But hey there is no agenda in the Schools to normalize this behaviour and force it into society. No... none at all.
---That’s right. Books on gay orgies and lesbian sex as required reading for students.
Fox Nation reports that a New Jersey school district has apologized to parents after requiring high school students to read the graphic books.
“Some of the language is inappropriate,” said Chuck Earling, superintendent of Monroe Township Schools in Williamstown, NJ. “We were not trying to create controversy. We were just trying to get students to read.”
Even more disturbing, is that the books reportedly on the required reading list were not just for high school students, but for middle school students as well.
“There were some words and language that seemed to be inappropriate as far as the parents and some of the kids were concerned,” he said.
Fox adds:
One book, “Norwegian Wood,” was on a list for incoming sophomores in an honors English class. The book included a graphic depiction of a lesbian sex scene between a 31-year-old woman and a 13-year old girl, according to a report first published in the Gloucester County Times.
“I don’t think that’s relevant for any teenager,” parent Robin Myers told the newspaper. Her daughter was assigned to read the book.
“I was just kind of in shock,” she said.
The other book in question was “Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines.” That book included depictions of drug usage and a homosexual orgy.
“That has created a controversy,” Earling told Fox News Radio, referring to the drug usage – along with the lesbian and gay sex scenes. “We’ve pulled them from our summer reading list.”
In a misguided effort to keep ahead of the curve, school districts are substituting classic literature — that has served to educate millions of students for decades — with graphic books that are perhaps only intended to push a social and political agenda on the students who read them.
http://www.theblaze.com/stories/school- … -gay-orgy/
The Right-wing in America really needs to continue to fight to re-claim our schools, or all our children will be poisoned by the Secular Humanist leftist Progressive BS agendas.
It's the parents to raise up an demand this be taken out of the schools. It they are silent the program will remain.
You know where you went wrong? Fox news is your source. A cabbage in a garden would be a better news source. It has about the same amount of useful information, but at least the cabbage isn't biased.
I actually believe thats exactly where libs get their information, well cabbage gardens as well as potted plants and stray cats.
Well I hope the author pays the Beatles their due royalties, because Norwegian Wood is the name of one of their songs.
I grew up in the American public school system, trust me, books about gay people are the least of their worries.
There are many problems with the Schools in the USA. Not the least of which is the NEA and DOE, Cool.
But that doesn't mean we need to sit by and allow them to keep stacking those problems on top of the pile.
See the kind of crap that Fox Noise puts out!
You are largely misinformed, dear sir. Please check the validity of your sources. People here have already stated many valid reasons why you are wrong so my contributions would be redundant.
The leftist agenda is everywhere and it has to be stopped! It's incidious and evil at its core. These libs are essentially the "enemy within" and they must be defeated!
Firstly, I think I'm gonna get me a copy of "Norwegian Wood" (although that sound like a title best suited for homosexual males than lesbians)
Secondly, I would like to see the content before passing judgement
Thirdly, what evidence do you have that the promotion of a 'homosexual agenda' was what was behind the school authorities decision to list these books?
Finally, what do you think of Catcher in the Rye being taught in schools?
PS.. do you know is there is a movie version.. might be better than the read
Certainly, times have changed, today you can catch a lot more in the Rye than J.Salinger managed...
Or... once again... if you don't like the public school system how about getting off your collective conservative butts and teach your children yourself instead of relying on other people to do it for you. Just saying. They are your kids.
Then you can shape their fragile little minds exactly how you would like without worrying about outside intervention from the real world.
Sure as long as I don't have to pay to educate everybody else's kids!
I know right! I'm so tired of paying for the conservative agenda to be pushed down my kid's throats. Until equality, safe sex, and gun control are taught in the public schools I'm afraid I just can't send my daughter. And all the crap about the war in the middle east being about 911 instead of George W.'s attempt to prove his balls were as big as his dads.. it drives me crazy when they teach that to my kids.
Obviously, my point is I pay taxes too. My taxes are as valid as yours and I would like my kids to be taught about the equal rights struggles of the LGBT community. How are your views more important than mine?
They're not! You can teach you kids whatever you want! I think public education should be abolished and the responsibility for education should be left to the parents. Communities could form.local co-operatives to help those that cant afgord tuition or to offset cost.
Of one thing I am certain, what's taught in public school if we must have public schools, should not be political in nature. We dont need an institution whose purpose is to indoctrinate youth or influence their thinking.
I actually agree that the responsibility of education should fall on the parent.
But, as long as their are public schools politics will be involved, as it is impossible to teach history, current events, science, health,or literature without it in some way touching politics.
