Is it bad to fall in love in a young age?

  1. Shannine Laguerta profile image57
    Shannine Laguertaposted 7 years ago

    Is it bad to fall in love in a young age?

    They say love is a feeling of affection towards another. But does love affect kids or teens' emotional being? Some would say yes and some would say maybe, otherwise it is no. As a teen, growing up into a surrounding wherein Love is seen in every corners of the room. Wherein Love is blessing to each and everyone.

  2. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 7 years ago

    It's only bad from the standpoint of being too immature to realize most people don't find their "soul-mate" in their teenage years.
    What normally happens is teens pursue relationships without having taken the time to figure out who they are let alone what they want and need in mate for life. They allow impulsive connections and happenstance to dictate their relationship choices. It's the equivalent of going shopping without a list!
    Secondly whatever makes for an "ideal mate" at age 16 or 17 isn't likely what one will be looking for at age 27 or 30. Truthfully when it comes to love most people (fail their way) to success.
    It's very rare anyone hits a homerun their first, second, third, or fourth time up at bat. If this were not so we'd all be married to our high school sweethearts!
    Thirdly most young people lack the ability to think beyond "right now". This trait along with their raging hormones is likely to cause them to invest emotionally very deeply in a guy or girl who frankly is too young and shouldn't be held responsible for the welfare of another being.
    Unfortunately many people after suffering their first broken heart never manage to put their "first love" within the context of the age he/she was and take into account their immaturity and unrealistic expectations at the time.
    Instead they go about comparing future mates to him/her without taking into account their actual circumstances at the time. Truth is it's easy to fall "in love" when you have your parents taking care of the mortgage, car note, health insurance, providing food, clothing, cell phone, spending money and other things to make life comfortable. A teenager usually only has to be concerned with school, socializing with friends, and possibly dating. For lack of a better adage - That's not the "real world"!
    Essentially as a teenage couple you're living in your own personal "cocoon" with no life demands for your mindshare.
    A large part in determining if someone is right for us is in how they cope or react to the demands of life. Teens won't know.
    As much as parents attempt to get their kids to focus on school, going to college, careers, and approach dating simply as a fun social event it never fails that teens want to emulate adult relationships. They believe they'll end up buying a home together and having a family and anyone who tells them otherwise doesn't know anything. They'll learn the hard way!
    After having teens of their own they'll fully understand.

  3. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    You are way too young to be in a serious relationship.  You should be concentrating on your education & future career.  You should also be engaging in activities & hobbies.  Studies show that young women who engage in activities, hobbies, & sports are less likely to indulge in detrimental things.   

    You have plenty of time to be in a relationship after you finished college & have established a career.   People who have relationships in their teens are less likely to be conscientious in their studies.  Such relationships oftentimes have dire endings such as teenage pregnancy & poverty because that pregnancy will derail you from furthering your education.  My suggestion: cut off the relationship until you are well in your 20s!


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