kateperez profile image59


Joined 15 years ago from pasadena, tx

  • 75
  • 77
  • 11
  • Victim or Survivor?

    Victim or Survivor?

    7 years ago

  • Sexual Misconduct?

    Sexual Misconduct?

    7 years ago

  • Conformity Is for the Dead

    Conformity Is for the Dead

    7 years ago

    Today he got up like he does every day. Today, however, he looked for a change. The news was depressing as ever. Nothing positive ever comes from the bias that the news tells him. His job search was futile up to this point. It did not matter...

  • Is Gender Determined by Hormones?

    Is Gender Determined by Hormones?

    7 years ago

    Testosterone is being investigated as a source of gender identity on a chemical level in the human body.

  • Nature, or Nurture--Again, or Still?

    Nature, or Nurture--Again, or Still?

    7 years ago

    The long standing divide in the mental health community continues. Do people do what they do because they were born that way, or did they learn it?

  • Divisions of the Human Brain

    Divisions of the Human Brain

    7 years ago

    Divisions of the Brain There are three basic divisions of the brain:the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain (Breedlove, Watson, & Rosenzweig, 2010; Bigdeli, 2012).The forebrain is the most developed, and includes the thalamus and...

  • Women's Issues are Bigger Than Reproductive

    Women's Issues are Bigger Than Reproductive

    7 years ago

    Women fought long and hard to be respected, to be able to own property and businesses and to get the right to vote. These hard fought battles should be remembered to empower generations to come. However lately it seems like the only thing...

  • What Happens When It's You?

    What Happens When It's You?

    7 years ago

    So, what happens when you think that everyone should be treated equally? What happens when you treat everyone as though they have more value than you do? What do you do when the shoe falls onto the other foot? Several years ago my husband,...

  • Media Word Traps

    Media Word Traps

    7 years ago

    The idea that the media journalists are without bias is to be seen. The idea that any fairness and unbiased information can be found in any of the news outlets readily available is questionable. The media, the “experts” and the “talking...

  • Why All the Name Calling?

    Why All the Name Calling?

    7 years ago

    So a question was asked: something about what would a person change in the first 100 days, if they became President of some country. It was a good question. The answer, in quotes below, was one of the responses. "amnesty for every illegal alien...

  • Is Intelligence Merely Book-Smarts?

    Is Intelligence Merely Book-Smarts?

    7 years ago

    Intelligence has been measured, defined, and contemplated but has it ever really been understood? What makes one intelligent? Is it a mental acuity or is it a physical talent? When does one go from being average to smart to intelligent? Who gets...

  • What is a Microagression

    What is a Microagression

    7 years ago

    Main post: I have experienced Dr. Sue in my Master’s Social Psychology course through a series of videos that we were to watch. During that specific time, I became extremely offended by the implication that only white people perpetrate racism...

  • Things My Mom Used to Say

    Things My Mom Used to Say

    7 years ago

    Words of wisdom from mom. Mom would always say the dang’est things, but you know what? She was usually right. Here are a few of the life lessons I got from my mom. 1. It is easier to keep something clean than to make it clean. a. Doesn’t...

  • 1

    Is the Greek God Apollo a Narcissist?

    7 years ago

    As Depicted in Star Trek the Original Series Apollo is a Greek God. He was depicted in an episode of the original Star Trek series as a sentient being from another planet, an alien life form, who visited Earth five thousand years before the...

  • It Only Takes a Minute

    It Only Takes a Minute

    7 years ago

    It only takes a minute to get someone to like you. It also only takes a minute to make someone your worst enemy. Personal actions are a great influence on the society at large, every small culture and every family unit. Regardless of who a person...

  • How to Really Communicate With a Negative Spouse

    How to Really Communicate With a Negative Spouse

    7 years ago

    Lady Zona How many of us have found ourselves in a verbal altercation with a loved one that we wished we could take back? It could be a mother, it could be a friend, or a spouse. In any case different personalities have a way of pushing buttons of...

