How Many Of Us Are Really Christians? Do We Walk It Or Just Talk It?

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  1. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    Judge Not

    I was shocked, confused, bewildered
    As I entered Heaven's door,
    Not by the beauty of it all,
    Nor the lights or its decor..

    But it was the folks in Heaven
    Who made me sputter and gasp--
    The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
    The alcoholics and the trash.

    There stood the kid from seventh grade
    Who swiped my lunch money twice.
    Next to him was my old neighbor
    Who never said anything nice.

    Herb, who I always thought
    Was rotting away in hell,
    Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
    Looking incredibly well.

    I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
    I would love to hear Your take.
    How'd all these sinners get up here?
    God must've made a mistake.

    'And why's everyone so quiet,
    So somber - give me a clue.'
    'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock.
    No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


    Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a
    Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a mechanic.

    Every saint has a PAST...
    Every sinner has a FUTURE

    Tamika Owens

    This was sent to me through a friend , how many of us act like Christians and how many of us just go through the motions and proclaim to be Christian? Are we really walking the walk? Or are we just talking the talk?

    1. curiozities profile image59
      curiozitiesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Great poem.  Christianity is one the few places you actually get an "A" for effort, so to speak, as long as it is a genuine, heartfelt effort borne of humility and a love of Jesus.

    2. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Loved the poem and sentiment. big_smile  Someone asked, "what is a Christian?"

      A sinner of course. LOL.  King David writes a song in Psalms he says, "let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sites, over ride.

      To be a fair judge would insist that a person really knows what their heart means to speak so we judge not on accounts of our actions but God knows a good heart that meant well and a black heart that did not and it isn't for us to decide because in some way I do believe we are all "Christian".

      I wont tell someone they are when they say they are not, but in my own heart I say, because I understand the troubles with people and the conditions of life, it is not even the words that makes us better, not our actions, but what is in our hearts that guide us down the path of love.

      And I say like I always say, " If all these good loving people are the trash, then take me out with the trash." smile

      1. Teresa McGurk profile image61
        Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        (Psalms 1:19 is "let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.")

        The Bony M. song ended the phrase ". . . acceptable in thy sight, here tonight."

        1. Make  Money profile image68
          Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I've never heard of Bony M. before.  What a cool song.  Thanks Teresa.

          1. Teresa McGurk profile image61
            Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I didn't think to look on -- they really do have everything, eh?

  2. profile image0
    lrigognamposted 15 years ago

    What is Christian today? I dare not say I'm Christian, because I don't know who Christians are.
    I mean, there are a few infamous characters in my city, who roam the streets with Bibles to hand and are known for stepping up people to initiate a nice chat about how they feel about their books.
    Once I tested them because I was pissed and asked a question, something like 'what is the purpose of living?' After browsing the Scripture for a few minutes they came up with this, 'To create a perfect world in which everyone is happy'.
    Next question, 'Once in a perfect world what will be the purpose of living?', answer after ten minutes of searching, 'to praise God for his Mightiness'. Next question, 'Why would God want any worshipers?'
    Couldn't wait for the answer.
    What struck me is that they actually never knew the answers without looking up. I don't say that Christians are like this, but I could do with some more authenticity from those who are spreading the word.

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Me neither and again you also raised another

      1. profile image0
        lrigognamposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I edited my post, because I thought I wasn't straightforward enough. smile

  3. Wingrider profile image64
    Wingriderposted 15 years ago

    amazing poem ,, makes you wonder doesn't it

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It certainly does and when a friend of mine sent it, I was curious to know what others thought and so far we are all on the same page. Why do people go to church and then become hypocritical on Monday? I do have friends who act this way, I am Christian but I certainly do not push others to believe in what I believe and I do not judge others for who they are. smile

  4. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 15 years ago

    It really does make you wonder, The poem is brilliant, stops you in your track kind of.... I try to see a persons potential, as you never know what at that point in time could be stopping them  from being really the nicest of people,,,,,, hope that makes sense, not that I am judging anyway, just empathising.....

    Being hypocritical is not nice, but I am pretty sure I am guilty of it at times, in fact I know I am,,,,,

  5. Wingrider profile image64
    Wingriderposted 15 years ago

    I have my beliefs for the most part I keep them to myself, maybe a few close friends really understand me , I try not to judge, personally I think people make their own demons

  6. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    It is a tough question isn't it ? Especially after you read it. Made me think twice. ")

  7. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    LOL I am not one Julianna. More, I think they all are making a grave mistake smile

  8. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 15 years ago

    Nice poem AEvans but I think you need to draw a distinction between judging and defending or spreading one's faith.

    Like for instance if Athanasius didn't take such a strong stand against Arianism in the 4th century we wouldn't have Christianity today.  And there is as much of an attack against Christianity today as there was then, including in this forum.

    What I see in this forum by Christians is mostly defending or spreading their faith.

    Do you actually think that should be silenced AEvans?

    1. profile image0
      lrigognamposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      And imagine a world in which Arianism prevailed. What a disaster, eh? Especially in light of our history since then.

    2. lisafwg01 profile image61
      lisafwg01posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      How, exactly, is Christianity being "attacked"? People not agreeing with your beliefs and your beliefs not being the law of the land is not the same as your beliefs being attacked.