Therefore, I think that lesson plans and curriculum should probably be left in the hands of those who are trained to educate rather than special interest groups that oppose/support certain agendas.
If left to my own, I would say if it exists teach it in a non biased way. That goes for all things, including homosexuality as it really is part of society and has existed in nature (science) history and literature for more centuries than there has been opposition towards it.
It is important to know the history of public education....
Originally created for the kids of the wealthy, working class youth were considered "uneducatable", and were considered much more useful as cheap labor...
With the implementation of laws banning child labor, these typically forgotten youth were afforded the tax payer based incentives that only the rich had been able to take advantage of... As more "undesirables" (ethnic minorities) were allowed in, more and more wealthy conservatives looked for ways to "opt out"...
This hasn't changed....and the intolerance of the elites and those against desegregation in our society have done everything they can (just about) to destroy the "socialism" that they felt was only supposed to be for them...
immoral is immoral no matter how you package it.
I think calling you fellow hubbers immoral because of who they love is rude and disrespectful.
I pay for those schools, as all other taxpayers do also. And we have a right to protest any agenda or abuse of the children. Too bad. Also, those agendas do not belong in schools... but the Left has been turning out good lil useful idiots for decades now.
And do not worry about it... we are working to regain control of our Schools and to place more appropriate topics in them. And if you're a teacher and do not like that you work for the parents of this nation, then quit. Other than that get over it, the peoople are your boss, and your place is to listen and do as told. Not pollute children'sinds and destroy their morals with your poisonous BS agendas and propaganda.
I've told you several times TM, I am not a teacher. I am a homeschooling parent... which means I only teach my own children. Reading comprehension problems much?
And once again, my taxes pay for schools too. I want gay rights and equality taught in them right along with every other civil rights movement. You protest, I support.
I did not say you were a teacher.
I said, and if you're a teacher and do not like it... as a general statement to all teachers... so please, it isn't all about you.
And stop trying to cloak immorallity and bad choices, and one's right to make them, in terms of civil rights. Gays are no where near the greatness of those who marched and died for thier freedoms and rights in the civil rights era.
Gimmie a break.
LMAO, and stop trying to cloak your ignorance and presumptions in backpedaling. You've called me a teacher before. But I'm sure that your obvious statement didn't mean what it obviously meant. Typical of you. "I didn't say what I said because it was proven to be wrong and I can't be wrong"
The point again about my taxes being as valid as yours? How do you choose to address that? Oh, you don't. Good job. Once again all you have is hot air and opinions. Luckily my opinion cancels yours so you cant do anything but scream your opinion while the rest of the world moves on.
Eventually you shall go the way of the dinosaurs... oh wait, you don't believe in evolution...
Yes I called you a teacher before.
Not know.
See the difference?
Or can I not make a gerneral statement without a list pof dis-claimers and names so you all do not think it is all about you.
What a laugh
"And do not worry about it... we are working to regain control of our Schools and to place more appropriate topics in them. And if you're a teacher and do not like that you work for the parents of this nation, then quit. Other than that get over it, the peoople are your boss, and your place is to listen and do as told."
There is my statement and it is in general... "and if you're a teacher"... see simple. You all just cannot help but to twist your BS. Grow up, it is not always about you melissa.
As to you being a tax payer also. Good. Then you should understand the Right has a say in Schools, also... not just your side.
And where would you get I do not believe in Evolution?
See more of the Leftist BS twisting.
I know Evolution exists, mellissa... but I do not buy Evolution as applied to humans and our place in the world. Big difference, Melissa. Of course you know that... you just choose to be deceptive in your twistings, like all your lil leftist buddies. And I won't list any names cause I mean all.
You all say I refuse to say I am wrong... but I have seen no proof of me being wrong on the issues you all claim. Other than your own opinions and the fact that since you cannot get me to cow down and agree with you all... then you choose to ignore and state I am wrong and will not admit it.
So show me? What I am wrong on? I have asked quite a bit and get no response... so show me. Where is it?
Genetic homosexuality? Haven't seen any proof of it,... and niether has science. Of course that pisses all you all off... but too bad. What else... Evolution as applied to humans.... no evidence for it. Not the way you all want it taught and believed, no there isn't.
Of course the friut flies could be proof of a genetic defect which causes rampant sex drive (not bi-sexuality), which over-whelms the senses of the fly and they screw anything in sight. So are you saying you think homosexuality could be a genetic defect? Sure. I agree... it may well be in some, and a choice for others.
So go ahead Melissa... show me.... where am I wrong and on what issues... start spoutin 'em... go get your lil lefty friends to help you.
http://www.battlefield315.com/2011/02/t … ained.html
Hm, so you chose to be heterosexual then! I didn't, it's the way I am, I don't know if it's genetic or the result of childhood abuse or what, I just know that I fancy women and I don't fancy men.
