Is rude behavior on the rise or is it more noticeable as we get older?

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  1. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    Is rude behavior on the rise or is it more noticeable as we get older?

  2. Rfordin profile image81
    Rfordinposted 11 years ago

    Great question! Now onto my indirect answer.....

    Is it fair to say both?

    I think as we age we tend to see things from a different angle then the younger generation. At the same time the younger generations seems to be more brutally honest, and have less of a filter (which some may consider rude).

    Generally speaking our brains aren't considered "mature" until 25ish so the mind of the younger generation (although I'm not far off!) is less "politically correct" so to speak?

    I was probably ZERO help since I feel its a combination of the two. Maybe you'll get more answers that side one way or the other. I'll be following the discussion tho.


    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes I feel it's a combination of the two and other times I feel that it's definitely on the rise. My father taught my two sisters and I to respect others and to be considerate. Some of the things that people do today absolutely stun me.

  3. profile image0
    Jayfortposted 11 years ago

    I think Rfordin is correct, it is a combination of both factors. Older adults do tend to see things differently than the younger generation. I wouldn't say the younger generation is necessarily more "honest" but I do agree they have less of a filter.

    1) I don't think manners or respect for others is being taught as much any more. I know it's not taught the way it was when I was a youth and the way I taught my children!
    2) The younger generation, having grown up on video games and being used to the reset button, seems to have little or no understanding of consequences. Something going bad? Hit reset and everything is wiped out and game starts over.
    3) Us oldsters have been down the wild, wild path and many have learned as a result and are less likely to enjoy poor treatment. After raising four children, I have about zero tolerance for seeing repeats of the same behavior any more.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You sound like my dad, a good thing to me. I don't understand why some people are so blatant with their selfishness and refusals to follow rules or laws. Your theories ring very true.

    2. profile image0
      Jayfortposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you! Just saying what I believe. It seems to have worked as my four children are successful, solid citizens and my wife and I are proud of them.

  4. ketage profile image82
    ketageposted 11 years ago

    Definitely on the rise, especially among the younger generation. It seems respect for others is not being taught to the younger generation anymore. I rarely see youngsters give their seats to seniors or ladies anymore. Or hold the door open for anyone. The common courtesy of saying please and thank you has gone flying out the window. And don't even let me get started on the language. While we all cuss at one time or another. There is always a time and place. Never in front of children or ladies has always been my motto. I do not think it has anything to do with our age, but rather with social changes. Society seems to accept rudeness more easily now, then it used to in the past.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have a point in that it does seem more readily accepted now than it was in the past. I hadn't thought about that. Rudeness is everywhere, consideration is more limited, but still out there. It would be nice if that was the main thing I saw.

  5. yarddog2k profile image59
    yarddog2kposted 11 years ago

    I was beginning to believe I was the only person who noticed this trend. I feel that people have become so self-centered and it seems everyone has their own agenda. It's especially noticeable on the road (I'm a truck driver). It seems that most drivers are always in a hurry and will cut off other drivers just to possibly save a few seconds of their precious time. They think they are more important than others, but actually they are just more inconsiderate than others. Anyway, I have no doubt that people are more rude than ever before. I have a pretty good memory of years past and people used to care about each other. If someone needed help on the road, there was always someone willing to help out even at the cost of their time.

    Well, this is just my humble opinion and it's probably not worth much (lol).

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, my dad also was an OTR driver, that later went local. He talked about this too. Now that I've gotten older, it seems I'm seeing it more often. It really does seem that rudeness is more open or acceptable than it was when I was younger.

  6. nArchuleta profile image75
    nArchuletaposted 11 years ago

    All generations think that the ones that come after are ruder -- this has been going on for more than a millenium. However, as a teacher, I can say that students are being "supported" by their parents in a way that is not going to make them polite, reasonable adults. My father was a teacher, and he would have NEVER thought to question my teachers the way I get questioned on a regular basis. If I got a bad grade, he chewed my butt and told me to try harder. If I whined that a teacher didn't like me, he told me that wasn't true and to stop whining. In retrospect, he was absolutely correct. Now, I get chewed if I don't change a 79% to a "B" and have to listen to a semi-literate woman who "homeschooled" her children tell me it is my fault her children don't understand, and I am a bad teacher.