  • Innovation is Moving Quickly

    Innovation is Moving Quickly

    7 years ago

    Ladies and gentlemen the future is today. You can drive a car that parks itself. You can plug in that same car and not use hardly any (if any) gasoline. You can have a self-propelled lawnmower that only needs you to make sure that it does not...

  • A Day at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy

    A Day at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy

    7 years ago

    A Day at the Wal Mart Pharmacy In February, 2011, we returned home to Pasadena, Tx from a road trip to Chicago, IL to see our daughter graduate from Navy boot camp. It was a wonderful trip, the air was crisp, snow was on the ground, and I got a...

  • Social Security Pay Vs. Federal Employee Pay

    Social Security Pay Vs. Federal Employee Pay

    7 years ago

    When I finally found a job with the U.S. Census bureau I contacted the Texas Workforce Commission and notified them that I was now employed. I submitted my final request for payment and indicated the amount of money that I had drawn for pay from my...

  • Small Example of the Bigger Picture

    Small Example of the Bigger Picture

    7 years ago

    Trickle-down economics can be seen at the gas pump and in the grocery store by higher costs to overcome the extra vendor expenses.

  • The Death of Civility, Diplomacy, and Good Manners

    The Death of Civility, Diplomacy, and Good Manners

    7 years ago

    The Death of Civility Ladies and Gentlemen of the world. I regret to inform you that diplomacy, civility, and just good manners have passed away. They are survived by rhetoric, hate, and manipulation. The former three will be sorely missed by...

  • Can't Trust Yourself

    Can't Trust Yourself

    7 years ago

    She was bored. Another Saturday night and she was sitting at home doing absolutely nothing. All that was on the television were re-runs or news television. Oh how tired she was of the news! There is never any good news on anymore. Each channel...

  • As She Slept

    As She Slept

    13 years ago

    “Mommy, I want to write a letter to Daddy. Can you help me to mail it?” “Of course, sweetheart. As soon as you are ready to put it in an envelope I’ll be happy to help you to get it off to your daddy.” “But, what should I write?...

  • Why Are Children Obese?

    Why Are Children Obese?

    7 years ago

    What makes a child obese? Is it Tony the Tiger? Did Ronald McDonald cause the problems? I wonder if it was a toy in a meal, or maybe it was that cartoon captain with the crunchberries in his box? Clearly there are items that are being eaten...

  • Solitude is Fleeting

    Solitude is Fleeting

    13 years ago

    So I was sitting in the passenger side of the car and was chatting with my husband. At some point he asked me, well it was more of an observation, about my lack of need for human companionship. I supposed he was right, and acknowledged his...

  • Communications Need Revision

    Communications Need Revision

    13 years ago

    Social networking has become very popular for people across the world. Like-minded people and family members (not always so like-minded) can get together and try to discuss those things that they want to talk about, and franchise or business...

  • When I Grow Up I'm Going To

    When I Grow Up I'm Going To

    13 years ago

    Oh what I wouldn’t do for a quick alternative to long and tortuous hours of heating up my home by cooking a full meal for my family! After a long day of work and even longer day of studies it is nearly impossible to find time to put together a...

  • Sitting is Underrated

    Sitting is Underrated

    13 years ago

    So, here I am. I sit. That is what I do. I sit to work, I sit to play, I sit to read, breathe, eat, and to watch television. It seems all I ever do is sit. My butt is getting wider, and my stomach is getting squishier. My feet seem to swell up and...

  • Do You Want to Write a Story

    Do You Want to Write a Story

    13 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be great to travel the world? I would love to be like a huge winged creature who is able to fly with no worries, to consider the things that are around the entire planet first hand. To go to China and see the great wall or to fly to...

  • Reading is Fun

    Reading is Fun

    13 years ago

    I love to read. If I can put my hands on it, I will read it. I have subscriptions to several different magazines and I try to read the articles between studying for my class work. I have the collection of “Harry Potter” books, which I’ve...

  • What are Your Rights?

    What are Your Rights?

