What kinds of religions would they have in alien worlds?

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  1. Susana S profile image95
    Susana Sposted 15 years ago

    Assuming there are other planets out there with civilsation at least as advanced as ours, what kinds of religions would they have there? Do you think they'd have had Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna and Buddha visit them also? Would they have the exact same Bible, Qur'an or Bhagavad Gita? Would they have religion at all?

    1. usmanali81 profile image61
      usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Freemasonry has got a greater chance to be their religion

    2. mohitmisra profile image60
      mohitmisraposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Here I find two masters fascinating.
      The first Paramhansa Yogananda says his master came back to him as an apparition after he died and told him that there are other dimensions  and that he is currently in a dimension where the souls are more spiritually advanced than humans and he is teaching them about god and love.
      The same goes for Meher Baba. He communicates with his disciple here on earth and has told them the same thing that he in in a more evolved dimension teaching those souls.

      Then you also have the Egyptians who believed the evolved souls would go and reside in the constellation of the seven sisters.
      The tunnels in the pyramids point towards these stars and were like guides to the souls so they go in the right direction.

      It will be the religion of love. smile

    3. rizrazi profile image58
      rizraziposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Assumptions and Realities are two different things
      Yet if you want me to assume than i would say that If there's any world, Then ALLAH / GOD would have their own systems.. Like of the earth's

  2. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 15 years ago

    Maybe the first question is would they even be life forms we would recognize?

  3. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    I'm sure they would worship something. If I had to make an alien movie where its based in another galaxy or something...I would make them worship this luminous giant creature, a fallen angel that fell on their planet during the Titanomachy and stayed. He would be a god in their midst.

  4. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 15 years ago

    Gotta figure IF there is life on other planets the likelihood that it is intelligent is on the small side.

    1. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Could they be any worse than us?  What makes you think it would be small?  Interested in your thoughts here.

  5. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 15 years ago

    This is indeed a very strong assumption.Maybe they have their own version of prophets or religions,they even have no religion at all.
    So anything is possible.I guess they have their version of Susana
    who loves to write in hub & ask questions.

  6. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    More Intelligent than ours maybe.
    Like not murdering in the name of 'god'

    1. andromida profile image56
      andromidaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      without religious hatred and racism.

  7. Susana S profile image95
    Susana Sposted 15 years ago

    Yeh, I like the idea that they may have gone beyond (or never had) the silliness that most earth religions seem to be caught up in at the moment. It would be great to think they may actually know the truth of reality in terms of spirituality and be supremely spiritual beings. Maybe we'll get there one day too.

    I also like the idea of a luminous giant creature that everyone worships! I've got an image of Kang and Kodos from the Simpsons in mind smile

    I asked this question to try and rouse a bit of objectivity around the whole religion question. My view is that it is highly unlikely other intelligent civilisations would have the same religions as us, and if that's true...what does it say about the validity of our religions? Truth should be truth throughout the universe surely?

    1. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This question encourages us to be open minded and take the standpoint of a human to fathom something that is not earthly, or not human.  It would only be speculation unless you could expand your consciousness beyond what is the ordinary mind.  Our standpoint will only ever be the human standpoint, and when measured my physical instruments this is limiting our research somewhat smile

      If you can take the written text, dogmatic approach away, and refer to religion as one who has a spiritual essence and is able to expand consciousness beyond the norm, I could entertain the idea.  If you want the writings of Corinthians to apply to beings on Canis Major or Jupiter - I'm really stretching myself here.

      "Truth should be truth throughout the universe, surely?"  Major major statement that one.  But what does it mean?  Do you mean we are all God, or a divine essence or love is all there is?

  8. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    I would hope they were well past religion.

  9. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 15 years ago

    If all the assumptions are true then lets be alien;I mean

  10. Lady Guinevere profile image66
    Lady Guinevereposted 15 years ago

    According to a friend of mine ther can be no other worlds to have a religion on because as he states it goes against the Laws Of Nature and Einstein's Theory Of Relativity.  I posited the question about that in the Science forum if anyone cares to try to answer my questions.

