The GOP bill is a response to growing anger across the country about access to information on everything from school curricula to safety and mask policies to the prevalence of gender ideology and critical race theory in the classroom. Parents’ anger over these issues at school board meetings led to an effort by the Biden administration’s Justice Department to examine the "disturbing trend" of violent threats against school officials.
House Republicans reacted by approving the Parents Bill of Rights Act, which would require school districts to give parents access to curriculum and reading lists and would require schools to inform parents if school staff begin encouraging or promoting their child’s gender transition. … ck-schools
I have just started reading the bill. It looks very much to be a positive bill, that might just get more parents involved in their children's education, and give parents a chance to be heard. Lots to unwrap in this bill.
It is amazing to me that not even one democrat voted for it.
I don't find it odd that not one Dem voted for the bill. One thing one must give to Democrats, they are loyal, and stick together, the greater majority of the time.
Republicans need to consider this is why they come out with the short end of the stick much of the time. If the Republican party does not pull together, I hate to think of where this country ill end up.
And how many times have Republicans voted in lockstep to a man to oppose legislation supported by democrats?
Yes, parents should be involved in their children's education. However, there are some very extremist i.e. atavistic or retrogressive parents who want to keep their children in the Dark Ages. There are parents who are totally against any form of education which is outside their particular family paradigm.
For example, there are parents who take the bible very literally. They don't want their children to learn any thiing which goes beyond the biblical paradigm e.g. the study of evolution. Don't even mention comprehensive sexual education, now that opens a Pandora's box with certain types of parents who hold that sex should be in a very narrow paradigm. While parents should be involved in their children's education, this Parents Bill of Rights Act. there will be some parents who will take this bill to an extreme which will impair their children culturally & educationally.
Having a look at the Bill, its provisions appear innocuous on its face. As a result, I will keep my powder dry for NOW.
But the Rightwinger be warned that if they think that this will facilitate book banning, politically related mandated lies about curriculum in the classroom at the state level, then they have another thing coming and a considerable fight that will await them.
I just do not know why the GOP, always speaking against "big government" in favor of state and local control, are comfortable with this grand overreach.
Totally agree with you Credence2. There are some atavistic or retrogressive parents who have a narrow definition of what education is. Anything outside this narrow paradigm, in their eyes, is & should be forbidden less their children will be corrupted.
So what is Governor DeSantis saying in reality?
No one should be instructed to feel as if they are not equal or shamed because of their race,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.
I could drive a semi-truck through that. My very appearance would be cause for protest by many of these squeamish parents. How do we discuss the past honestly under the DeSantis edict? This nonsense has driven many teachers away from their professions just to kowtow to rightwing hysteria.
There is absolutely nothing in this bill that doesn't already exist. What do you think you're gaining here? Parents always know the curriculum. The first 2 weeks of class there is an event for parents called CURRICULUM NIGHT. You can't make it?? Go to your districts admin building and they have ALL of the curriculum on display. Can't make it there?? Go to your library. They have ALL of your district books there. Your child's teacher presents everything for those interested, which is VERY few. You want to speak at a board meeting?? Go ahead, time is allotted and very few show up. This is a nothing burger bill. Please. Stop already. Go to you school district and find out. Stop listening to pathetic pandering politicians. Parents are welcome and have always been welcome at their child's school. They just haven't given a damn until ridiculous political figures have enraged them about nonexistent issues. Your child's teacher is a partner, not an enemy. This is sickening . You're a completely clueless parent if you think this bill means or changes anything that's gone on in public schools for decades.
People should be more concerned with the photo mango Mussolini posted of himself with a baseball bat split screen with Alvin Bragg. Or the fact that your party leaders made a field trip to a DC jail to highlight the fact that Jan 6 detainees can't text and use their iPads as much as they'd like.
"They just haven't given a damn until ridiculous political figures have enraged them about nonexistent issues. "
Ask any teacher. If you want to be involved in your child's education, ask them every day if they've done their homework and turned it in? Show up for parent/teacher conferences. Return your child's teacher's phone calls, emails and/or texts. You will do a great deal more for your child's education than voting for a politician who proposes bills like this to get his/her name in the newspaper.
