Governor Rick Perry called upon Americans to pray and fast on August 6th and has invited political leaders to a prayer summit in Houston.
The freedom from religion organization is suing to prevent this happening saying that it violates the "establishment" clause in the constitution.
I don't see how asking people to pray and fast is "establishing a religious law". In fact the actions of the freedom from religion organization are an attempt to violate the constitution by preventing people from religiously organizing.
The US. Constitution specifically says that no laws can be passed prohibiting the free exercise of religion. The freedom from religion organization is in violation of the first amendment in their attempt to prevent Perry and others from freely exercising their constitutional right to FREEDOM OF RELIGION.
Rick Perry is a joke. He has a huge debt and unlike Arnold, lives life to the hilt off the backs of hard working Texans.
Incorrect. We had a buget shortfall of $27 BILLION, Perry made cuts to the 2 year budget and now we only have a $ 4 BILLION shortfall. To bad Washington could not do the same
Despite that, I would not vote for Perry
You've definitely gotten the Perry haters going already with your question...I am an actual Texan, unlike the others here who hate my governor so much (they're just jealous they don't live in this great state with a great economy and lots of jobs), and will respond to the actual question you asked.
You were asking about the day of prayer coming up here in my hometown, and of course it's constitutional. There are just a lot of idiots out there who don't want anyone to pray, let alone a public figure. Perry invited anyone who wants to attend, and many will attend and pray right along with him. It's not all about him anyway, he's just the one who suggested it. As you said, the Consitution doesn't say we can't have religion, or that public figures can't worship as they please. It says that no one can establish a state religion. Is that what happens when a governor prays in public? I don't think so. Atheists and other nonbelievers will say it is. Oh well, we'll just have to disagree on this one.
Oh and by the way, having the ACLU protest your event here in Houston is the best way to get more people to attend, so good job guys!
Perry 2012!!!
I agree, KK Trainor, it is just the religion haters sounding off. Right, the constitution forbids the government from forcing one particular religion or denomination on the populous. Rise up believers and exercise your religious freedom!
It is certainly ironic that liberal media would have no problem with tearing down the rights of people of faith because it shows that some politicians have a religious preference, and God forbid that preference be Christian.
I think you are not getting the part that is actually ironic.
Oh, I see a lot of irony in it, but probably not the irony that you think I think that you are probably thinking, Marrrrk, er, I mean... Evolution guy.
No - I know what you think is ironic. That is not what is actually ironic. But thanks for validating my opinion of your irrational belief system. Caused any wars lately? Hoping for one perhaps? I can't remember how many wars the Mormon cult started - was it 2 or 3?
Do you really want to compare "Mormon wars" to atheist/communist wars, mass murderers, and genocides??? Shall we take a gander at that nasty little black book of communism?
Not that this has anything to do with a man exercising his constitutionally protected rights.
Awww. Stalin kilt some people therefore it is OK that Christians start wars. Not getting the train of logic.
Never really understood the argument. Perhaps you could explain to me how the fact that a communist regime killed a lot of people makes it OK that you religionists are warmongers and mass murderers?
Odd you think a lack of belief in your Invisible Super Being equates to being a communist.
Guess you int red the Konstitution either huh?
Well evolution dude, It's a little different when some Mormons are defending their homes as opposed to the ideology of people like, oh, I don't know George Bernard Shaw, or Joseph Stalin.
Of course my Fellow Mormon Joseph Smith once said "One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic." Oh wait, that was Stalin, your fellow atheist. Quite the difference in ethics I would say.
Perhaps the ethics of Atheists can be explained by prominent playwright George Shaw;
“ I don’t want to punish anybody, but there are an extraordinary number of people who I might want to kill…I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board just as he might come before the income tax commissioner and say every 5 years or every 7 years…just put them there and say , ‘Sir or madam will you be kind enough to justify your existence…if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little bit more then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive. Because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself."
Nope. Still not getting it. Still don't understand how it is OK that Christians murder people because non-christians do.
Did you even understand the questions? Or do you simply have no moral compass?
Maybe if you tried again?
I'm starting to question your comprehension skills. Some Mormons defended their homes= self defence, not murder.
Atheists kill 100million people to usurp power= murder.
Still not understanding. Christians mass murder = OK because some Russian communists mass murder.
Maybe I am missing something. You are a Christian - right? You belong to the group that mass murdered for 100s of years?