    1. Susana S profile image95
      Susana Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I would disagree with this as would the vast majority of scientists. The Laws of Nature are the physical properties of the universe - biology, chemistry and physics. There's nothing in there whatesoever to say that there can't be any other civilisations in the universe, in fact quite the contrary. And if there are other civilisations there's every reason to think they may have religion.

      Einstein's theory of relativity is about how fast objects/particles can travel in the universe, how that changes time and how things look relative to each other. This may have implications for space and time travel but not for whether religion is possible.
      Here's a great series of programs that explain all current scientific thinking in easy to understand terms:

  11. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago

    I'm sure they'd have pastafarians:  Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  12. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    If at least advanced as us, I would think they would have gone way past religious belief, and be dealing in reality.

  13. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 15 years ago

    Strange how people who have a conception of faith and religion at about the level of a small child still try to put on airs of great intelligence and sophistication.

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image75
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Unless you have a 'child-like' faith ( not to be confusd with 'childish ie immature' you will not enter the Kingdom Of Heaven. smile

  14. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    Tksensei, as usual all you can contribute is ninth rate crap like this. Grow up!

    1. tksensei profile image60
      tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I might say the same. Your post amounts to just more "religion is silly" nonsense that has been posted a million times already. If you are going to keep beating the same drum I think it's fair to comment on it.

      1. Jewels profile image85
        Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Just wondering Tksensei if you've done any self transformation work, like spending 40 days and nights in a desert reflecting on your psychological reactions, perhaps demons in your closet. Your openness to the ideals of others, your openness to the shortcomings of others, as determined by your state of mind.  Spirituality takes all forms, as I'm sure you are aware.  At the end of the day, for some at least, spiritual truth will only come from inside the self, and not via religious teachings.

        I'm wondering if you know the higher meaning of Self (as in Atman)?  It's just a question to you.  No new-age nonsense and I'm not intending to upset you, in case that is not clear.

        1. tksensei profile image60
          tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Forgive me if, despite your disclaimer, that DOES sound like new-age nonsense. Forgive me as well for avoiding your question but my faith and reflections and whathaveyou are personal. Suffice to say I've been around.

          1. earnestshub profile image72
            earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Been around what tk?

            1. tksensei profile image60
              tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              The world, churches, temples, mosques, shrines, forests, deserts, the ocean, rivers, lakes, car crashes, blizzards, tiny apartments, 4 star restaurants, night markets, police stations, bottles, books, family, friends, fights, lovers, competitions, hospitals, fears, joys, ambiguity, etc. You know, 'around.'

              1. Jewels profile image85
                Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                But have you ever been inside your own temple? Have you ever used your inner eye and gone inside yourself?

                1. tksensei profile image60
                  tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh, fer cryin' out loud...put down the beads and the bong for a while...

                  1. Jewels profile image85
                    Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    I don't do beads and bongs.  Sorry if this makes you angry.  The difference between what you are saying as "I've been around" and the journey of self - is exactly Self means going inside.  It is in fact how the Christian Jesus became divine.  And to do that requires self reflection.  Just clearing any misconceptions about your understandings.  Self (Atman is a very high state of consciousness).  It's not new-age.  Have a look at the Upanishads of Hindu philosophy if you like.  Don't take my word for it.

                  2. Jewels profile image85
                    Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    Is so interesting how you see what I do as new age beads and bong stuff, and I find what I do to be more real than listening to and reading scriptures.  And more real than blindly praying to an icon.

          2. Jewels profile image85
            Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I can respect your personal journey.  It may sound like new-age nonsense, but it isn't.

  15. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    If there're aliens then they've got to be fallen angels. A fallen race of angels bereaved of their celestial bodies; forming colonies in outer worlds. Clearly the Bible states that they (angels) have the ability to reproduce. Gen 6.

    1. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      So you put ALL aliens in this category?  Fallen angels?  "Those bereaved of their celestial bodies" - could that not refer to fallen humans who have not honored their own existence?  In terms of your bible beliefs - could this relate to 'those poor souls who are in purgatory?'  Perhaps unevolved spiritually?  Or are they more like Luciferic beings?

