Are women generally less romantic now more so than ever?

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  1. greencha profile image63
    greenchaposted 11 years ago

    Are women generally less romantic now more so than ever?


  2. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    As a man I have to say yes to a certain extent. I think a lot of women have let go of the "fairytale" aspect of relationships. More equality, job responsibility, higher education, and a divorce rate hovering around 50% tends to make people more "practical" than "romantic". :-)
    There will always be elements of romantic desire but the "Cinderella" mentality is not nearly as prominent as it once was. Independence trumps waiting to be rescued or swept off their feet for many women.
    Today people read books and attend workshops in order to (learn) how to infuse romance back into their relationships/marriages.  It requires (effort) as oppose to coming natural. Others are so practical they consider flowers, candy, balloons, and expensive dinners to be a "waste of money". This is not a problem if (both) people fall under the "practical" banner. However if one person is naturally a "romantic" they are bound to be unhappy. Awhile back I wrote a hub on this topic. … Challenged

    1. greencha profile image63
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks dashing scorpio,will check that out.

  3. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I'm not sure women were ever particularly romantic.The role of women throughout history has been to take care of their children and husband. It was/Is/Should be the automatic thing women do. I doubt it's seen as romantic if a woman cooks her man dinner when she does it every night. In times past it was seen by many as wrong for a wife to make the first move in the bedroom. At least we now have that. I think now days romance equals material objects instead of time together with good intentions. Overall I just think the meaning of romance has changed over time.

    1. greencha profile image63
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks peebles,imteresting.

  4. billericky profile image71
    billerickyposted 11 years ago


    I believe that women now require men to take the initiative on being romantic. This is whilst women take the back seat and expect to be pampered. Please do not take this as sexist, but I have been with the same women for over a decade.

    As men we do like to pamper our ladies...

  5. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 11 years ago

    According to sociologists, men have always been more romantic than women. On the other hand, perhaps women are less romantic nowadays, in that they have lowered expectations, due to the continued effects of the "free love without the commitment thing" which began with the 60's Sexual Revolution, and has been "snowballing" ever since...

    However, romance is not dead. This is why women still like romantic chick flicks. That being said, some women are confused about romance and chivalry. Should she encourage it or not?  Should I pull out my own chair? After all, I have hands, right? I'm self sufficient, right? These are the thoughts some women have.

    Another thing: If she is highly independent, she will wait for the man to make a romantic gesture first. For my part, I've got to have romance - just not the clingy or saccharine kind. Clingy is not romantic, but thoughtfulness increases the likelihood of romance - at least it does in my book. For me, delivery and timing is key.

    1. greencha profile image63
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting thanks savvydating.

  6. abbykorinnelee profile image52
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    Yes, and I think its because they are materialistic and judge romance by "things" or where they are taken etc.  A portion doesn't even like a man to open her door or do those gestures that are gentlemenly.  I think that women are full of expectations and look right past the things men do, not even noticing the romantic gesture. Not to mention they don' take the initiative and expect the other gender too.  I feel sorry for men and those women ruin it for the rest of us who would take the romance issue seriously

    1. greencha profile image63
      greenchaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks,do you think too much 'women's lib' is partly to blame here-re-the true independent  /'liberated woman' being desensitised  from romance when its even sometimes staring them in the face?

  7. Deborah Minter profile image92
    Deborah Minterposted 6 years ago

    People in general have become less romantic and things are less sentimental then they use to be. Some People now days consider it smart or responsible not to care for other people.


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