How do you feel about open relationships and open marriages?

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  1. Rakim Cheeks profile image60
    Rakim Cheeksposted 8 years ago

    How do you feel about open relationships and open marriages?

    Personally, I have a big problem with it! I don't think it's appropriate for your spouse or your mate to be with anyone but you. Marriage is supposed to be between two people! Not three people. So what do you think about open marriages?

  2. ChristinS profile image39
    ChristinSposted 8 years ago

    I think it's not for me, but what other consenting adults choose to do is none of my business.

  3. connorj profile image70
    connorjposted 8 years ago

    Although I am open about it; it is not for me...

  4. Aime F profile image69
    Aime Fposted 8 years ago

    I think people should do whatever they feel works in their marriage. If both people consent and agree with it then what's the problem? None of my business how people choose to live within their marriage. It's between the people who married each other to make those decisions, no one else has any grounds to make judgments or say what's okay/not okay.

    If you don't like it, don't do it. smile

    1. connorj profile image70
      connorjposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Unless one factors in that nagging "thing" in you that seems to whisper to you about a standard or law of right vs wrong; however, subtle it may indeed be...

    2. Aime F profile image69
      Aime Fposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I respect that people don't like it, but unless it interferes with how you live your life or how your marriage functions, then keep it to yourself. People find happiness in very different ways.

  5. junkseller profile image78
    junksellerposted 8 years ago

    Don't you people ever get tired of telling others how they should or shouldn't live.

    It is especially odd coming from a black man, who, not too long ago, would have been told he can't marry a white woman (which even today might get some odd looks).

    In my opinion, we should spend a LOT less time fretting over the superficial mechanics of relationships and much more time on the content.

    There are all sorts of 'model' couples out there, who in secret may be miserable, abusive, etc, and 'non-model' couples (trios...) who live happily ever after.

    Personally, I don't care what color, age, or race someone is, or what genital package they have between their legs. The only concern I have for any relationship is if it is healthy and are they happy. The rest is just judgmental nonsense.

    1. chuckandus6 profile image77
      chuckandus6posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      i would never interfere with someone in that relationship,but i do have opinion that it is strong about it being about love ❤❤❤

  6. prettynutjob30 profile image86
    prettynutjob30posted 8 years ago

    In my opinion, I think it's a disaster waiting to happen, adding someone else into a relationship can cause too much drama. But even though it's not something I agree with, that doesn't mean it couldn't and hasn't worked for others.

  7. fpherj48 profile image62
    fpherj48posted 8 years ago

    Rakim......However anyone "feels" about an issue in "personal opinion" is one thing in and of itself.  Each of us is entitled and cannot be mind controlled, nor should we allow ourselves to be controlled.

    This is all well and good when making our OWN choices and determining what we want, do not want....will do and will not do in OUR OWN LIVES.

    However, quite clearly, it is not for any individual (or group) to dictate to anyone else...nor to suggest what should or should not be done or said.
    We are free individuals, adults, self-directing and motivating.  Period.

    If one opposes something.  Oppose it on behalf of your life.....not the rest of the world.  It's quite simple, cut and dry.

    For myself.  This lifestyle would not work at all.

    1. ChristinS profile image39
      ChristinSposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ^ What she said, totally.  smile

  8. lyoness913 profile image79
    lyoness913posted 8 years ago

    This is an interesting question.  Back in the day (about 20 years ago), I would have said this is a horrible idea and people need to be faithful to one another.

    However, now that I have seen so much divorce and so many couples breaking up for infidelity- I am not sure.

    I have several friends who have open marriages and relationships.  At first I thought it was very strange, but it seems to work.  Maybe some people aren't meant to be with just one other person.

    I guess to each their own.


  9. word55 profile image72
    word55posted 8 years ago

    I would prefer my girlfriend or wife to myself. I would expect she to feel the same. Whenever I get married it should be us two as one. Besides, marriage is supposed to be a sacred institution. The only 3rd entity involved should be God (in Christ) to maintain its wellness and richness.

  10. Alastar Packer profile image70
    Alastar Packerposted 8 years ago

    I've heard there is this more advanced human planet that has learned it is best to allow a man up to four wives, although there are many monogamous marriages on that planet. No one is coerced and all choose freely. Divorce is almost unknown among them. What do I say to that? Somebody finally got it right. But, with our own earthly evolutionary level being what it is, open relationships and marriages never work out in the end or in the long run because we're still strictly a monogamous society at the time. Pick one fine good-hearted lady Rakim and paradise will be yours, through thick and thin and no one will you place your love, life and trust in more.

    1. fpherj48 profile image62
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      alastar....You have a made a tiny error.  This advanced human planet allows WOMEN to have up to 4 husbands.  ......Sorry honey....maybe next lifetime?  LMAO!!!

    2. Alastar Packer profile image70
      Alastar Packerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Now dear un, YOU KNOW that would never go over! Men fighting in the spacey futuristic Wal-mart everyday...uh-uh LOL

  11. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    I don't believe it's possible to be "in love" with someone and want to share them other people. I would not marry someone I was not in love with. Naturally there are married couples that (stay together) without being "in love". They're "emotionally divorced".
    My guess is a lot of open marriages didn't start off that way. It may very well be they got to a point where they were no longer "in love" but enjoyed other aspects of the marriage too much to walk away.
    On the other hand if it's a causal "booty call" or "friends with benefits" arrangement it would be a lot easier I suspect to have an open relationship because there would be no "emotional investment" made.
    Having said that I'm for whatever works for the couple. The last thing I'd want to do is tell people what is right or wrong for (them).


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