Why do so many marriages end in divorce

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  1. anujab profile image61
    anujabposted 11 years ago

    Iam a happily married woman but I feel its always the chase to 'perfect' happiness that makes the relation look so lost out.We all are in a search of eternal joy without understanding that its in our hands to work out a relationship.

    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very wise words! It is not a perfect world & relationships are not perfect.  It is up to each of us to make our relationships work. Look for what is good in the other and don't pick on the little faults we all have.

  2. Raitu Disong profile image60
    Raitu Disongposted 11 years ago

    I think that is because true love is missing!

  3. profile image0
    Deepes Mindposted 11 years ago

    The #1 cause for divorce is that at least one person (if not both) are willing to do everything necessary to make the marriage work. They agree to the words "Til death..." But what they really mean is "Til he/she pisses me off". They fail to accept that marriage is meant to be for life. It's "Even though I may get angry or tired, I will stay married".In sickness and health.For richer or poorer, In good times and bad.Til DEATH do us part (or As long as we both shall LIVE)". This isn't just talking about each individual. This is even referring to the marriage itself. When the marriage is sick (from Man and wife not seeing eye to eye) or it is healthy. When it is rich (financially and spiritually) or poor, when the times are good or bad,til death separates you, not you decide it isn't going to work out. Sure, there are other things in the vows that are part of the covenant, But as long as these big things in the covenant are maintained, then the smaller ones would not be an issue.

  4. profile image52
    hermsreviewsposted 11 years ago

    Sacrifice. Couples are not willing to sacrifice. You have to put your guards down and do whatever it takes. Its not about you. It's about you guys as a whole. Even if you feel that your spouse is being unreasonable or not doing her part, you have to. You have to jump through hoops and dive through fire balls. The thing is the affection couples have are decreased or gone as you get older together. When they're in the beginning stages of their relationship,  there's a lot of sexual desire and hope. That seems to die down as the years pass. Couples have to realize that and know that they are the same people as before. You have to remember why you got into this In the first place. Try to find those feelings again. They need to keep trying and not take the easy way out. Every relationship can work if the love was what started it. The reason marriages end in divorce is because couples think they made a mistake now that the affection is gone. A marriage is more than just sex. You find the common ground between two people and they'll be friends forever. That's what you need. Friendship In a marriage. That's how you save a relationship.

  5. profile image48
    HERMAN COLLIERposted 11 years ago


    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with what you say about trust and respect. Well said.

  6. Koyna Sen profile image60
    Koyna Senposted 11 years ago

    It is the incompatibility in relationships that leads to divorce. In earlier days both men and women were adjustable and compromising. Both the partners were also enough committed and were ready to sacrifice their likings for each other. But nowadays, this is seldom observed among partners. They are often egoistic and their passion about each other is also not long lasting. That's why people have the tendency to divorce even on trivial issues.

    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well put. It does appear that few are willing to bend for their partners. It once was about two being one.  It now seems for many to be one and one will always be two.

  7. profile image51
    ima bemedouposted 10 years ago

    Because two strangers enter into a legally binding agreement without a meeting of the minds. She's been dreaming of marriage as long as she could remember. He's going along with it because he doesn't want to lose Her. By the time they figure out that the sitch isn't what they bargained for, they're already hitched and dissolution is the only option.

  8. BobMonger profile image59
    BobMongerposted 10 years ago

    People walk into marriages for too many bad reasons and not enough good ones. Reality checks are important in any relationship-I still deeply love my first wife but can't stand to be in the same room with her for more than an hour or so. Does that make sense?  We loved each other but grew to dislike each other's company. My present wife and I were best pals before we fell in love and so far it's worked quite well--for the last 29 years, anyway.

  9. writingmom profile image60
    writingmomposted 10 years ago

    It is sad but at 50% of marriages end in divorce. The reason is because it is easier to walk away than trying to make it work. Marriage is hard and if you are not willing to hang in there and tough it out during the bad times, most likely it will end in divorce. Communication and respect are the most important tools in a marriage. But when trust is lost, this is a problem and will lead to disrespect and non-communication. Treat your wife the way you would treat yourself and vice-versa. Mutual respect is important.

  10. Louise C profile image57
    Louise Cposted 8 years ago

    Because if only one person is playing ball the game comes to a natural end or you just keep throwing the balls and nothing comes back to you.
    It annoys me when people make judgments on people who are divorced. It took me so much courage to walk away from a very unhealthy relationship and rare my two children alone. I have seen so many couples who have stayed in dysfunctional relationships for their whole lives and everyone tells them "Well done"☺  well done for what exactly? usually they did not leave because they could not face the judgement of family and friends, could not stand to think of life alone and to be with the wrong person seemed better. So at the cost of their own and their children's inner peace they stay, yep well done. No one every said well done to a divorced person ( except may close friends who truly understood the situation) I am not bitter about marriage and know many who are happy, but the Hippocrates who stand in judgment are almost always the weak who decided to stay live a lie. Leaving was the most difficult, challenging and life changing thing I have ever done. I am so grateful I was strong enough. After 15 years of marriage and 20 years together getting to know myself again and live in peace was amazing. I am so proud of my beautiful children who did not suffer the heartache of an unhappy home. Why did I leave, because it was leave or go down with a man who lied, cheated and was not playing his part in the ball game. ☺

  11. Alan Grace profile image59
    Alan Graceposted 7 years ago

    There are various cause of divorce which we can get on internet as well. If you ask couples who are divorced or on the verge of divorce, they will try to justify their points or role. Instead if you try to study the root cause then you will be able to understand the topic divorce https://goo.gl/Vev2F1


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