And you said it. Less government? Get out of our bedrooms and relationships with our children.
Considering that similar legislation in Florida found it appropriate to ban 'The Life of Rosa Parks' from libraries, maybe Democrats don't want our history whitewashed in the same way the House GOP just tried to do that to January 6 by passing video to Tucker Carlson.
Second, states are responsible for curricula decisions. For a party that claims to be all about state's rights, trying to federalize topics pertaining to education seems to go a bit against their messaging, historically.
And like it was noted above, the ability to become informed about the education children receive already exists. Why put more pressure on teachers when they've already been through hell during the past few years of online teaching. Back off and let them recover a bit so the attrition rate stabilizes.
This is a totally manufactured crisis by the GOP. They don’t want to govern. On the contrary, they want to dismantle the government so that their rich donors can avoid paying taxes.
Republicans have become great at fighting culture wars. They use the meaningless tropes of CRT, woke , trans, or whatever else they feel will get their base angered and engaged. This, of course, so that Smith and Wesson can continue to saturate society with guns; the Koch family can continue to make billions from oil; the oil companies can continue to pollute the environment.
This bill as well as any other the Republicans have proposed in recent years are not worth the paper they are printed on.
Does anybody have any idea of the absolute pornographic books that are made available to children in schools? Many of them are not pulled even after parents object to them. This is just ONE of many, many, incidences like this.
"11-year-old reads aloud from ‘pornographic’ book he checked out from library at school board meeting" … d-meeting/
It is conservatives that take the extreme cases and make them appear to be the norm. What is it about the "Life of Rosa Parks" that would make it pornographic?
The gist of all of this is a consistent direction coming from DeSantis and those like him that politically uncomfortable themes from a Rightwing standpoint in literature are to be treated as poronography.
We tell the Right, we are on to you and it will not be tolerated.
You should look at the list of books that can be found on school book shelves all over the country. You'd be shocked.
I am with you about poronograhic materials being made available to grade school kids.
However, one man's art can be another's pornography. What do we make of Michaelangelo's "David" anatomically correct male sculpture? There have been parents complaining about the presentation of this as art to young kids. But, again, Americans are such hypocritical prudes.
As one past Supreme Court justice said in reference to pornography, "l know it when I see it".
I just don't trust a gang of MILF busybodies dictating by fiat what should and should not be in libraries. This goes beyond school libraries but they want to apply their tentacles to public libraries as well.
As a parent, I will decide what books are appropriate for my charges to read or not read. I want them to read the "Autobiography of Malcolm X" and the biography of Rosa Parks. Those books should be available and if rightwing oriented parents do not want their kids reading, they make that selection for themselves and their kids and do not presume that my family is going to see things their way.
All of this has an overwhelming focus on censorship of voices the political Right just as soon not hear from.
While there is a need to keep blantanly pornonography materials away from the young, I think conservatives are using this to justify taking the idea into other areas and creating a climate of thought control.
Here is a small sample of the list of books parent don't want in their schools. I can't even imagine books like these in the school when I was growing up.
"l8r, g8r," by Lauren Myracle - it contains a "description of oral sex with minors," among other sexually explicit passages.
"Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic," by Alison Bechdel - coming of age as a lesbian, it includes graphic descriptions of sexual violence.
"Gender Queer," by Maia Kobabe - includes sexually explicit cartoon images
"All Boys Aren't Blue," by George M. Johnson - includes descriptions of molestation and sex between men.
"The Perks of Being a Wallflower," by Stephen Chbosky - includes descriptions of homosexuality, date rape and masturbation.
"Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out," by Susan Kuklin - includes descriptions of sexual abuse of minors, encourages sexual activity among young children.
NONE of these are in my liberal district. Not sure what's happening in yours???. Maybe you need to go to some board meetings and get involved. Parents have a whole lot of avenues to work with their district administration of they want to. Most are too lazy and really don't care.
It may be difficult for you to understand but this encompasses more than just your liberal district.
Does your district bar you from speaking at school board meetings? Does you district keep their curriculum secret? This bill "solves" nothing but that's a republican up grievance over a nonexistent "problem" and "solve" it with processes that are ALREADY in place.
