Is it important to smile when you are sad? why?

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  1. kingphilipIV profile image60
    kingphilipIVposted 13 years ago

    Is it important to smile when you are sad? why?

  2. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 13 years ago

    I don't remember ever smiling much when I was sad, but your question did trigger a memory that illustrates the power of a split second contact between two Souls to have powerful results.

    In January of 1981, I was not a happy camper.  My third wife was turning out to be tough to live with, our finances were in desperate straights, and for the first (and only)  time in my life that I can remember, I was truly despondent.  Even considered suicide once, though only briefly.

    One Sunday, she and I were walking down the sidewalk in Billings, Montana.  Don't remember why (we lived miles north of the city), but do remember very clearly how heavily burdened I felt.  Every step was a challenge, the weight of the world pressing down on my shoulders.


    Coming toward us, the only other people on the street at the moment, were a little girl--I'd guess about 4 years of age--and her mother.  The child and I made eye contact, just for a second...she smiled (I presume I did, too), and twin beams of the purest Light and Love shot from her eyes straight into me.  All.  The.  Way.

    Uplifted me unbelievably.

    Not enough to magically "cure" my depression completely; it was too ingrained for that.  But it was a start, and something I've never forgotten.

    The (now ex) wife walking beside me never had a clue nor, I'm sure, did the little girl's mother.

    There's always a way out...if we can see it.

  3. Millionaire Tips profile image86
    Millionaire Tipsposted 13 years ago

    I think that when you are sad, you should allow yourself to feel the feeling and completely process the emotion.  After an adequate amount of time, which differs depending on the cause of the sadness, then yes, smiling will help bring you back to a normal range of feeling.  Smiling does help make the sadness go away, as does exercise, a clean house, chocolate, etc.

  4. Ania L profile image82
    Ania Lposted 13 years ago

    I don't think it is important to smile, you need to allow yourself to be sad from time to time just for a sake of balance plus the fake smile when you are sad inside exhaust even more.
    But I believe it is important to make an effort to change the state of mind. It could be a relaxing walk, a workout or watching a comedy. The sooner you change your your train of thoughts, the quicker your mood will lift and gives you the energy to act. So smile is great but only if it happens as a result of something that makes you smile.

  5. ubanichijioke profile image75
    ubanichijiokeposted 13 years ago

    Smiling when from the heart is helpful and healthful. Doing it otherwise gives a false impression

  6. mbbs profile image59
    mbbsposted 13 years ago

    no, its better to make ur tear off ur eyes....becoz,it lighten ur mind...

  7. incomeguru profile image86
    incomeguruposted 13 years ago

    Smiling when sad will ease your tension and there will be no room for depression.

  8. drspaniel profile image64
    drspanielposted 13 years ago

    Smiling when you're sad actually makes you want to smile more, meaning that your actual mood changed. Smiling when your sad cures the sadness, replacing the emotion with happiness...

  9. Erin Boggs1 profile image78
    Erin Boggs1posted 13 years ago

    it is important to smile. It allows more oxygen to flow into your brain so you think clearly and rationally.

  10. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Smile will help you to clear your unhappiness.

    It is never good to be unhappy.

    Ask yourself this - when you are unhappy, does it helps?

    If the answer is No. Then why be unhappy. Instead you should be smiling as life goes on.

    Be happy and healthy is most important!

  11. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 13 years ago

    Look up at the ceiling and smile.  Think the most negative thoughts you can think, look at the ceiling, and smile.  It's impossible not to catch the smile bug!  Body language (slouching, smiling, etc.) is inherently connected to how we Feel!  smile

  12. whaturmissing profile image77
    whaturmissingposted 13 years ago

    Fake it til you make it.  Smiles will turn your frowns around.  Another benefit is that it will lift the corners of your mouth so you are smiling even when you aren't.  Look in the mirror with a straight face to see if your mouth corners are smiling smile

  13. zzron profile image59
    zzronposted 13 years ago

    Smiling helps the sadness and anger and hurt go away............

  14. Nurfninja profile image60
    Nurfninjaposted 13 years ago

    It's good to be honest, but it's better to be a real person. 
    It's also good to deal with problems when you're sad, but to learn when to let things go and be happy.

  15. courtlneygdtm profile image71
    courtlneygdtmposted 13 years ago

    I think you have to deal with exactly why you are sad quickly. I believe being sad is negative energy, which may spiral into negative thoughts, and may lead to negative actions.  In other words, being sad, can become a downward cycle, which in its worst form, can lead to depression.  So acknowledge your sadness quickly -- get over it, make an "about face",  put a bright, wide happy smile on your face, and move on to bigger and brighter things.  As the saying goes "Keep Smiling!"



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