Mormons were not defending anything but their right to stick their religion down people's throats.
Sorry - was it 2 or 3 wars you provoked?
Well it’s a very simple principle when dealing with Christianity, and there is a fundamental difference between past Christians who have committed murder and atheists who have committed murder. All you need in order to determine weather or not the individual or even the society on the whole is following the tenants of said religion is to read the new testament. Therein lies a set of prescribed ethics and morals to live by.
With Atheism there are no rules or guidelines with the exception of not believing in a creator. Hence the only thing we have as an example of what it means to be an atheist is that of past and present influential atheists. Thus we quote prominent atheists like Shaw, Stalin, and Mao who have historically influenced the majority of atheists in the world, as leaders in the community of atheism who have continually paved the way for their future predecessors.
Even present atheism is not good enough to go by because the actions of atheists are constantly being guided by their leaders in different directions. The one consistency being militant atheism from Marxist, communist regimes to the Fabian Society, and demented despots such as Richard Dawkins, and the Freedom from religion organization, who serve the goal to wipe out religion by making second class citizens of believers.
I actually did not provoke any wars.
Still not getting it. It is OK that Christians kill because they are allowed to because an atheist killed some one once? That about it?
Richard Dawkins is a demented despot? Did I get that right as well?
Still not understanding. It is OK that you religionists kill and murder because Richard Dawkins is a despot?
Its kind of easy to understand, atheists have killed millions upon millions of people.
There have been Christians who have killed who knows how many people.
But you constantly mention the Christians and give the atheists a pass.
So to explain in words you may understand, you are being hypocritical.
By the way, have you ever seen bacteria evolve into something other than another form of bacteria?
So what you are saying is that Christians are no better than atheists and their moral standards are as low as any other group of psycopaths?
I guess I can go with that. Therefore their religion is worthless garbage. Gotcha - for once, I agree with you.
Still not sure why you defend them and say it is OK that they have killed millions because a non believer did.
Atheism is a lack of belief in a god - not an organization or group like Christianity. Sorry you are incapable of understanding that. I am not a communist and have nothing in common with Stalin except a lack of belief in your Invisible Super Being. But - keep defending the faith.
Do ya think Richard Dawkins is a demented despot an the erf is only 2 fousand years old as well?
"So what you are saying is that Christians are no better than atheists and their moral standards are as low as any other group of psycopaths?"
Some Christians are no better than psychopaths just like some atheists.
"I guess I can go with that. Therefore their religion is worthless garbage. Gotcha - for once, I agree with you."
Why is "their religion" garbage? What does one have to do with the other?
"Still not sure why you defend them and say it is OK that they have killed millions because a non believer did."
I didn't defend anyone. I merely pointed out your hypocrisy.
"Atheism is a lack of belief in a god - not an organization or group like Christianity. Sorry you are incapable of understanding that."
Might want to tell this group that, they think they are an organization
"I am not a communist and have nothing in common with Stalin except a lack of belief in your Invisible Super Being. But - keep defending the faith."
Who called you a communist?
"Do ya think Richard Dawkins is a demented despot an the erf is only 2 fousand years old as well?"
I don't think of Richard Dawkins at all. I wonder if he has ever seen one form of life become a completely different form of life? Doubt it.
Sorry you didn't understand. Not surprised though.
So - the christian religion does not offer moral guidance and ethical rules then? And Christians are no more or less likely than anyone else to be good people? At least we can agree on that. This is why it is a worthless - it claims to do something that it does not do. Also - its followers are hypocritical. Look it up. H Y P O C R I T E in case you are having trouble understanding again.
I can spell it out more simpler for you if you need me to. But I tried not to use too many big words. Hope that helps.
"Sorry you didn't understand. Not surprised though."
"So - the christian religion does not offer moral guidance and ethical rules then?"
Sure it does, but people are imperfect, you should know that.
"And Christians are no more or less likely than anyone else to be good people?"
They are more likely to be good people if not you would see a lot more devastation and destruction than you do.
"At least we can agree on that. This is why it is a worthless - it claims to do something that it does not do."
It is a worthless....what?
"its followers are hypocritical. Look it up. H Y P O C R I T E in case you are having trouble understanding again."
I'll make it easy for you, if a Christian kills and an atheist kills they are both killers. You tend to ignore and forgive the atheist because you say he doesn't believe in an invisible super being. That makes you a hypocrite.