Democrats have created an environment where standing up for your children at school board meetings comes with consequences from the federal government.
"Parents stood up for their children. Then the Biden administration targeted them.
Parents have described how they have been discouraged from participating at school board meetings for fear of federal investigation." … ?gnt-cfr=1
Yeah when you stand up and threaten people at board meetings you're going to get the consequences. I could post 100 of these crazy parents threatening members with death because they've been riled up with meaningless grievance by politicians who use it as a vote getting strategy.
"Democrats have created an environment where standing up for your children at school board meetings comes with consequences from the federal government."
And Republicans have chosen to vilify and target teachers for absolutely NO valid reason to the point they are leaving the profession in droves and young people are choosing other majors. Good job! What's the Republican answer to this growing crisis?
So, you don't deny that democrats have used the power of the federal government to squash decent against parents who want a say in how their children are educated. That says a lot right there.
"And Republicans have chosen to vilify and target teachers for absolutely NO valid reason to the point they are leaving the profession in droves and young people are choosing other majors."
Excellent straw man argument. Deflection away from the topic. Outstanding. I expect such things from liberals and they never disappoint me.
I think that when citizens threaten board member that they get what's coming to them under the law. What's wrong with that? A "decent" parent can always get up to speak. What are these people being charged with?? You can't threaten to kill board members. How has the government come to your board meeting and squashed parents right to speak?? I just don't see it in reality. This is a bunch of fox news grievance bunk.
Again I can post 100 videos of these people threatening school boards. Do you realize how much the rate of threat has risen toward board members and teachers since Republicans started targeting them with this nonexistent nonsense?
So true, and what I see is a bill that just might work to get more parents involved in their children's education, and be more at to get involved with the curriculum, as they should be in my view.
What is in this bill that doesn't already exist?? Parents who want to be involved have always been given those opportunities. I think that people who were never involved with their child's school just don't understand that .
What is in this bill that will get parents more involved??and why does the federal government need to step in?? These are matters that are handled quite well on a local level with boards ELECTED by the community. Republicans need to stop with the overreach already. This bill is nothing more than politicians trying to make the uninformed believe things are happening at schools that clearly are not. Shame.
How wide spread is the proliferation of this material?
I can understand the parents concern but I am just as concerned about the books conservatives want to remove from the library shelves for political reasons.
You do realize that the majority of the books you listed would be on the high school level? And these are all subjects that may pertain to some teens. Hello? Date rape. Thank God these books are available to the teens that have no one to go to to bounce these issues and experiences off of. A 2nd grader isn't reading Perks of Being a Wallflower but boy it is sure relatable to a teen.
These are all books that were listed in more than one middle school library.
You make too many assumptions.
I've read 2 of those books. And find absolutely no issue with them. I find the descriptions you've listed of them misleading. But really, these issues can be handled on a local level with the school board you elect. Books aren't a federal government issue.
"And find absolutely no issue with them"
I'm sure we can agree there are parents who view things differently from you, and they have a right to express their views.
"Books aren't a federal government issue."
I agree with you, but id does become a federal government issue when the federal government begins to intimidate parents who go to their local school board meetings.
'...but id does become a federal government issue when the federal government begins to intimidate parents who go to their local school board meetings (and make domestic terror threats to school board administrators).'
There, I fixed it for you. And which branch of government investigates domestic terror? Oh, yeah, we already talked about that. The FBI - i.e., the federal government.
Really? What "domestic terror" threats have been made to school board administrators? IF you can find an example of this, then please cite the FEDERAL law that has been broken.
Before the biden administration issues at local school board meetings were handled by local law enforcement.
Why do you always say waiting for things that I can prove in a matter of seconds? It usually just rebounds on you in a negative way.
There have been over 220 incidents against school board members in the past few years. Some include threats to the school board members and then also include threats to their children.
Often these threats come from out of state, making them federal crimes under U.S. code 875 - interstate communications. … n-threats/
From your article,
"the National School Boards Association in September sent the White House a request for federal enforcement to stop the “growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.” But the association’s plea for help only added to the controversy as Republican politicians argued the administration of President Joe Biden, a Democrat, sought to censor free speech and label dissenting parents as terrorists. Nineteen state school boards withdrew their membership or withheld dues from the national association in protest of its Sept. 29 letter.
