that we only allow dignified people who conduct themselves in a respectable manner to run our country. I'm not even conservative and I find his actions reprehensible and an embarrassment to the nation. In a less serious note, it's also unacceptable for a married man to act like a man-whore. We don't want men to get the message that this kind of thing is ok.
yes he should; the but-head does not come with mustard!!!!!
just kidding
Nope. He didn't do anything illegal and he speaks louder than most DEMS. I want him to stay and I'm a chick who should be the most offended. That's how much he means to the party.
He apparently means far less to the Democrat Party than he does you since the loudest voices condemning him or demanding his resignation are those of Democrat leaders.
He should resign. His behavior hurts my party's image and I hate that.
I agree with you. I think there is a concerted effort to get rid of liberal Dems. Replace them with DINO'S, like Liebermann and WhiteHorse....more in line with Republicorps. Like the new MSNBC.
And for the record, I heard the tape of "Wide-Stance" with the cop, and I think he was set up too!
Easy enough to "get" people if you want to....
Blackmail, or plane crashes.
And for the record...the reason the R's get maligned is because they put themselves out there as "family values Saints". I mean--they were screwing around on their wives at the same time they were impeaching Clinton!!!
Give me a break....
It's the double-standard that falls your guys...."Do as I say, not as I do." type of uppity attitude.
The head of the party, Obama, said he would resign if it were he.
And for the record, I did an anonymous poll to see how many people, boys and girls, had junk shots on their computer and it was 89% yes. So for all of you who think they are better than him, take a look at yourself and then tell me if you should quit your job for doing what everybody else does behind closed doors.
Wiener should stay. If Bill Clinton, violator of multiple laws, should have stayed than Wiener, violator of no laws, should stay. The impassioned defense mounted for Clinton more readily applies to Wiener.
He got caught. Politicians, CEO's, etc. all lie, everyday.
I don't think he needs to resign. His private life is his life.
The question should have been should his wife kick his nasty butt to the curb? If he were a Republican he would have already resigned like Chris Lee and liberals would have jumped for joy because another one of the "hypocrites" got his just desserts.
Instead, the liberal hypocrites demand his resignation for no crime but lined up to protect Bill Clinton from real crimes.
Oh and every Republican is so goddamn morally perfect? What about Schwarzenegger, huh? Or Mr. Bathroom Stall? Or Mr. Dirty Email To My Page Boy?
Oh, but they said they were sowwy, so that make it awwwwwl bettur.
Kind of like Jimmy Swaggart, when he got caught with a prostitute...remember that drama?? hoo boy.
So, if someone is a child rapist and serial killer in their private life yet function well in their vocation, should they be left alone? Afterall, it's their private life.
C Mann that would be illegal in which case it skews outside of personal and into public. Your argument is weak.
Judi, I didn't have a problem with his actions until he started lying to protect his job. His job is to represent the people who elected him not lie to them. The attitude most politicians seem to have is that they can do what ever they desire once elected. If he will lie to protct his job, what else will he lie about. If he had chosen to be a man and admit it, this would be old news. Now he has chosen to try and get some therapy. I suppose he feel entitled to his salary will relaxing in a high dollar spa/resort for who knows how long. By the way, that trip to the spa is being paid for by tax payers who don't have medical insurance. I also believe he should pay for this therapy out of his own pocket.
To you second post, again what he did is not the problem. The attempted cover up is the problem.
uncorrected, I understand your position and a couple of years ago I would have agreed with as I did with Clinton. That opinion has also changed. I am tired of elected officials telling us what they think we want to hear and doing what they want.
rebekah, The fact that politicians lie to the American people everyday doesn't make it a reason for the next one caught to remain in office. Suppose multiple congress men and women started stealing from the American people, would that make it ok for the next one to do so? My bad, they all do this also. It's about time these people start telling the truth about what they do and think. This goes for the late night votes they like to place when it comes to their unearned raises. I doubt he will be elected next round anyway. Any time spent in rehab will be time he doesn't have to raise money for his election war chest. Oh and by the way he wont be there to do his job either. Of course most of them devote more time to being relected than doing their job to begin with. Look at all the no shows for votes that are recorded daily. They can't do their job and seek re-election at the same time. Guess which part of their job is most important, doing it or keeping it.
C.Mann, that's a little extreme but is still a good point. However raping a child is against the law. Lying to the people who elected him is part of his job in his mind it appears.
Chris, I agree, it's about time each side was held to the same standards they say the other side should be held to.
