On average? Most people--men and women--are average in intelligence. Most. I guess that evens it out pretty much for me.
Yes and No......we women are smarter in many ways that a man can never understand, it is called womens intuition. We know how to nuture, we know when our children are in danger, we know when a person is ill or hurting just by the look in their face and or their body language. We know how to pick out fantastic presents and we know how to just be a friend without trying to solve every single problem that crops up. We also have a much better sense of direction, its called a homing devise that was built in. And we know how to be humble and say we were wrong much easier than a man, we women also know how to ask for help and we can barter way way better. We women can stroke a mans ego to the point that we can get his credit card hahahaha............
Now men, hmm....they know the best wood to pick up to start a fire, they know how to lure deer to their deer stand with deer feeders and to shoot them and call it hunting instead of entrapment. They know how to never grow up, they know how to be human dogs and sniff out any old pussycat that comes down the alley, fleas and all. They actually know how much beer they can consume in one sitting, they know how many hotdogs they can stuff down their gullet and not puke, they know how to turn their underware and socks inside out to get an extra wearing out of them, they really know if you can light a fart in a can and they know how to turn on the mothering instint in a women by acting little boy helpless/forgetful/deaf/dumb, or how to bring out the she devil!!!!
From my experience as a teacher, I would have to say females are smarter. HOWEVER, I have also noticed that the most intelligent males are smarter than the most intelligent females, in general.
I've taught, too.
I have to say I sometimes get that impression, too, but I think it's because quite often behavior influences things.
Females tended to listen to me more and behave better so they got better grades.
However, my most intelligent males were more intelligent than the females. . .
perhaps sometimes males aren't smart enough to do what it takes to demonstrate they are smarter.
so you mean women are smarter if there was an average though?
I know I'll catch a lot of flack for this, but I would have to say yes.
Unfortunately, on another side of it, the subjective 'smarter' option or choice of word here is asking for someone's perspective or opinion, then ask them to balance an average.
As for what I mean- Intelligence measurements of men vs. women, the Men would win.
How ever, it is the Women who know how to use their intelligence for more than ego boosting.
With that said- I shall endure whatever flack from it as well. And, I do so with Integrity, because I am not ignorant, when it comes to understanding women.
did anyone understand what cags is saying there?
yes, well, I just know he'll be back saying that any moron could have understood what he said! therefore . . .
Not at all. My attempt to make people realize that Men have a higher intelligence, but simply use their intelligence to boost their own egos.
Where women use their intelligence more wisely.
but you insist men have a higher intelligence
In the end,-
Men use their own intelligence, not to better themselves, but only to boost their ego.
Women use their intelligence, to better themselves, but NOT to boost their own ego.
Women more effective use their intelligence than men do, but it doesn't make them smarter
Yes, I would say I'm smart.
Single I believe considering the World of War Craft/RPG avatar. D:
Except when a woman falls in love with somebody, she is quite smart otherwise.
Pay no attention to the snake man. I've been hearing him talk about how stupid women are for almost 40 years.
Yeah, I taught you everything I know and you still know nothing.
what is "smarter" then? I thought using your intelligence effectively was the basis of smart. I'm thinking men are more confident more often that they are "right" and women go along with them because that is the smart thing to do - wouldn't wanna ruffle those egos too much!
I agree that "smart" is a rather subjective term. I taught literature and writing, and my female students were generally much better students than my guys. I'm sure a math teacher would give you a different answer. I have noticed over the years, however, that female high school students made better life decisions than males did, in general.
boys don't be discouraged I am sure there is the capability for you to..............
Girls are smarter, "Yes honey, I did say your smarter! You're the most intelligent person I ever met! You also look great and that outfit does not make you look fat."
cags, this is a perfect example - or will be - to our other forums - who's more feminist?
Definitely girls up and throughout the teen years but then...when women start caring for little children all day, men win, no doubt. Years of sleep deprivation followed by inane (adorably cute but still) babbling conversations and endless renditions of "Every dinosaur poops" ... a woman's brain turns off. Hard to maintain sanity when you don't have the chance to complete an entire thought so in self-defense, her brain goes into hibernation.