I want to say, good for you Melissa for fighting the power of TMMason's vitriol.
I think we don't go looking up proof for evolution because we probably have better things to do. Is there any more definitive evidence for the existence of God?
But the idea that homosexuality is less of a movement: gays used to get arrested for simply congregating in public, they have been beaten and killed (Brandon Teena, Matthew Shephard), and I know from experience that they deal with severe psychological mind-fucking. So what if they didn't get lynched as often as African-Americans; they were still being marginalized by your forebears TMMason, and they still are, and they still will be as long as ideas like yours are still out there. In fact, your post is part of what we're fighting against, and it's damn frustrating!
But Melissa is right, your kind will die off, and soon people like Harvey Milk will be celebrated in all public schools and that will be awesome.
Its because I'm so damn cute John Everyone loves you too, just not as much as me
@ Lady Luv...I endorse your cabbage reference as my garden is a hotbed of political intrigue. So...why is talking to a Republican...like talking to a refrigerator? At the end of the night...the refrigerator is still going to be a refrigerator. (sigh)
I don't need to provide you evidence of anything Nor do I need affirmation from others to believe what I believe.
I don't care if you bow down before my opinions. As a matter of fact, I love that your opinions are different than mine. It gives me a vague sense of rightness to know that you feel differently than me.
I don't care if homosexuality is genetic. It exists. I'm glad that it exists because nothing makes me happier than two people in love. I want children taught that love is a wonderful thing no matter what. If you disagree, it doesn't really matter. The world will go forward even though you kick and scream.
I encourage you to keep stating your opinion loudly and openly. Nothing spurs people to unite against something more than loud spoken disagreeable opinions. The more you, and others like you, scream against something the louder that the supporters must scream to be heard over you. That's what motivates change So I guess the gay rights movement owes you and other ultra conservatives a big old thank you
And I know what you meant with the teacher thing, and I'm not really mad about it, its a compliment. But it was directed at me and it was a wrong assumption but argue all you like... whatever gets your through the day
I agree with you. I think the actions and attitude of Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church, and of many of his other distasteful sympathizers, have gone a long way towards increasing acceptance of gay people.
Not to mention a long way in steering people away from Christianity. They do a better job of convincing the general public that we should all be liberal atheists than any organized campaign for that purpose could ever do. I wonder if that's ever occurred to them?
Maybe they don't care! If they believe there's only room for 144,000 in Heaven or some other sort of nonsense, maybe they want it to be filled with Phelps and all of his relatives.
But, yeah, WBC has been bad publicity for other Baptists, who, even though they probably share a lot of the same views, try to distance themselves publicly from them. Maybe some conflate all Christians with them, too, but that's a bit more of a stretch...
Melissa and Livelonger, I stand steadfastly at your side. Keep up the good fight.
Blessings to you both~
Required reading lists are bad no matter what the books are. They force kids to read stuff that they would otherwise never read and makes them hate books altogether.
As for gay stuff in books: you cannot change a person's sexual orientation.
Here are some "good Chrisitans" in the news. I'm sure their agenda about schools is as rational and logical as any others here. Take a look:
http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-504083_162- … stCarousel
I'd also like to see the actual proof of teaching plans and outlines by schools, teachers and administrators that actually proves implementing such readings as purported in your post, TM. I have grave doubts that any school would sanction the reading of anyone of legal age seducing a minor. They have enough problem with that between teachers and students as it is. That is complete fantasy and nonsense.
I didn't say they were promoting and teaching pedophelia? Where did you get that?
But then there is this...
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2009/12 … ding-list/
And yes there is a homosexual agenda being run thru the schools. Simple to see... if you look.
It came from this paragraph in your original post:
"One book, “Norwegian Wood,” was on a list for incoming sophomores in an honors English class. The book included a graphic depiction of a lesbian sex scene between a 31-year-old woman and a 13-year old girl, according to a report first published in the Gloucester County Times."
While I can see that some forms of "equality" are being taught in more progressive schools, I don't think that websites like the one you linked to are really more than fanatical groups trying to stir up anger and vitriol. The information is usually incomplete, and loaded with emotional rants. Not the best sources for information. Equality is not about hate and vitriol, and that's what these kinds of sites incite. So I don't give it much credibility.
Apparently "Norweigan Wood" is the Japanese equivalent of "Catcher in the Rye," so maybe somebody was going off that reputation and not what was actually in the book?
