Do YOU believe that the younger generation has gotten worse

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago
    or better in terms of taking responsibility,  being accountable, possessing a work ethic, strong morality, and ethics?  Why?  Why not?

    1. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I believe they are simply learning by example. So, if they are perceived as 'getting worse' we, as a society, only have ourselves to blame.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Actually thinks Kids today are smarter, Harding working and have it tougher today than ever before.

        Tougher because of family breakups, (throw away conspiracy). Along with working longer hours for less pay for people for most part, Corporation who care more for their greed than for them. Corporation who own most of our jobs, home, and own most of us (lucky not me)

        You and I were smarter at age 30 than when we were 20. Smarter at 40 than when we were 30 and so on. It's the same for the next generation are smarter, stronger, they have more opportunities and less wars (per capita) then ever before.

        1. Doc Young profile image61
          Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          ... smarter does not seem to be the subject ... mankind is no "smarter" today than it was at creation ...actually its intelligence is diluted but it has more toys ... ... but as to courtesy, work ethic, direction, personal accountability ... and personal responsibility ... they are sadly lacking in everything but personal arrogance ... and with their help, or should i say indolence, in about 10 years or so, America should join the ranks of nations known as third world countries ...

          1. profile image0
            Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            If we join the ranks of third world countries I'd chalk it up to governmental indifference to the citizens and corporate greed. Not the next generation of Americans. This generation is confronted with less full time jobs available, amoral decisions by corporations where profit is the only consideration and a government so deeply stuck in their pockets that it will not change any time soon.

            1. Chris Neal profile image78
              Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Frankly, historically speaking, I really don't think the world is any more adversely affected now than it has been in past years by corporations and their buying influence (Teapot Dome, anyone?) That one waxes and wanes.

              But I agree, I think that as far as the basics go, the kids are just as smart and hardworking today as they've ever been. The culture among a lot of them sometimes takes me a bit by surprise, but they've grown up with different technology and it makes a difference, just like the technology I grew up with was so very different from that of my parents.

              1. profile image0
                Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I agree. It does wax and wane. But, as corporations grow and the world gets smaller, their power increases. Also, considering the damage done in the past; why does it wax and wane. You'd think we'd learn.

                1. Chris Neal profile image78
                  Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  We do learn, but we learn "too well" so to speak. We never find a balance, we always go too far in one direction or the other. That's why, in a very direct way, the competition-stifling regulations of the 70's led to the competition-killing deregulations of the 90's.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Sure there were Roman's like  Michelangelo or L. DA-Vinci  living three TIMES longer than  average person back then. i said average person's life span up to mid 1800's.

          2. Zelkiiro profile image61
            Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this
            1. Doc Young profile image61
              Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              ... academics do not measure true intelligence ...

            2. Chris Neal profile image78
              Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              This can largely be attributed to an increase in education (including social education, such as tv and/or the internet.) A real test (which is, of course, impossible,) would be to take young people of similar age (say, sixteen year olds) from each decade (and this is only tracked since the 1930's, less than a century as of this writing) and place them in identical situations and see which group, as a whole, is the most clever (IQ generally being measured as the ability to solve a problem, at least when I took these tests back in the 1970's as a middle schooler.)

              So, put 90 sixteen-year-olds (ten from each decade since the effect was first mapped) on: 1) a farm, 2) a factory, 3) an office without computers, 4) a computer workstation, 5) a jungle...etc and see which group does the best in aggregate. If the it goes on a steady scale from teens from the 1930's up through 2010's, then it's actual intelligence is truly increasing.

              1. Doc Young profile image61
                Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                ... wow, a day toofers ... chris i like your take on iq and i'm probably one of those folks that used to say that kinda "crap" ... still do ...

          3. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Please don't tell us Adam was the smartest man who ever lived and man could live as long as 969 years old - myth. Lets us just go back to biblical times were the average man could not live longer pass the age of 4o until the mid 1800 were science and evolution took us out of the great ignorance age. America is not in the ranks of third world nations, yet due lack in ethics and happiness to the standards of northern European and many Latin countries.

            1. Doc Young profile image61
              Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              ... 938 years of mortality for adam ... and who knows how long adam lived prior to that ... 969 for methuselah  ... but it's been downhill ever since ... evidence our society of gimme ...

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I can imagine you believe every detail of Noah Myth too. If you have some friends who think like you, when they go to the next End of the earth party or bar. If they own land, ask them if they would sell me their land cheap, because they will not need it because they have faith they are going to Heaven.