The school boards association apologized to its state members for the letter on Oct. 22, saying there was “no justification” for some of its language, without specifying what it regretted. The organization did not respond to requests for comment."
U.S. code 875...this is what you cite? Seriously?
I think you may need to rethink that one. This is most often used when people from one state make threats to people in another state.
I applaud your efforts.
From the DOJ..."Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.
Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” wrote Attorney General Garland. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”
Nothing wrong with this.
Also...if you don't like your ELECTED them out instead threatening to kill them.
So you cherry pick the dissenting voices while ignoring the content that showed the actual threats.
Yeah, I provided the actual law that applies to making violent threats from state to state that gives the FBI jurisdiction over domestic terror threats. What I can't get is why you keep trying to gaslight people to think that people that show up to school board meetings to voice their opinions are the same people that are threatening to kill the children of school board members that concerns the FBI. The same threats you just completely ignored from the article I linked for you to read.
The lies about who the FBI is going after is getting tiresome as a means to excuse violence, especially the violence directed against children. People that would do that I find to be disgusting human beings.
I do not applaud their efforts.
This is all the Right has, endless grievance about LGBTQ people, bathrooms, books, drag shows, muzzling teachers, school board members and retaliation against corporations who don't fall in line with the message. It's all a distraction from the fact that they have no solutions or plans to address issues Americans care about. They are all about grievance and working up fear and rage over manufactured "problems"
They feign concern for children. Telling us that they need protection from all these "issues". How about some protection from the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries...firearms.
"How about some protection from the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries...firearms."
Brilliant use of distraction from the main point of the thread. It's often used when people have lost the argument.
I agree, the subject needs a thread of its own. A very important issue, just needs its own thread.
Yes, it is a very serious topic and one that should be used as a tool for deflection from the topic of this forum.
It's not a distraction.
I for one am tired of the Right framing their culture war issues as "protecting children" you want to protect children ?? Do something about them getting gunned down in their classrooms.
Just another senseless shooting today, this time at a parochial school in Nashville. Really highlights the hypocrisy of the Republican "agenda" but let's keep our focus on banning books, right?
I find it interesting you've not provided any information about yourself on your page.
You've not written any articles.
I am left wondering if you are being paid by some left wing organization to be on this forum.
Is this true?
Just the latest delusional accusation that has zero proof to support it. You'll get used to it.
Well, you have not denied you are being paid by a left wing organization.
Come on, Mike, I have been virtually overrun by rightwing oriented opinions in this forum, who do you think are paying any of them?
I get mine monthly. It's like AdSense but it's by impressions instead of clicks, straight to PayPal. Mine comes from VPSAFOC-RWD (Veteran Patriots Saving America For Our Children-RightWinger Division).
Oh course I deny it and pretty certain you'll believe otherwise but that's ok.
In all honesty, I welcome you to Hubpages.
I have enjoyed our given and take.
I don't take anything personal, so, you can say whatever you want to me, and I'll never complain to the administration.
I know you've only been here a short time.
This is a pretty good place to exchange views.
You need to stick around Colton, adding your voice to the chorus. Welcome aboard.
I appreciate it. But who knows. This forum moderation leans Right and when you go hard with facts it's seems you risk banishment
Be as generic as possible, use nondescript pronouns. The worst of the buzzards have not been around as of late, so the coast is clear for now.
All the good and passionate debaters trip up from time to time, it is a rite of passage
There's usually a running poll about when I'll get my next ban. It's easier than guessing the number of jelly beans in the jar.
I disagree.
I'm a right-wing conservative, and I've been banned from here several times. It is due to the weak-minded, emotionally needy liberals who fear fact, truth, and reality being upset.
I believe the forum moderation leads left.
Interesting we have different perspectives.
Or maybe be brave enough to put together a thread on the subject.
'the actual law that applies to making violent threats from state to state that gives the FBI jurisdiction over domestic terror threats.'
Glad you didn't use any of the fantasy laws, that wouldn't be good. Again, you might want to read the law again. It really doesn't apply in this situation.