Inside edition just answered a question that I have been wondering about. Wiener was using government equipment for his calls and tweeting. That makes it as government issue and not a personal one. No different than government employees being dismissed for watching porn on government computers. The tax payers should not be required to pay for this type of behavior.
Stump: that's new to me and changes the dynamic. What government equipment was he using? Do u have a video link?
Judi, I caught that on tonight's Inside Edition. They were interviewing a Democrat woman he was texting and calling. She stated that she tried to call him back and was informed it was a government phone he was using. I don't know if it's on their website or not,. I have never even checked to see if Inside Edition has a site but I'm sure they do. I'll go check but I have a crappy IP and it will take awhile. Worth looking for my own benefit anyway.
Stump: I agree the lying was bad, but when I put myself in his shoes, the horror would have been too great for me to tell the truth immediatly. Saying that, I would have fessed up sooner, but I have to give him points for fessing up on his own without being outed by the media. his work is far too important for me to want him to step down. Check out some old clips of him on YouTube duking it out with the Fox News repubs. He really is quite effective.
Judi, this is what I found. it is a written copy of the interview I watched.
http://www.insideedition.com/news/6409/ … erges.aspx
There has to be phone records if someone had the ability to check them, I'm sure it could easily be verified. I am sure that Inside edition knows this and wouldn't pulla Faux News Stunt and lie about it, lol. I have no clue if this show leans right, left or bends over backwards. I was on here and didn't bother with the TV. It was playing in the background and I simply happened to catch the story.
The whole thing is stupid. I am a member of facebook, and, if you saw all the pictures of guys bulges that are sent to me on a daily basis it would make your head spin. We have wars going on, massive unemployment, the price of gas is sky high, and kids are going to bed hungry, and we are debating over some guys bulge on the internet? PLEASE!!!
Want a test. Do a google photo search for bulge, and see what you come up with.
Send a message to your senators that we want you to do better things with your time. Let this go!
briman, I understand that this type of behavior is common. One question, how many of those sending these pics to you are being paid almost $4,000 a week by the tax payers to help lead this country? OK two questions my bad. Would you vote for any of these pic senders to represent you in congress?
Well. Perhaps we are forgetting about the senator that was sending pictures of his genitals, and sending filthy emails to male pages a few years ago. When the whole sex with Pages was rampant in the news. This isn't anything new. All this does is remind us of how much of our tax dollars are being wasted on government perks for our senators. You can bet that the senator in question is not the only one who is doing this. He is just the only one who has been caught.
You also don't hear about the "cover ups" of senators dirty deeds. Like that fact that Larry Craig was arrested twice for trying to pick up men in restrooms, and secret arranged dates for senators with prostitutes or the other woman. Like the senator that had a mistress in another country, and using our tax dollars to fly there to see her, while his wife sat quietly at home. And other senators tried to cover for him...and on and on.
There is also a senator that has a profile on Manhunt, but, that is swept under the rug? The only reason they are making a big deal out of this, is because the senator is married. The media is only interested in scandals, and they will keep bringing out these guys dirty laundry until the end of time. Besides, you usually don't hear about this stuff until AFTER the senator has been elected. Otherwise the media doesn't care.
In short. Will it really matter in the end? You can't stop someone from being elected when a lot of the dark stuff they are doing is swept under the rug, and, that is usually done by people that are very good at sweeping. Those are the people in the background that you never see...like Carl Rove.
This would not be a question if Weiner was a Republican or Conservative. He would be out. End of story. And that just exeplifies the lefts position on immorallty being a great thing.
If he were a Republican, the emails would have been to guys.
As I recall, Larry Craig was going to resign, but didn't. This was after he plead guilty to making gay sexual advanves in an airport restroom. John Ensign was caught red-handed but didn't resign for over a year.
But you believe republicans would resign at once over a picture when there was no meeting, no infidelity. Yes it was stupid, but if that was grounds for dismissal, we could rid the House of all Teabaggers.
WTF is your problem, I am stating that he needs to go and still you have a damned problem with it. I get it, I am on the left and in your opinion nothing I ever do will be good enough for you. Every thought I have and every action I take will always be wrong, correct. I have yet to see you offer anything to a conversation that is constructive and I'm beginning to believe you have no damned intention of doing so. That's fine I can sink to your level if that's the only thing that you understand. Is that what you are seeking?.
I think it should be up to his constituents, unless they prove he sent lewd pics to underage girls. In that case, he should be forced out. I feel so sorry for his wife...