    This is dire. We are raising a whole generation of self-entitled brats who will not even survive -- much less thrive -- in the adult world. College professors are already complaining about the lack of accountability and work ethic among the newest students, and these are just the front-runners, and the smartest ones at that. What are these kids going to do when they really do get a boss who doesn't like them? Quit? Become entrepreneurs? And whatever product they're pitching is substandard and so doesn't make them money? Go on welfare so that my generation has to support them. But I guess it's fitting since it was my generation that ruined them.

    I saw a 20-something stomping his feet at a SYMPHONY because he'd probably never been taught "time and place" for everything. I had a 9th grader DEMAND respect when I called him out on his behavior. But I have also had MY students (I am an ESL teacher) semi-bow when handing me a paper and call me "Miss" when they're apologizing for their behavior. The "developing" world is developing right past us and will continue to do so until we go back to teaching our children the real Golden Rule: if it's a problem for others, it's a problem, so don't do it.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I highly agree, well said.

  7. Anselome profile image70
    Anselomeposted 11 years ago

    It is definitely on the rise, and I believe that it stems from a number of different reasons. One being parents who shouldn't be parents.

    They leave the responsibility of raising the child to the television, their parents or someone else. This removes the aspect of parent interaction, which is where children learn the majority of their behaviors and language. This also removes the idea of discipline from the parents. If a child is never punished for anything, they are more likely to act out and/or be rude.

    Another one is the "helicopter parents". These parents try to protect their children from all the bad in the world. Don't get me wrong, I understand the need to protect your child, but trying to prevent anything bad from happening to them prevents them from growing as a person. They will come to rely on their parents for everything, and as such, they will never learn important life skills that they will need to live on their own.

    The last reason is the parents who spoil their children and give them everything. I know we all want the best for our kids, but be reasonable. Times are much better now than they were long ago. People make more money and living is generally more comfortable, but that doesn't mean you need to give your child everything. This gives the child an entitlement attitude. They actually believe that they deserve everything under the sun because they got out of bed this morning. This also prevents them from developing crucial life skills as they will always depend on others.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Parents who shouldn't be parents is definitely a contributing factor to rude behavior from their offspring and it's plausible that many of these parents can be quite rude themselves.

  8. profile image0
    James E.posted 11 years ago

    Many statistics show crime has been reduced over the past 30 years in the United States.  Every generation has a generalization towards the one before theirs or especially after (at the youthful generation).  Social media connection and the internet has given us the anxiety or the feeling of the unknown and strangely mysterious even more known and vivid.  we now can jump on our computers, hell, even your phone to find out the daily news worldwide.

    Rude behavior if it is on the rise has a lot to do with the local/regional environment and how traditions and cultures clash. 

    It also becomes more noticeable due the fully developed frontal lobes in each of our brains that help rationalize mortality and comprehension of the experiences direct or indirect that makes us stop and notice.

    1. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Culture clash yes. But as we age our frontal lobe does help us make wise decisions. I'd like to hope rude/stupid behavior will come to an end.
      But I say put the phone down kids. And talk to us. Not text.
      Do u gt it?  That's texting.wink

    2. profile image0
      James E.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have to engage this generation in a way that is unique.  Relating and providing sound advise through text gets the wheels greased for them to open up, recognize the larger world.  I agree with you Lor; I seek a "foot in the door" approach with smile

  9. Beata Stasak profile image80
    Beata Stasakposted 11 years ago

    I totally agree what nArchuleta said, as a teacher I have the same experience but as a parent I know that the rude behaviour is something I can stop but I can prevent it to enter my home. It is part of the awakening awareness for teenagers of the past, today and tomorrow, we all have used swear words and pushed boundaries at that age just to find out how far we can go....and the older generation stopped us very quickly...Now we are that older generation and it is our responsibility to set boundaries what is acceptible and what is not, I don't believe we should set the same boundaries that our parents used, the times are changing just like Bob Dylan cleverly sing, but still there should be boundaries...and it is our responsibility to set them out....because if not us who then?

