This just came up as I was finishing my morning inspirational reading. We are blesses with so many kinds of love that it is difficult to answer this question. I know I am loved by many because they show it in their compassion towards me. Some folks easily love and that is a gift. Some folks it takes a lot of effort. Children are easy to love. Enemies are really tough to love but we can do it.
So how do I know if someone loves me? First they have to tell me that they do. Then they have to act like it. Over years they have to be loving when you are going through a rough spot and are hard to love.
I have what I call my support group. Sometimes they are brutally tough on me. Sometimes they are supportive and inspiring. But I truly love them as I know they love me.
You said "..have to act like it?"
Dash said "Their goal is to "win you over"! How do u know the diff? Especially on HP! Explain!
Eric said: "Over years they have to be loving when you are going through a rough spot and are hard to love."
Only time reveals how sincere someone is.
Each of us also has our own definition of love, expectations, and deeds that "prove love".
"IF" a believer, MUST define as GOD does! Not "our own," ONLY HIS definition!
I love your answer Eric ! For me it is a reflection of Gods personality that we do copy him in love.
We know that love is providing ourself in many ways to family and friends
And as Jesus stated no one has loved greater then to give his life for many not just one person but the human race of many generations so that they can keep living.
Suppose he didn't life would always come to an end with no hope.
You know K&T I kind of think that all true love comes from God. No matter where you go or even bad people there is some love -- hence omnipresent.
If we allow!
What if your marriage was built on lies, deceit & always holding grudges?
However, if (as GOD) honest, truthful and forgiving (which "sacrifices ourselves" and/or "our desires"); now that's REAL LOVE?
There is only one actual love some calls agape and I call "Indifference." That type of love is shown, by man, in respecting the rights of all life equally in such a way that we make no effort to control or eliminate any of them except in providing for our own individual food needs. Therefore, one knows one loves them by how they treat any and all other life.
The concept of love between genders and best friends -- or LGBT relations -- is nothing more than opposite internal natures seeking a missing nature in within themselves, in sexual relations it's best called lust. The Eve being removed from Adam metaphor (Gen. 2:22-24) explains how it became lust because there is no known scenario where 2 different bodies can become a single flesh makes the operation not to be a fact but a dream when correctly reading the story.
What is known as mother's love for children is caused by forming civilization the Adam metaphor developed. The Genesis 1 man did not lie in families, when a girl ovulated she chose a boy to reproduce with and did everything for the child alone because she was both masculine and feminine in her single flesh. Once civilization began lust's magnetic effect caused mothers to have time to play with the child(ren) because the husbands were their food providers that caused more attachment that goes beyond just nursing and protecting the child.
In understanding those things we would know there is only one love, agape or indifference.
Love is an emotion. One is "invested" in another.
Indifference means (emotionally detached).
In fact I would say indifference is the true opposite of love.
Even those who "hate someone" are emotionally invested.
Love is an emotion caused by ignorantly using judgmental adjectives produces in us, stop over indulging & over abstaining & objectively use both to find their purposes emotions will disappear. Indifference is the "middle path" between opposi
Elijah it sounds like we both agree that love is an emotion.
"Lack of interest, sympathy or concern" for oneself" is LOVE or "sacrificing oneself!"
Y'all see how they dog me when giving TRUTH in WORD, but doesn't matter, for I LOVE ALL & desire no one is LOST; that's LOVE!
Yes, Dashing, only an emotion.
NW, No one will ever be lost, it appears woman & human are lost because they are not "minds able to comprehend all things" as man mens.
Eli: And is why we should move fm "carnal" (man) realm into "Spiritual" realm to become Christ-like ("Spirit") to "comprehend all things!"
And that comes only after experiencing all personalities in man individually & all combinations before going through the metamorphosis of the new birth, until then everyone is a woman, human and carnal.
Well, I must have experienced all that, because I Jn 4:17 "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as HE is, so are we "in this world!"
when gone through the metamorphosis [new birth] you know what happened when you were conceived, during gestating, travail, birth and in which stage between baby and adult you are or you aren't born of the spirit, NW, Frogs and other metaphases do.
Y'all "catch up" (Spiritually)! The WORD says we "change from glory to glory" (II Cor 3:18), but we can't get pass baptism (Acts 2:38), ONE SPIRIT (I Cor 12), preaching the "Gospel of Christ" (Gal 1:6-9), Communion (Heb 9:14)+ bcuz II Cor 4:4!!
