I think that all of us who are aware of the dangers and intentions behind GMO "foods" well know that the health of the persons eating such "food" is never much the issue. We also know that the FDA will pass and legitimize things that it well knows are not safe for human consumption.
It's what happens with a eugenicist on the board of commissioners and a Monsanto Lawyer at the head of the department - more reasons to not vote for Obama again.
In any case, this is a petition concerning genetic mutant corn.
http://www.organicconsumers.org/article … _24592.cfm
Here's another important link:
http://www.naturalnews.com/034583_Monsa … gress.html
Signing this petition is a "no-brainer," and the very LEAST an individual can do about this highly explosive issue. Thank you!
Thank You!
I sure think so. I stopped eating corn from grocery stores for a while - but then I found out that corn had to be labeled as GMO.
Later still, after starting to eat corn from a can again, I found out that Monsanto was pushing to have their GMO corn on the shelves at Wal Mart without a label .
I don't know what the state of it is right now, but if I find out that GMO corn is being sold without a label identifying it as poison GMO...I'll just stop eating corn.
Another worry is high fructose corn syrup - it's likely to be from GMO corn. Stop purchasing stuff with that in it...it's nearly impossible, but it's possible, and the best thing for any one of us.
GM Foods don't go down too well this side of the 'Pond' either. They have the same effect on people as being sold a free trip on the Titanic. Some here can't be bothered, mostly immigrants from the Third World or some Eastern Europeans who don't know half of what's going on (but they're getting rare, too)! I'd have put my name down on the peition, but the UK somehow no longer qualifies as the 53rd state of the Union/the biggest US Aircraft Carrier never built. Why not put my name down by proxy? (is that possible, let's say London's a suburb of New York City?)
...none of this .. scares me... at all....
... I have no reason to be against GM food! Provide real things I should be afraid of.
(I do hate lobbyists asking for bailouts though.)
GM companies suing farmers because GM seeds blew into said farmers' fields and started growing there by accident?
Perhaps you should be concerned about GM foods. Put it in the perspective of tobacco, how many years did it take to get acknowledgement that tobacco is harmful? GM foods are in their infancy and it will take generations to discover if they do any harm to us.
In the meantime Monsanto has developed corn with Terminator genes, that means it is not fertile, plant Monsanto corn and next year you have to buy more seed corn from Monsanto. If this gene gets into other parts of the corn supply we will have designed a major part our food supply to die. The you have to depend on Monsanto.
Corn is being bred to resist Round Up weed killer so the corn you eat has been sprayed with Round Up. Monsanto has also inserted a gene from an insect-killing bacterium called BT (Bacillus thuringiensis)into corn so that every cell of the plant has activated BT toxin in it.
It sounds like you've not been paying much attention to what the GM Corporations are doing, and have done...in the USA, and in every other nation that Monsanto visits.
I think it was like 1,400 Indian farmers killed themselves in ONE YEAR...by drinking Monsanto pesticides or herbicides...it was ritual suicide. Monsanto had already ...took every last thing the illiterate and extremely poor farmers had.
But that's India. In the US, there's a town in Alabama where Monsanto just let a river of Pcb's drain towards town where folks lived....for years.
Anniston, Alabama. If you've lived there long, you're chances of not living so long due to disease...are remarkably high
Yeah, ...I can't figure out why Monsanto has it's own mercenary army though. If all they do is grow ...the most "technologically advanced" vegetation that presumes to be edible- then they don't need a mercenary army.
What's Monsanto need an army for? Can just any big corporation get it's own army too?
Close to a hundred people decided to form their own little army in Texas...they all burned to death - but Monsanto has it's own army.
Shit, the federal police murdered one of Randy Weaver's children, and his wife - all on account of him not working for them, and because he didn't realize that folks would literally ask you for sawed off shotguns...and so he was crazy enough to sell them some.
So I mean...I trust my neighbours all to be militarized more than I would Monsanto's private army
Wes - What Monsanto army are you referring to? Are you talking about Xe?
Umm... Is Monsanto synonymous with Genetically Modified Foods, or is it a type of food? Or is it a company that makes food?
Because GM food is not bad. People might do bad things WITH GM food, but it isn't bad.
The inanimate can be neither good nor bad - this I agree to.
