
Jump to Last Post 1-4 of 4 discussions (39 posts)
  1. SharmaRoshan profile image59
    SharmaRoshanposted 10 years ago

    What's your practice to stay in the soul-consciousness? ( Mention any Three).

    > I sit in silence for two minutes, before I begin any work.

    > I meditate on soul-consciousness at least twice a day.

    > I try to maintain a circle ( people) that practice soul-consciousness.

    1. Jomine Jose profile image68
      Jomine Joseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What is "'soul'-consciousness"?

      1. SharmaRoshan profile image59
        SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        What is "'soul'-consciousness"?

        Very Gud Eve. Jose.

        We all have a spot, i.e. beyond the mind, between the eye-brow. Its also termed as Third-Eye of the human.

        When, the third-eye opens, the person can see the world with a completely different perception, beyond mind.

        When the narrative identity of a person relates itself, with the soul, rather than the activities of the mind, body and emotions, its called " soul-consciousness".

        1. Jomine Jose profile image68
          Jomine Joseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry, I didn't get you. Between the two brows we have skin, below it is a layer of fat, below it muscle, below it some connective tissue, below skull with the sinuses, below the three layers of brain coverings (meninges), below the frontal lobe of brain. So where is the spot?
          What is "soul"?

          1. Sed-me profile image78
            Sed-meposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You sound like ATM/Ed.

            1. Jomine Jose profile image68
              Jomine Joseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Not at all. I know ATM, two years before we had a big fight (for which I got a ban from the forum for a few months) and after a few months I left hubpages. By the way I didn't see him this time, where is he? Who is this Ed?

              1. Sed-me profile image78
                Sed-meposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                You can't be them, you have an accent.
                So where are you from?

            2. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I would also wonder what biological/physical form the receptors in this "third eye" are?  What do they detect?  It can't be the visible frequencies of light as skin blocks those - is it X-rays?  Magnetism?  Temperature?  Neutrinos?  Skin is either transparent or conductive to all of those...

              1. Jomine Jose profile image68
                Jomine Joseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I think he won't be answering any further.

              2. lone77star profile image72
                lone77starposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Always trying to pound the spiritual peg into a physical hole. It won't fit.

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  "Eye".  "Opens".  "Eyebrows".

                  These are all physical properties, things or events.  If you wish to discuss imaginary things such as spirituality then don't use words that clearly indicate physical items.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    It is the seat of the soul where awareness, energy and life originates. It exists within your mind whether you acknowledge it or not… and if you would try to meditate you would sense it just fine. When you focus on God with love in your heart you will feel his response.  If you do not try, you will never know. If you keep the door shut it will never be opened. If you refuse to acknowledge your inner life, you will never find heaven which is perceived from within at the location of the third eye. Focus there and feel joy, peacefulness and calmness.
                    Pardon My Craziness.

                    1. wilderness profile image90
                      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      "It is the seat of the soul..."

                      And this it is a spot between the eyebrows, a spot where nothing but skin and bone is to be found.  A spot with no receptors of any kind to detect anything.  A spot that has been extensively researched and is no different than any other spot on the skull.  Is that what you are claiming is now in the mind and can only be accessed by believing in the Christian myth of a god from another universe? 


                    2. SharmaRoshan profile image59
                      SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      Hi, Kathryn Lots of love and respect for you.

                      I appreciate your views on soul.

                      Yes we all are born with the soul,and the astral body.

                      But unless the astral body is fully developed, and detached from the physical body, its impossible to realize the soul. This is the whole process of evolution.

                      We are in that time and space, where all the information is access on google. Still it doesn't mean anything, unless we have a first hand experience of it.

                      Still I appreciate any further comment on this, and I would love to reply, or hear any suggestion from your side.

              3. SharmaRoshan profile image59
                SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I would also wonder what biological/physical form the receptors in this "third eye" are?  What do they detect?  It can't be the visible frequencies of light as skin blocks those - is it X-rays?  Magnetism?  Temperature?  Neutrinos?  Skin is either transparent or conductive to all of those...

                Hello brother. Before I start, I would like to know, whats your idea and intent about life?

                Because unless you had any spiritual experience, ll my answers will fall on the deaf ears.

                With all due respect, its "Third eye" is the world, beyond the comprehension of mind. Only the one's who had any spiritual experience for themselves can understand.

                Before I come to your query in length. Let me understand, at what point your mind has been evolved?

                Whats your intent for life, and what idea do you carry for Life?

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  We know that life is a chemical process; we do NOT know that there is any "spirituality" beyond that.  The base "intent" of most life is to stay alive and to reproduce.

                  I have had the same spiritual experiences you have, although I was able to deduce that they were normal, everyday, experiences being enhanced by either false perceptions and/or imagination.

                  If the "third eye" is another world, then lets investigate it.  Except that you claim it is incomprehensible by human minds and thus the "third eye" behind our eyebrows cannot detect it.

                  My mind is AT LEAST as evolved as yours is.  If you still live in your imagination, seeing and believing in things that are not there then I would have to say that you lag far behind in the evolutionary process of the brain.  Such activity is counter to the concept of increased reproduction and thus indicates a lower degree of evolving.