    13 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be grand if everyone got their own way? Wouldn’t the country be better off if overeaters could eat, if drug users were allowed to shoot-up without fear of consequences? What about murder, and incest, and other such ridiculous...

  • Fun Halloween French Maid

    Fun Halloween French Maid

    7 years ago

    There is nothing more fun than being away at college during Halloween. Young, in shape, pretty, and free to be whatever I wanted to be, I was a French maid. Long story short, my mom had this really cool black velvet dress with white lace around the...

  • Eye Wear has Come a Long Way

    Eye Wear has Come a Long Way

    13 years ago

    “Boys don’t make passes to girls who wear glasses!” That was the mantra that my mom used to tell me the boys would spout out when she would hang out with her friends. Well, in 1950, it is likely that those glasses did nothing for the face of...

  • Just Because, Mom

    Just Because, Mom

    13 years ago

    Today is a beautiful day. It is mid-summer and hotter than heck. I woke up and smelled jasmine outside of my window that somehow stayed open even though I swear I closed it before bed! My husband must have wanted some fresh air. I don’t mind when...

  • Do You have a Start-up Business

    Do You have a Start-up Business

    13 years ago

    So I started this cool new business. Well, my husband did, anyway. We want to call it Galveston Wall Creations but don’t know yet if the name has been taken. If not, that is what it will be called. Starting small, he wants to build, finish, and...

  • I Took a Picture

    I Took a Picture

    13 years ago

    I took some pictures today. I went for a nature walk and found myself astounded by the beautiful images that my camera could take while just doing some light exercising. I got beautiful pictures of a turtle, some flowers, and best of all this cool...

  • Residency


    7 years ago

    I am SO excited! I get to go in about 1 ½ months to Orlando, Florida for my first doctorate residency. I can’t tell you how long it has been since I was an 8 year old girl who said I was going to be a doctor. OK, so I won’t be a medical doctor....

  • Letter to a Teenage Girl

    Letter to a Teenage Girl

    13 years ago

    Oh my gosh! How many shoes can one person have? I mean really! Are you Imelda Marcos? You have so many shoes that I cannot walk in the house without stepping on your shoes! Where do you get all those shoes? Do you buy them in the stores, or do you...

  • To Become a Martyr

    To Become a Martyr

    13 years ago

    It takes a process to become a martyr. First you have to have a cause. It can be meaningful, murderous, or insane. After you have created your business plan for your cause then find a few relevant people to believe in your plan. Once you have...

  • Will We Survive?  YES!

    Will We Survive? YES!

    13 years ago

  • I Forgot:  The Invisible Girl

    I Forgot: The Invisible Girl

    13 years ago

    The little girl was playing with her brothers.  She was a cute little thing, barely tall enough to be counted as a five year old.  They had turned over the Radio Flyer wagon and were playing bartender.  The boys would sit on the wheels like...

  • The Goodbye Kiss

    The Goodbye Kiss

    13 years ago

    At first it was a gentle clicking noise, barely noticable.  Then it got progressively louder.  The bed frame was metal, and the clicking noise sounded like metal on metal.  She woke up to hear the click.  It was as though someone was trying to...

  • Fight with Karen

    Fight with Karen

    11 years ago

    Karen was a quiet girl. She kept to herself and did not have any friends at all in her 8th grade class. Maybe it was because she was chubby, maybe it was because she was taller than most girls her age. It could have been that she had frizzy hair,...

  • The Unexpected Gift

    The Unexpected Gift

    13 years ago

    She was a natural beauty. Barely 20 years old, her porcelain skin, her pale green eyes, and her stark contrasting auburn/brown hair was stunning. She caught his eye quickly and all he could think about was her. They began a relationship in the...

  • Westboro Baptist, Society of Hate

    Westboro Baptist, Society of Hate

    7 years ago

    Westboro Baptist Protesting Google Images Abstract The Westboro Baptist Church has been the center of discussion and legal mitigation involving freedom of speech afforded by the first Amendment of the Constitution of the United States (Walter,...

  • Freedom of ?