Monsanto IS synonymous with GMO foods, agent orange, dioxin, pcb's, Monsanto Suicides, and other things that lead one to natural comparisons to Nazi Germany.
agent orange isn't a genetically modified food.
Nope, it isn't....but it was created by Monsanto.
It seems unlikely that any petition will have an effect but if we all boycott corn and corn products it will get some attention. Over 80% of the corn in the US is GM and corn is ubiquitous. Try to remove corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, corn gluten and the shelves in the grocery store would start to empty.
The FDA is funded by Monsanto and the other big agree-businesses through user fees and the staff enjoys a revolving door, moving between regulating and working for the same businesses. Change that and we might have a chance to force changes.
But there is nothing necessarily wrong with GM foods they may be the only way to feed the world in the future. How about a petition for more stringent requirements for testing
100% behind the petition, but being outside the USA, not much point in doing it, but if you are in the US, sign it NOW!
Thanks very much for that wonderful photo, Sir!!!! That drawing surely shows the truth of the matters.
time to get involved and write your congressmen and senators...
more importantly, time to do some research on this stuff//
Thanks for the heads up...
I sure think so.
I've been horrified about all things Monsanto since the time I found out what they were up to.
You can stay informed with EWG, Environmental Working Group's website and emails.
They have links to various articles and current studies. They are a team of scientists, engineers, policy makers, lawyers, computer programmers that "pores over government data, legal documents, scientific studies and our own laboratory tests to expose threats to your health and the environment, and to find solutions. Our research brings to light unsettling facts that you have a right to know." [from their site.]
There is also a petition to sign on their site.
Our future stands on developing our own source of food. In Japan and New York, people grow vegetables on their roofs. In France, more and more households disposes of a chicken in cities. We are heading to an autarchical societal model where we will self-produce.
We've got the answer to that in Blighty: allotments. Heard of them? People who haven't got gardens at home can apply for an allotment where they can grow veg etc or keep chickens/geese - great guard 'dogs', these, and they don't eat as much as dogs! Every city or big town in UK plc has got allotments.
The problem is that crops which are not GMO can be cross-pollinated by crops which are, if they are growing nearby. Personally, I no longer have any worries about GMO products. As the world population grows, new methods are needed to produce enough food. There will also be the advantage that GMO products will not need all of the chemicals used to spray crops, which are known to cause cancer.
Ten reasons why we don't need Monsanto and Genetically Modified Foods http://cinch.fm/debbybruck/the-truth/49193
I read this list in March 2010 ~>> Hope you like it.
GMO is Pandora's Box. The FDA is more concerned with protecting big Agriculture (and Monsanto) than it is in protecting the citizens of the U.S.
Muscle Warfare
Environmental Working Group has an informative website with links, videos.
It's not so much being afraid of GMO food, but having the right to know what we're eating and how it was produced! It should be up to the consumer to make an informed choice of what to put into our bodies. Without full disclosure on labels, we don't know.
If you feed your baby food that you think is what the label says, and it's not, how are you ok with that?
Here's another interesting link about slight restrictions on antibiotics used in livestock http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/05/healt … r=1&hp
GMO foods have been around since the early 90's. There has been a wide increase in diseases resistant to antibiotics which are used in engineering GM food and an increase in allergies. I think the more people are educated about GM foods, there may be more action taken by the public. Soybean milk may be as bad or worse than regular milk as most of the soybean crops are Monsanto GM seeds unless you're drinking milk from organic crops, which could have also been cross - pollinated by neighboring GMO farms.
http://www.visionmagazine.com/archives/ … e_gmo.html
"Round Up ready sugar beets" it doesn't sound good. Monsanto seems to spend a lot bending peoples ears.
http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financia … L51J81.htm
I am a well-educated person who has been reading the primary literature on people and animals consuming GMO--as a result I am happy to eat the stuff. My only reservations are environmental
There is hardly a food on the planet that hasn't been genetically modified, and it has been that way for years.
Cattle have been consciously bred for a long, long time to produce more or better milk. Or meat. Grains have been carefully chosen and the seeds saved for the same reason.
All this has resulted in massive genetic modifications from wild food. Did you know that without human help, banana's can't even reproduce? Talk about modifications!