      Just wondering about your thought-forms.

      1. profile image0
        fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        When a celestial being loses its nature it is demoted to a more humanoid form. It still retains its superhuman strength and abilities. Nonetheless without a natural pure form. It can morph and take shapes as well and easily as any spirit can. Bigfoot, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, Nephilims,etc all fall into the category of descendants of humanoid creatures i.e. Ex-angelic beings.

        1. Jewels profile image85
          Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Bigfoot? Abominable Snowman?  I was aware of the Nephilim within the context of what you were saying.

        2. tksensei profile image60
          tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You realize this is exactly the kind of thing the faith-o-phobes thrive on, right? Your beliefs are your own, but this is why many atheists reject the concept of God - because they can't get past the coloring book notion of an actual, physical big guy with a white beard sitting on a cloud throne in the sky hurling lightening bolts, or Jesus as a Marvel Comics superhero.

          1. profile image0
            fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Peoples opinions or beliefs will always differ. Its inevitable. However, I myself find it utterly as absurd as that there isn't a God sitting up there in a throne, hurling lightening bolts at his subjects.

            1. tksensei profile image60
              tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Ok, so an actual, physical man sitting in the actual physical sky actually physically hurling actual lightening bolts?

              1. profile image0
                fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                metaphorically speaking, of course.

                1. tksensei profile image60
                  tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Um, that's why I used the word "actual" so many times...

                  1. Jewels profile image85
                    Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    The shortcoming of the human standpoint.

  16. Bard of Ely profile image77
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Alex Collier says that the Andromedans call what we know as God as the "Isness."

  17. Pete Maida profile image62
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    I would think that any sentient race would be curious about themselves and their surroundings.  As with humans, aliens would probably attribute an unseen entity to anything they couldn't understand.  It is the need to have a reason for everything even if the reason is not concrete.  Humanity would substitute the divine reason for a concrete reason when they had more information.  The Gods made lightning and thunder until we learned how it was really created.

  18. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    I Think there are many different branches of people (aliens) who worship Christ on other planets.

  19. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    It is indeed a well established fact that New Age borrows a lot from Hindu doctrines.

    1. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Be that as it may, I don't do New Age.  I do like some of the Hindu tradition though.  I also like bits of the Buddhist tradition.  Even like a few bits and pieces from the Christian tradition.  Like some of the Chinese teachings.  A bit from the Celtic line as well.  I suppose that makes me a mongrel in the spiritual world - glory be I'm a bit of everything. Praise Me.

      1. tksensei profile image60
        tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        It makes you exactly the definition of a self-indulgent, superficial new-age boob.

        1. Jewels profile image85
          Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You do need petting.  Superficial - wow! I have never been called superficial.  Always a first.  Shows you know nothing about me.  But nor would you be expected to.

          1. tksensei profile image60
            tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Glad I could be there for ya.

            1. Jewels profile image85
              Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              You're welcome.

  20. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 15 years ago

    Fierycj, just make the film, and they will come....

    1. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Is Fiery making a film? Good for you.  Hope it goes well.

    2. Sufidreamer profile image82
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      How is that coming? We are going to keep nagging you! smile

      1. profile image0
        fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hey, easy, fellas...see, the rumour you're starting, Bren. The plan is still in the works, though. Its got to be done right. And hey, Sufi, you'll be one of the first to know when the deal is sealed.

        1. Sufidreamer profile image82
          Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Great stuff - still have the film-making Hub to write, but you may have to wait a few weeks - it is on the ever lengthening 'To Do' list! smile

          Eaglekiwi - my other half may have one of those lying around, somewhere!

          1. profile image0
            fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            That's fine, Sufi. I'll be looking forward to it.

  21. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Can I play a lead role , Ive always wanted to wear a Grecian robe like that girl in Lord Of The Rings..smile

    1. profile image0
      fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I've got this movie script lying around somewhere, where a goddess years a similar robe like that. But I've always pictured Marcia Cross playing that role. There's something cold about that redhead. But I dont know. Are you any good, Eagle?

