Web-site/URL: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_usa_taxes_poll
Looks like DEMOCRATS still have at least SOME support
Yeah, tax the wealthy, the providers, the job creators.....and then sit back in another two years wondering why you can't find a job.
Hard to believe so many people could be that stupid, but then, we DID put a Community Organizer into the Oval Office....
During the so-called "golden age" of the 1950's, the tax rate on the top tax bracket was over 90%. Jobs were still plentiful. Corporations create most jobs, not wealthy individuals.
And you find a 90% tax rate in the highest achievers acceptable?
And who are corporations owned by? (Get ready)......people with money.....
But the U.S. has the second-highest corporate tax rate in the world. That's one reason companies build overseas.
There were incentives to small business during that time. The G.I. Bill was allowing for small business loans to returning vets. That was 15 Million people returning to the job market. Those men were needed in the conversion from war time to commercial industry. Small business has always been the largest employer, not large corporations.
So Billy your saying Warren Buffet is stupid?
How about these people?
I'm in favor of higher taxes on people like me," declared Eric Schoenberg, who is sitting on an investment banking fortune. He complained about "my absurdly low tax rates."
"We're calling on other wealthy taxpayers to join us," said paper-mill heir Mike Lapham, "to send the message to Congress and President Obama that it's time to roll back the tax cuts on upper-income taxpayers."
For them, Obama's plan to "spread the wealth" (by raising taxes on families earning more than $250,000) is too conservative. "The Obama plan we don't think goes far enough," Lapham protested. "We think probably more like the top 5 percent should have their taxes raised." That would be those above $200,000. "Or go beyond that," he suggested.
"I would with pleasure sacrifice the income," agreed millionaire entrepreneur Jeffrey Hollender.
How about we listen the rich people you care so much about?????
One problem with that. The top 1% pay the lions share of taxes already. What we need to do is find a way to encourage them to return their jobs and dollars to the US. I don't neccessarily mean by breaks either. I mean by what ever means neccessary.
no no no.
It's true: the rich pay the lion's share.
But the solution isn't anything proposed on this forum. The solution is to ACTUALLY pay for things that you want.
Government has NO INCENTIVE WHATSOEVER to actually pay for what they promise. One politician promises the sky, gets elected, then writes legislation, gets it passed.... oh, big surprise: he didn't think through the funding properly!
Because the people proposing the legislation don't benefit from it, they don't think it through enough.
Government can't create wealth, it can only steal it from the right hand and give it to the left.
Pay for things you want. Thats great thinking. I even agree with it. HOWEVER, there is a Constitution. That Constitution allows for taxation. Get over it. Now, if you want to get strict with the taxation thats fine. I'm all for that too. You just have to be reasonable.
Yes, the constitution DOES allow for taxation.
But I'm pretty sure that the founders would never have dreamed of a government that steals 35% of your wealth before you even see it.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, there was a specific clause in the document that said "no direct taxes".
Oh, and one last thing. According to the very document you're citing, our money is illegal. We are only supposed to be using gold and silver.
I like that we can agree on something. The government is wasteful. Tax increases for the rich should coincide with legislation that guarantees the government will cut spending.
Would you agree that we spend too much on the military (by far the government's greatest expense) and some cuts to defense could be part of an overall package to reduce spending?
I agree, and we're spending more under Obama than we did under Bush!
Absolutely, tax cuts without spending cuts is crazy. Both are needed. In the short run you may even need tax increases and massive spending cuts to get the economy back on track.
I personally would never agree with cutting Defense first. Social Security and Medicare have to go first. They are the root cause of our government spending problems. They were created based on one set of rules, billions were collected and then the government changed the rules and raided the kitty. WRONGO. I want that issue cleaned up first. The founding documents are clear on WHAT the government can collect taxes for.
"Social Security and Medicare have to go first. "
If you are collecting SS and using Medicare, I hope you will wake up. When conservatives talk about 'socialism' - it's programs you paid into your whole life - and depend on in your age - that are going to go FIRST.
