Educated, Successful, & Affluent Women Who...….DATE DOWN!

  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 5 years ago
    What makes some educated, successful, & affluent women date down?  Are these types of educated, successful, & affluent women have the attributes that turn off their male counterparts?  Do they want to be in the dominant & superior position?  Do they feel(especially if they come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds) that they aren't worthy to date/marry their male counterparts?   Lastly, do they have LOW or NO self-esteem?

    1. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      All of the above could be true depending on one's life.

      However I suspect we're also witnessing what {equality} looks like.
      Most highly successful affluent men date and marry women who often (earn far less money) than themselves. It's always been that way.
      Some men have been known to have "trophy wives".

      Another factor which may come into play is how physically attractive the women are or not. Generally speaking very successful men almost feel "entitled" to have extremely good looking women as partners or wives. The exception may be if they got together before he became rich.

      By and large if men believe a woman is "hot looking" her success is just icing on the cake. They would rather date a "hot" cocktail waitress over a "plain Jane" brain surgeon with a degree from Harvard Medical School.
      In fact some men will buy anything/take care of a "beautiful woman".
      Men have always had a different criteria for choosing a mate.
      Being called "shallow" is not offensive to most men.

      It's possible highly successful men overwhelmingly may not pursue women based upon their income or educational levels.
      In their mind they "don't need a woman" for financial assistance.

      Last but not least these women's "must haves list" may have changed as they became more financially successful. While growing up they may have never considered the idea that they might be in the upper 1% or 10% of earners and therefore they aspired to be with men who were their equal at the very least or better yet earned much more than themselves.

      However significant earning power and wealth makes it possible for them to proclaim they "don't need a man" from a financial standpoint and therefore other traits become more important such as how the men treat them. In essence a man's income has become unimportant to them.

      We see women like Oprah dating a man who earns a lot less than her. Jennifer Lopez once married a background dancer, Cher dated a guy who worked in a bakery. Halle Berry and Sandra Bullock have been married to men who earned far less money than them along with Madonna.

      Angela Basset's net worth is $20 million and her husband Courtney B. Vance's net worth is $4 million. Essentially she is worth (five) times more than him. That's almost like someone with a $100k in the bank dating someone who has only $20k in the bank.
      They've been married for 22 years and have two children. As I said when someone is rich on of their own accord (they have the luxury) to choose a mate based upon other traits.

      Whenever two people come together there is always "something" in it for both of them. .Nevertheless there are some women who do seek out "projects" or men who make them feel "needed".  Some women love guys who have a lot of "swagger" a borderline (thug) mentality or Alpha male (take charge) personality. Maybe they grew up in a household where men were either absent or their mother took care of everything.
      Therefore having a man who doesn't contribute is in their comfort zone.

      Sometimes sexual chemistry is a driving force for some women.
      They try dating smart educated guys with great careers.
      However the sex may not be as passionate or mind blowing as when they hooked up with a guy they met in a nightclub.

      Once again if the woman (already has money) she has the freedom to seek out men for other things beyond socioeconomic  reasons.
      They may laugh a lot and have a good time when they're together.

      Also both men and women find it hard to let go of "great sex partners".
      Some manage to marry the "right type" but will cheat with the other type.

  2. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 5 years ago

    I'm assuming you are gauging down by the amount of money one makes.

    Maybe, there are those in the world who don't judge the value of a person by the size of their paycheck.


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