INNER Experiences: Are they real?

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  1. Ciax profile image58
    Ciaxposted 12 years ago
    Hello everyone. I am a newcomer. I have just noticed how religion (and less philosophy) dominates the forums here. It's pretty disgusting to see mature(really?) and grown up people start disruptive and insult fist-fights on a venue that is for writers to communicate.

    Here is a little question for you. Most of you deny God or anything which is 'spiritual'. I can attest the fact that spiritual experiences exist. Many people experience feelings which are so exotic that it becomes a milestone in their life. It's real. It has basis in reality. And just to add a bit compactness, I myself had had the fortune to experience a 'kundalini' awakening.

    The bottom line: Most of you blather incessantly over issues you have little grasp over, or (actually) none. 

    Just thought I should throw a stone in the pond.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Gosh - did your other persona get banned already? That was fast.

      1. Ciax profile image58
        Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        What are you talking about? I am a newcomer.

    2. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right on!!! I just started a thread a while back asking ; "Who believes in Angels" and there were some wonderful responses but then it got all distorted  with, as you say above "insults and mental fist-fights" by people who had no idea what they were talking about and they obviously couldn't read otherwise they wouldn't keep blathering on endlessly about anything other than the question I originally asked. So I ended up just leaving it . It's sad really that supposed creative writers have to behave so appaulingly. But that's life , there will always be the cyber/bullies and the ignoramouses that hide behind the computer. I even told them to please stop and I flagged them but I am the one that got cut off for 3 days??? because I called them on being bullies???Go figure.
      I definitely believe in all the spirtual experiences that I had as some of them saved my life. But I am sure you'll get a mile of dis-believers pilling up this thread. Thanks for starting it though.

      1. Ciax profile image58
        Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        First of all, lots of thanks to you. It's nice to find people who have known the truth, and are willing to share it.

        Just to let you know, I am not actually that much concerned about what happens to an internet thread. Once you know truth, it doesn't matter what people are gossiping about it.

        Anyway, lots of smiles again.

        1. moneyfairy profile image60
          moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          so true!!! thanks!! The truth shall prevail!!! smile One's own inner knowingness is what really counts, all else is insignificant!!

      2. profile image0
        Rad Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You can't control opinions in a public place.

    3. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome Ciax and I'd love to hear about your kundalini experience. How long did it take for you to reach that state of being?

      1. Ciax profile image58
        Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well, when I was a tyke, kundalini could fire up when I would encounter anything which was 'grand' (think of a starry sky, images of foreign countries etc.).

        With age, I lost some of that. I just can't describe how happy I used to be when I had kundalini. It seemed like a heaven.

        Anyway, now I need to work hard to make my kundalini rise. I work out (physical), maintain strict inner (mental) descipline, take selective food (vegetarian) and try to perceive the true reality. It doesn't come free now, and now it wants to escape as soon as it comes. Part of being an educated adult, I guess.

        1. moneyfairy profile image60
          moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Wow what an interesting life you have created and felt. You must be truly disciplined, do you meditate for hours every day?

          1. Ciax profile image58
            Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I do meditate, but unlike those pretentious yoga classes, I do not have a regime of meditation. It should come naturally, without any force (what they teach) or feeling of pain.

            The best and easiest meditation that I know, is telling the truth just when one feels the temptation to tell the lie.

            1. moneyfairy profile image60
              moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I agree, it should not be forced. I just do the breathing in through your nose and into your stomach and then out through my mouth, deeply and slowly then clear my mind of all thoughts and then sometimes have a question that I ask before I go in too deep then most always I'll get an answer maybe not one that I'd like to hear but there always is an answer.

            2. moneyfairy profile image60
              moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I know there are several forms of meditation, walking meditation and eating meditation and now like you just mentioned truth meditation smile

              1. Ciax profile image58
                Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                The objective is to know reality in its pure form. That includes the knowledge of one's own true self.

                1. moneyfairy profile image60
                  moneyfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  that is correct!!!

    4. A Troubled Man profile image57
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well then, let's "weigh" your stone to see if there's evidence of incessant blathering.

      Essentially, the qualifier in your post is...

      Exotic feelings = spiritual experience

      It would appear your stone has turned into a small speck of dust held aloft by so much hot air, which I think you've termed incessant blathering and not likely even making a ripple in the pond.