Where TMMason is getting the idea that it promotes a homosexual lifestyle is a little beyond me, though, since it sounds like (I haven't read it myself) significant portions of the novel take place in a mental institution and Wikipedia says the youth culture depicted in the novel is depicted as being shallow and hypocritical, hardly something to aspire to.
Likewise, "Tweak" is basically about how methamphetamines ruined the author's life, so while I wouldn't necessarily be thrilled to have my kids reading either book as sophomores in high school, TMMason seems to be (typically) twisting the truth to suit his own perspective.
No twisting, Kerry.
I said the schools are promoting it... not neccessarilly this single book, but the whole of the agenda.
These books are just a symptom.
The up-roar as regards these books is that children as young as 11 were required to read them. That is the issue.
As I said above, the more outrageous something sounds, the wiser it is to do some additional research. Norwegian Wood was on the list for high school sophomores entering an honors English class. Tweak was on the list for a senior honors class. No 11 year olds involved.
http://www.nj.com/gloucester-county/ind … _over.html
I question the wisdom of recommending a book like Norwegian Wood for 15 year olds, but 17 and 18 year olds are perfectly capable of reading an anti-drug book that explores in depth how thoroughly drugs can ruin your life. In fact, meth addiction rates might be lower in this country if more did.
I hesitate to even post to this forum. The truth is that this is a vital issue, and I strongly disagree with the original poster. On the other hand, I know that whatever I say, no matter how reasoned, well-researched, or conscientious my reply, half of the audience will say "No, No, No!" Why can't we just listen to each other?
Let's start with agreement:
If the article is true, I agree in general that exposing kids to drugs or sex merely to entertain students would be reprehensible. If a principal or teacher
were trying to indoctrinate students, that would be even worse. I agree that some teachers certainly filter lessons through a political lens. I agree a land without public school has advantages.
Re: the source. Dubious. Fox News's slogan, fair and balanced, is either mercenerary or a sick inside joke, for it certainly isn't true. Until recently, Glenn Beck was spouting insane conspiracy theories there.
Re: morally dubious books. Some dirty stuff has redeeming value. Clearly, students need to understand the dangers that are out there. They need to realize that books can engage people's real lives and not just speak from an ivory tower. Some books with graphic material are amazing books. Even if these books are required, one should read them before condemning them.
Re: indoctrination. Absurd in this case. Principals want their students to do amphetamines? I'm bi-sexual, and I have no desire to make anyone else that way. Why would I? In general, yes, there may be passionate liberal teachers who interpet history one way, but there are certainly conservative ones too. It balances out. Most teachers try to check their biases at the door, but doing so completely is psychologically impossibe.
Re: abolishing public school. In a land where we all lived like civilized people and had no need of government, this would be perfect. But what about parents who can't afford to teach kids? What about those unqualified? You can't turn back the clock. Indeed, the no-gov. utopia is just that, no land. It never existed.
I would just like to invite the half of the people who might agree with this to check out some real stories over at my corner of the hubsphere. As for the other half, I agree with you on so much, but why must you overreact and dream of a land that has never and can never exist? If you give us 50%, we'll give you the other 50. Must you expect it all?
You can't go past the religious when it comes to homophobia.
Another homophobic thread, gee what a surprise!
And backed up by the terribly credible Fox news! Wow!
Only the facts get altered at Fox, everything else is gods truth.
The second I saw all the quotes ascribed to Fox News, I could hear the baying hounds of Attack on their way to savage yet another group of people who get picked on by people who have this "Itch" that they want others to "scratch".
Isn't there lots of far more important things we can read about and talk about in the forums?
Seems to me the options presented on this thread are but two fold.
A curriculum that presents the idea that people are different, have different beliefs, desires and needs. Nevertheless they are still all people and have a right to live their life peacefully as they choose to. Yes, certain groups scream at the top of their voice that it is a hidden agenda of this group or that one but there is no indication that there is any truth to the claims, merely data spun out of any recognition and outright lies.
The curriculum from the religious bigots that proclaim everyone must follow their agenda. One they proudly present to teach our youngsters they must pray to a nonexistent imaginary creature in the sky. One that demands that we "undiscover" somehow what we know about nature because it does not agree with their millenia old book of lies, contradictions and murder. One that has, and will continue to, re-write our history so that our young people can learn yet another lie.
I know which scenario I choose...
Typical immoral agenda - the devils work now being required in the school.
Why should anyone be amazed that the schools are teaching immoral reading while they ban all mention or activities respecting GOD.
The immoral behavior is still miniscule when compared to GOD's word.
The good book of the Lord has lasted over 2000 years, while all others have come and gone.
This is why my children are home-schooled.
This is why my children will remain in home-school.
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