Duh, of course WE men are smarter!!! What else would I say. we are direct and to the point, no emotions. lololol
i think women are probably smarter. they have an answer for everything
It's a silly question at least in general terms....because men and women aren't just a group of equals but individuals and everyone is different. That said, women have the power!
women have the power, charm and could make dead person become alive, LOL
I would venture to say that women are definitely more intuitive than men. Is that a form of cognitive function?
In my experiece, I tend to believe that men seem to know whether or not they are smart. Some are more humble than others, but men who are not so intelligent tend to stay close to their particular area of skill or expertise. Women on the other hand, seem to be more complicated. I think women who are smart know that they are, but they seem to always compare themselves to someone smarter. Women who are not intelligent, however, seem to have a tendency to believe they are absolutely brilliant.
You might have something there, Jonathan. I think for physical appearance, however, the opposite is often (not always) true. I've tried to hook up my friends before who were maybe 10 pounds overweight with guy pals who were a lot bigger, and the guys often noted that the girls were overweight. I was wondering...do these guys have mirrors??
Unfortunately, all too many men are of the opinion that they deserve a woman who is a perfect physical specimen. And that's in total disregard to what they themselves look like. I am proud to say that I am NOT one of these men (were you to see a group pic of all the women I've dated you would know this is true). Sadly, it goes the other way too. I've also tried to fix up friends of mine and the women usually ask something like, "What does he make a year/week/hour?" instead of inquiring about things that might be a bit more relevant like personality, habits or values. God forbid, right? I guess my answer to your question is that too many people of both genders have severely displaced priorities.
Man, I just won a dollar bet to myself. Cags is single!!!
haha- who'd a thought?
but I would say men are smarter, and our brains a bigger.
Bigger is not necessarily smarter, no matter what the body part.
nobody's very smart at all these days, sooooooo - the difference would be so very small if there is a difference. Maybe we should all ligten up on each other. just sayin'
I really don't know the answer, I was just trying to get a rise out of people- but there are a surprising amount of studies out there.
http://www.livescience.com/health/06090 … y_men.html
The studies I read recently determined (concerning intuition) that men and women are about equal, so much for women's intuition.
And Jonathon, perhaps that finally explains to me why, whenever I talk to a man for a short while, he pulls out a paycheck to show me! I even had a guy show me his paycheck once when he was trying to get me to get my friend to go out with him. It always caught me off guard, here I was just trying to talk to someone and he's trying to impress me? brag to me? whatever, about his $$.
Oh, that's finesse, absolutely, and oh-so-sexy! It sure would impress me.
That is pretty funny. It reminds me of a moment in a bar once when a friend of mine was chatting up some girl and this older guy who was apparently competing w/ him for the same girl tells them both he's a doctor and then pulls out a check for 25g that someone just wrote to him and holds it in front of the girl and says, "Wanna touch it?" He was dead serious, too!
After reading here I wonder how could I ever miss this thread...
Scientifically speaking women are more emotional than men. They lose many times because of their emotions.
They do well in arts and fine arts. Where as the men are smarter in mathematical calculations. Hence they do better in banking, finance and accounting.
In general men are more rational and logical where as women are less because of their emotional attitude. Men have stronger muscles hence, better in battle fields.
Women can hide better than men. Women are generally slow but patient. Men are fast and aggressive and agile.
Nature has built both men and women as tires of a vehicle. Right side can not move alone without left side.
Both are complimentary and compatible. They are not competitors. Competition between both is not desirable.
Jyoti Kothari
The only thing I can agree on here is battle. Just who needs that?!
For the rest I would say - wake up...
No, he's probably very accurate. Look up women as Russian Snipers. And you don't think women are more emotional?
I think being emotional does not depend upon gender so much.
other thing is that men have one weakness, that's generally situated between their legs. Touch the subject - logic's gone.
And most men are very bad at multitasking.
In my opinion, basically man are smarter.
But most woman are more observant, pay much attention to the details, focused, and they read body language much better than us - man.
But when a man have these qualities, even just half, they are easily smarter than woman.
Women seem better at evaluation, and according to Bloom's taxonomy, that's the highest level of cognitive function.
I investigate railway collisions and derailments. The Gov thought it would be a good idea to put women along side me. They don't last 6 months. Here is why;
1. most can't crawl over wreckage, climb into a locomotive on its side or in a ditch.
