>>>>> The Fundamental Transformation of America
>>>>> When Obama wrote a a book and said he was mentored as a youth by
>>>>> Frank
>>>>> (Frank Marshall Davis) an avowed Communist, people said it didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When it was discovered that his grandparents, were strong socialists
>>>>> who
>>>>> sent Obama's mother to a socialist school where she was introduced to
>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Marshall Davis. He was later introduced to young Barrack Hussein
>>>>> Obama.
>>>>> People said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When people found out that Barrack Hussein Obama was enrolled as a
>>>>> Muslim
>>>>> child in school and his father and stepfather were both Muslims, people
>>>>> said
>>>>> it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he wrote in another book he authored "I will stand with them
>>>>> (Muslims)
>>>>> should the political winds shift in an ugly direction", people said it
>>>>> didn't matter.
>>>>> When he admittedly, in his book, said he chose Marxist friends and
>>>>> professors in college, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he traveled to Pakistan , after college on an unknownnational
>>>>> passport,
>>>>> people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he sought the endorsement of the Marxist Party in 1996 as he ran
>>>>> for
>>>>> the Illinois Senate, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he sat in a Chicago Church for twenty years and listened to a
>>>>> preacher
>>>>> spew hatred for America and preach black liberation theology, people
>>>>> said it
>>>>> didn't matter.
>>>>> When an independent Washington organization, that tracks Senate voting
>>>>> records, gave him the distinctive title as the "most liberal senator,"
>>>>> people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When the Palestinians in Gaza set up a fund raising telethon to raise
>>>>> money
>>>>> for his election campaign, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When his voting record supported gun control, people said it didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign,
>>>>> as
>>>>> other candidates had done, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan and
>>>>> Mummar
>>>>> Kadaffi and
>>>>> Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When it was pointed out that he was a total newcomer and had absolutely
>>>>> no
>>>>> experience at anything except community organizing, people said it
>>>>> didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and
>>>>> Bernadine
>>>>> Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When his voting record in the Illinois senate and in the U.S. Senate
>>>>> came
>>>>> into question, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he refused to wear an American flag lapel pin, and did so only
>>>>> after a
>>>>> public outcry, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools
>>>>> were
>>>>> taught to sing his praises, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the
>>>>> National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance,people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he surrounded himself in the White house with advisors who were
>>>>> pro-gun
>>>>> control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to curtail
>>>>> freedom of speech to silence the opposition, people said it didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When he aired his views on abortion, homosexuality and a host of other
>>>>> issues, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he said he favors sex education in Kindergarten, including
>>>>> homosexual
>>>>> indoctrination, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing
>>>>> could
>>>>> be found about him, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to
>>>>> produce a birth certificate, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezco-a man of
>>>>> questionable
>>>>> character and who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a sweet deal
>>>>> on
>>>>> the purchase of his home, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaireMarxist,
>>>>> spent a
>>>>> ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he started appointing White House Czars that were radicals,
>>>>> revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist/Communist, people said it
>>>>> didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When he stood before the Nation and told us that his intentions were to
>>>>> "fundamentally transform this Nation" into something else, people said
>>>>> it
>>>>> didn't matter.
>>>>> When it became known that he had trained ACORN workers in Chicago and
>>>>> served
>>>>> as an attorney for ACORN, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed cabinet members and several advisors who were tax
>>>>> cheats
>>>>> and socialists, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed a Science Czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced
>>>>> abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers,
>>>>> people
>>>>> said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed Cass Sunstein as Regulatory Czar who believes in
>>>>> "Explicit
>>>>> Consent," harvesting human organs without family consent, and allowing
>>>>> animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people
>>>>> said
>>>>> it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed Kevin Jennings, a homosexual, and organizer of a
>>>>> group
>>>>> called gay, lesbian, straight, education networkas Safe School Czar and
>>>>> it
>>>>> became known that he had a history of bad advice to teenagers, people
>>>>> said
>>>>> it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed Mark Lloyd, as Diversity Czar, who believes in
>>>>> curtailing
>>>>> free speech; taking from one and giving to another to spread the
>>>>> wealth; who
>>>>> supports Hugo Chavez,people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When Valerie Jarrett was selected as Obama's Senior White House Advisor
>>>>> and
>>>>> she is an avowed Socialist, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director said Mao Tse Tung
>>>>> was
>>>>> her favorite philosopher-and the person she turned to most for
>>>>> inspiration,
>>>>> people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed Carol Browner as Global Warming Czar, and her being a
>>>>> well
>>>>> known Socialist working on Cap and Trade as the nations largest tax,
>>>>> people
>>>>> said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed Communist as Green
>>>>> Energy
>>>>> Czar, who since had to resign when this was made known, people said it
>>>>> didn't matter.