  22. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Better than good and look I even came dressed for the part smile other dress black n gold is at the cleaners

    1. Sufidreamer profile image82
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol Fiery - you have your leading lady!

      1. profile image0
        fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well, what can I say..I don't know why Universal hasn't signed me up yet. I get an actress shining up for a part without an audition. I'm hot! Lol.

        1. Sufidreamer profile image82
          Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this


          You could get your entire cast and crew on Hubpages - offer 'Working Holidays' in Africa!

          1. profile image0
            fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            And that would be like a bonus, right. Imagine shooting a fantasy flick in the heart of Africa. How exotic is that!

          2. Eaglekiwi profile image75
            Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            lol, packing as we speak, dinner beside the Serengeti in my Friday night 'get up' my the force is strong in that girl lol

  23. Sufidreamer profile image82
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    @Fiery: I'm in!

    My partner could be persuaded - she has always wanted to visit Africa. She used to work as a cook, so could help with the catering - the most important part of any film-shoot! big_smile

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image75
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ok Im adding to my Resume Surfi..last job was as a Barista and ktichen hand..smile never to proud to get my hands dirty

      1. Sufidreamer profile image82
        Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You don't need to worry about that - you are one of the Thespian cast who gets waited on, hand and foot, whilst the crew do the real work!

        @fiery - Why not, although you need to start planning well in advance. Writing the script and stuff is great, but you need to start thinking about the practical things, like food and accommodation.

        You could always find a friend to do it for you - the joys of delegation lol

    2. profile image0
      fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Wow. Jokes apart. I'm starting to really consider this.

  24. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Go for it ( seriously)
    Nothing Ventured , Nothing Gained right
    I wish you all the best!
    Spielberg,Peter Jackson move over

    1. profile image0
      fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No, Liv Tyler, move over. Lol.

      1. Eaglekiwi profile image75
        Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Id forgotten her already ..hehe smile

  25. cindyvine profile image77
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    I think Aliens would worship the greenest alien with the biggest ears who flies the fastest spaceship with the most up to date technology

  26. cindyvine profile image77
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Actually, they have recently found another solar system with planets that  would be in the habitable zone, so it isn't inconceivable that there might be life there.  I doubt our planet is the only planet with intelligent life, and for the aliens, we might not actually be that intelligent.

    1. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Our track record would indicate we are pretty stupid smile

    2. tksensei profile image60
      tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Seems pretty likely, but so far we can't say for sure.

  27. cindyvine profile image77
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    I have to concur, Jewels!

  28. cindyvine profile image77
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Here's a hanky to wipe your snotty nose, Sensei

    1. tksensei profile image60
      tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I just need a minute to compose myself...

      (hope you don't want that hanky back)

  29. cindyvine profile image77
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Nah keep the hanky, what with swine flu and all that fullashitalitis going on as well.  Did a whole unit of work with my grade 4's about what makes a planet habitable, so feel quite knowledgeable on the subject.  On a Grade 4 level of course!

  30. Alien invasion profile image58
    Alien invasionposted 15 years ago

    I'm a Jedi, non practicing. I prefer to go fishing on the sabbath.

  31. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    Its funny how a thread about aliens is halted by an 'Alien Invasion'.

  32. Enelle Lamb profile image72
    Enelle Lambposted 15 years ago

    Seems to me the answer to the question would be alien...or is that too obvious?

  33. Jewels profile image85
    Jewelsposted 15 years ago

    Does make me wonder, given it's very likely other civilizations exist beyond this planet, whether there is dissention in belief systems.  I'd be more interested in their state of consciousness, their intelligence. Is there an ability to be more unified or is duality and separation their dilemma also.

  34. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 15 years ago

    we can't know that life exists on other worlds, that it exists and is intelligent, that it is intelligent and has religion, if it has religion what they might be based on, etc.

  35. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 15 years ago

    I would imagine the begining of other worlds to be some sort of Adam and Eve scenario which raises the question; do they all end up eating the fruit?

  36. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 15 years ago

    See? This topic is really just about humanity.


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