Is it Okay for Men to cry?

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  1. Anamika S profile image60
    Anamika Sposted 14 years ago

    Is it Okay for Men to cry?

  2. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Yes, it is okay for men to cry. They are human just like anyone else. The emotional release is still required. But, usually it has to hit close to home, such as spouse or child(loss), before it happens to the "alpha" males. Some men will even cry watching a great drama. It varies from person to person. There cannot be anything wrong with it.

  3. saddlerider1 profile image58
    saddlerider1posted 14 years ago

    If you ever meet a man who tells you he never cries, run as fast as you can and find a real man, because if you don't and you choose to love a man who does not cry, I believe your relationship will be founded on quicksand. I cry over a lot of things and I am proud of it. Emotional release in my opinion is very healthy for your mind and spirit as well.

  4. romper20 profile image82
    romper20posted 14 years ago

    It is perfectly "normal" for a man to try Anamika. I personally feel the human spirit is like nothing else. Once a certain time in one's life comes that  reflects negativity upon you, crying helps anyone not just a man get past it mentally and physically. Your post interested me though. Thank you.

  5. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 14 years ago

    I find it odd if a man doesn't cry, really.  Men are human just like women, after all.  I don't find him weak if he does, in fact I find it representative of a strength he has.  It's society that deems it "unmanly" and "weak" unfortunately.  It's something we need to change.  I have a son and I always encourage him to express his feelings, both good and bad.  Emotional repression is bad both mentally and physically.  Good question.

  6. ramkkasturi profile image61
    ramkkasturiposted 14 years ago

    May be it is common for  men to  weep but not cry. Crying perhaps has more physical expression, weeping is more a quite expression of sorrow  This is due to  control..But in some cultures crying by men is perfectly accepted. Men tend to be as emotional as women. It is actually the culture which seems to have laid  the norms for each gender  than the nature for each   gender. Even among animals male animals do cry, feel the pains of separation and feel emotions like  jealousy. Men try to control crying for physical injuries but mentally they are equally, if not more vulnerable.       

  7. profile image56
    foreignpressposted 14 years ago

    Probably your question should be, "Is it Okay for Men to Cry in Public?" Much depends on the culture. Frenchmen openly cry in public. Men in the Middle East also cry openly. Not so Asian men. For a man to weep openly in America is masculine suicide. In fact, I've heard women say they don't like to see men cry, even though they also demand that men be more openly sensitive. But American men do cry in private.

  8. darrylcrawford profile image65
    darrylcrawfordposted 14 years ago

    Absolutely. We're human too, though we are not as emotion as women are we REAL MEN have soft spots, breaking points. Even Alpha men can benefit from releasing their pains on a trusted friend's shoulder. Emotional release is needed for everyone. Some men deny and say they haven't ever cried once in their life, well if that's true you might want to run the other way, that guy is not human. lol. But really, it's a yes. We REAL MEN cry when we're happy or sad. We may take a little longer (for some a lot longer) than women but we all have a breaking point when the mighty tough one needs a trusted shoulder to cry on and release the tears, wipe them away and go back out there, with a purpose and come back stronger than before. Men need to cry at times. Women cry and get it out, figure out their feelings, think it over and feel better and so can men. In reality the one who is in touch with their spiritual, mental and emotional self are truly the stronger ones. Crying is normal.

  9. jite profile image38
    jiteposted 14 years ago

    absolutely Anamika,Men also have feelings and emotions,I think they cry equally,but most of the time not in front of anybody.

  10. ktps profile image58
    ktpsposted 14 years ago

    it is okay for men to cry. even though they say they can't they can. they have feelings just like us

  11. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    Anamika of course it is more than OK for a man to cry. Men have feelings and emotions as much as women do. Men just like to pretend to be tougher and fight to hold back so as not to appear weak. I even cry when I listen to special music and even with some movie scenes too.

  12. 2005Fleet profile image60
    2005Fleetposted 14 years ago

    I wrote a hub on it if you are interested.

  13. stricktlydating profile image74
    stricktlydatingposted 14 years ago

    Yes it's okay for men to cry.  And a great reason for his women to offer him comfort in such times.

  14. dakotarae profile image59
    dakotaraeposted 14 years ago

    depends on the situation, and what is going on. i would say yes of course/

  15. eli grey profile image61
    eli greyposted 14 years ago

    If he has a heart then he cries. Men can be proud though.


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