The guy is a member of the US House of *REPRESENTATIVES*. He wasn't elected by you, unless you are from his district in NY.
Probably the most sensible answer yet, Habee. Congressmen and other elected official are representatives of the people. The people have the right to vote them in or out of office.
I agree.
I do not see where I attacked you at all, stump. I am in agreement with you. What a laugh.
So WTF is your problem... paranoid much.
Is that better... it is not under you anymore. Jokes, all you leftists are too funny.
I will make sure to let someone else answer between us.. so as not to offend you. Yeah right!
Now to you TM, I will admit that I assumed you were in what I have seen as your normal mode of debate, insulting and attacking everyone who thinks differently than you claim to think. If I was wrong, I have no problem admitting it. I have no intention of appologizing as I don't see as where you deserve one. My admitting I MIGHT have been wrong is good enough in my opinion. I am entitled to that even if I am on the left, correct?
I attack no more than anyone else in here, stump. And to act like I am the only one who talks rough to people is just not right and I think you know that. I don't want no apology... just a fair place and chance to state my opinions. regardless of who like them or doesn't like them. I am usually very nice till I get sniped at, then I snipe back. And yes, I have been known to snipe first also... but no more than anyone else. I do not attack just cause someone doesn't think like me... I attack because that is the way some in here appearently like to debate.
But anyways... I have no problem with you and see no reason to attack each other all the time... maybe some of the time though.
New evidence that wiener was taking picture and sending them from government property. Anyone else still believe he shouldn't lose his job and pension. Why should Americans be forced to pay for large retirement packages for congressmen and women who are either caught committing crimes or just acting like a disgusting piece of crap. Even if he loses his job he will still be taken care of the rest of his miserable life on our dime. I don't care which side of the aisle they sit on, this kind of crap wouldn't be tolerated in the private sector and there is no reason it should be accepted by elected public servants. Some service he was running isn't it. Some of the new pics show him naked. Strip him of every perk he voted for himself and let him make it in the real world.
Here.. I agree 100%. with you. As above also.
If I was hiring a plumber, I would not demand proof of marital fidelity. Its also not my concern if my daughter's second grade teacher has tried anal sex.
While the stupidity of what the congresscritter did is obvious, how it disqualifies him in his job is less obvious.
Thomas Jefferson apologized on more than one occasion, as I recall my history, for advances he made on the spouses of guests at the White House. FDR had a long-running affair. JFK is known to have fooled around in the White House. All great leaders.
Did Barney Frank ( that is such a funny name in this context) switch parties? Is he going to run for the Presidency with Wiener? Frank/Wiener 2012.
Frank epitomizes the Democrat Party. he is all they immorality they represent rolled into one big bag of...
He should have lost his job for pimping his 15 year old male hooker out his capitol hill apt.
On that we agree. Barney Frank is a corrupt scumbag. As are almost ALL politicians and religious preachers, whose past lives are finally made public to their own humiliation.
All far too convenient for me. I still say set-up...and check this out:
"Congressman Weiner was stalked and set up by a Christian Infowar Militia cell based largely in Oklahoma City."
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/0 … man-Weiner
This is a real interesting read. And make sure you go here:
The mighty stef has struck again, with Breitbart's #Twitterhoax What We Know Now. Gritty, techie details may be found by pressing this link ...
Sorry chris, I couldn't make heads nor tails of that site. I am not on twitter or facebook and perhaps that's the problem. Everything looked extremely disjointed and again was very confusing to this old hippy.
Uncorrected. I love the frank/wiener ticket idea, btw. I will admit that I was suprised to see that wiener doesn't appear to be a LONG Island Coney. SRY couldn't resist and I know I deserve what ever I get for that one.
It's a concerted effort to bring down libs.
Kucinich is next.
Soon you will have all Republicorps, and Republicorps lite.
Funny--David Vitter, conservative, was married and frequenting prostitutes. He was recently given a standing ovation by the R's....
Where's the concerted effort to oust him?
Or is tweeting more damaging than visiting brothels??
Ya got me. I say it's more Koch-S*ckers at work.That's my opinion.
not sure what your point is doug. He still receives a pay check that comes from my tax dollars and is a representative of my government. I was guessing you were talking to me and if not, well my statement still stands.
Don't vote for him in the next election. Problem solved.
That is if he appears on the ballot. If he doesn't he's not *your* congressman. You are entitled to an opinion, but the 'contract' he has is with the people in his district in NY. It's their decision.
Yeah, yeah he should just go already. . . He is unpleasant to look at and I haven't even seen the naughty bits . . Blecccccchhhhhhhhhhhh!