            2. Chris Neal profile image78
              Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              To say  that people could not live past the age of 40 until modern medicine is also a myth. The fact is that history is full of people who lived into their 70's or 80's back in the Roman times. What's happened is that the median age somehow got translated into the maximum age which can be easily proved false on any number of sites.

              Back before a lot of modern medical practices, death in childbirth (both the mother, who tended to be young, and of course the child) was much, much, MUCH more prevalent that it is now and that skewed the average life-expectancy. If you have hundreds of people who live into their 90's and MILLIONS who die before the age of two, of course that lowers the average life expectancy. But to say that humans were incapable of living past their 40's back then is just not true.

              1. Cat333 profile image59
                Cat333posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                My thoughts on it exactly - all the early deaths would skew the median age.

        2. JoanCA profile image84
          JoanCAposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Kids today have to be smarter. The academic demands placed on them are so much greater than their parents generation. They have to involve themselves in more activities and volunteering because it's become more difficult to get into good schools without a long list of accomplishments. Teens are the most stressed of all age groups. In terms of morality, today's young people are more open-minded and accepting of differences in others. Some people might see that as a bad thing though. Teen pregnancies, teen abortions, and teen drinking rates are at historic lows.

          1. gmwilliams profile image83
            gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this


          2. Doc Young profile image61
            Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            ... liberal drivel ... young folks today only excel in 1) getting out of any physical labor and 2) whining ...

            1. JoanCA profile image84
              JoanCAposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              But this is conservative drivel. Always wanting to believe the youngsters will be the downfall of society.

              1. Doc Young profile image61
                Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                ... hhhmmm "joanCA ... if that means joan of california ... then i would expect this kind of retort, laced with a lack of originality ... Hebrews got the land of milk and honey ... Israel ... Americans got the land of fruit and nuts ... california ...

                1. profile image0
                  Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  That strongly resembles a personal attack. If you have nothing positive to add, why bother typing?

                  1. Doc Young profile image61
                    Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    ... two items for you also emile ... 1) use some sunscreen to thicken your skin  2) get a sense of humor ... you sound like those whining "young people" ... think i'll stick around awhile ...

                2. JoanCA profile image84
                  JoanCAposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  By every measure young people are behaving better. Teen abortions are down. Teen pregnancies are down. Teens are delaying sex. Teens are drinking less. Youth violence is way down. School violence has dropped from something like 42 homicides per 1000 students in 1993 to 2 homicides per 1000 students today. That's a massive drop. I'm also an employer. All my employees are teens and college students. 80% have given us no trouble over the last years. I'm confused why you're so upset. Shouldn't you be happy that young people are more responsible? Why does better behavior among youth upset you so much? I have young kids and I'm glad they're growing up at a time when young people are less troubled.

                  1. Doc Young profile image61
                    Doc Youngposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    ... do you know what a "ucr" report might be ... do you know they are use to manipulate statistics which are disseminated to the public ...

                    ... and lets analogize your statistics in a well know market place ... i used to by gasoline for 30 cents a gallon ... raw figures suggest this is about an 1100% increase ... however, using the cpi, gnp, population increase, and so on, the spin doctors could show a drop in the price of gasoline ... or that i was over paying at  30 cents a gallon ... and $3.50 a gallon is in fair price for today ...

                    ... statistics such as you present would have to begin a a "0" base, factor in time and population change, among other things which are above me, before one would get a true reading of change ... i am confident that that "0" based change would show a significant drop in percentages as you have indicated, but only for ranged timed frames of the recent decades ... however the overall raw figures would show an increase in all levels of those items you pointed toward ...

                    ... these are not nice things so the politicians spin um and the news parrots spit um out ...

            2. Chris Neal profile image78
              Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I don't know how old you are but I'm in my late 40's and this is the same crap I was hearing (some) older folks say when I was in my teens. And also in my pre-teens. And also when I read things from before I was born, sometimes by centuries.

              Just goes to prove, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  2. bBerean profile image62
    bBereanposted 10 years ago

    All of society is so much more distracted now, and for the kid's, it's all they've ever known.  Nary a minute to sit and ponder.  "Muse" means to think.  "Amuse" means to distract, divert, occupy attention, or if I may sum up "to not think", at least not an original thought.  We are constantly being amused or seeking amusement.  Even in cinematography they have had to make each shot shorter because of our increasingly poor attention spans.  We are bored in seconds.  It is a difficult environment for kids, but so fascinating they may have it no other way.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is because we have moved from the information age to the entertainment age. Next we are  slowly moving toward the spiritual age. A better place of balance and happiness, more people today will say they are spiritual rather than Religious.