Doug, I understand that. However, LOOK at how it started and how it is now. The original plan is NOT being followed. Dollars collected for Social Security have NOT always been spent on Social Security. Medicare is fraud ridden. So is SSI.
I would be happy to loose all I've paid in if I didn't have to worry with it anymore. I'm 40. I would be happy to keep it IF the government would get serious about cleaning up the fraud.
Next will come disabled people and children who have debilitating diseases.
As it is, in Kansas, single moms are giving their kids up to the state because they cut day-care funding and the moms can't afford day care on the wages they make. They have to give up their kids!!!....do you get what is happening here?
They have handed the reigns to Beelzebub.
Meanwhile, Ole Beck gets to make 35 mil instead of 33.....OH, the humanity.How could the poor man EVER survive on 33 mil?
Hey remember how they used to put mentally handicapped people in hospitals and leaving them sitting in their own feces??
Lets go back to that, get rid of those entitled handicapped people.
So how much of your cash are you giving to prevent this?
Have you seen the charts for military spending recently?Both Bush and Obama have placed huge increases on military spending which is orrying in my opinion, and probably the root cause to America's financial woes.
And if you look in to the funding fathers you will soon see that their policy was a 'hands off' America.
If there was any truth to the "hands off" policy that the founding fathers wanted for us, it couldn't have been more evident than with World War I and every foreign war after that. My country is still too stupid to learn from those mistakes.
Most Americans think that politicians are the country's biggest problem!
And in this Gallop Poll 79% of ALL Americans think the Federal Debt is a very serious problem!
http://dailybail.com/home/gallup-poll-f … to-us.html
These problems can't be fixed by taxing the rich alone. What is necessary is spending cuts and in this Gallop poll that is what most Americans want!
http://hotair.com/archives/2010/12/08/g … -spending/
Americans have clearly rejected the Democrat strategy of government spending to stimulate the economy and absurd Keynesian economic policies! If they continue to choose this path the Democrats will be routed yet again in 2012!
YAY!! Now they can repeal that stupid extending of the tax-breaks for the uber rich!! Since THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT IT.....right?
Um, LMC, I'm lost here.....so we need ObamaCare because its the right thing to do, even if the American people don't want it.....but now, we need to tax the rich because a poll indicates that the American people want it.
So which is it? Does what the American people think matter or not?
Billy - You have to read a little between the lines with lmc. She does her homework but she also uses a bit of sarcasm. And you'll never convince her that letting people keep their money is not related to government spending.
lmc - once again, government didn't spend money on tax cuts. They just didn't get money. After reading so many of your comments, I know you're not stupid.
Sorry, I should be more aware of that, but sadly, it is extremely difficult to take someone who is so head over heels in love with government seriously......
OK..here is what I think:
You take more of middle income money to make up for what the Uber Rich don't pay.
There are still bills to be paid and a gvt to be run. You take 70 million out of that pool per year, that's 70 mil you need to make up for.
You say cut spending.....well, there is 70 million you wouldn't need to cut!
And oh boohoo...such hardhip for Russsshhhhh to "make do" with 57 mil instead of 59. "Oh the pain!"
And, I will bet you my right arm, all the cuts will come from the people who can least afford to be cut. Meanwhile, the Uber rich, corporations, banks will continue to profit like there's no tomorrow.
Starve the Beast...kill the gvt. What's the name of that guy who has been preaching this since Clinton? He belongs to a Right-Wing think tank.
I will also bet my left arm they have no intention of "creating" jobs....I think their intention is to bust up unions, pay much less in wages and profit more.
And, of course, they will blame president Obama at every turn, so they can further their goal of making him a one term president.
Any politician who cares about the working class will be smeared as a communist sympathiser/commie red diaper doper baby-- whatever it is they use to smear anyone who doesn't fall in line with the Corporate Masters.
Poor get even poorer, middle falls further into poverty---Wealth at the top accumulates beyond measure.
What are you trying to do, make us into Dubai?
