Why do we tell kids that Santa Claus is real?

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  1. Daniel J. Neumann profile image59
    Daniel J. Neumannposted 14 years ago

    Why do we tell kids that Santa Claus is real?

    What are the positive and negative effects of this lie?

  2. profile image0
    Chasukposted 14 years ago

    My parents's didn't. They told me and all of my siblings that Santa was like Bugs Bunny.

    We all understood that Bugs Bunny was pretend, but we still loved him. Likewise, with Santa. I didn't lie to my children, either, yet they still enjoyed Santa and Christmas.

    I've never understood the logic of lying to children for such a frivolous reason. Lying is something that we normally discourage, but it has become culturally acceptable to lie about Santa. I don't get it.

    I've never believed in Narnia, or Middle Earth, or in Thumbelina, but I enjoyed them just as much.

  3. M.s Fowler profile image39
    M.s Fowlerposted 14 years ago

    You can't but help too when you see those happy faces!

  4. gramarye profile image60
    gramaryeposted 14 years ago

    I love your question and it got me wondering.

    I think that Santa represents goodness and kindness and that is real.

    I also think that the "lies" are representative of "white lies" that are culturally acceptable under certain circumstances and therefore we are teaching our children this aspect of society.

    Wish I could be more insightful and write a great hub about it, but the depth of this is elusive at the moment. Like I said, great question topic.

  5. Dave Mathews profile image59
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    How do you know that Santa isn't real. How is it that out of the blue, a child's dream toy, only told to a store or shopping mall Santa miraculously appears under the Christmas tree, Christmas Morning. Nobody sees him yet the cookies and milk sometimes set out for him disappear. I'm 62 years old and I believe in Santa.

  6. sammyfiction profile image59
    sammyfictionposted 14 years ago

    Because every other parent does! Say, If you told your kids that santa is a myth or fairy tale(or whatever) and your child went to school boasting such, I dont think that child would have many other parents wanting their kids playing with your kid... Or maybe they would.. and the pressure if off them for later to reveal the same lie... dilema! big_smile

  7. UniqueBeauty profile image59
    UniqueBeautyposted 14 years ago

    I'm not a parent, but I remember how I felt when I found out that my parents had lied to me about Santa. I felt betrayed and angry. I was furious with my mother for the longest time. Now that I am older, I love the movies with Santa in it, I love buying things with him on it, but only because I love what the man stood for- when he was alive. It has amazed me the length that parents and even the media go through to lie to their children. Santa Claus wouldn't even be such a big deal in this country if Coco-Cola I believe had not started to market his face way back in the mid 1900's. Research the "birth" of Santa and it is very interesting. We love the fun and surprise that comes with the belief in Santa- but lying because every one else does it is wrong, and how can you tell your child not to lie when you do it to them every year?

  8. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 14 years ago

    to make x-mas that much more enjoyable. when we tell them santa is watching them and they have to behave , they will make that extra effort to be good. it's like telling kids god is watching over them. if they have something to believe in then parents have something to use as a tool to control their behavior

  9. profile image0
    kellieshellposted 14 years ago

    The story of Santa Clause begins with St. Nicholas who was a Christian Bishop. Back in his time of living children were subjected to working very hard labor especially boys at a very young age...even 8 years old. They needed to do this to help take care of the families. St. Nicholas didn't want children to be denied their youth of fun and laughter so he gave them presents throughout the year. Christmas didn't even exist as a religious holiday at that time. The gifts the children received were of course home made like cookies,, clothes and wooden toys. They had a very hard life and it was meant to bring them some happiness.
    we just carry on his tradition using his name.

  10. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 14 years ago

    When kids are really young, I see no harm in playing along with the idea of Santa.    But if they directly ask, they should be told the truth, in my opinion.   Kids can comprehend the difference between fantasy and reality quite well!  And also still have fun with the "pretend" stuff.     I don't recall ever NOT knowing that Santa was pretend, but was a play on the spirit of giving;  and I don't recall ever NOT knowing that Christmas was about Jesus Christ.   So it wasn't a dilemma about having a "happy medium" or anything like that.  It was simply knowing the truth about all of it and still having fun and Faith both.

  11. heavenbound5511 profile image68
    heavenbound5511posted 14 years ago

    I never tell my kids santa clause is real because I not going to lie to them. I actually tell them santa isn't real, nor the tooth fairy.
    I tell them the truth of why we celebrate Christmas which is to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Also they aren't taught to believe in the easter bunny either- I tell them the truth- Jesus rose from the dead is the reason for easter. They have fun & get all the benefits of these holidays but minus all the lies to get our eyes off of Jesus.
    I give them strait answers. You can't expect them to believe the truth of God & Jesus if your going to raise them with lies.

  12. Saved by Jesus profile image57
    Saved by Jesusposted 12 years ago

    I can't think of anything positive in telling a child a lie.   The negative part would be in allowing them to think that someone besides Jesus Christ can "know when you've been good or bad", and "sees everything you do".  It is almost like a fairy tale mockery of Jesus Christ, while at the same time, it promotes coveting and greed in a child....I talked to a lady this year who was getting her 4 year old grandkid an iPad!    I think the whole thing with Santa and Christmas is simply because "everyone else does it".


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