If I knew you, would I like you?

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  1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
    Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years ago

    If I knew you, would I like you?

    What would I like the most about you?

  2. profile image0
    WhydThatHappenposted 11 years ago

    Can you tell us a little more about yourself first? The answer depends on who you are, and If discerning your character was as easy as reading people's hubs, then you would already know the answer to your question smile

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      :-) Aha! You got me!

  3. lburmaster profile image73
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    I doubt it. Most people don't like me. I'm very blunt, don't often go out of my way to communicate with others that I know, and I don't often like others. But you would like how interested I am in strange facts and the tons of hobby's I have.

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I absolutely love your answers to my questions!  They crack me up, and I have to say, you are very honest!

    2. lburmaster profile image73
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Without honestly, there is no truth or trust.

  4. Jynzly profile image62
    Jynzlyposted 11 years ago

    If I like you, then you will like me. I am only likable to people who I like first.

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is an interesting answer, and I think very smart.

  5. rlaha profile image59
    rlahaposted 11 years ago

    I don't know. It would depend on you and how you interact with others. I try to be a nice person, and if you are nice to me, I will be nice to you smile.

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't agree more!

  6. allan langat profile image58
    allan langatposted 11 years ago

    maybe...we have totally different personalities

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Probably, if we have totally different personalities, but I'm not sure if we really do?

  7. Agantum profile image61
    Agantumposted 11 years ago

    One day I was coming home from work.  Parked across the road from my house was a car with a flat tyre.  The woman, a little younger than I was had a boy about 7 years old but this was before cell phones and she could not contact anyone for help, she looked truly crestfallen.
    I walked over and asked her if she would like me to help.  She looked at me in such relief that I was honestly appalled at how vulnerable she was in this position, having to rely on the good will of strangers.  I then gave her a choice she was not expecting, I asked her if she would like me to change the tyre or if she would like me to explain and guide her through the process.  She was surprized, but this opportunity to learn how to change a tyre had meant her unfortunate situation was now a chance to do something, she thought she would never be able to do.
    I explained where the spare tyre was located and how to take it out.  How to loosen the wheel nuts while the car was still on the ground and how to use her jack.  How to change over the tyre and do all the wheel nuts up finger tight in a star pattern, lower the jack and redo all the wheel nuts up in a star pattern.  (I know after I say star pattern 3 times that this will be remembered.)
    Her son had hung on to every word and passed everything to his mother as she needed it.  I mentioned how important putting everything away was, as this meant next time it would be available to do the job if needed. Her son put everything away as she finished.  I told the both of them that they had done a good job changing the tyre and reminded them that the flat tyre should be repaired as soon as possible.  They were smiling and proud of the perfect job that they had done and I waved to them as they drove away.  I then crossed the road and went home to my family, my wife and two girls who all know how to change a tyre.

    1. rlaha profile image59
      rlahaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      How does this answer the question?

    2. Agantum profile image61
      Agantumposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Virtual Treasures asked me, as she asked you, if she knew me would she like me? I can share something of myself to fulfil the first part of her question.  I decided on a moment in my life rather than a full biography.  Its her call to like me or not.

    3. rlaha profile image59
      rlahaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      True. I would have expected an answer with a beginning such as "You would like me because... for example..." or something like that.

    4. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You sound like a wonderful person, and vey patient.  I'm sure I would like you!  My husband does the same kinds of things.

  8. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 11 years ago

    it would depend on who you are. if you're a religious nut, probably not. if you're against marijuana or drinking, probably not. if you're just a person who enjoys life, you would probably like me.

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What if I am a religious nu and against marijuana and drinking, but I enjoy life and am not judgmental?  These things all aren't me, but I was just curious. ;-)

    2. nightwork4 profile image61
      nightwork4posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      we would clash regardless. we would have little to talk about and my ideas would be against your beliefs which if you were a religious nut, would cause you to have to react

  9. pstraubie48 profile image81
    pstraubie48posted 11 years ago

    Probably, I think you would. That may sound vane but not intended to be. I just seem to be able to get along to get along with most everyone I do have strong feelings about some things and will express my opinion but that does not mean that I dismiss your right to have your own and to voice them as well.
    You would find you could call me day or nght if you needed an ear to listen. This feels like I am doing an ad for myself...hee hee. Basically I am pretty easy going.

    1. Virtual Treasures profile image59
      Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I love your answer!  I think I would like you a lot!  I admire people that can point out personal traits about themselves confidently.  I think it's fantastic.

  10. Virtual Treasures profile image59
    Virtual Treasuresposted 11 years ago

    I like most people, because I appreciate all of our differences and the multitude of traits that make people unique.  I detest people that intentionally hurt others, but I try not to be judgmental.  We all have different roads that led us to become who we are, and I respect that more than anything in the world.  I love debating, but I love even more when someone can provide me with a new perspective and maybe even change my point of you.  I asked this question to see if people would be able to take a look inside themselves and find their own goodness.  Thank you, everyone, for responding!

  11. kj force profile image60
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    I am a very strong personality..however...I believe all people have a purpose in life and should try to explore it..I don't much have use for people who don't take responsibility for their actions and depend on others to fend for them...
    I respect people who have strived to achieve in life to their fullest...I am an environmentalist, animal lover, gregarious, educator, lover of simple life, children are a priority and have a true regard for survivors of life..if these traits appeal to you as well..we could be friends....thanks for asking....


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