>>>>> When Tom Daschle, Obama's pick for health and human services secretary
>>>>> could
>>>>> not be confirmed, because he was a tax cheat, people said it didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When as President of the United States , he bowed to the King of Saudi
>>>>> Arabia , people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once
>>>>> talking
>>>>> of her greatness, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When his actions concerning the Middle-East seemed to support the
>>>>> Palestinians over Israel , our long time ally,people said it didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands ofPalestinians
>>>>> from
>>>>> Gaza to the United States , people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he upset the Europeans by removing plans for a missile defense
>>>>> system
>>>>> against the Russians, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he played politics in Afghanistan by not sending troops early-on
>>>>> when
>>>>> the Field Commanders said they were necessary to win, people said it
>>>>> didn't
>>>>> matter.
>>>>> When he started spending us into a debt that was so big we could not
>>>>> pay it
>>>>> off, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he took a huge spending bill under the guise ofstimulus and used
>>>>> it to
>>>>> pay off organizations, unions, and individuals that got him elected,
>>>>> people
>>>>> said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he took over insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc.,
>>>>> people
>>>>> said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he took away student loans from the banks and put it through the
>>>>> government, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it
>>>>> under
>>>>> government control, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he claimed he was a Christian during the election and tapes were
>>>>> later
>>>>> made public that showed Obama speaking to a Muslim group and 'stating'
>>>>> that
>>>>> he was raised a Muslim; was educated as a Muslim; and that he is still
>>>>> a
>>>>> Muslim, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he set into motion a plan to take over the control of all energy
>>>>> in the
>>>>> United States through Cap and Trade, people said it didn't matter.
>>>>> When he and people who think as he does finally complete their
>>>>> transformation of America into a Socialist State , people are finally
>>>>> waking
>>>>> up, but it will be too late.
>>>>> Add these up one by one and you get a phenomenal score that points to
>>>>> the
>>>>> fact that Barrack Hussein Obama is determined to turn America into a
>>>>> Marxist-Socialist society. All of the items in the preceding paragraphs
>>>>> have
>>>>> been put into place. All can be documented very easily. Before you
>>>>> disavow
>>>>> this do an internet search. The last paragraph alone is not yet cast in
>>>>> stone. You and I will write that paragraph. Will it read as above or
>>>>> will
>>>>> it be a more happy ending for most of America ?
>>>>> If you are an Obama Supporter don't be angry with me because I think
>>>>> Barrack
>>>>> Hussein Obama is a socialist. Far too many facts support he is indeed
>>>>> a
>>>>> Socialist. If you seek the truth you will be richer for it.
>>>>> Don't just belittle the opposition. Search for the truth. Democrats,
>>>>> Republicans, Independents, Constitutionalists, Libertarians all need to
>>>>> pull
>>>>> together or watch the demise of a free democratic society. Pray for
>>>>> Americans to seek the truth and take action for it will keep us FREE.
>>>>> Our biggest enemy is not China , Russia , North Korea , and Iran
>>>>> ....... our
>>>>> biggest enemy is a contingent of politicians in Washington DC ... where
>>>>> is
>>>>> their common sense?
>>>>> The government/politicians (any party that wants to destroy the USA
>>>>> that
>>>>> we've grown up with and love), whether they are Republicans, Democrats,
>>>>> Libertarians, etc.) will not help, so we need to do it ourselves.
>>>>> Question:
>>>>> Will you delete this, or pass it on to others who don't know about
>>>>> Obama's
>>>>> actions and plans for the USA , so that they may know how to vote in
>>>>> November, 2012 and the ensuing years?
Edit - there is no way this post will be read by people who have no time to pick their way through a valuable text on economics let alone a forum post on line.
Oh, now I get it (I think).
When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was some kind of Facebook campaign thingie to click and not "like" Obama.
Now come on. That's a little harsh, don't you think?
He got Osama bin Laden.
Surely that counts for something!