"I think their intention is to bust up unions"
I sure hope so.
"I think their intention is to bust up unions, pay much less in wages and profit more."
Oh, heaven forbid they (gasp!) make a profit. How dare they.
You sound like that girl from University of Georgia complaining in the school paper about Wal-Mart: "They sell products for more than it costs to produce them!" Oh the humanity!
Care to take my concerns seriously? Or just make fun of them, like you righties always do.
They more than make a profit. They suck the lives out of people so they can luxuriate.
Maybe you should follow the business model.
Profits are gooooooood.
The "business model" is not what I remember reading in the Constitution of the United States of America.
No where is it to be found. So, I can only geuss that someone MADE IT UP.
What is the last poll on people who want repeal?
WASHINGTON - American attitudes toward changes in health care laws are "all over the map," a Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health survey reported Tuesday.
While 28 percent want the 2010 health insurance law expanded, 19 percent said leave it alone, 23 percent backed repealing it and replacing with Republican ideas and 20 percent said repeal it, but don't replace it.
Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/01/25/2 … z1C4nW59ZT
Yea that is all Americans right??
Don't tax, it's theft.
Cut spending, it's liberty.
Aue contraire!!
American people WANT rich to pay more...that's what "The American People Want"....that's why they elected Repubs...to give them "What the American People Want'
Well....time to put up or shut up.
This American people doesn't want that.
One poll from yahoo should never I repeat never be considered anything more than wasted bandwidth.
HA! This from the Poll Queens of America...The American people this, the American people that....they wouldn't know a people if they tripped over one. All they know is money. All they care about is money.
It will be their downfall. Because We are better than that!
Now, off to make it possible for my boss and his family to Live in Luxury, while I struggle to make ends meet...Ah, the distorting of the American Dream.
Tinkle down. All over.
You sound envious and bitter. Perhaps you should go to his competitor where I'm sure you can get a better wage!
Man, if I were to discover that LMC worked for me, rest assured they would be terminated in short order.
Ah, the beauty of a right to work state.....
I hear ya! It's hard to imagine with that attitude that she can keep any job! You think she'd be more grateful... oh well it takes all kinds to make a world!
You gotta give her credit for keeping up her side of the argument though! She'd be great in Congress. There wouldn't be any way for the lobbyists to buy her off! Gotta love it.
LMC, you seem to hate your boss.
Other jobs exist.
http://www.google.com/search?q=help+wan … =firefox-a
It wasn't a yahoo poll dude. It was reported on yahoo and other sites.
I don't want rich people to pay more...
...I want to be taxed less.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. No matter what Obama says.
Either way crap rolls down hill. The people at the bottom are going to end up with a face full of it. We should go with flat tax and be done with it.
Flat tax is an excellent idea but doesn't prevent government from raising the flat rate when they need more money. We have got to cut them off from the cash cow.
A flat tax solves nothing.
The answer is to cut spending.
YEs yes yes, everyone WANTS public education, health care, uber-military, medicaide and medicare, and diamonds
We still have policies in place from the 40s to help with the great depression!
Here's a play I just wrote:
A: "Hey, we promised our constituents more than we can pay for... what should we do?"
B: "Well, I think the only Honest thing to do is to say 'sorry, we promised more than we could deliver!', right?"
A immediately shoots and kills B. He then deficates on the body and proceeds to bury the corpse.
C: "I know, let's play on the idiotic assumptions that people have about the rich! Let's just try to inform the public that 'the rich' have lots of money! Let's try to convince all the sheep out there that 'the rich' didn't earn their money!"
A: "Brilliant! Nothing like using ignorance to keep our jobs!"
LOL, no one responded to this? I thought this would generate some replies!
thats my thought as well....We need 1.5 trillion a year, or rougly 10 percent of the GNP, to pay for a health care system @ roughly $5000 a person per year.(which is what britain pays, roughly)
Very roughly, we spend 7.7% of GDP on healthcare.
Balance that against the 16.2% of GDP that you pay!
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