    1. nArchuleta profile image75
      nArchuletaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      On the flip side, I was on lunch duty today. I held the door open, and so many teens thanked me that I felt guilty about this answer... Manners do exist; we just need to look sometimes.

    2. Beata Stasak profile image80
      Beata Stasakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing is black and white isn't it? Although sometimes we perceive it this way, but when we stop and reflect and realize it....we are on the right track, we are learning our whole life...even teachers:)

  10. Insightful Tiger profile image72
    Insightful Tigerposted 11 years ago

    I truly believe it is on the rise! So many parents threw out discipline completely when they found out that beating your child is wrong. I truly believe that parents are either too busy or too tired to teach manners. In most cases they are just repeating their own child rearing experiences.
    But I can't blame just the parents, I believe the media has a lot to do with this. We are told that spanking is bad, but then not told that we still have to discipline kids and inculcate good habits. We can also see spoiled rich kids getting whatever they want on TV. So kids are taught that money trumps good sense and manners.
    Plus, it takes village to raise a child so we as parents, teachers, uncles, neighbors need to do our part.
    However, I also believe that the lack of manners is more noticeable when you get older and wiser.
    They are still out there, though.

  11. Lor's Stories profile image60
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    Cell phones.
    O My God. When I'm in a restaurant I really don't want to hear everyone talking out loud.
    I really don't care. But they text and they never watch where they are going,
    Even my doctor. I'd like to rip the phone away from him.
    During a stay in the hospital while they were explaining surgery to me their phones kept on ringing.
    I only use my phone when I need it.
    I think kids are ruder too. The cell phone. They just text away. They can't spell anymore. Thanks to texting.
    We are ruder because of technology.
    No one really talks to each other.
    And when I'm out with friends they call their husbands.
    I'd like to break it! But I don't.
    I have not used my cell for 3 days.
    Yes we are ruder.
    I think it comes from TV too.

    1. profile image0
      James E.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The conspiring of rudeness involves everyone.  Like a unruly child or a bully; you have to learn to ignore, roll with the ignorance, and not just develop tolerance, but assert yourself; let them know how rude you find it in creative, optimistic ways

    2. Lor's Stories profile image60
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Obviously you like our society as it is.
      Cell phones kill kids. As does everything else.
      Why do we need a phone to our ear 24/7
      I haven't found a creative way to tell some one to put down their phone because then I'd be rude as well.

  12. DommaLeigh profile image60
    DommaLeighposted 11 years ago

    Definitely on the rise. I see it all the time. When I take my grand kids to school I watch the children and cringe wondering why they haven't  been taught how to act and behave with others. Than you have them spewing the lyrics of songs that promotes the bad behavior. It's not just music lyrics but it is also television, movies and games they play. They think it is cool to be gangster with no regard for others. I live behind a high school and have been victim to these children damaging  my car just for kicks. They have no respect for other people property or for themselves.

    I do understand why this is happening, parents are both having to work to pay the bills leaving babysitters, to raise their kids. Than you have the government sticking their nose in telling parents how to raise and discipline their children. You have schools telling the children that if they get a spanking to call the police, thus you have six years old telling their parents what to do or they will call police on them. I have seen parents cave to the will of the child just to avoid the drama with the schools and police. Than you have some of the parents setting bad examples for their children as they spew filth from their own mouths in front of the children. Children do what they see and hear and the rudeness is now a daily part of life that can been seen and heard every where you go.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There are also many people who are children themselves, mentally and/or physically, who have children with little time, money, knowledge, or patience to raise kids. Some that I've met don't seem to even hope their kids have a better life than them.

  13. Penny G profile image60
    Penny Gposted 10 years ago

    It seems people are condoning this behavior with children and young adults.We older people were raised to so respect. I am not sayings it is all the young people but the schools have a huge problem with it. YIKES I don't think it will be getting better soon.


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