Do you agree that kids have extrasensory perception?

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  1. soni2006 profile image69
    soni2006posted 15 years ago

    Do you agree that kids have extrasensory perception?

    Paranormal, ghosts, spirits, imaginary person, demons, angels, devils, evil, etc.

  2. profile image51
    kaleshwarposted 15 years ago

    Yes, I agree. I had an imaginary friend. Ok call me crazy but I still do. Although its a different one now. So yeah they do.

  3. Zabbella profile image75
    Zabbellaposted 15 years ago

    Yes, When I was very small, I had a bad fever and was laying in bed.  I was surrounded by small creatures that I still believe to be fairies.  I did not feel afraid until they danced around me  I freaked out!  So many years   older sister still remembers my screams...but she blames it on the high fever.  I am not so sure.....hmmmmm.

  4. HOOWANTSTONO profile image60
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 15 years ago

    There are demons which are ghosts and spirits, and they are playing with peoples minds, and everybody is able to discern them if you know how to.Kids are easier to fool with.

  5. profile image0
    Spirit4112posted 15 years ago

    No. I think their minds are simply not as developed as an adult's mind.  Since they don't understand "the real world", they have their own ideas, emotions, and perceptions.  I used to "talk" to my "guardian angel" and deceased family memebers when I was young, but to say whether or not that angel or ancestor was really there, I don't know. They were certainly there in spirit, but just because I'm an adult, doesn't mean I feel any less about angels or deceased loved ones.

  6. It's just me profile image60
    It's just meposted 15 years ago

    I believe that everyone is born with what is termed as "extrasensory perception" but the modern American culture dismisses it as part of early childhoods magical thinking.

    Like any other inate ability it is gradually lost or shuffled to the back of ones mind without use. With use and training it can grow and become a normal part of ones life.

    Most modern people do not accept paranormal events or stories until they have a personal experience.

    As to imaginary friends that is another question all together.

  7. M'Lady Grimm profile image60
    M'Lady Grimmposted 15 years ago

    I would define the concept of "extrasensory perception" as the ability to discern forms of spiritual context. Simply put, the child's ability to sense spiritual things does not rely on the child's experience or skill, but rather on the child's open and unashamed willingness to exercise his spiritual radar.
    He does this by his capacity to:
    1. recognize energy forms via the 5 senses
    2. believe that what he senses is real
    2. turning his perception ("felt sense") into an external generation of the perception (manifestation)
    How he accomplishes this is generally not through conscious effort, but rather by unconscious acceptance.

  8. Dark knight rides profile image59
    Dark knight ridesposted 15 years ago

    I don't believe in any of that stuff. I'm willing to, but I have seen no solid evidence. The events that have been examined closely have never stood under scrutiny. ESP especially seems to be more of an ability to see a variety of factors and draw conclusions based on it.

  9. Shelly@G.P.R.G. profile image60
    Shelly@G.P.R.G.posted 15 years ago

    I think that they might actually be able to sense (see, hear, feel, etc.) what older people cannot simply because as children get older, people constantly hammer into them what they are SUPPOSED to believe. Most often, when a child says they see a person that other people can't, they are told that they have an "imaginary friend" or that they have an "overactive imagination" - i.e., these sights or feelings are bad to have. In the end, they want to be normal and they begin to pretend that what they sense is, in fact, imaginary and not real. They are told that no such thing exists and, therefore, those senses are closed to whatever "imaginary" things might really be out there...

  10. Mike Lickteig profile image81
    Mike Lickteigposted 15 years ago

    I believe small children COULD have extra-sensory perception.  Obviously, I am not in a position to know.  I agree with the comment from "It's Just Me" that we could be born with senses that we are taught not to use or that get shuffled to the back, to use his (or her?) terms.  It would make sense as an early learning tool to have means beyond those we normally consider to learn and adjust to the world.  When we have done this, perhaps those senses are "not needed" anymore and become dormant from lack of use. 

    It would also help explain extraordinary stories such as Hellen Keller, who learned to communicate with virtually no exposure to traditional communication methods.

    Shelly@G.P.R.G. makes a similar type of comment.  We are told what to believe and what is real, and also what not to believe in.  Another way to put it is we are told what is real or given a "description" of the world that becomes our reality.  Whatever does not fall into this description is lost.

    After all, who says we have "only" five senses?  Perhaps we have 20 and only use five.  Who knows?

  11. profile image0
    Fay Paxtonposted 14 years ago

    I do believe children have extra-sensory perception until they're about 7.  My two told me amazing things.  One even described a past-life experience, naming events she had never heard of.


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