NW, Read Romans 1:20 and Hebrews 11:1, you talk about the WORD but what evidence and substance have you to reveal what they mean? Find "made proof" then preach less people see "your nakedness [ignorance]" (Rev.1:18 & 16:15).
Sometimes I wonder if people who insist on their version of love might be vainglorious and conceited. Perhaps an exaggerated love of self and what they have to say. It sure comes across that way.
Eric, almost every case it seems that way to someone. Israel had Yoshua crucified because of what he said and I'm sure he felt the same about their teachings although he understood. "Evil & good's knowledge" eating causes that attitude.
Fair enough. But as you did. Citing scripture about what was right or wrong in a given scenario to say that the speaker is like/same as that person persecuted in the Bible seems vainglorious to me.
Eli & Eric: I preach WORD! If IT'S WRITTEN, u need to "Search" (which evidences your sincerity toward GOD) "IF" you TRULY seek Salvation (Acts 17:11) no matter what your opinion of me!
Eric, I said that because NW is a proclaimer of words without proof, at least I work to present environmental things as proof as "the written word" demands.
That is a thought worthy of good contemplation.
Eli: "environmental things?" What does that have to do w/a "Spiritual" relationship w/GOD?
Eric: I know u don't know what I'm talking about w/your "one sided" love affair w/GOD! Your "philosophy" KILLS! Jer 23:1!
NW, read Romans 1:20, "the things made reveals the unseen, even the godhead"
Eli: TRUE! Then u KNOW "HE fills the heaven & earth" & not just 3, RIGHT? GOD has LOTS of HEADS not just Father, Son & Holy Spirit!
Example: When HE talked through "Burning Bush" wasn't that HIS "personality?" Same w/OTHER "GLORIES," i
NW, What does your question have to do with Romans 1:20? It says use the seen to comprehend the unseen and [we in the last days] will not have an excuse for not mowing truth when presented. I understand the burning bush because of my experiences.
Eli: Rm 1:20 "the things "made" (revealed by Spirit) not "carnal" thgs! (v20: "For the INVISIBLE thgs of him fm the creation of the world are clearly seen, being UNDERSTOOD by the thgs that are made (OF SPIRIT), Even (THIS TOO) his eternal pwr &
NW, Spirit is in animals, plants and inanimate objects so why doesn't the physical reveal the spiritual? Why don't you focus on all things as a whole and not in parts. Oh, you aren't reborn out of being human and woman and into man, explains it.
What r u saying? Holy Spirit doesn't manifest (physical) change in one? WORD begs to differ (HEALING for one)! Holy Spirit moves past your thinking (woman to man) & into "Spiritual" realm where "no gender" (Gal 3:28)!
NW, "All are called, few are chosen" is HS' manifested in physicals man as the new birth. HS know when one has lived every attribute on earth qualifying them to enter the next phase of existence we call heaven. Reason with HS and know. Isa 1:18.
Yes works of HS manifested physically! Again, HS has passed your thinking in my life ("carnal")! Catch up & obey HIS WORD (Is 1:20) which is living AFTER Day of Pentecost!
Notice Word "judgment" in next verse?
If you're spiritually born what happened at your conception, during your gestating, during your travailing, what was your birth, you did during babyhood, and at which level of spiritual growth you are. I am 39 years 11 months an adolescent.
What r u? Insane? Do you underestimate the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT?
Need I remind u how long it took Paul?
If you've forgotten, INSTANTLY!
Yes, I'm insane. "In" means "covered by" and I'm sanity immersed. I use HS daily, has testimony how my new birth makes me not live like the un-reborn as reborn tadpoles, frogs, no longer lives in water but lay eggs in it as I'm doing.
Well, if you're "in" Christ, you must be preaching the "Gospel of Christ" which began AFTER the Day of Pentecost; otherwise "ACCURSED" (Gal 1:6-9) & I didn't put IT there!
You can tell someone loves you if they forgive you, especially if they do it easily.
And if you love them you'd try to avoid doing things that would require them to forgive you. It's one of those "circle of life" things I suppose.
If you "loved me" you would blah blah blah...etc
It's all in the eye of the beholder!
As they say actions speak louder than words. People can say I love you, but do they mean it? For richer for poor, in sickness and in health and in good times or bad. To show their love they are there in the good times and the bad. Especially the bad. And not to brag but my wife and I have been together through all of the above. I am not bragging. Just thanking God for the woman I have been married for 23 years and counting.