Like Psycheskinner I don't worry overly much about it. Outside of a few wild berries or mushrooms picked in the woods pretty much everything I've eaten in my life has been intentionally genetically modified by man.
And look at the state of health of this country. It's no coincidence that the rising poor health of this nation is directly linked to the condition of the food we eat. Yes, cattle are bred to be fat in a hurry using estrogen/steroids because they're sold by the pound and the faster they fatten up the less time and money needs to be spent on their care and growth. Sick milk cows are given antibiotics contributing to antibiotic resistant strains in humans.
Contrarily, organically raised cows that are sick are separated from the herd until all traces of antibiotics are gone from their milk.
An no, not everything is GM. Mainly corn and soy products to the largest degree. Everything else is sprayed. GM crops are bred to resist attack without having to be sprayed. At least that's the intention.
Absolutely. What is being banked on is human stupidity, or human ignorance.
Lots of very bright people are totally ignorant concerning Monsanto and the foods that they eat. Such people sometimes just trust their government, the same government that attacks a sovereign nation such as Iraq for...no ethical reason.
For this reason there is no justification for trusting that government. A person that will kick a random dog can't be trusted to visit your home and be around YOUR dog.
This is our government - and if it treats people so horribly as it has the Iraqis, then how can it be trusted to treat it's own people in a moral way? it cant.
It's simply not true that most foods are not GM. Man has been breeding for this trait or that for thousands of years; very little of what he raises and eats (as opposed to, say, wild fish from the ocean) has not been genetically modified by breeding programs.
I have a hard time understand that because we can now affect one gene via needles and chemicals it is much different. Man has very seldom bred for survival in the wild; it is always for his benefit, just as is being done now without the need for hundreds of generations to actually see much change.
Shucks, even my Mom (an avid gardener for most of her life) saves seeds from plants that produce heavier loads of fruit or whatever for use next year. She is modifying the plants she grows to accomplish better or greater crop yields.
Speaking of GMOs and living organisms.....
http://www.naturalnews.com/034451_GM_sa … tions.html
Also, milk from cows injected with synthetic bovine growth hormone....is approximately three percent udder puss.
Udder puss...YUM!
Not to mention that it's cruel and painful for cows to have overly swollen udders due to unethical machinations creating.....udder puss milk.
Here's more in the way of petitions and reading.
If you for some weird reason or another think Monsanto corn is safe to eat, then there's no justification for that horrific corporation's business practices either at home or over seas.
http://misbehavedwoman.wordpress.com/20 … anto-corn/
Tell the truth Todd. Population control is going to be achieved by a combination of flu and malnutrition. The food is intentionally stripped of vitamins, minerals and enzymes the body uses to regulate its pH balance. So we are all walking around highly acidic. Infections fester in this environment, which is why you have so much cancer and the like. The Flu virus is being strengthened each year. So the ultimate plan is to see us starve with full bellies. Monsanto is key to plan.
Sir, I agree with you entirely. I find that most "American Intellectuals" are full of what's been fed to them...mind food striped of the history of the struggle for global control.
Don't forget the next HUGE war that's planned....which will likely start when we attack Iran, or the oligarchs do another 911 to be a prelude to such an attack.
Bags packed. Non GMO seedlings prepared. Hiking boots sitting in the front door. ;-)
by sannyasinman 11 years ago
what are people (especially farmers) protesting about? Watch this . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … P4E#at=130
by Audrey Selig 10 years ago
If you see high fructose corn syrup on a food label, would you buy that item or not? Explain.
by Aya Katz 15 years ago
High fructose corn syrup doesn't taste nearly as good as sugar, and the consensus among nutritionists is that it is also much worse for us. Considering these facts, why are virtually all soft drinks (except the diet ones) sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, rather than sugar?I've heard people...
by sannyasinman 11 years ago
http://www.greenpeace.org/international … o-s-maize/
by Wesman Todd Shaw 12 years ago
I think everyone sane should support Monsanto and buy their stock on the New York Stock Exchange - especially people that think that Africans should be used for experimentation just like the Nazis did the Jews, and also people that think that Dioxins in foods are Yummy!...
by Dorothy Cooper 7 years ago
Do you prefer to eat healty or just whatever tastes good to you?Please indicate which style you prefer and if selecting healthy what do you do to make a meal healthier?
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