To Be Ourselves

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  1. LovelyThoughts profile image61
    LovelyThoughtsposted 14 years ago

    This story is dedicated to my friend Dave, who I hope one day will just be himself.

    One afternoon Dave and Bill sat together on the couch watching Broke Back Mountain.  Dave knew Bill had feelings for him, and he had suggested that they should get together.  Dave was engaged to Bernice, and he just could not let her go.  They met in college, and even though he realized now he was attracted to Bill, he had bought into the stereotype of having to be married and have two kids to be happy in life.  His family told him how great Bernice was, but all he wanted to do was kiss Bill and take him under the covers. 

    Dave had to get these thoughts out of his head, so he suggested he and Dave go for a walk in the woods.  As they began to walk deeper in the woods Dave began to tremble, and Bill took his hand and said, "You know it is okay to follow your heart."

    "I know it is," and Dave allowed Bill to pull him into a light embrace.  They made out for two hours, and the next day when I saw Dave he was glowing.

    "Something is different, you seem more happy and relaxed than you have in months," I told Dave.

    "Well you cannot tell anyone, but I finally worked up the courage to kiss Bill last night.  It was great."

    "Dave, I am your real friend and will always love you.  Why are you trying to impress everyone by marrying Bernice, when you know you are in love with Dave?"

    "I just have to," Dave pleaded with his eyes. "My family and friends would disown me if I were to follow my heart."

    "Dave, your family would eventually come to accept that you are gay, it is nothing to be ashamed of."

    "Well you do not have to deal with it, so easy for you to say!"

    After that day Dave was determined to rekindle his love for Bernice, and cut me out of his life.  I feel sorry for having told my friend to follow his heart, but I just wanted him to be happy.  The marriage has lasted two years, but Dave has started calling me recently.  He told me he has cheated on Bernice with a guy at a local restaurant he frequents.  I suggested Dave come clean to Bernice, but he is not ready.  I just wish we could all be ourselves and free from the guilt of what others think.  Dave's friends are not his "real friends" if they cannot love him for who he really is.

    1. Rafini profile image82
      Rafiniposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      this would work better as a hub

    2. Georgiakevin profile image61
      Georgiakevinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sadly there simply are too many people gay or transgendered afraid to be themselves.

    3. Shahid Bukhari profile image59
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps a year or so ago ... I saw a clip, on "Believe It "TV ... showing a guy with his front appendage thing, stuck in the inflow water pipe of a swimming pool ... he had gotten carried away during swimming ...
      It took the firemen quite a while to get his thing out of the water pipe!

      Your thing ... rather things, are your 'things' ... you can do, what you like to do with your things ... but .... a swimming pool inlet valve, cannot be considered the right place, to insert the thing in... is it not very unnatural ...

  2. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago


  3. donotfear profile image82
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    Yeah, this would make a good Hub. An expanded version. good story though.

  4. profile image0
    Words by Mikeposted 14 years ago

    You should build this into a full story. This is awsome. It reminded me how awsome it was when I finally accepted myself. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. profile image50
      julie1234posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's an interesting story.

    2. Cyrsti Hart profile image60
      Cyrsti Hartposted 13 years ago

      Hopefully someday we will see an update to this story.
      Not only is Dave hurting himself. He is hurting Bernice as well.
      The issue of trust is way more serious than the one of sexuality.
      Guess what? Life is too short! Live it.

    3. Crazywriterchik profile image61
      Crazywriterchikposted 13 years ago

      This really does have a lot of potential as a hub... hell it has potential as any kind of story.
      Sad for Dave that he not only couldn't come out but he let your friendship go because he didn't want to hear the truth.
      At least he feels that he can still talk to you.. maybe if you finish the story and have him end up with Bill it will happen that way. You know put the energy out there and maybe it will come true.
      If nothig else maybe you could show Dave the story once it's done and he'll see that you really do just want him to be happy.
      Or you can ignore everything I say and write me off as a sap... hey it happens. LOL.

    4. fucsia profile image60
      fucsiaposted 13 years ago

      Is very sad that nowadays there are again stories like this.
      We can not change the world if first we not change ourselves, if not  first we try to change something in our little world.
      I would say this to Dave.

    5. Cheeky Girl profile image68
      Cheeky Girlposted 13 years ago

      Please write this up as a hub. It is a beautiful story and I am so moved by it. You saying that he began calling after the relationship in the marriage broke down, that is very sad. Did that girl deserve that? No, she didn't. It's better to feel the fear and do it and admit being gay, rather than keeping quiet about it. Love is love, no matter who it is with. Life teaches us that. Though I know a guy who admitted to his wife about being gay, and they are still together and have kids. He worships the ground his wife walks on, and proved that it is rare but some guys are willing to make it work despite all kinds of "obstacles". Glad I read tis today. Cheers! big_smile

    6. jimmy yang profile image60
      jimmy yangposted 13 years ago

      I am not a gay.I donot know how to say !  but the feelings are true !
      I backed you !


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