Voter registration fraud

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  1. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    So who has some updated information and research on the newest (finally) crackdown (its been going on for years) of voter registration fraud?

    ACORN has been around for decades and now its just coming to light that fraud is taking place according to CNN in at least 12 states, over 30,000 felons registered to vote in Florida alone. The FBI is too busy to address this?
    Obama paid ACORN 800,000 dollars to do their work? The government paid ACORN to do their work? Our military's  votes are not even getting counted?
    Where's the outrage for this not getting addressed and dealt with?

  2. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 16 years ago
  3. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 16 years ago

    yeah, didn't see that one coming. lol

  4. funnebone profile image71
    funneboneposted 16 years ago
  5. kerryg profile image81
    kerrygposted 16 years ago

    Blaming ACORN for voter registration fraud is like blaming the grocery store for shoplifting employees. They are required by law to turn in every form they receive, but they screen for suspicious registrations in advance and turn those over in a package marked as suspicious. Most suspicious registrations are identified by ACORN itself because most are not attempts to cast a fraudulent vote, but rather to defraud ACORN and get a higher paycheck than deserved.

    ACORN voter fraud is mostly a hoax to distract attention from the millions of voters who are being illegally PURGED from the rolls in many states. … oter-fraud (link to ACORN site - link broken due to weird formating so I used tinyurl to fix it) … rroneously

  6. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 16 years ago
    The only reason bush got elected twice.

  7. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    No no no - it is the Islamic terrorist Obama who has systematically destroyed the TRUE voter system.

    Sparkling "Christ Consciousness NO ABORTION" "GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS" Jewel Said so.

    Sheesh. You right-wing pro-war christian BS is showing once again SJ.

    Oh that's right - you have new car and it is God's war...................

  8. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 16 years ago

    I watched Bill Moyer last night.  Bill had a guest on that said that election fraud is a major concern with this election.  I didn't get the guests name and I couldn't find the talk on YouTube yet but I imagine it will show up there seeing it turns the slander back on the Republican slanderers.

    Bill's guest corrected the fact that the McCain Republicans were slandering Obama about ACORN.  He said the people that are doing the slandering are the people that are doing the election fraud, the Republicans.  He said John McCain spoke at the 2006 ACORN convention.  He said registering false names like Mickey Mouse doesn't constitute election fraud because ACORN found them and tossed them out.

    He talked about the 2000 election being stolen with election fraud.  He talked about thousands of voters in 11 states coming out of the ballot box during the 2004 election saying they voted Democrat but it showed Republican.

    He suggested that you take your video cameras to the ballot box, not to take in to vote but to record anyone that comes out of the ballot box that is complaining there vote showed Republican when they voted Democrat.  He also suggested that you go to your riding even if you had already voted in the advance voting so you can see for yourself and record election fraud complaints.

    After Bill Moyer there was a documentary that said that the majority of the military votes are going to the Democrats this election because they feel misused because of the war in Iraq.

    Don't let the Republicans steal a third election with election fraud.

    This has been a concern for some time.  Here is a video that was posted at YouTube on Jan 11, 2008 with Bill Maher (not Bill Moyer) called Election Fraud Roundtable that says the voting computers can easily be hacked.

    If I find a video of the show with Bill Moyer and his guest I'll post it.


  9. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 16 years ago

    It's already happening with early ballots.

    October 18, 2008
    More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes
    In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP

  10. Ben Bush profile image61
    Ben Bushposted 16 years ago

    I'm not sure what the surprise is about. Voter Fraud has been happening since before the Constititional Convention. It is the heritage of this country. The ones who get upset about it are usually political marionettes.

    1. allshookup profile image60
      allshookupposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      The ones who need to be upset are the voters in America. Why would you say what you did? Does it not bother you that dead people and cartoon characters are voting? No matter which side they vote for, it's wrong. I saw a man on a street interviewed. He was homeless and hungry. He said that the people from ACORN told him they would pay him each time he registered. He wanted $73 for food and shelter. So, he registered 73 times and they paid him. He showed the cameras the money. I saw it. He said that they assured him he wouldn't get in trouble for it. No matter who that man votes for all of those times, it's wrong. This is a bad shady organiztaion. Just look at who gives them money privately. As for our troops, it's a travasty that their votes were not counted in the last election. Only 5 and a half percent of our soliders that are stationed outside the United States were counted. They are out there on orders from our government and they don't get their votes counted???? How wrong is that? These men and women never get the respect they deserve. Now we find out that only 5 and a half percent of them are getting to vote???? They are being badly manipulated and Janet Reno vetoed getting that fixed so they can vote. What is she afarid of? Reno and her followers have their own agends and part of that is keeping our servicemen and women from voting. And we want her and her pals in the White House? Lord have mercy on us, although we sure don't deserve it!

      1. Ben Bush profile image61
        Ben Bushposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        All Shook Up,
        What is the agenda of Christ for The United States?

        Is that an unfair question? Unanswerable?

        If you can answer that question from the totality of Scripture, your other points and concerns will fall into place. Otherwise, your frustration will continue. Remember, your warfare is not against flesh and blood.

  11. livelonger profile image92
    livelongerposted 16 years ago

    It's voter registration fraud, not voter fraud.

    ACORN submits Mickey Mouse as a would-be voter. The state's secretary of state verifies the person's identity and if valid, grants them registration. Mickey Mouses (Mice?) are scrubbed (and those with secretaries of state like Katherine Harris tend to scrub anyone with the first name Mickey or the same birthday as the alleged Mickey Mouse).

    Regarding illegal scrubbing of voter lists: take a look at this.

  12. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago

    But...regardless, don't people have to show proper ID before they can vote?

    1. Marian Swift profile image61
      Marian Swiftposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Not in all jurisdictions.  Reason being, ID-checking has been used to subject voters to unreasonable challenges (finding something "wrong" with a perfectly good ID, for example).

      As for ACORN, voter registrars are required to turn in every form they receive, no matter how hinky it appears to be.  Reason being, it would otherwise be too easy for registrars to cherry-pick and discard any form they don't like.

      It is up to the local Elections Department to determine whether or not registration forms are legitimate.

      1. kerryg profile image81
        kerrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I would add that ACORN has a screening system that flags registrations that are considered suspect. They are required by law to turn all registrations in, but suspect registrations are marked as such when they turn them over to the state.


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