      1. bBerean profile image62
        bBereanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Doesn't it seem a lot more like training, or time to think for yourself, lots of peer pressure to go along, each seeking individuality only in superficial and approved if your goal is a collective consciousness and control it is a wonderful thing.  If not, it sounds like hell.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Most of us acknowledged the system is ridged by brainwashed by the  greedy, controlled by fear more so than love.
          On the contrary the true leaders in human history have always been the the collective consciousness of the people's love and freedom. There is 99% of us and only 1% of the greedy that owns most of us. We can take them!!! a few of us may get killed because they own most of the military backed by religion.

      2. Chris Neal profile image78
        Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That's a red herring, IMO. Define the actual differences between "spiritual" and "religious" ages. Most people are pursuing the same basic thing in the same relative way. We are no closer to the dawning of some age of 'great spiritual enlightenment' now than we were back in 1969, when all things seemed possible.

      3. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Spiritual is observing/creating and you are what you think, from the 99% unknown.

        Religion is words from a book that keep repeating themselves over and over, millions of times untill you are what they think you are by fear of the unknown

        1. Chris Neal profile image78
          Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I don't agree with either of those definitions. Aside from the second being far too simplistic, it also fits far too neatly into whatever someone who wants it to be that way says.

          The first one is, I guess, "spiritual" if you define spirit as in some way more like an energy. But in reality what you're describing is self-help, which is far more mental than spiritual.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            What, would you like me to add to the 99% spiritual unknown, I know the one's who claim to know the source of the 99% are incorrect. This energy of good intention is the highest energy to tap into that I'm aware of. The Christians war, natural environmental and ethic pass record of energy is not what I would want to tap into.

            1. Chris Neal profile image78
              Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Nor would 99% of Christians. So again, you write the definition to fit what you want.

              And are you really so sure that 99% of 'spiritual energy' is truly unknown?

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                It's not a simply defination, more of a observation from the many Christians behavior experienced or from relieable sources. Christian are far more concern about how we all have sex or how we cheat on taxes than the natural enviorment or war.

                One example how ignorance mankind is, including self. Humans do not know that much about the 1%  surrounding earth's surface crust in which is 6 deepth. Let alone about the earth's 99% inknown interior mass on fire . Let alone again the Universe unknowns, the Christian claim they know where the 99% to 100% unknown  are coming from - their God, let alone out of millions of Gods out there, many claiming the same thing..

                The only honest answer for Atheist or Religious people is to say "I don't know the 99% unknowns" To claim to know where the 99% unknowns sources are coming from- is a lie or living a lie.

                1. Chris Neal profile image78
                  Chris Nealposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  So in other words, Christians are more concerned that people be honest and ethical and righteous than they save a tree?

                  I mean the two can go together, but since you characterize it as one or the other, would you prefer honest, upright people who may not be as concerned with trees or lying cheaters who care more about trees than people?

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    The Governments and Religions gives us un elusion that we are free, we are not. The greatest threat to mankind is the nature environment and nuclear war, they both are too busy helping the greedy rich get more and the rest of us less. They really care about what's protecting us. The main reason many people are force to cheat on their taxes, is because jobs, housing and paying bills are not sustainable. Houseless people out number the public servants.

                    Christians fight more with each other domination than any other group. Christian care more about what their groups think about them than thinking for themselves first. I can't imagine the lord choosing Christian for the only group for heaven with their war/imprisonment and environmental record here on earth, let alone the lord destroying the earth because most people on earth are not even aware of this Yahweh lord. What an unreasonable and dumb and dumber idea.

  3. WillStarr profile image83
    WillStarrposted 10 years ago

    The 'younger generation' had vexed adults since the days of ancient Greece. Youthful moral standards have varied widely through the centuries, and the wildness peaked last century during the Roaring Twenties. I think we're due for another period of rising standards.

  4. Cat333 profile image59
    Cat333posted 10 years ago

    I think the younger generation has their own strengths and weaknesses, so in many ways they've gotten BOTH worse and better.

    Some areas of improvement: less racist, less sexist, less judgmental.

    Statistics do show a decrease in violence presently, but I wouldn't yet jump to any definitive conclusions about this because 1) we need more time to determine if this will be an ongoing trend or simply a normal fluctuation, and 2) this doesn't necessarily reflect truly better "hearts" of this generation, but may reflect other factors such as more fear of getting caught as our technology and such advances, and/or a more passive group (which would translate to both less good and less bad being done) due to the tendency of youth now to be content to be passively entertained. 

    Some areas in which they're getting worse: More Narcissistic (as revealed in studies) / more self-absorbed, entitled, greedy, disrespectful to parents, etc.


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