… 57504.html
This is bold! This is leadership! Using the recommendations from Obama's own debt commission Ryan constructed this budget. Look for the democrats to demagogue, distract, and disparage this while not bringing forth a reasonable plan of their own!
The democrats are typical Americans. Complaining about everything and not offering any lasting answers, all the while never being accountable. Paul Ryan's budget rocks. It's time the rest of America sacrificed the same way the working class has for years.
You got that right! Ryan is bringing it to the dems some of whom sat on Obama's debt commission and came up with these recomendations. I can't wait to see the dems.attack their own people's policy ideas! Lol!
Is anyone here in the center? Ryan is an unaccomplished, poorly educated and inexperienced person - period. After his politician/businessman father's untimely death at 55, Ryan had a path of name recognition before him in Wisconsin. A child of a wealthy a construction heir, he joined the family business (always the easy path for the unthinking). Now he is simply following the Republican catechism of low taxes, no regulation, trickle down bunk that middle class and working class Republicans have fantasized as a reality for their entire lifetimes. Ryan studied economics at a small Ohio university and he is now applying those "average" academic lessons to our country's future. He has no business experience (he didn't work in finance or economics at the construction company. He was in "marketing." Consider the Tea Party. Most are middle aged, middle class Republicans who have worked hard to maintain an average lifestyle. They still buy the "chant" of their elders about "low taxes" "unregulated FREE markets" and business above all else (even their God). And Obama is to wimpy to be an effective leader when it comes standing on principles of any kind. He too is owned by Wall Street. He'll buck his democratic backers before he shakes up his financiers.
This is garbage and still won't balance the budget for 30 years. Additionally, it does nothing to affect the wealthy and takes everything away from the middle class, working poor, medicare, medicaid, the elderly, etc...etc... same old Republican story. Kill the middle class, offer no help to our own people...then what becomes of America? Jesus, do you know how many of this country are ALREADY the working poor?
Oh, it's HIM again. He's got a big underwhelm from his rebuttal to the state-of-the-union address to live down. So how does he do it? With a ridiculously overpromising TEA PARTY budget.
Here's one typical response (excerpted).
The Ideological Roadmap of Paul Ryan’s Budget Scheme
05 April 2011 7:00 am by Taylor Marsh
"There’s a reason Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been pushing the Heritage Foundation mercilessly on their show for months and it was to pave the way for Paul Ryan and his Heritage Foundation hallucinations.
This partisan ideological shop is the driving engine for Rep. Ryan’s math, who in using the Heritage Center for Data Analysis as his cover conjured up the stamp of right-wing approval for his “Path to Prosperity.”
It’s going to solve all of our debt problems and even make parents able to stand their teenagers."...
...I’ve never seen anything like what’s going on with this budget, never mind that Rep. Paul Ryan hasn’t earned and doesn’t deserve such limelight. That he’s getting away with it is monumentally embarrassing.
Seriously, ending Medicare in ten years, then gutting Social Security? The man thinks math doesn’t impact living, breathing people. Not only is what he’s suggesting horrific public policy, but it will devastate the lives of scores of people if it’s enacted.
Fearmongering, and hyperbole exactly as predicted! This budget came from Obama's debt comission which Obama quickly dismissed because he lacked the courage and the leadership to put forth these proposals plus he didn't want to take any political risk!
From a NYT op-ed by Paul Krugman
titled "The Flim Flam Man"
One depressing aspect of American politics is the susceptibility of the political and media establishment to charlatans. You might have thought, given past experience, that D.C. insiders would be on their guard against conservatives with grandiose plans. But no: as long as someone on the right claims to have bold new proposals, he’s hailed as an innovative thinker. And nobody checks his arithmetic.
Which brings me to the innovative thinker du jour: Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.
...Mr. Ryan isn’t offering fresh food for thought; he’s serving up leftovers from the 1990s, drenched in flimflam sauce.
Mr. Ryan’s plan calls for steep cuts in both spending and taxes. He’d have you believe that the combined effect would be much lower budget deficits. “The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan would cut the budget deficit in half by 2020.”
The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center has, however, stepped into the breach. Its numbers indicate that the Ryan plan would reduce revenue by almost $4 trillion over the next decade...
... you get a much larger deficit in 2020, roughly $1.3 trillion.
And that’s about the same as the budget office’s estimate of the 2020 deficit under the Obama administration’s plans.
After 2020, the main alleged saving would come from sharp cuts in Medicare, achieved by dismantling Medicare as we know it, and instead giving seniors vouchers and telling them to buy their own insurance. Does this sound familiar? It should. It’s the same plan Newt Gingrich tried to sell in 1995.