                  1. SharmaRoshan profile image59
                    SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    We know that life is a chemical process; we do NOT know that there is any "spirituality" beyond that.  The base "intent" of most life is to stay alive and to reproduce.

                    Very true. The part of spirituality is only understood, when you develop a soul. Soul is developed. We are not born with the soul. We need to have enough life's experience, and a deeper intent to connect to the supreme soul. This allows the astral body to free from all the past emotions, and the net, i.e. astral body that prevents the narrative identity "I" to look at the soul, is visible to us.

                    My mind is AT LEAST as evolved as yours is.  If you still live in your imagination, seeing and believing in things that are not there then I would have to say that you lag far behind in the evolutionary process of the brain.  Such activity is counter to the concept of increased reproduction and thus indicates a lower degree of evolving.

                    We reproduce, because we think, thats how life works, and thats what we see with the eyes. When we develop the third eye, that can look at life, from the deeper perspective, we look at the same world, and we do reproduce, but the whole perception to look at the world change.

                    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                      "We are not born with the soul."
                      Then what animates us?
                      Of course we were born with a soul!  We ARE soul. We are developing awareness of it by focusing on the spiritual aspect of our beings and all life and on God. The spiritual aspect of our beings is the soul. Jesus said, "Know ye not that ye are gods?" Of course, we are *becoming* god-like / soul-aware /Self-realized, as we are not there yet…

                      Pardon My Craziness

              4. arksys profile image77
                arksysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                if you have time please view the following video ... it may answer a question or two. if it doesn't ... well at least i tried. wink



            3. SharmaRoshan profile image59
              SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              From Where does the the two brows with a skin, below it is a layer of fat, below it muscle, below it some connective tissue, below skull with the sinuses, below the three layers of brain coverings (meninges), below the frontal lobe of brain, comes from?

              From where do you come from?

              What happens, when your body looses its breathe?

              Whats the purpose of your existence?

              Do you have any reason, or you are came on the existence from no where?

              Jose, on the previous discussions, few of your query are still pending?

              Please answer the above question, before you raise a new query.

              1. Jomine Jose profile image68
                Jomine Joseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                From a zygote formed by the union of a sperm and egg, you want me to discuss embrology?

                From my mother's womb, where else?

                It dies. The elements separate itself and go away.

                We make a car for a purpose,  but I am not made.

                I didn't chose to come into existence, it's my parents reason.

                Now answer the queries.

                1. SharmaRoshan profile image59
                  SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Mr. Jose ask to the 5 year old child, and he will reply the way you did.

                  Brother, if a man can make a car for purpose, do you think that whole humanity exist on this earth without purpose?

                  1. Jomine Jose profile image68
                    Jomine Joseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    He won't because he has no idea about embrology.
                    Humanity is not "made" by anyone, so who is assigning 'purpose'?

      2. manatita44 profile image71
        manatita44posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Brother Sharma. Good to see you here again.

        Here is my order.

        1. Faith in Something Higher. A Divine Ground, a Perenial Entity in which all live and have their Being. Some call this Allah, Brahman or God...

        2. Satsang (spiritual practices, to include singing, prayer and meditation, alone and in group Satsang).

        3. Conscious vigilance with all I meet, animal, trees or human on the streets, in buses,trains ... at work and also on my way home.

        4. Soulful services to others. In fact all four blend consistently.

    2. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

      To be fair, if OP is speaking to other people within a specific philosophy/spirituality/tradition it would be clearer if it were specified up front. Then those to whom the issue is irrelevant can easily avoid it, which out of respect I would they hope they would.

      1. Sed-me profile image78
        Sed-meposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I missed your post somehow.
        You're right. I never read the first post, just responded to the last post made.
        There are 21 pages of off topic remarks on the Mosul thread. Not a big deal if they happened naturally, but offensive when done purposefully.

        *exiting* smile

    3. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years ago

      Hi and welcome!  I meditate! It is the only thing that saves me in the world. Of course, soul-consciousness is empty without devotion to mighty Triple O! (Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient force of the Universe:  One can think of It as Father, Mother and/or Beloved Friend. It responds within us as love, peace and wisdom and often grants prayers… some sooner than later and vice versa.) I call Him mighty Triple O and think of Him as my friend. I read the Gita, (as well as the Bible) and love it.
      Thanks for joining us.

      1. SharmaRoshan profile image59
        SharmaRoshanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hii, kathryn, Good wishes for you.

    4. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 10 years ago

      SharmaRoshan, what a beautiful question. I think your number 3 is a good one to start with. I moved halfway around to planet to be with a woman who was more spiritual than I, and more loving. I hope I have improved by her example. I think I have.

      I look with self-awareness to assess my level of humility. And I remind myself as often as possible to continue to do this. Humility helps to remove self-concern (ego), and combined with love, helps to open the "third eye" -- the spiritual sense of awareness of the "upper world" of which physical reality is only a small part.

      Recently, I have learned of authentic Kabbalah and how to convert Ego into altruistic love. This turns on soul-consciousness more than anything I've experienced in years.

      The following short video is a great introduction for those who are ready.


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