Oh please let him stay. I am having so much fun with Wiener jokes.
Almost as much fun as Barney's Franks.
if someone who exposes them self in public can be arrested for lewd behavior, then why is he not being arrested?
there is certainly proof...
He was lewd in private, not in public. His private acts were made public. Big differentiation according to the law.
Chris... what do you mean set up? He did it... he admits it... how is that a set up?
Wow... the paranoia.
Admits to sending a picture of him not nude on the internet? Grow up. Were you bitching when your Republicans were using state funds to go on adultery trists or blowing guys in the airport restrooms? Oh no...those were liberal conspiracies right? Such children.
Don't confuse me with a supporter of Progressives tex. And who was the NY congressman Repub who got booted for a shirless photo? Anyone who does that should be fired, and it was alot more than one photo tex.
Who cares? Grow up! Who gives a crap if he has 100 photos of him posing like douche? That isn't illegal. You don't get to make it illegal. Is it in poor taste? Yes, but so is having a McCarthy avatar. Grown ups don't care about either really...aside from ribbing. Again I ask...where were you when YOUR Republicans were blowing underage pages? Where were you when your Republicans were using actual public funds to go on adultery trists? You are transparent sir. It is easily seen through with very little effort.
oh whaaaaaaaaaa.. someone cannot take the truth being told.
And preogressives are not my republicans tex... they belong to you Leftists. just like the KKK and the NAZIs... so sad.
This is moronic. Go back and read the thread. It is like debating a freaking 8 yr old.
You keep giving out bs by stating that somehow I referred to progressive and you? I know you didn't go to college, but are you sure you got past the 2nd grade?
My statement:
dmits to sending a picture of him not nude on the internet? Grow up. Were you bitching when your Republicans were using state funds to go on adultery trists or blowing guys in the airport restrooms? Oh no...those were liberal conspiracies right? Such children."
Where in there does it say you side with Progressives? Your response to me as to ask what NY Republican had his shirt off. Mason are you sure you have the basic brain capacity to engage in this? Wait...it isn't that you are dumb, it is that you are that untruthful, by your very nature, you cannot help but to lie.
The KKK and Nazis were both conservatives...as McCarthy, as are you. It isn't like everyone can't look 2 inches above your post and read how untruthful you are and how pathetically you attempt to redirect things.
Who outed him?
When you see that name you can be sure it's Fox/Koch/Bagger-Ville.
Did you look at that link I posted?
Concerted stalking the guy...they knew about this tweet LONG ago...they were waiting for the right time.
Brietbart is an operative working for Koch, IMO.
Or Bibi. One of the 2.
Same thing, actually.
Enemies of America. imo imo imo
Outing someone is not setting them up. If some Leftist at the Huffy post had outed a Righty, you wouldn't care at all, Hypocrite.
he sent a photo of his genitals to an under age girl and she showed it..that's not illegal?
yes , he should know better. and for lying . not to mention putting his preg wife through this. hes a cad .
And yet--we have a "talk-show" dufus stimulating pouring gasoline down the presidents' throat....telling people the only way to stop people like Pelosi and Obama is to shoot them.....
THIS, we allow!!!
AND yet, we get upset by a penis.
See: this is where the values are ALL screwed up.
that stuff aint ok either the two wrongs don't make a thingy. like we need more diversions and distractions. his wife's preg hes obviously in need of moral restructure .
But where is the heated outrage over the other stuff??
Limbarrgghhh is vile every single day.....vile over vile! And racist and insulting....and not ONE peep from ALL these outraged about Weener.
It's because it's sex. You can show guns, racism, bigotry, hatred for the president all day long. But mention sex, and it's Game On!!
No he isn't... and calling people racists cause they do not tow your Party line, is hateful, and another of those things about the Left, which is pushing more and nmore people to the far Right.
So ypu just keep on going with all that hate... you, and those like you, are destroying your own Party and I love it.
Did I miss a step in this saga?
When did we jump to the conclusion that the woman he was flirting with is underage? This is what concerns me about the rumor mill.
I am not defending his actions. They showed immaturity.
But there is nothing (that I have seen/read) indicating CRIMINAL activity.
I agree with Bill Maher on this one. Wiener should take a leave of absence and go to "rehab." Not that he needs it but it looks good. You know, like Tiger Woods.
By the time he gets out this will all blow over. We will have had at least 5 new tempests in a teapot while he's away dealing with his sex addiction (because clearly he is a sex addict, right?).