No. Please stop lying about me. I know that is what your religion teaches, but still.
Yes. The truth hurts. Oh well. You will ignore it and keep lying as the good book teaches I suppose?
Awesome riposte. You religionists sure do it.
You win.
You get the last word.
Your parents should be proud.
Absolutely constitutional, Onusonus! You are correct.
you are correct no law has been passed, he has a right to the organising of a gathering and exercise freedoms he has.
I have no problem with this rally as long as it's not funded by public money.
That would be over the line unless the public funds are by donation.
Well if they're by donation there's no need for the funds to be put into public coffers. The donations could just as easily be made to a non-profit religious group that could use the money to set up the rally. Why donate to the government for the purpose of holding a religious rally when you could just donate to those organizing the religious rally directly?
Why do people like him always have to make a public show of religion, but behind closd doors, ignore every precept?
I'm not talking about his personal life, or his religious views, I only wish to see that his and every other American's constitutional rights are upheld.
State religion is false religion. He wants to sucker the religious right who fell for Bush's war for oil in Iraq. The religious right was held in contempt by Rove and others who used them for political ends.
I believe in Christ but the religious right is a group of idiots who were taken for the ride of their lives and are now licking their wounds, when they found out they were pawns.
Are you saying that by suggesting that Americans fast and pray, he is in violation of the constitution? Put your religious differences asside and ask yourself if what he is doing is constitutional or not.
He is talking about inviting people to gather togeather in Houston to worship God. How is this establishing a law?
chris to say that implies you know exactly what he does behind closed doors? be carefull of that.
OK--the policies that come out of his meetings behind closed doors are not Christian, in my opinion.
Yet--he makes a public stance at being religious.
Pander Bear.
I am so happy not to live somewhere that this would or should be considered a normal thing to do.
If anyone made such an invite in my country only too notorious loons would turn up.
What's he praying about this time? Back in April, he prayed for rain when 10% of Texas was under "exceptional drought." Now 71% of Texas is under "exceptional drought." Maybe if he prays for the opposite of what he wants he'll be more likely to get it.
We don't want a phony Christian like him paying for anything.
Yeah he should be banned from being able to pray either just based on the preconceived notions that people have about him, He's not Christian enough to have that right. It's really more of a privilege than a right anyway. Oh wait, it's not......
more of the same is not new.
Freedom of anything is to be afforded to EVERY citizen of the United States, public or private, and anyone who stops the lawful behavior, religious or otherwise, or tries to belittle that person for what they try, is breaking the law in the United States.
By trying to stop Governor Perry, that organization is breaking Constitutional Law, and should be punished. By making fun of someone for trying anything to stop a drought is just plain mean. Who really cares what a person thinks of another person? Should it matter that Governor Perry prayed for rain? The Native Americans danced for it. Science tried to seed clouds to make it rain. What harm did it do to pray? I'm relatively certain that no one was harmed, and your little graphs, tables and pictures of a red Texas are pointless in this particular conversation.
Point not understood. And I'm no dummy. Your point is not applicable to the conversation topic.
OK i am impressed. How did you get those maps in the thread. I have wanted to do that several times in other threads
The prayers of a hypocrite like Rick Perry are basically worthless.
I don't know why he wastes his time - one can't be a Christian if they support the state sponsored murder of anyone, and Rick's got a death/murder assembly line going. What a waste of that hair spray he uses. . . .
by JamesPoppell 12 years ago
Did Rick Perry hurt his campaign by skipping New Hampshire?
by I am DB Cooper 12 years ago
Rick Perry is dropping out of the presidential race today. Just a few months ago there were a lot of people thinking he could beat Romney, but then he kept sticking his foot in his mouth in the debates. Is this the last we'll see of Rick Perry in national politics?
by cjhunsinger 10 years ago
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by Mike Russo 11 years ago
How is your state doing with Obama Care State Exchanges? Read this article about how the California State Exchange is going to help lower premium costs. … ng-points/
by quatrain 12 years ago
Saw him at the debate last night, when he appeared to have a "senior moment". Who's prepping this man, anyways? I almost felt sorry for him, it was so bad.As one commentator on mangoboss said, he is "winging it to oblivion".
by Dan Harmon 10 years ago … a-schools/Seems that Orange county in Florida encourages Christian literature to be disseminated to students, but aren't so happy when other religions or groups want the same right. Unfortunately a court case resulted in the school board...
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