What Would Happen In A Marriage If Both Wife And Husband Were To Speak Their Min

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  1. ngureco profile image77
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    What Would Happen In A Marriage If Both Wife And Husband Were To Speak Their Mind All The Time?

    Experts are telling us to be ourselves and to speak our mind freely for good communication. Does saying all that pop up in one's mind without editing it going to be good for a successful marriage?

  2. Sparhawke profile image61
    Sparhawkeposted 14 years ago

    People lie on average at least 25 times on any given day, assuming half of that is to their spouse you have about 10-15 times that you are suggesting we tell the truth...forget war of the roses, it would be like world war III :p

  3. kaleigh_123 profile image61
    kaleigh_123posted 14 years ago

    Then you would have a union founded on honesty.  Why would you not speak your mind to your spouse?  There has to be some where and some one with whom you can truly be yourself!  Hopefully this would be your spouse or significant other.  Editing one's thoughts...Hummm?  Why would anyone have to edit their thoughts with their partner to have, as you have put it, a successful marriage?

  4. FOLYGOLD profile image62
    FOLYGOLDposted 14 years ago


  5. Springboard profile image84
    Springboardposted 14 years ago

    All of the time? As much as I firmly believe in open communication in a marriage, I think that being completely honest all of the time could be dangerous. There are certain things that sometimes really are better left unsaid...

    And boy do I know it. smile

  6. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 14 years ago

    I'll put it this way if both people spoke their mind all of the time during their "courtship" most likely there would have been less marriages! LOL! It seems the longer a relationship goes on the less "editing" takes place in conversations between a couple.

    Actually it's not what you say but how you say it that counts the most. Right off the bat when someone says, "Speak your mind" they assume you're not going to be tactful or you're going to resort to being rude, cursing, and rasising your voice.

    However speaking your mind is simply being honest about how you feel about something. One can do that in a matter of fact tone without exploding into a tirade, attacking or belittling their spouse's idea. Honesty does not have to be mean.
    Without honesty there can be no trust.
    Not many people would choose to marry a liar.
    If you disagree be prepared to offer an alternative solution. Offer constructive criticism.
    I'd personally like to know exactly where I stand with my wife.
    But by the same token I also subscribe to the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy if you don't think you can handle the truth!

  7. profile image48
    zoe1996posted 14 years ago

    It would certainly be a great thing if both share what is on their heart both party would know what each other is thinking and I like to say they would be on the same page. Communication is one of the break down of marriages so communicating would help to bridge that gap. Which would obviously lead to a continuous successful marriage. When their is no communication it can lead to a third party involving in this relationship especially women who needs to get things off their chest surely nice guy would be their to listen and then a extra marital relationship would begin or vice versa. So men and women start opening up and allow trust to continue.

  8. libby101a profile image60
    libby101aposted 14 years ago

    I think people should strive to be as honest as possible! Sure, there are times when a spouse may not be completely truthful... such as when she may ask does these jeans make me look fat? LOL... I'm sure most men are not going to say, yes!

    However, I think honesty should be at the core of every marriage! Seriously, why would you want to be bound to someone who doesn't speak the truth? 

    There should be no hidden secrets! I think if two people truly love each other and want a great relationship that will last, they will be open and honest!

    Those who think some things are better left unsaid are probably the ones hiding small things that probably have a negative effect on the marriage even when left unspoken!

  9. DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image76
    DeBorrah K. Ogansposted 14 years ago

    It is good to speak  what is on you mind…   How,  When  and Why you speak it is key.  Speaking the TRUTH in LOVE yields healing...   Your intent  then is not to hurt but to bring clarity, and transparency which will help build  trust & intimacy in your marriage.  If you mean speak your mind by blurting out harsh words all the time… In this case it is not good; who wants to be nagged, yelled and screamed at  all the time?  It is far better to just say that you are hurt or let's talk later I am angry... Learning to discipline your tongue is a virtue!
    Good open communication should be encouraged  always!  Communication is not always verbally speaking  there are  times that I think it is better to wait until you can talk about what is bothering  you rationally… This does not mean that you do not get angry  you just learn to exercise self-control  which helps you as well as your marriage… care and concern should be always  be a priority! I think that you should be able to talk about any and everything...

  10. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    Well, my bet would be that there would be a lot of hurt feelings, disagreements, and a great deal of marital dissatisfaction.

    There is nothing quite like practicing self-control and the ability to hold one's tongue. Indeed, some things are best left unsaid and as the song says, "Silence is golden."  :0)


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