    Freedom of ?

    7 years ago

    Recently the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Westboro Baptist Church has the right to protest military funerals under the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States. Many people do not agree with...

  • Oh By the Way

    Oh By the Way

    14 years ago

    Wild Wicca So, I've been enrolled in my new psychology classes for my grad degree. Capstone, which tells me I'm practically at the end of my classes, (YAY) and something called Culture and Psychology. I have the opportunity to do some study on a...

  • You CAN Make Money Writing

    You CAN Make Money Writing

    7 years ago

    I have been unemployed since September, 2010, after the US Census Bureau closed their doors.  Since then I've been searching for great opportunities for making money from the computer in my dining room on the table. I would like to share what I've...

  • The Last First Kiss for Life

    The Last First Kiss for Life

    14 years ago

    Ooh, love's first kiss.  It is beautiful, it is stimulating and breathtaking.  How many first kisses does a person really need?  Is there a first kiss as a child, a first romantic kiss as a teenager?  Is there a first lasting kiss from the love...

  • Don't Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell

    Don't Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell

    14 years ago

    In the United States the military has strict rules against the inclusion of openly gay men and lesbian women serving. I don't know if this is the macho image that the United States military has decided to give to the world or if the Christian moral...

  • What's the Big Hairy Deal, Anyway?

    What's the Big Hairy Deal, Anyway?

    14 years ago

    I remember being like, 8 years old or so. We lived in Illinois and went to public school. My older brother was about 11 years old. The school principal came up to him one day and told him that he needed to cut his hair, it was too long. It was...

  • I Love my Life Totally

    I Love my Life Totally

    7 years ago

    Here I am, unemployed, have very little money, and have lost most ambition to try working.  But, that being said, I love my life.  The colors are not gone, the beauty in the faces of children still makes me smile. I cried when I lost my job, for...

  • Hallalujah


    15 years ago

    Who remembers the Brady Bunch, Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best?  Ahh for the days when you can remember watching honest children telling their parents when they did something wrong.  Beautiful, respectful children who did nothing to...

  • Decorum: A Lost Art

    Decorum: A Lost Art

    11 years ago

    Beautiful girls and young ladies across the country are being called "ho" "whore" "slut" and other names.  It is not what you think though.  It seems that this is a term of endearment now!  When did being called a slut become a wonderful thing? ...

  • You Have a Happy Year Ahead

    You Have a Happy Year Ahead

    15 years ago

    Oh my, how exciting it is to know that we've reached the second decade of the new millennium.  Our lives have not changed much, or they've changed a lot.  Depends on how you want to live.  Do you wish to be obscenely rich?  How about being more...

  • Traffic Jams

    Traffic Jams

    15 years ago

    It is time for traveling across the state or the country to spend your choice of holiday festivities with loved ones whether they be family or good friends.  It is also time to decide how you are going to get there.  Flying is faster, driving is...

  • Are you Sad

    Are you Sad

    15 years ago

     Are you sad?  There are many reasons to feel sad.  You could have lost a loved one, broken up with your significant other or saw a terrible tragedy on television.  These issues will definitely produce sadness but each will heal with time. ...

  • Children are Disappearing

    Children are Disappearing

    15 years ago

     I am saddened and angered by the news.  Every day another child is missing, kidnapped, beaten, or killed.  Why are we allowing these things to occur?  Children Protective Services is being lazy, there doesn't seem to be any way to determine who...

  • When Times were Tough

    When Times were Tough

    15 years ago

     Grandma and grandpa used to be the center of the family.  It did not matter which side of the family, they were the hub.  Go to Grandpa's house for holidays, go to church with Grandma on Easter.  Eat your lovely dinner, but the kids were set...

  • Santa Claus is Coming!

    Santa Claus is Coming!

    15 years ago

    What is the harm of children choosing to be good to get gifts or the promise of a good holiday? Well, some may contend parents are bribing their children to the point where their behavior is only conditional on the promise of goodies. I can see this...