So why have so many in Washington, especially in the news media, been taken in by this flimflam? ...they want to pretend, in the teeth of overwhelming evidence, that there are still people in the G.O.P. making sense.
... one mustn’t point out that its intellectual heroes have no clothes.
But they don’t. The Ryan plan is a fraud that makes no useful contribution to the debate over America’s fiscal future.
I'd expect nothing less from far left mouthppiece Krugman who complained Obama's trillion dollar stimulus wasn't enough and we needed to spend much more! Why anyone would listen to this liberal shill is beyond me!
I have not seen you go off script all day. Talking point after talking point... Ryan is a clown who is being used by the party. You saw this set up after the State of The Union. He wants to believe that he is the rising star of the party, but he is being used by House Leadership. The goals are clear, and not new. Privatize Social Security. Put it in the hands of "the people" and Wall Street. Didn't W want this as well? Just imagine how bad the economy would be today if repubs had their way on social security back in 05?
Just nonsense! The democrats offered nothing no leadership by Obama just sat back and waited to attack. They are playing political football. I have no use for any of the democrats.
The ownership of these budget slashing ideas is quite clear. It's the Tea Party's budget. You cannot tell us with a straight face that President Obama sanctions anything with the goal of "keeping America EXCEPTIONAL."
There are other telling TP touches throughout the article.
And lest you think I want to expand government and encourage deficit spending, I do not. There are some good ideas in Mr. Ryan's proposal. There are also some not even thinly veiled power grabs that once again hurt our most vulnerable citizens while pandering to favored industries. Tsk tsk.
"So why have so many in Washington, especially in the news media, been taken in by this flimflam?". The question might be are these people idiots or just plain evil? I'm guessing idiots. Think if went to trial in the afterlife, most would have to plead to dumb to stand trial.
The scary thing is how many Average Joes out there think this proposal is the ANSWER.
Even just reading the highlights, you don't have to read too far between the lines to see what he's REALLY proposing.
And it's Tea Party agenda all the way.
The question is, will Boehner sell it?
Why, indeed?
The man has no discernible credentials to talk about economics. None at all.
Paul Krugman joined The New York Times in 1999 as a columnist on the Op-Ed Page and continues as professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University.
Krugman won the Nobel Prize for Economics (October 14, 2008) Mr. Krugman received his B.A. from Yale University in 1974 and his Ph.D. from MIT in 1977. He has taught at Yale, MIT and Stanford. At MIT he became the Ford International Professor of Economics.
His professional reputation rests largely on work in international trade and finance; he is one of the founders of the "new trade theory," a major rethinking of the theory of international trade.
In recognition of that work, in 1991 the American Economic Association awarded him its John Bates Clark medal, a prize given every two years to "that economist under forty who is adjudged to have made a significant contribution to economic knowledge."
Mr. Krugman's current academic research is focused on economic and currency crises.
Some of his recent articles on economic issues, originally published in Foreign Affairs, Harvard Business Review, Scientific American and other journals, are reprinted in Pop Internationalism and The Accidental Theorist.
His "prize" was in trade. I stand by my characterisation of Krugman who though educated is a Keynesian economist which we all know to be a failed model in a free society. He's a liberal intellectual that believes his superior intellect is what is necessary to right this ship. I wouldn't listen to anything he has to say.
You won't find too many economists who aren't intellectuals. It's an academic job. And, for whatever reason, you don't find too many intellectuals who are conservative.
Well YOU wouldn't... but then an ideologue like yourself wouldn't bother looking.
... as compared with this economic giant. I wonder, does he get his policy ideas from the Vatican? Somehow, I doubt the Pope would endorse throwing seniors to the wolves...
Bio taken directly from
Biography of Congressman Paul Ryan
Born and raised in the community of Janesville, Paul Ryan is a fifth-generation Wisconsin native. Currently serving his 7th term as a Member of Congress, Paul works to address the many important issues affecting Wisconsin residents and serve as an effective advocate for the 1st Congressional District.
He is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, where he works to bring fiscal discipline and accountability to the federal government. He is a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, Social Security, health care and trade laws.
Paul has put forward a specific plan to tackle our looming fiscal crisis, driven by the explosion of entitlement spending. “A Roadmap for America’s Future” fulfills the mission of health and retirement security, pays off our crushing burden of debt, and spurs job creation and economic growth. To learn more about Paul’s Roadmap:
Paul is a graduate of Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville and earned a degree in economics and political science from Miami University in Ohio.