    5. sparkster profile image86
      sparksterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You're not the only person here to experience a Kundalini awakening, others here have written about their experiences.

    6. profile image0
      Rad Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One can experience many things in one's own mind. But when things happen in one's own mind it doesn't make sense to extend the experiences to something outside your own mind.
      Call back when you can make a plate float.

      1. Renee Abbott profile image71
        Renee Abbottposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sometimes a person can experience something where others see it as well. The point though is why bother to try to explain it. To me I find it pushy, so I do not. Some people experience and some question what they experience, while others tend to not experience anything. None are wrong, they just living in their reality or realm.

        1. profile image0
          Rad Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          While a schizophrenic my here voices in his head these voices are a product of a problem in his mind. These voices are only real to him or her. The same is true to all other who hear voices or experiences that other do not.

          1. Ciax profile image58
            Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            "The same is true to all other who hear voices or experiences that other do not."

            -How does someone hear 'experiences'?

          2. Ciax profile image58
            Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            However, you might have meant that anyone who goes through an experience that others do not, is schizophrenic, and that his experience is subjective and is only valid to him.

            Not many people have experienced weightlessness. Some did, the astronauts.

            So, according to your theory, those who have experienced weightlessness are schizophrenic as well.

            1. profile image0
              Rad Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Those astronauts are actually experiencing weightlessness. They can see, hear and touch each other experiencing the same things. That's different then you meditating for a few hours and feeling like your floating in your own mind, but you have no collaboration from the outside world.

              1. Ciax profile image58
                Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I see. So when an astronaut (or anyone else) is experiencing weightlessness alone, he/she should be considered a schizophrenic.

                1. psycheskinner profile image77
                  psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  It isn't about being schizophrenic, just being subjective or objective.  Weightlessness can be confirmed by an impartial observer (person or instrument).  Subjective can't.

                  1. Ciax profile image58
                    Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    A blind person (impartial observer) can not confirm weightlessness. If all of humanity were blind, except one person, then that person's experience of weightlessness can never be confirmed by anyone else.

                    Hence, that experience can be termed subjective.

                    Our powers of color vision derive from cells in our eyes, called cones, three types in all, each triggered by different wavelengths of light.  Living among us are people with four cones, who might experience a range of colors invisible to the rest.

                    Similarly, some people may have been gifted with extra neurons and neuronal connections. Naturally, their perception of reality is very different from others'. Spirituality, kundalini awakening - all these are true. One day, we might be able to establish them scientifically.

                2. Ciax profile image58
                  Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this


                  1. profile image0
                    Rad Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Do you have pictures of yourself floating?

                3. profile image0
                  Rad Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh come on! That's not at all what I said. I merely stated that schizophrenics may hear and see people that don't actually exist because of a problem in the brain. I did not say anyone experience weightlessness is schizophrenic. I will say that if you are experiencing weightlessness and you are not in water or in space then the weightlessness in all in your own mind. If you think you are actually floating then I suggest you video yourself as proof. We can all imagine weightlessness, you are not alone, except you may be alone if you think you are actually floating.

                  1. Ciax profile image58
                    Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    "The same is true to all other who hear voices or experiences that other do not."

                    You have now modified your theory.

      2. Ciax profile image58
        Ciaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this
    7. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you were really disgusted by insults and fights, you wouldn't insults and combative questions.  I think you awakening needs a little more work.

  2. Renee Abbott profile image71
    Renee Abbottposted 12 years ago

    I guess I have gotten to a point in life that I am not concern if another understands the 'spirit', or spiritual aspects. It might have to do with age, and being a very spiritual witch for the majority of my life. I do not follow people nor do I wish to lead. I feel our world is going to offer different views and I welcome it. I can love a Christian(which really is progress for me), a Jew, a Witch, a heathen,Islam and an athiest, for i see the person as not a should, could or have to principle, but just a person.
    Blessed Be

  3. janesix profile image60
    janesixposted 12 years ago

    Be careful with Kundalini. Make sure you know "who" you are dealing with. It's a tricky situation. Stay on the right path. The path through Jesus Christ.

  4. profile image0
    Rad Manposted 12 years ago

    Are you floating right now. I can't believe I'm actually having this conversation. You are right. Go ahead and float.


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