You might have a valid point if you could cite some case law where U.S. code 875 was successfully used to punish someone at a schoolboard meeting, but, there isn't any. Prove me wrong if you can find such case law.
The School Board Association who filed the complaint acknowledged there was no justification for the language they used.
You're even trying to gaslight us in this post in multiple ways.
First you claim that U.S. Code 875 be applied for those that were simply at a school board meeting, while again, completely ignoring the threats that I showed you in the article that were the reason for the request for DOJ assistance - and did not happen at those school board meetings. In essence, you seem to not be able to understand the differences between school board people complaining and those who make violent threats after the fact - trying to victimize the prior while excusing the actions of the latter.
Next, you claim 'that the School Board Association who filed the complaint acknowledged there was no justification for the language they used.' Here is what the article stated: saying there was “no justification” for some of its language, without specifying what it regretted.
Some is very different for what you believe was all, but of course you just had to change the language of what was stated to serve your gaslighting.
Are violent death threats made across state lines illegal? Do you condone those? If not, stop trying to gaslight us that the FBI should not be able to investigate them.
Schools are also working to hide things from parents they should know about.
"Nearly 6,000 US public schools hide child’s gender status from parents" … m-parents/
If you're a parent who is relying on a school to tell you intimate things about YOUR child you should rethink your parenting strategy because you've done something wrong along the way...just saying you obviously don't have much of a relationship with your kids. But this is the Republican Party of today. One that wants to control absolutely everything.
Maybe its one that respects the rights of parents to be informed about what is happening with their children. It is not uncommon for children to hide things from their parents. It is wrong for a school administration to know something the child is doing that is life altering and not inform the parent. Schools intentionally keeping such information from parent is wrong. The school should, at the very least, encourage students to speak with their parents. The parents have a right to be informed.
I think I'd like the teacher, the admin and the public school in general to stay out of my child's and family's personal business. I don't need a government snitch to inform me of what is happening in my child's life. Especially with their own interpretations and judgements. When did Republicans become so intrusive?? But again, if your child is keeping something from you, you have a relationship problem. Don't look to the feds to solve it.
"I think I'd like the teacher, the admin and the public school in general to stay out of my child's and family's personal business."
I still say parents have a right to know if their child is engaged in something life altering. It is common for kids to keep things from their parents. It happens in ALL families. If the school is aware that a child is doing drugs, they should inform the parents. This issue is not about solving anything. It is about parents having a right to know what is going on with their children.
Drugs would be potentialy a question of legality but a student voicing something within the realm of LGBTQ issues? Nothing illegal there. These ultimately are choices humans will make. A teacher won't stop it and neither will a parent. I can't put drug use and gender issues in the same boat. You're giving the impression that if we catch it quick enough we can steer that child back to gender norms some of us are comfortable with. And teachers need to rat out kids. Nah. And what exactly are teachers reporting? Their suspicions about little Johnny? Convos they overheard between Jake and Johnny on the playground? Will parents yet again be encouraged to sue teachers? I find all of this quite ludicrous
I'm not even sure it has anything to do with ratting kids out on gender issues? Where does it say such a thing?.
I read that it requires school to share the curriculum with parents which is something that has already been done for a very long time
Any trans-gender affirming care given to a child should first be granted by the parents. ANY type of medical procedures should require a parents consent. There are schools that believe they have the right to let a child begin such procedures without the parents approval. That is wrong.
Please name one school that falls under that claim. I find this one to be another far-right invention. I have two transgendered family members, including a nephew, and your musings sound pretty outlandish compared to the true reality of these scenarios.
It's possible in New York. You can get a number of services without parental consent.
"Transgender-Related Health Care
There is no New York law that allows you to consent to trans-related health services, like hormone replacement therapy or gender affirming surgery.
However, if you are a young person who is married, parenting, or emancipated, you can consent to trans-related health services on your own." … l-consent/
It's also possible in Washington.
"Washington Democrats have proposed a bill that effectively encourages minors to run away from home to receive gender-affirming care, including gender reassignment surgery, without parental consent and at taxpayer expense.