Amen PaigSr! AND SO IT IS W/GOD!
If one "LOVES" HIM, they would show "action" by reading & believing HIS WORD!
his reactions towards you.
He cares what you do, how you feel and why you are not happy.
He wanted to know how he can cheer you up and touch your heart.
When someone is open and "honest," ready to "forgive" at all times, for me, this is PURE "Love!"
What better way to explain GOD!
I don't think you really can tell beyond (how you define) what love looks and feels like. If someone is doing/saying the things (I) believe a person "in love" would do I am likely to (believe) they love me.
On the other hand there are instances for example where a man would lay down his life to protect his wife and family from intruders however if he doesn't buy flowers/cards/gifts "just because" or plan surprises she may not (feel) loved. "Perception is reality" for her.
Getting treated {the way one wants} makes them (feel) loved.
However there are those who give you what you want without being "in love". Their goal is to "win you over" to use you down the road.
Ultimately I believe you have to gage behavior over time to know.
One man's opinion!
Nice pic Good answer DS. But I believe it is the sacrefice of ones self what true love is made of. Material things is an expression. but the heart does more it is the seed of motivation expressed in many ways. Example comfort can be a gift .
I agree K&T! When one has a "forgiving" nature, is "open & honest," or tells TRUTH (regardless of impact), he has "laid down his life for his friend" ("sacrificed himself!") which is the TRUE definition of LOVE!
You both are proving my point.
"Love is in the eye of the beholder."
What makes one person (feel loved) may not make another person feel loved. Everyone has their own idea of what love should look/feel like along with their proof/litmus tests.
Not if they're "IN CHRIST!" U see, when 1 LOVES as WORD defines, "beholds" the "SAME WAY" which is according to HIS WORD!
We're talking about romance not religion on this question.
Secondly even religious people are INDIVDIUALS.
Your likes, wants, needs, and desires may be different from other members of your church.
Life is a (persona)l journey.
Author didn't specify "romantic!"
Unfortunately, you look @ love fm human standpoint (temp/conditional); whereas I, fm GOD'S viewpoint!
The question was posted under "gender relations". That normally implies romantic relationships, dating, & marriage.
You are a LIAR! It was posted under Gender "AND" RELATIONSHIPS and that's your problems, you have no "relationship" w/GOD!
Did you see my answer? "Honest?" Therefore, you are "hateful!" But I forgive (Ignorance) whether u want r not as ALL!
Where does all this venom come from???
I said the category gender relations (NORMALLY) applies to dating, marriage, & relationships.
Don't believe me look at the Q&As for that topic.
Being a Christian you sound very (unhappy) with li
When it says Gender "AND" "Relationships" I don't know about you, but I have a "Relationship" w/GOD & it appears you do not!
"Normally" is ONLY thing that's in the eye of the beholder 2 world!
Happiness is ONLY in JESUS, so who isn't "happy?"
Wow that would mean that you are not in Jesus because it is as plain as the light of day that you are unhappy. Or I guess it could be the the Holy Spirit has not taught you yet how to show both man and God happiness.
Norine you sound like a "one note" band.
Gender & Relationships (normally) deals with our relationships with other (people).
HP does have other categories to pose questions such as religion & philosophy. You do seem very angry or unhappy.
I "normally" stay in that category because of one's such as you! It's bad enough u guys come. MOST who proclaim know nothing of IT!
Right is wrong to MOST!
ME? Desire no one LOST!
Tell TRUTH! "Open & Honest!"
Norine, Q&A section is where people leave their (opinions) on various topics. It's not about being "right" or "wrong".
My opinion is my own just as yours is your own.
You delight in arguing with folks for the fun of it!
No minds change in HP
Dashingscorpio, You hit the nail square on the head with that last post.
Dashing I like that comment. Though I must admit I have had my opinion influenced by some things I learn here.
Dash: It's up to GOD "if minds are chg'd on HP!" "I plant the seed, HE gives the increase" (I Cor 3:6)! BLINDED by SATAN if not!
Matt 13:5
Eric: Apparently your heart not "hardened!"
If he/she cares for you and/or takes care of you in any of unlimited ways possible they can,calls you always,praises you to encourage you,respects you.
Do we "respect" GOD by keeping HIS WORD in Scripture under the New Covenant (what HE DIED for)?
God has given all of us free will,so with that we should do good things atleast in his memory( of jesus.).
"Good things" to GOD are "keeping his commands" and "obeying HIS WORD!"
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