      1. Inspirepub profile image70
        Inspirepubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        But lisafwgo1, you obviously don't SEE what is happening here - people are SAYING that Jesus was not ACTUALLY Divine! I mean it! They really are!

        It's the Arian heresy breaking loose in the guise of atheism, Judaism, Baha'i, Buddhist and Islamic "religion". Every person who walks around espousing any one of these God-forsaken doctrines is making a direct, personal attack on Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! How can you be so blind as to not see these ever-increasing, vicious and unwarranted attacks for the cowardly, arrogant, misguided, yet ultimately evil acts that they are?

        They will get theirs in the Fiery Pits of Judgement Day. And if you defend them, you will, too ... wink


        P.S. Repent now - it's not too late ...

        1. lisafwg01 profile image61
          lisafwg01posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Jenny you had me choking on my coffee I was laughing so hard!..Sad thing is that some people really feel that way!

          1. Inspirepub profile image70
            Inspirepubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I view it as performance art ...


    3. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I do not believe our words should be silenced, what I believe is we need to walk like Christians if we are Christians and talk like Christians that we are supposed to be, but many of us run around defying the word, mocking others, arguing, fighting and spatting is that what Jesus would do? smile

      1. profile image0
        sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Mrs. Evans, Jesus is like the nicest person ever and most loving person ever, right?  They did the same things to him too. 

        It's isn't that these people or I am not doing what Jesus would or wouldn't do because the mere utterance is enough to get people angry.

        It happened in his time and they went as far as to kill him for it.  He didn't hurt anyone all he did was talk with passion about God, offer people forgiveness, take people under him with kindness and a stretched out hand and said follow me.

        He said, if you follow me, you will know the Father's love but he said, if you follow me they will hate you for it but be assured that they hated me before they hated you.

        And so many, so, so many people will read this and see "hate" in it instead of Love in it. sad

        1. AEvans profile image74
          AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Sandra, You are so sweet I to am a Christian and I am certainly not trying to spread hate by all means. I am trying to understand why we call ourselves Christians and then taunt, badger, and harass others? There certainly isn't an ill-malice in the question. How could we as Christians lead others to Jesus when we do not act like Christians ourselves? People see us as a reflection of what he is and turn the other cheek when we act wrongfully. In order to lead we have to learn how to follow and do what Jesus has done. We have to be strong without being judgemental and we have to pray for those without being condescending. You more often then others always shed kind words, but we cannot be angry at our other brothers and sisters or those who do not believe we have to embrace and love them as that is what Jesus would do. smile

          1. profile image0
            sandra rinckposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Your right AEvan. I try. smile  thank you. smile

  9. AlexiusComnenus profile image60
    AlexiusComnenusposted 15 years ago

    Most Christians today only talk about their faith, not walk it. If the Christians really did stand up and walk their faith this country would not be in the situation it is today. Slaughtering millions of innocent children is not a characteristic of a Christian nation. God blesses the righteous actions of a righteous nation. "The prayers of a humble man availeth much." This nation is not humble. Christians are not active in spreading their faith. They are not active in showing Christ's love. We have blended in with a nation of hypocrites and shallow feelings.

    1. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Posting identical text in three different threads is definitely called walk the talk lol

    2. accofranco profile image78
      accofrancoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Not only in your nation, likewise mine; brutality, corruption, homosexuality, incest, bribery, kidnapping, assassinations, favortism, etc are bane of all nations nowadays, too bad!

  10. k@ri profile image80
    k@riposted 15 years ago

    AE,  That was one of the best that I have read in a long time!  Thanks for sharing it!  Jesus always hung with the sinners, the saved were not needing of his company.  This poem outlines that to me.  Wonderful!

  11. accofranco profile image78
    accofrancoposted 15 years ago

    I try my best every day, and when i sin against someone, i always ask for forgiveness. Living a Christian life is hard to live but we need to work harder and always pray for God's divine grace to live up, it is always by his grace. Nice topic AE.

  12. Anamika S profile image62
    Anamika Sposted 15 years ago

    Christianity is a wonderful Religion. But the problem with us is that we follow what suits us and leave the rest.

  13. lxxy profile image61
    lxxyposted 15 years ago

    Okay, that was lame.

    But I'm with you on the whole Judge Not; I never judge people, for I believe we are all of pure in heart. It's our scars, our tribulations, our entryways into demonic heathenry that I watch out for.

    Some people can take an emotional beating and come back with a smile, others will take said beating and begin feeling pity.

    What makes them different? Who knows, but I've a feeling one side of the coin isn't seeing much light.



  14. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 15 years ago

    Yeah had to listen to some of their other songs too. smile

  15. profile image0
    Gods Gardenposted 15 years ago

    In Gods eyes we're all his a parent would you disown your child? ....neither will he.
    There is only on God and one Father who wil judge us all.
    Walking, Talking, Acting he knows the truth..
    For me I'll just try to be a better person..God Willing

  16. profile image0
    Whikatposted 15 years ago

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the article. I Loved it! I especially enjoyed the clever line, "Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a mechanic." LOL, I love be given the truth with a light touch of humor. Thanks A.E

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It certainly is the truth isn't it? big_smile

      1. profile image0
        Pachuca213posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I think you must live your life according to your beliefs not just with speaking the beliefs. Actions are necessary to prove that you are not just talking the the scriptures state:

        "Faith without works is dead"


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