Democrats passed similar legislation allowing minors to receive gender-affirming care without parental consent in 2019. But those kids were still subject to parental oversight. Senate Bill 5599, sponsored by far-left state senator Marko Liias (D-Everett), changes that. It permits shelters or host homes to provide housing for runaway minors without being required to notify their parents."
The bill explicitly allows for gender surgery without parental consent … l-consent/
Are you seriously putting forward the idea that teachers are bringing children for gender affirming care???? Really? How are ALL these teachers these days all of a sudden flaming liberals chomping at the bit to change your child's sex??? This blows my mind. Why would they care
what sex your kid is in reality??? Is there a secret code between teachers? How did they get the super old conservative ones on board with the agenda?
It turns my stomach how people can be turned against teachers by pathetic politicians. Even more gross that politicians result to this kind of crap.
Why are you so bent on having the federal government intervene in families lives and personal decisions??? Leave families alone. Teachers don't care what sex your child is. Stop trying to make them out to be some sort of sex-changimg boogey man. It makes NO SENSE
How do teachers pull it off?? The meds? The surgery? The insurance?? Do they pay for it on their own?? A secret government fund? Of course funded by Soros
"federal government intervene in families lives and personal decisions"
It has nothing to do with intervening. It has everything to do with a parent's rights to know what is happening with their children. Teachers and administrators have a right to inform parents of what is happening with their children. In too many cases around the country young children are being given "gender affirming care" which is a misnomer and should be labeled Child Destruction Care as that what is does, without the consent of parents.
This is about parents having the right to make important decisions on behalf of their children. The schools and the state governments should not be making these rights.
Minnesota is a real problem. California already has a similar law in place.
"Minnesota advances 'trans refuge' bill opponents say would strip custody from non-consenting parents" … ng-parents
Teachers are not bringing students to doctors to change their sex. I can't even wrap my head around this. Also, this issue is not addressed in the current house bill . The current bill provided absolutely nothing that schools aren't already doing. It's a flimsy bill I supposed designed to needlessly work up clueless people and make it look like Republicans are doing something? Luckily it will die on the Senate floor.
"it will die on the Senate floor"
That is true. But it is being discussed and the idea has now been thought about by many people who would not have known about it.
"Republicans become so intrusive?? " When they became convinced that their beliefs should be laws.
" When they became convinced that their beliefs should be laws."
To be fair --- Does this not apply to the Democratic party too?
I think I can agree Republicans have become a different animal, and are becoming more intrusive. I think it's due to standing up for their fundamental values, and morals. It appears many are not willing to go along with many of the liberal ideas that they clearly see to be detrimental to society at large.
These are just my thoughts, and they are not written in stone anywhere...
To be fair - no it doesn't.
They are not the same. Look at what one party is for and against and look at what the other is for and against. Then look at national polls about what most Americans want. The numbers tell the story.
Yes, the majority of Americans aren't interested in the culture wars the right is pushing. Just wait until DeSantis tries to bring his authoritarian agenda to the national stage. I mean now he is revoking liquor licences of hotels that host drag shows?
Interesting answer. However, I would think your sentiment would be hard to prove. I would surmise both parties' ideologies would need to be truely considered, and there are few polls that cover what Americans want from Government. Actually some of the polls I have looked at show a high percentage of Americans looking for much of the same from the Government. And what is sad the majority of Americans feel this administration has failed in most areas, and feel the Country is headed in the wrong direction.
Only 36% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction... … rack_mar20
IT would seem most polls are not positive about the current Democratic president or his agenda. … en-impact/
Reuters/Ipsos poll completed found a majority of Americans believe Trump's movement is undermining democracy.
Fifty-eight percent of respondents in the two-day poll - including one in four Republicans - said Trump's "Make America Great Again" movement is threatening America's democratic foundations. … 022-09-07/
recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll showed most of DeSantis’ key Florida policies and goals — from banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy to cutting diversity, equity and inclusion programs on college campuses — are opposed by a majority of Americans.
Republicans are out of touch with what concerns Americans. We don't care about banning books, gay, trans people or muzzling teachers and corporations speech.