Paul and his wife Janna live in Janesville with their children, daughter Liza and sons Charlie and Sam. The youngest of four children, Paul is the son of Paul Sr. (deceased) and Betty Ryan. He is a member of St. John Vianney’s Parish.
Seems to me he's every bit as qualified as Krugman, more so when you consider he's actually worked in the government on budgets. What has Krugman done? Write op- eds in the liberal biased NYT.
From 'Crooks & Liars' blog today..
"...Paul Ryan's Brave and Courageous Budget Plan relies on some seemingly dubious numbers. In particular, the plan claims to work economic miracles by bringing the unemployment rate down to 6.4% next year (it's currently around 8.8%) and all the way down to 2.8% (!!!) by 2021."
While I believe the cuts to Medicare will be real and deadly to Seniors, the expectations of economic growth migrate from science fiction right to pure fantasy. I went to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unemployment hasn't been that low in my lifetime and I was born in September of '53.
Crooks and LIARS is right! How apropo for that blog. I downloaded the 73 page report and scaned it for "job" and " unemployment" and found no such assumption of 2.8%! I don't know where liars got that number. What the report does claim is unemployment will be brought down to 4% by 2015. That's still an optimistic number but achievable!
As usual the left is LYING.
Put it this way, who is more believable, the guy that puts his career on the line or the guy that stands to gain by dinigrating the risk taker?
It's impossible for a congressman to predict what employment will be.
It's just impossible.
Flat out impossible.
If he could ACTUALLY predict unemployment, then he'd be a Quintillionairre.
I agree that spending needs to be reduced (VASTLY reduced), but I hate it when these guys promise more than they can deliver. Congress just does NOT have the power to "increase employment by X% in 10 years" or whatever. They just don't.
No one can actually predict anything! But like the weather you can create a model that will present a picture of what you could expect within some range. Like the weather you can be completely wrong.
yes, that's why this Ryan guy's budget isn't quite right.
Sure, it cuts spending (which I agree with), but he claims to know the future, which is ludicrous.
I don't think he claims to " know" the future... he's merely making a forecast based upon his model of keeping the size of government to 20% of the economy.
Doug, the idea with the Medicare vouchers is throwing more public money at the private sector - it's a huge boost, at least on paper, for the insurance industry. I am not so certain , however, anyone "asked" the insurance industry what their take on all this was. The idea of bringing a largely unhealthy class of people (seniors) into the private insurance pool is anything but an insurance company's dream. The best thing that ever happened to private health insurance was Medicare. It took the "least " desirable risk out of the private pool and made it Uncle Sam's problem.
The Ryan plan deregulates the insurance industry again. Caps, exclusions and all the games that will allow the industry to collect premiums AND deny claims when the profit margin is threatened.
How does the plan affect Medicaid? I heard a blurb about it on the radio today. And this is only a guess, but I imagine Medicaid funding will be in "block amounts" to the states. The states, and again this is only a guess, will be able to get around current federal mandates this way. Yeah.. great plan lolll It is pure Tea Party Horsesh1t
I understand that they will 'save' 750 BILLION over 100 years. Which means the poor will be without care.
The best objective policy analysis I have read is by Ezra Klein. … _blog.html
Lol! What does.that come out to 75 million a year? Yeah and.that will cause seniors and children to starve! Lol!
Lying ideologies that refused to do their jobs!
"Nancy Pelosi
The #GOP Ryan budget is a path to poverty for America's seniors & children and a road to riches for big oil"
Over and Over and Over again...same old sh*t all the time from these people.
Obama-stand your ground! We voted you in to END this kind of Malarkey!!!
Oh--and didn't Ryan collect SS after his dad died? How nice of his country to help his mother out like that!
Didn't Overdrive get help from the gvt for her family farm? How nice!
***"I got mine, now scr*w you!"*** TP Mantra
You know--he is an Ayan Rand neophyte? Same as Greenspan, who had to admit his policies were wrong, and messed us up, Big time.
Does it ever occur to you to stop the big money spending?
Why doesn't Ryan end all these special tax-breaks for the wealthy?
Then, he wouldn't need to make paupers out of senior citizens AGAIN, which is why SS was necessary in the first place!
Why do we let businesses take a tax BREAK for sending business overseas? That is INSANITY!
Pay up! Then maybe poor kids won't have to starve, and do without healthcare.
Loop holes, tax breaks, scamming the tax codes, all these things never hit Ryan's radar. You ever wonder why?
What kind of thinking person only sees one side? And who needs a one-track-mind in gvt?
He said, "This is not a budget, it's a CAUSE"
The Cause of the Neo-CONS.