  • Dollar Stores

    Dollar Stores

    15 years ago

    Stretch these as far as possible.  It's Christmas, but that is no reason to break your savings account down to precious nothings. I have taken it upon myself to search for bargains since I have found myself making 50% of my regular income.  The...

  • New Holiday Tradition

    New Holiday Tradition

    15 years ago

     Mom took her time and her day and made a spectacular meal.  The turkey was baked to perfection, the dressing and mashed potatoes were delightfully edible.  Can't complain about the cranberry sauce, it came out of a can.  The gravy had the...

  • NOW it is Christmastime

    NOW it is Christmastime

    15 years ago

    Merry Christmas (google images)  Economically speaking, it is the biggest shopping holiday of the year.  Spiritually speaking it is a time for love, joy, acceptance, and closeness.  Where you stand in the great scheme of things is your choice. ...

  • Cabin Fever Cure

    Cabin Fever Cure

    7 years ago

    Snowed in cabin  It happens.  The weather turns poor and there is nothing you would like better than to sit in the sunshine and soak in some rays.  It happens to a lot of people.  Cabin fever has been around for centuries.  There is actually...

  • Yum Pie

    Yum Pie

    7 years ago

    All that pie! I have spent 47 years of Thanksgiving eating pie. I have had pie for each and every Thanksgiving. There is apple pie and cherry pie and blueberry pie, pecan pie, banana cream pie, lemon merengue and chocolate cream pie.  Can't...

  • What're You Going to Do?

    What're You Going to Do?

    15 years ago

    He said that she said that they said that you said that I liked this. Is that true? What is wrong with you? I am supposed to be your friend! Why do you think you can just gab around behind my back and tell other people something like that? ...

  • Avoided Conflict

    Avoided Conflict

    15 years ago

    Don't say that, don't do that, don't think that, don't imply that. What has this world come to? Sensitive or not, everyone is going to say something that will invariably offend someone else's sensitivities. Even if the entire concept was to...

  • With Great Power

    With Great Power

    7 years ago

    Is this how we want the country?  Preface: I was to write an article for my Graduate school and this is the topic I chose.  I do not intend to offend anyone by what I wrote but it seems I have the propensity to do so.  I am speaking from...

  • The History of Knee-high boots

    The History of Knee-high boots

    11 years ago

    These boots were made for walkin' (Nancy Sinatra) I love boots. I have always loved boots. From the red golashes of my childhood to the fashion scrunch western style boots I wear with my skinny jeans. I've had Dingo boots, Laredo Ropers, suede high...

  • Irritatingly Misused Words

    Irritatingly Misused Words

    7 years ago

    I read a lot of words. I am in online school and I find that there is a lot of reading and writing in such a forum. With that knowledge I have found myself cringing in my office chair every time I see a word used improperly. There are so many...

  • Flying High to Release the You Within

    Flying High to Release the You Within

    15 years ago

    I commented to a fellow blogger at another wonderful forum for sharing your thoughts. I told her I thought she was brave for considering telling the world about her own life, trials, and joys. I informed her that I was still stuck in the world of...

  • Critically Thinking

    Critically Thinking

    7 years ago

    Everyone has an opinion.  That's what makes us human, right?  Trouble with opinions is that many times they are not based on any facts, but rather they are based on hearsay or false information meant to confuse and sway opinion. With all the...

  • Online Learning

    Online Learning

    15 years ago

     When considering your future do you have college in your plans?  Have you thought about going to a building and sitting for hours on end in hard plastic or even wooden seats and wondering why you ever decided on this course? Office chairs are...

  • How 'bout them...

    How 'bout them...

    7 years ago

    How about them Presidents? We've had officially 44 Presidents of the United States. Some were great, some were awful, but they, each and every one, have been charged with the full responsibility of Atlas, to hold the world squarely on their...

  • Historically Speaking

    Historically Speaking

    13 years ago

    Who took the seat of President for the shortest period of time? Historians would like you to think that it was William Henry Harrison. The President was elected, gave the longest acceptance speech in presidential history of 105 minutes and then...


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