Also a new national poll shows that a majority of Americans don’t see woke a a problem. Woke, it turns out, has a lot of positive connotations for people across the country.
In a USA Today/Ipsos poll released this week, 56% of those surveyed said the term means “to be informed, educated on and aware of social injustices.” About 39% said it “involves being overly politically correct and policing others’ words.”
If Florida’s governor, who so triumphantly pronounced his state the place “where woke goes to die,” indeed runs for president, his anti-woke message won't play well on a national stage
Also the following. Seems to reinforce the idea that Americans have no taste for the Republican culture war. … -politics/
My comment was not about party affiliation. It was about what American agree on: Gun control, reproductive rights, civil rights, voting rights, climate change. There are bipartisan issues most of Americans agree on that have little or nothing to do with which party they tend to vote for.
Sorry, your comment makes little sense at this point Here is the conversation you jumped into.
Your first comment --- KATHLEEN COCHRAN WROTE:
"Republicans become so intrusive?? " When they became convinced that their beliefs should be laws.
" When they became convinced that their beliefs should be laws."
To be fair --- Does this not apply to the Democratic party too?
I think I can agree Republicans have become a different animal, and are becoming more intrusive. I think it's due to standing up for their fundamental values, and morals. It appears many are not willing to go along with many of the liberal ideas that they clearly see to be detrimental to society at large.
These are just my thoughts, and they are not written in stone anywhere..."
YOUR REPLY -- KATHLEEN COCHRAN WROTE: - To be fair - no it doesn't.
They are not the same. Look at what one PARTY is for and against and look at what the OTHER is for and against. Then look at national polls about what most Americans want. The numbers tell the story."
This entire conversation was about political parties.
I spite of all that you have said about this issue, I agree with your comment.
"It is wrong for a school administration to know something the child is doing that is life altering and not inform the parent. Schools intentionally keeping such information from parent is wrong. "
The bill actually says nothing about such a situation.
Parental Bill of Rights....
Here in Florida it encourages tyrants and tyrannical behavior.
Overreach? That is just how I expected the Right to react as natural reactionaries.
We are going to have to muzzle and sabotage this DeSantis guy, and soon before tempers across the state heating up over this issue reaches Fahrenheit 451.
Read the part where the mother did not want the biography of Ruby Bridges shown and her explanation why. How can that be justified? … 08712.html
The patent said the film “might result in students learning that white people hate black people,” citing the use of racial slurs and scenes of white people threatening Ruby as she entered the school. (In real life and in the film, she was escorted by federal marshals.
We sure are underestimating kids these days. Some adults in our society perpetuate racism and hate by projecting their outdated fears onto children. This parent thinks students would walk away from this film with a message of white hate toward black people? Pretty narrow minded. What about the lessons of courage, empathy, acceptance and how far we've come since that point? Really there are many positive lessons and conversations that could come out of that film. Government wants to shut down those conversations. What are they afraid of?
On a high note, it's looking more and more like the DeSantis manifesto won't play well on the national stage.
It has always been the rightwing playbook, a create imaginary threat of the free exchange of ideas verses ignoring the real and physical threats of slaughter in the classroom through the random proliferation of firearms that they all seem to crave.
The playbook was followed chapter and verse in Brazil and now in Israel as well.
There must be a great deal of guilt involved surrounding the desire to erase such a fundamental part of American history out of existence. I don't want my kids lied to to accomodate that guilt. Who is going to sit still for it?
I am encouraged to have your corroboration on what I see are the brakes being placed on the DeSantis initiative.
Sharlee: Once again, I apologize for not continuing to lead the discussion in the direction you want it to go. I happen to think discussions should go where they will.
I can agree that any conversation can, and actually needs to be taken down different paths. No need for an apolgy. I am glad you shared. I will reread your last comment and make a go at a reply.
My comment was not about party affiliation. It was about what American agree on: Gun control, reproductive rights, civil rights, voting rights, climate change. There are bipartisan issues most of Americans agree on that have little or nothing to do with which party they tend to vote for."
I think we can pretty much agree. I think each of the issues you made mentioned, most Americans have concerns. Yes, maybe the Right and left might have different levels of concern depending on the issue.
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