2. photograph death and deal with the emotions
3. determine cause of the accident(most important)
4. retrieve the black box
and they all had one thing in common upon hire "anything you can do, I can do better" type attitude. I know movies have glorified how dirty women are willing to get, but I havn't seen it first hand.
I think we should all celebrate our differences and remember we are created equal. If I am better at one thing, thats because I am bad at another. Thanks for picking up the slack.
Yeah. Whatever...your 'proof' is nothing but anecdotal. But the majority of physicians in foreign countries; and those students now in medical school in the US are female. Just a fact. I think they get dirty enough and look death in the face a few times over.
It's going to take a little while to reverse the stereotypes developed through a few centuries of bs...but women rapidly are doing that.
Just FYI, the first woman who attempted to run the marathon (she trained on her own) was run off the road because she was a female....in 1967. Title IX was only enacted in 1972 - and women still don't have a completely fair shake yet (don't know what Title IX is? Look it up.).
mmm..... this is a touchy subject I would say that both men and women are equally smart it truly depends on knowledge, experience and insight, one cannot say a woman is not as intelligent as a man and vice versa.
Wome may be the only group left about whom people feel so free to believe, and make, blanket generalizations in public. Nobody would make such blanket generalizations about people of particular race; and yet "everybody" appears to feel free to make make misguided generalizations based only on sex.
In the disgusting times of slavery (and for some time afterward) in America people believed a whole set of ignorant things about African American people. Back when Hitler was tying to get information on eugenics he contacted the well respected Harvard University for scientific information on eugenics and people with disabilities. Of course, Hitler and his followers believed a bunch of crap about "superiority" and "inferiority", based on blanket generalizations about a whole group of people. Today, it would be the very rare person who would DARE to make such generalizations about any group (and yet it appears a whole lot of people are free to make genralizations about women and men, as well.
I'm sorry - it's absolute incorrect that men are always "more logical and reasonable" and that women are "always more emotional". The world is full of unreasonable, illogical men who live at their mercy of their own emotions and testosterone; and it is full of women who are far more reasonable and logical than any number of their male counterparts are. Who is "smarter" in any one area depends on the particular mix of skills/cognitive abilities any one, individual, has. Also, how well developed anyone's different types of cognitive abilities becomes has a lot to do with how well a mother nurtures her child's brain connections in the first few years of life; so if any girl or boy develops particular skill with something like logical thinking/reasoning it's because his/her mother knew how to model and develop that type of thinking.
Logical and reasoned thinking would tell anyone that all human beings are individuals and that no one group of people share one "emotional attitude" or one set of skills, based on their sex.
are you suggesting that there are not general differences between men and women?
I'm suggesting we are all human beings first, males and females second. And people shouldn't be stopped from doing what they want to do in life just because of some a priori--whatever--"this is just the way males and females are," "all the women I know are like that" crap.
And that I do not fit into your stereotype--and most do not.
And I doubt you've ever trained for a marathon. Or even run a 10k. Guess I beat you out on that one, .
Sorry sir, I take it you are maybe a bit older (?) The man in my house does the dishes...he's so inclined toward housework.
I cook, clean and do just about anything but laundry. Run marathons, no. I road bike and was nationally ranked in my 30's.
I agree with alot of what you say- I just think you want to argue. fine by me if you want to step it up and go a little deeper into the differences between men and women. But you will probably feel like doing dishes when I'm finished with you.
I seriously doubt it, regarding your last sentence.
And I just like to write--I've basically expressed what I wanted to say. Please don't mix me up with Mr. Marine in the religion forums.
btw, currently biking 5 miles a day home from work. Use it or lose it! lol! (sorry)
Yeah, i still ride. Its just I'm not going to win any races that may seem prestigious enough anymore. I may be able to win the 50+ CAD. But its not always about winning. Is it? Now if I could teach all the world to respect riders, that would be a fight worth fighting.
Male and female brains ARE different - why is that insulting? Isn't it PC to celebrate diversity, point out our differences and everyone should be tolerant and happy about it? I'm quite happy to be a woman and I like men who are happy to be men. To me, it's more insulting to pretend there are no differences, nothing special about either.
The idea that one is better than the other doesn't make sense, of course, depends on what situation one is in. Generalizations aren't necessarily bad either, stereotypes come from observation. Yes, culture plays a large part in it, if no woman is allowed to have a political voice and it's considered unseemly for a woman to be interested, women aren't going to be "as smart" as a man in that field in general. Even then, there will be exceptions.