Right. He killed the guy in cold blood and dumped him in the sea simply because he can't figure out how to adjudicate the people we hold in gitmo as prisoners. So our harvard educated cobstitutional law professor in chief can't preside over some acceptable form of justice and provide some closure for families of 9/11 victims? Why? Because he doesn't want to anger Islamic extremists?
Islamic extremists are already angry.
Doesn't matter what Obama or the US does or doesn't do.
Their anger is totally irrational.
Exactly! That's why he should have been captured and sent to Gitmo, tried and then shot by firing squad in the light of day for all the world to see and without undue regard for his "religious" beliefs.
I thought they were mad because of enhanced interrogation practices. It is hard to keep up with the many things liberals come up with to define why they are angry.
So you are saying it isn't Bush's fault - how can that be? Obama says it is Bush's fault.
Bin Laden was assassinated, I suppose that is better than locking him up in Gitmo.
Does anyone out there really care if Bin Laden was killed fairly or not? According to the Seals he was told to surrender, but not taking any unnecessarty risks, the Seals popped him. Trial or no trial, he's as dead as fried chicken. Two 50 cent bullets are way cheaper than a lengthy trial, appeals and execution!
According to the SEALs (they are not pinnipeds) the order was "kill, not capture." Sounds like an assassination order, isn't that kind of thing beneath real, compassionate, loving and morally superior liberals who hate war and everything about it? Aren't our warriors supposed to read them their "rights" on the battlefield, arrest them, transport them to an American court and testify at their trial? Wasn't Obama a criminal? Do we summarily execute criminals now? Look out Charlie Manson?
You're right there, UCV.
We do hate war.
But we love it when the bad guys lose!
"Kill not capture" was the right call on OBL. Don't give him the chance to become a martyr.
You don't think OBL is a martyr?
Well I hope that works for you.
As for the Bad Guys losing - that sounds rather cowboyish and jingoistic. After all the "bad guys" won, to the cheers of liberals, in Russia,Italy, Germany, China, Cuba and Vietnam. The consequence of the liberals love of the "bad guys" is the slaughter of hundreds of millions.
How many "green" companies has he killed? They just keep dropping like flies. He just killed the smog regulations that enviromentalists wanted. At least he didn't kill the electricity generation industry - for now.
So wait, UCV,
Are you arguing that it was BAD that Obama killed the smog regs?
Are you are greenie?
I'm confused (as per usual!)
I am arguing that he is bad for everybody - even Michelle. She apparently finds his company so irritating that she has to take a second plane rather than ride with him.
on that one!
But you know nature abhors a vacuum.
So if Obama is bad for everybody, who, pray tell, are you supporting to replace him?
Considering the direction the nation is taking it would appear there is currently a vacuum in the White House. Or is that just a detached and cool lover of the "millionaires' and billionaires'" life style on Martha's Vineyard. That is good because the way wealth is disappearing the MV will be empty. The perfect spot for the Dachas of liberals to get away from the annoyance of not running the country.
"I like these guys...They are funny guys..." El Guapo; Three Amigos(1986)
Oh please, please "ruin" my health care.
Please!! I beg you!!
by OLYHOOCH 13 years ago
Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent or just don't give a XXX one way or the other, you should take a minute or two to read this and digest what it is saying.An earlier version of this made its way around the Internet (probably many times). As I reread it I was overwhelmed...
by S Leretseh 11 years ago
A new documentary exposé (now avail. FREE on netflix) called 'Dreams From My Real Father' ... is a REAL eye opener. For all those who want to know::--Who Barry's REAL father is (card carrying communist Frank M. Davis)--Why Obama wanted his birth certificate kept hidden (it...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
From the time of President Obama's inception in the White House, it was his intention to change America into a "newer" version of America. He felt that that America as it was not in incongruence with what America should be. He believed that the Constitution was out of...
by ahorseback 7 years ago
What a shameful opinion of Fox News by Obama's speech yesterday ! If the media today and especially Fox is an " Eco -system , A swamp " , especially being that Fox is the only outlet that didn't kiss the Obama Ring , why is it...
by Harvey Stelman 15 years ago
His action's make me believe he is a muslim at heart.
by Lady LaShonda 14 years ago
Hello Everyone,Just thought I'd post this about Barack Obama's vistory. Election night was so emotional for some of everybody. Tears of joy for this man ran throught the world. Please to tell me what you were doing when the victory was announced and how did you feel about the results.
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