Do you think people are grouchy because they don't smile?

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  1. rutley profile image65
    rutleyposted 12 years ago

    Do you think people are grouchy because they don't smile?

    Whether it be a stranger or not.  You can't read them either way.

  2. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    Definition of GROUCHY : given to grumbling : peevish

    We cannot tell unless they tell us what is bothering them, and even when they do, it may not be the whole we offer compassion..

    The pain of a person does not have to be physical..we do not know..

    My mother always said "If someone is rude to you and you are rude back, then that makes two of you. A lady is a lady regardless of what she wears or where she is or whom she is with."

    We can substitute grouchy for rude in the above sentence

    1. rutley profile image65
      rutleyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting.  I love your take on things.  But then I usually feel guilty.  You have much compassion for all.  I can tell. I hope you don't think less of me because I like to be humerous!
      Thanks so much!

    2. profile image0
      msorenssonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I try not to judge is not easy as I hold human beings to the highest standard and then when I see myself judging I am reminded, I too am human. We are all in this together.
      I think humor is the best indication of intelligence.

  3. MellyMoo profile image60
    MellyMooposted 12 years ago

    Yes! Many people don't realise the true value&power of a smile. My grandma taught me this.... Smile away&when you smile, another smile will come your way&soon there will be miles&miles of smiles&life's worthwhile when you smile. smile
    Some people are grouchy cos they are going through tough stuff&don't have someone to talk to&don't know how to reach out.

  4. kenneth avery profile image78
    kenneth averyposted 12 years ago

    rutley, great question. Some might, but not in all cases. Take me for instance. I feel bad physically all of the time and frown and when I do smile, I still hurt, but get this. When a dear friend Hubber such as yourself scores a high mark on his overall score or a hometown friend does great . . .I feel it too. Pain may have met its match in genuine happiness.

  5. teaches12345 profile image79
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    Not necessarily.  Some people have so much on their mind they forget to smile.  They are so focused on their personal schedule, problems, etc. that their surroundings are invisible to them.

  6. Jeff Berndt profile image71
    Jeff Berndtposted 12 years ago

    I think you've got it backward. People aren't grouchy because they don't smile; people don't smile because they're grouchy.

    That said, there are many other reasons not to smile besides general grouchiness. Try smiling at them, and see what happens. Maybe they just need to see some friendliness.

  7. DreamerMeg profile image80
    DreamerMegposted 12 years ago

    Yes, smiling and feeling grouchy are two sides of a coin. If you don't feel happy, try faking it till you do. There is a lot of scientific evidence for this. Smiling - creating a GENUINE smile (not just baring your teeth), even when you don't feel like it, can actually change your feelings and make you feel better. There is also scientific evidence that watching a comedy film of the type that YOU like and that makes you roar with laughter (belly laugh) can help reduce pain. There was an experiment carried out on cancer patients with terrible pain for whom watching a 10 minute belly laugh film produced an hour of pain relief.

  8. pstraubie48 profile image82
    pstraubie48posted 12 years ago

    No...I do not think if someone is not smiling that they are grouchy. Granted there should always be time for a smile. However just because I am not smiling does not mean I am grouchy so I must believe the same is true of others. They may be preoccupied at the moment you see them and the smile might be lingering inside Just at the instant you see them they may be thinking of something that fills their mind and at that moment a smile is not evident.

  9. Vegas Elias profile image61
    Vegas Eliasposted 12 years ago

    One cannot smile all the time. I feel only people who are mad or derailed mentally can do this. People who don't smile are not necessarily grouchy. They are mostly thinking souls who are most of the time engrossed with some serious topic that interests them. At that point of time if something happens and all and sundry start laughing or smiling such people who don't smile may be finding it difficult to get to grips with the situation and may take some time to smile.

  10. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 12 years ago

    Not really, I don't smile alot because I'm a very serious person, but that doesn't mean I don't have a great sense of humor. I can be down right hilarious.

  11. Maddambutterfly profile image74
    Maddambutterflyposted 12 years ago

    This is an awesome question and one that I was discussing with a close friend just the other day. My friend is in her sixties and a warm, happy,caring person. When I first met her I thought she was mean and grouchy because she never smiled. After knowing her for a few years ,she smiles around me all the time now but I came to realize that her teeth are in really bad shape. She was asking me the other day how she can convey to people that she is friendly without smiling and feeling Self-conscious. Everyone judges her badly when they first meet her. My heart goes out to her because she doesn't have the fund to get the smile she deserves and show the world what a truly beautiful person she is. It's even sadder that we tend to judge people from an outside appearance instead of what they are like in their hearts!

  12. shiningirisheyes profile image59
    shiningirisheyesposted 12 years ago

    I'm glad you asked this.  I have to say something I feel is very important, and something I know, all too well.  Life is going to throw us hardships, some of us will experience more than others. And some experiences will be absolutely devasting and life altering. As you know, from the different subjects I write about, I have endured my brothers suicide, followed exactly one year, to the day, my fathers death.  I was his primary care provider.  I was the only sibling with no children, therefore I gladly stepped up and would have done it anyway. Dad was my best friend and it is the one action in my life I am most proud of.  My marriage crumbled, as often does during hardships, such as suicide.  I sold my home and moved home to take care of Dad and now take care of Mom.  I am not explaining this for sympathy.  I don't require that nor do I want it.  I am explaining it because, what got us through, all of us, and still does, to this day, is humor.  If we, as a family, continued to look miserable, we would have all crumbled. Of course it was and is a long road, irrepariably changed by these circumstances.  After the initial stages of grief, we made it, and still do, a point of laughing as often as possible.  That is one thing I feel very strongly about, obviously by the length of this answer.


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