Smarter? That totally depends on what exactly you mean by smarter.
It's not insulting to state that male and female brains have differences, provided someone understands that some of those differences are so "subtle" they involve some processing that's impossible to see outwardly and also that those differences don't always prevent a person of one sex or another from being very skilled in an area often associated with the other sex.
I have one adopted son (no shared genes), one biological son, and one daughter. When they were infants I decided I'd raised "humans first", and I raised all three babies the same way. All three children had similar abilities and personalities. In the first three years of life mothers nurture which brain connections are made, which essentially determines which parts of the brain become well developed. My son (the biological one) always showed lots of talent in verbal-related skills; and my daughter tested with high levels of skills (including math-related) across the board. My son is far more like I am in a lot of ways than his sister is.
Many studies conducted on men and women are conducted on people like college students who have already been nurtured. I had the chance to be my own little nature/nurture experiment; and to see that stereotypes based on nothing but any subtle differences in the brain are just wrong.
What's wrong with stereotyping, say, women, based on the handful of women you, personally, have known in your life is that your version of "what women are" may be completely inaccurate with regard to what I am, or what a lot of the women in my life are; so anyone's stereotyping based on their personal observations of one sex or another cannot possibly be accurate across as whole gender (either men or women).
Something else that's wrong with it is this: I've had times in my life when I've made some choice that someone believed was not based on lots of reasoning, logic, and careful analysis. The reason they thought that was that they didn't understand the logic I used in making that choice, because they didn't have the understanding of the situation to have the "parts of the equation". So, someone would go away from the situation, believing I hadn't made a logical choice and believing, becausing they "observed me" (as a woman) they knew what all women are like, based on nothing but the fact that they didn't even understand all the factors involved.
Stereotyping women based on "observations" of SOME women is every bit as harmful as stereotyping people of one race or ethnicity.
Hi Lisa and TMinut,
I liked very much experiment done by Lisa and sharing with us. I can not disagree with her experiments and experiences. However, there are exceptions.
Most scientific studies show that brains of men and women work differently. There are biological reasons behind this and of course, environmental.
Each and every cell of men and women are different. Men have XY combination of chromosome and women XX.
There are hormonal differences between men and women. We have no way to ignore these bio-physical phenomenon. These phenomenon affect construction and action of human brains and make differences between men and women brains.
Generally speaking women are better in arts and fine arts related subjects and men are better in logical thinking and mathematical calculations.
Both men and women are smarter in their own domains. However, men are stronger in general in physical aspects. If not battle grounds, Olympic records will tell the truth.
Jyoti Kothari
And that I do not fit into your stereotype--and most do not.
Most probably did when the stereotype was formed though. That's why it became a stereotype. But people (humans overall) change.
I respectfully disagree. Believe it or not, women had shorter life spans than men, and many died in childbirth (often due to lack of sanitation). I believe this practical matter to be a major contributor to that stereotype.
Also, if you study other civilizations, you will find some that were matriarchal. In short, the so-called stereotypes concerning men and women were culturally/mentally produced. And culture is the major defining factor of Homo Sapiens, not evolution (ie., anthropologists believe we are at a plateau in our development and have been for some time...making all me Tarzan/you Jane, men are hunters, wimmen are gathers, that's why they shop bs evolutionary psychology just what it is--the stuff produced by pathetic 'academics' who want to sell books.).
That reminds me of something I read recently - a past scientist was disgusted with domesticated animals, considering them incredibly inferior to their wild relatives. Then it was suggested that we've done that to ourselves - fatter, dumber, lazier...
on average women are much more emotionally intelligent than men in my experience, and that's the one that really counts!
It's like asking if a pencil or a pen is smarter. We're both ridiculously inadequate in the smartness category, useful for our purpose until we wear out, and any difference minuscule or a matter of taste.
It depends on what aspect, Math and Science for men, and for women teaching and psychologists or psychiatrist, there are no scientifc truth to that exepct that society except them to excel in certain areas,
Women are smarter than we are and we love our girlfriends very much and we would do anything for them and we should give them our PIN number to our bank accounts and we are dogs.
OK honey I did it!Can i sleep in the bed now?
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