baptized in the spirit

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  1. janesix profile image60
    janesixposted 11 years ago

    what does this mean?

    1. profile image0
      Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, janesix.

      A baptism in the Spirit basically involves a laying on of hands and a deeper 'infusion,' if you will, of the Holy Spirit than one receives during the traditional water baptism.  Of course, you receive the Holy Spirit during a water baptism as well, but a baptism in the Spirit strengthens the Spirit within you.  Many Christians who believe in the charismatic gifts of the Spirit (speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy) participate in a baptism of the Spirit during their Christian walk.

      Does that make sense to you?

      1. janesix profile image60
        janesixposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        What is the experience supposed to be like? Or are you just supposed to assume something happened without "feeling" anything?

        1. profile image0
          Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          It totally depends on the person.  I tend to think (perhaps a bit cynically) that the more 'dramatic' experiences are a bit exaggerated.  In some cases, people will be 'slain in the spirit.'  A sense of euphoric weakness might overcome them and they'll need to sit, or perhaps lie down.  They may speak in tongues right away.  They may be overcome with tears.  Others simply don't 'feel' much at the time - leading them to think nothing happened.  But, there will always be a deepening of the spiritual life that follows, and a sense of walking more closely with God than you have before.

          Ever seen a televangelist, for example, lay hands on someone while he's praying and the person appears to 'pass out?'  That's what the experience is always made out to be.  In truth, it can result in something as simple as a deepened sense of communion with God and a strengthening of one's faith in his/her daily walk.

          Don't be too caught up in what's 'supposed' to happen.  God deals with each of us differently, and anytime we sincerely seek Him, He shows up.


      2. Disappearinghead profile image60
        Disappearingheadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The issue is with determining exactly what is going on. A number of years ago I used to attend various services in charismatic Churches, and as a teenager I used to marvel at it all. But how does anyone determine that what is happening is of the Holy Spirit or simply unconscious manmade corporate placebo psychological hysteria? I saw hundreds of people 'slain/baptised in the spirit', rolling about on the floor, making strange noises, or laughing like a drain. Was any of it real? Were any of these people changed? Possibly they felt closer, more loved by the Father if they believed the experiences were real. But I'm not sure anyone was changed as a person when they went back to work on the Monday.

        People in charismatic churches crave for a life less ordinary, to be specially commissioned by God to 'do exploits', to be a modern day prophet or an apostle. Life in church can often be extremely dull and boring, so if people are 'baptised in the spirit' that's attractive; it touches the supernatural which people long for. Something 'supernatural' validates what they believe. So if some charismatic minister lays hands on someone who then falls over, there is an expectancy that it is God 'moving in this place'.

        I've seen charismatic ministers whip up a crowd as the worship band plays along with the game with soft plinky plinky emotional music. Just as a stand up comic can get an audience hyped up, so does church, but nobody ever questions it.

        There are some who say that the charismatic movement is false, others that it is God refreshing the church and reviving the apostolic ministries. I've been in amongst it all and never felt a thing. Now in my 40's I reason that the charismatic churches preach a strings attached gospel; accept Jesus into your heart or you will go to hell. As this is no gospel at all and I do not believe the Father accepts these pagan doctrines, I thus do not believe that the Father in any way endorses charismatic movement or has anything to do with it.


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