Question: How much smaller (no pun intended) would this whole brouhaha be if the guy's name was anything but Wiener?
I know they were looking at a 17 year old gird he had contact with... but I am not sure about the pic.
Ah. Thanks for the clarification.
That's one of the big problems with the Internet.
Impossible to verify who you're REALLY talking to!
Not excusing the man's stupidity. Just shaking my head at another silly congressman who should have known better.
If he'd admitted his misconduct up front instead of the ridiculous cover up/lie -- I think he'd be judged less harshly (at least by some).
The only thing that Weiner did wrong was to place himself in a difficult position. Had he not tweeted a pic to the public on twitter he would have probably never been caught.
On the other hand, one of these girls could have easily blackmailed the Congressman with these pics. We may have never known that his Congressional votes were cast to payoff the blackmailers.
No politician should put him/herself in such a situation. I hope he stays, he will be useful during the campaigns. By not resigning he has shown himself to be a selfish man, more concerned with himself then his party.
the only thing he did wrong was get caught. lol
Yeah I know...calling the president a Jack-A$$ is Sooooooo much Love!!
Why Limbarrrggghhhh just oooozes love. For oxycodone. And Sarah Palin. And the Tea-Baggers.
Other than that--he's more vile than any sexual tweet could ever be.
And he never goes away. Or gets reprimanded. Or pays any price.
The Teflon Twerp.
no, he's too big for a twerp....the Teflon Torpedo.
Jackass is not a racist remark, nor is it hateful. it is a statement to his intellect and persona. Pick up a dictionary and learn a few words Chris.
Jackass is a statement as to intellect?
Conduct, I can see. But intellect?
If that's true, then W was a jackass. Obama, not so much.
Just my observation. But then, who am I to question what Rush Limbaugh says or means by what he says. The man's a jackass!
He has definitely shown himself to be a selfish man.
More concerned with himself than his wife.
But that's his personal business and really is not ours.
Nancy Pelosi has demanded that he go.
So that's that, i'nt it?
"You can bet that the senator in question is not the only one who is doing this. He is just the only one who has been caught."
Exactly. And caught for a reason. They are gunning for liberals.
And I agree....I'll bet Carl Rove is in the mix as well.
Selective outrage and selective targeting.
I don't think he should have resigned. We are talking about a sex-less sex scandal. I am deeply discouraged by Wasserman-Shultz, Pelosi, and the President on this one. Typical of the dems, though, fold under pressure.
No pun intended, but Weiner was the only on in the party with a pairof balls.
Jimmy Fallon Interviews Keith Olbermann http://goo.gl/fb/3MQ0E
speaks on Weiner...agrees with you 33rdn8th!
Weiner has resigned and admitted it was his fault he could no longer do the job he was elected to do. His wife was conspiculously absent at the announcement, good for her in my opinion.
Pretty sure she's the smart one in the family!
She works for Hilary Clinton....I'm sure she's quite aware of the vast right-wing conspiracy.
She must suffer embarassment for having a liberal husband.
They COULD have left it alone, you know. Breitfart and crew.
Cause--if you watched Olbermann... he said there is a reason for the nik-name "Boner" for Boehner.
Says it's been a "rumor" for a long long time. Let's see if anyone brings THAT to light.
*chirp* *chirp*
Double-Standard, politics-style.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/1 … 78974.html
"The latest dirty trick is the work of a right-wing operative who manipulated Representative Anthony Weiner’s (D-NY) Twitter account to send a picture to a young woman in an attempt to smear the Congressman’s image. Weiner is a rising star in the Democratic Party who is an unapologetic vocal critic of Republican’s legislative malfeasance and disregard for the American people. The particulars of the Weiner case are irrelevant to any serious discussion, although a thorough investigation exposed the culprit as a right-wing-nut-job whose purpose was discrediting Weiner to force him to resign; he began posting demands for Weiner’s resignation within seconds of the alleged untoward activity."
My mom said she also read that these operatives were going on to Weiner's Facebook and pretending to be girls wanting to flirt with him.
It's funny--much like some right-wingers do here....they attack on a personal level, along with, and sometimes instead of ideas.
Obviously-Weiner was a threat to Republicorp...he was bombastic! And gave it back. So--they "got" him.
Politics of personal destruction....and the American people eat it up.
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her? Why? Why not? Ms. Clinton seem to have the best qualifications for president. She also has political experience and is a quite savvy person?
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When was it that the American People have been so Angry at a President as they do President Obama?
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