This is a country, not a Cult.
What you see more than one side? Let's see what do we agree on.
What's better more freedom or less?
What's better more jobs and opportunity or less?
What's better more tax or less?
What's better more savings or less?
What's better more success or less?
What's better more welfare or less?
what's better more poverty or less?
Under Obama and democrat leadership we have less freedom, less jobs and opportunity, more tax, more regulation more government, less savings, less success, more welfare and more poverty. Seems to me we're going in the wrong direction no matter what your politics.
The right wants to end personal freedoms. To suit their religious ideology.
The right has had their tax breaks for 10 years LEFT this DROVES!
What the hell good are less taxes, when the cost of living goes through the roof?...because they all do taxes, but higher fee's, more fines, higher cost of doing business,higher cost of living... all to offset the cuts.
We have huge poverty here....why didn't the Repub way work?
It's been pretty much my whole life.
And I don't get your logic, or see with your eyes.
We are finally coming OUT of the dumps.
Finally TRYING to do something about the high-end thievery.
You people get your cuts over and over again, and nothing ever changes!
Only thing happens, is the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.....that is no way to run a country.
We are NOT a business, NOR a right-wing ideology.
WE are a country, with REAL people behind all these talking-point grenades.
Clue: cutting taxes does not create fact, it does just the opposite. So, OBVIOUSLY jobs are not the goal here.
Do we have to keep learning that lesson over again? Just dressed up in new rhetoric?
Freedom? HA! Freedom to starve, be forced to give birth against your will, and have second-class status if you're gay.
DOUBLE-SPEAK propaganda....I'm not buyin!!
I am standing and applauding...Bravo my friend. Thank God there is hope knowing there are actually some people out there not stupid enough to buy all this Republican bull...
You both lack any common sense! You are claiming that RAISING taxes creates jobs wealth and prosperity that's ludicrous! Lol! Under Obama more peole than ever before are on food stamps poverty had risen wages are declining and prices for things like food and energy ate rising faster than they have in decades! Your arguments are without logic or merit!!
That was happening before Obama got into office and any half wit knows that. It only got worse. And then last year the Reps got in and said "We do nothing for the long suffering middle class and those collecting unemployment until we are sure we keep these tax cuts for the wealthy". Your speaker said that, on television. Saw it with my own eyes. I was shocked he would say it out loud and in front of the press.
So we take away the tax perks from the wealthy and the corporations and that hurts America but we keep taxing the middle class and take away anything to help the working poor and that does NOT hurt America...thats logical? I am not for higher taxes for anyone unless they make more than 200k a year. And companies making billions in profits can afford to give whats fair to their damn country. Now I would say that people who do NOT want to help their own country and people ARE TRULY THE UNPATRIOTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lady Love Said - "Lol! What does.that come out to 75 million a year? Yeah and.that will cause seniors and children to starve! Lol!
Lying ideologies that refused to do their jobs!"
Thats funny coming from you, since the Republicans cuts want to do the same exact thing to a greater degree!!! Do you read what the Republicans want to cut or do you just read about the Dems to criticize it? It certainly sounds like you have no idea what your own party wants at all.
So? Programs will be cut to 2008 levels. Instead of the government consuming 24% of the economy it will consume 20% the historical average. That's hardly going cause seniors and babies to die in the streets!
The fact is the democrats don't want to make any cuts. They want government to grow to 100% of our economy.and enslave us all!
It took great courage for Ryan to propose this. It comes with great political risk from the left using this as a tool to promote class.warfare and to portray the republicans as for the rich when they are not, they're for the country!
And what political risk is there to the democrats in attacking this? None! They stand to GAIN! Obama appointed a bipartisam commission to cut debt and did NOTHING with their recommendations. He called the debt in 2006 a " failure of leadership" and voted against raising the debt ceiling.
Obama is a liar an opportunist and a coward that lacks leadership and so are the rest of the socialist democrats and all the fools that buy into their nonsense!
lady_love158 wrote:
His "prize" was in trade. I stand by my characterisation of Krugman who though educated is a Keynesian economist which we all know to be a failed model in a free society. He's a liberal intellectual that believes his superior intellect is what is necessary to right this ship. I wouldn't listen to anything he has to say.
OFcourse you won't. He speaks the truth and thats the last thing you want to hear. He is brilliant and well educated and gives facts not rhetoric and lies and propoganda. Plus he challanges your GOP Bull. God forbid YOU should think and not just follow, right or wrong, good or bad. Sounds to me like YOU have been thoroughly brainwashed.
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