Have you ever had to deal with negativity from people about your love for writin

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  1. Melinda Longoria profile image66
    Melinda Longoriaposted 9 years ago

    Have you ever had to deal with negativity from people about your love for writing?

    I have loved writing more than anything since the third grade. However, writing can be somewhat time consuming. Other people watch sports, play video games, ride horses, shop; but me, give me a topic and I will do research and write about it. Writing is so therapeutic in the stressful times of my life. I really tend to lean on this communication outlet. Along the way, though, I have received some negativity from people, whether family or friends (for whatever reason), about my hobby. Have you experienced this? How do you deal with it?

  2. lisavollrath profile image92
    lisavollrathposted 9 years ago

    Part of how I make my living is by writing, and it always makes me secretly snicker when someone says, "You make a living from that?". For whatever reason, many people don't view writing as something of value, unless what you've written is on the New York Times bestseller list. I try to point out that everything they buy has been touched by a writer at some point.

  3. Melinda Longoria profile image66
    Melinda Longoriaposted 9 years ago

    lisavollrath, you are exactly right. Thank you! Your viewpoint is very helpful. :-) The question people ask is if it's a hobby or a job? And they throw the phrase around like, "getting a real job". For me, right now it's a hobby until it can keep me fed and pay my rent. LoL - But, writing is hard and requires discipline, research, and many failed attempts. For my own sense of self-worth, and for all the other hubbers out there toiling away at building their portfolio, or writing their novels in their spare time, we can call it work. Writing is one of those jobs where the payoff comes after the product is finished, after the articles are written, and after the book is published. It's a difficult job where we write the words and cringe while strangers read and judge our work. While we want the support and encouragement of our closest family and friends, sometimes they don't get it. At least we can receive inspiration and uplift each other in our writing community.

  4. m abdullah javed profile image76
    m abdullah javedposted 9 years ago

    Hi Melinda. No. I have not recieved negative comments, probably I was not accessible to those who comment in that way. Looking at your passion for writing I am sure you will excell. But dont take negative comments, totally in negative sense. Go through them they might help you improve. We should be thankful to those who show our back to us in a fair and realistic manner. We should be focussed on the objectives, neither negative comments should make us feel sad nor praising words should puff us with pride.

  5. profile image51
    Nicole Nichols-Smposted 9 years ago

    I have been trying to get a children's book published for years and I dream to some day be able to earn my living writing at my beach house somewhere in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. Last year I saw a psychic and asked him about my career, and if he saw me writing. He said he did see me working at my computer but for writing he did not see support for it, not from the spirits and not from my family. So anyway, I felt like someone busted my balloon, I have always felt that my family (parents and siblings) did not support my endeavors but was hoping to be encouraged to follow my passion anyway. Last week, I was just sharing this information with a friend on Facebook and my 24 yo son saw my post. He said that he will always support me and if that is what I want to do then I shouldn't let anyone tell me otherwise. I think I raised some pretty great kids.

  6. bravewarrior profile image88
    bravewarriorposted 9 years ago

    Yes, I even wrote a poem about it. I had a friend come by one night a couple of years ago. He wanted to party but I was busy writing. He got pissed that I wouldn't drop what I was doing to party with him. Needless to say, I sent him on his way!


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