Do you think you have succumbed to at least one para-social relationship? Such a

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  1. kallini2010 profile image80
    kallini2010posted 12 years ago

    Do you think you have succumbed to at least one para-social relationship? Such as with HubPages?

    Parasocial interaction (or para-social relationship) is a term used by social scientists to describe one-sided, "parasocial" interpersonal relationships in which one party knows a great deal about the other, but the other does not. It can be with a celebrity, or with your dog.  The term nowdays is more inclusive.  The most important thing is that one party is human and real, the other - well, it can be - an animal, a computer, an illusion, a TV actor/character...

  2. Cardisa profile image92
    Cardisaposted 12 years ago

    I don't think so. I think I know enough about Hubpages for the relationship not to be one sided.

  3. SidKemp profile image74
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    If dreaming about someone is a sign of being in relationship, then I, and my friends also, who have had dreams of Star Trek characters have parasocial relationships with TV characters.

    Overall, though, I think it depends a lot on how one defines "relationship."

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I met a boy with a T-shirt "Define Girlfriend".  I think words are words - they can be stretched as far as their opposite meaning.  Besides, no one has to be so serious - I had a parasocial relationship with my Teddy Bear.  Wait. Still have.

    2. SidKemp profile image74
      SidKempposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, my teddy bear! I forgot him! smile

    3. Nellieanna profile image67
      Nellieannaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      haha - Now I see that I've succumbed to a para-social relationship with this question!  ;-)

    4. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Dear Nellieanna and any reader who is up for a challenge - you can take it and write a hub - I am sure there will be interest - we are all guilty as charged!  Start with Teddy Bears!

  4. Civil War Bob profile image60
    Civil War Bobposted 12 years ago

    Since everybody seems to be doing it, that must make these sorts of things para-normal, so we all have a ghost of a chance to relate in some demented way to each other, even if it's only through keyboards during a full moon.

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is the SPIRIT!

  5. Escobana profile image76
    Escobanaposted 12 years ago

    The term is new to me and I like it a lot!

    Hubpages is absolutely not a one-sided relationship to me. I love the interaction but I hate social networks like facebook or twitter. Hubpages is about passionate writers who have a common interest.

    Facebook is just plain crap to me because you don't really interact and the things you 'need' to read in the homefeed are absolutely NOT IMPORTANT.

    Real life and important life events, I share in a more intimate way, I call you, I write you, or I send you some pictures of my last holiday.

    Social networks to me are a bad influence and keep you from meeting someone in person and actually listen and spend real quality time with a friend.

    The only one-sided relationship I have in my life is the relationship I have with my two lovely cats. I talk and play with them and they always 'listen'.  Even if I need to tell them about my wonderful day, what dress I should wear or what I should cook.

    'Their advice is the best always!'

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am glad to hear that! Of course, having parasocial relationships is not a bad thing - you can have it with a tree in your backyard - as long as you have enough imagination.  Cats, dogs & animals are better, but online thing is always tricky!

    2. Nellieanna profile image67
      Nellieannaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Those don't sound too one-sided!  :-)  Differently-sided, maybe.

    3. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The term para-social goes for "one human per relationship" - animals are not human.  Parasocial relationships with celebrities - it's normal to feel close to an image - we all fall in love with our own creations - we just need A FACE to add to it.

    4. Nellieanna profile image67
      Nellieannaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      1 human + 1 animal qualifies for 1 human per relationship.  The definition of para-social refers to an imbalance of interest in & dedication to the 'relationship' when 1 party knows all about the other who's oblivious to the 1st, such as fan &amp

  6. Nellieanna profile image67
    Nellieannaposted 12 years ago

    Seems like anytime one is keenly aware of personalities on media and those persons don't know one exists, other than in an amalgous group of 'fans' or 'viewers', it might be classified as a para-social relationship, with or without any kind of delusional feeling by the real person for the celebrity beyond awareness.  Then probably there are obsessive people who truly feel they have a real relationship with someone on the silver screen who is totally oblivious to their existence!  Also there are relationships in which two people actually live in actual proximity and one is obsessed with the other, to whom he or she is the same as non-existent, invisible or of no importance beyond acquaintance.  That used to be called unreciprocated love or affection, but it might qualify as para-social by the definition.  It may be impossible to get through teenage without succumbing to something of the sort.  I think I had a thing for Gene Autry when I was about 9.  I know I had one at 7 for my 9-yr-old neighbor who hardly saw me, but he finally 'caught up' when I was 16 & fell in love with me too.  I'm not really into futility. ;-) Life is too short.  - (Sveltana - my teddy bears love me back!! hehehe!)

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well, Nellieanna - laugh at it or not - we are often in un-reciprocated relationships without even being aware...  For example, the general population does not even recognize the term.

    2. Nellieanna profile image67
      Nellieannaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's true.  But ignorance of the term wouldn't mask the feelings from it one suffered.  It might happen that people are numb to the feelings, though.   Laughing at real feelings wasn't the intention.  Noting applicable variations of the term was.

    3. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nellieanna - I did not mean that you actually laughed at it.  I am so good at one-sided relationships and one type is with my characters and voices!!!

    4. Nellieanna profile image67
      Nellieannaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I understand, sweetie.  Hug you

  7. cathymadson profile image61
    cathymadsonposted 12 years ago

    I'd never heard of "parasocial" before! Love it.
    I definitely think that I am in a parasocial relationship with the fictional characters in my stories that I write. I know everything about them...I created it! But they know nothing about me. I wonder that if they did know anything about me, their creator, if that would change anything about who they are and how they act.

    Great question!

    1. kallini2010 profile image80
      kallini2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There are plenty of stories when an author writes about a book, a creator and the relationships between characters and the outside world.  An excellent example.  Remember the movie "Stranger than fiction"?

    2. Nellieanna profile image67
      Nellieannaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One's relationship with fictional characters one writes  into stories is sort of a one-sided relationship with non-existent beings who take on lives of their own. I've written only a little fiction but felt strong rapport with my characters in it.


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