Which is the best way to tell your girlfriend that she has added weight?

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  1. ronhi profile image67
    ronhiposted 12 years ago

    Which is the best way to tell your girlfriend that she has added weight?

    I mean without hurting her feelings but still making you point that you think she looked more attractive when slimmer?

  2. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    By not saying anything at all.  A woman knows even when she has added 5 pounds.  She does not need a guy to remind her.

  3. profile image0
    newday98033posted 12 years ago

    Tell her you're thinking of having the floor joists sistered, to be safe.

  4. juiwei2000 profile image59
    juiwei2000posted 12 years ago

    Wooooooooo...that is difficult to say, I don't think there is a best way mate, so just tell her and see what happen smile

  5. profile image0
    gkanekoaposted 12 years ago

    Find old pictures of her and say...remember when you used to look like that. Positive reinforce her to associate old pictures with good things. Say: when we went (insert place) you looked so nice in that outfit. Ask her, so you still wear that. And when she says no, I cant fit that anymore, just make a sad face and don't say anything.

  6. Melissa.P profile image60
    Melissa.Pposted 12 years ago

    You're going to be single if you tell her she's fat. I am sure she is aware that she is gaining weight. It is her body.

  7. Ania L profile image78
    Ania Lposted 12 years ago

    I agree with ladies here - the woman always knows when she gains weight and it's a touchy topic.
    So instead of pointing the obvious to her, just come up with ideas of what both of you could do together - activity I mean like joining the local gym or a dance club.
    You can either say you always wanted to learn to dance or that you feel YOU are gaining weight with all this great food you are sharing (or sedetery lifestyle if it's the case) and that you prefer to work it out before it gets worse.
    If you don't fancy moving a bit more, then ask her to help you incorporate a new diet, and that you would be really grateful if she went on it with you so you wouldn't feel left alone.
    No easy solutions mate, you need to do a bit of work yourself wink

  8. engelfantasydream profile image60
    engelfantasydreamposted 12 years ago

    does it matter to you if your gf gain weight..does it decreases your love towards her???...in you sight even do literally speaking your gf is chubby or fat or gained weight...she is still the sexiest woman to you..never ever let it came from you that she gained weight..cos it will make her moral low..try a friend to tell it to her..it would be better...and i hope your perfect..you gained no weight or skin flaws or whatever to notice your gf weight gained..just saying..smile

  9. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    get a 1inch thick piece of hardened steel. make a box and climb inside. drill small air holes so you can breathe and still be heard by her. then tell her and hope she doesn't have cutting torches to get to you.

  10. perfectperception profile image61
    perfectperceptionposted 12 years ago

    Very tactfully.  There may be screaming. Oh yeah and bloodshed.  She may get pretty emotional.

  11. courtlneygdtm profile image73
    courtlneygdtmposted 12 years ago

    Weight is a topic one should steer away from in boyfriend/girlfriend and even husband/wife relationships. Your girlfriend knows that she's gained weight, and you telling her adds no value to her or the conversation. In fact, discussing her weight could lead to an argument and just the opposite action you would like from her. Additionally, she may begin to eat more to calm herself, as opposed to eating less. So to answer your question, my suggestion is to talk to her about something else other than her weight.


  12. max sterling profile image61
    max sterlingposted 12 years ago

    if you can figure out a way to tell your girlfriend that she is less attractive because she gain weight and not hurt her feelings, you will be the first man in history to do so. she knows its there. she probably looks at her extra weight in the mirror constantly and steps on a scale repeatedly to see if the last reading was a fluke. last thing she need is her boyfriend telling her she is not attractive anymore. and how much weight has she really put on?


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